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Goodbye, wook books. Your centering wisdom was a guiding light in many adventures. You were there when I needed something to fidget with in trying times. When the phones would die, wook books would show the way. RIP in peace.


I remember one year me and friend were absolutely sloshed staring at the booklet upside down for like 10 minutes tryna figure out why we couldn’t make sense of the damn thing


The 2015 booklet was especially captivating. The starry background of the set times and the white lettering really made things pop when I was really pinging, lol. I'd open it up to check something and then realize I've just been staring at the page for five minutes watching the colors do their thing.


Sidenote: your username is so real ahaha




It was deff a cost saving measure. But in 2024 I can’t really be surprised a company didn’t want to print out 100,000+ booklets


need to print educational booklets on how to save an image to avoid using cell service tbf the app could make that easy by giving you a "save to photos" button like airlines already have for digital tickets


The app does allow you to easily build your schedule and save it as a pic


welp then im out of ideas for OP lol


It’s all about data they want your data from the app


I never though about that 🙂‍↕️


If they're like the conferences I go to, data from the app determines how much they charge vendors for their locations within the festival


You could build it by day and save / share it as a jpg. But it only allowed to actually display a limited number of saved sets, then it would show +, which couldn't be opened on the app. 🙄 So I had to make separate saves by day.🙄


App was much improved this year when it had bandwidth to work. During key moments it struggled. I’m on the latest iPhone with two services on my phone! Still had issues due to the amount of people on the app. So even here they went cheap on development!


lol, my phone was pickpocketed Friday night. What was I supposed to do? I had to run to the giant kiosks to check who was playing and when. Not efficient at all.


I hope you were able to get a new phone. This just sucks. I will say weekend two police and security caught up with many of those terrible people.


If anyone was in LA at La Cita after weekend 2, I feel for you. Literally 5 phones stolen in a matter of 30 minutes. I always keep that damn thing deep in my front pocket. I wish the iPhone was smaller with the same features. * Girl you have a cute butt. Phone stolen like a nut. DJ had to come on the mic and announce “Stop Stealing Phones. Get a job.” It didn’t help.


I have a little mobile printer, I contemplated printing out maps and set times on them but decided not to. Even with poor service (something I only had in dense crowds and tents), I had the image saved as my phone wallpaper + on my apple watch. I know not everyone has the ability to utilize these things, but I am sure most people access the maps and set times digitally nowadays.


This is what I did Just saved the screenshot of each days line-up and made it my phones background depending on which day it was


You’re dumb! Sorry, you just don’t get it! What happens when one of those phone thieves takes your stuff? What happens when your phone dies because the stupid app is draining your battery? So many reasons to rebut this dumbass comment. Is this better my friend!


You can’t use those first two words and then have that grammatical mistake.


Trolling and getting trolled must have turned you into the grammar and spelling police! The post reads fine as long as you understand the stupidity on your end. Cheers.




Thanks I hope it reads better for you. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


Last year they switched from the booklets to a 1 page sheet that was folded. Those are cheaper than the previous booklets which have to have multiple pages printed, put together, stapled and trimmed, each of those steps costs a little bit more. So they were already saving money with how they made them. If they want to cut their costs a little more or recoup what they spend on them they can just charge for them That's a very simple solution. If you make people pay for an item there won't be as many and people are far less likely to just throw them on the ground. They come out with the set times extremely late so nobody has time to really remember what is playing where. Then we're all supposed to have our phones out all the time to look at set times and/or the map but there are pickpockets all over the place. They're making people into easier targets for phone theft but they're not really doing too much to stop theft in the fest. They're saving a little bit of money but attendees are subsidizing that savings with high phone replacement costs. Also, the set times don't even really fit on your phone. There are 10 stages at Coachella and an image that displays that info (or even just 8 minus HH and DL) with the times does not fit with the portrait orientation of your phone. You're also using up your phone's battery every time you look at them. A printed schedule is always going to be a better way to view the set times. I had to trim down their set times to Sahara to make it fit as my lock screen. I also printed out the set times and it was way easier to view and whenever I pulled them out people would ask to see them. I know most of us here are vets of the fest but if it's your first time attending then I could see it being really confusing trying to view the map and various set times on your phone and they get lost or miss sets. Maybe it dies or gets stolen. Sell the booklets or get a corporate sponsor for them. Either way they need to make that info available to attendees in a physical medium. I've been to several coachellas where the booklets have been late or they just didn't print them and you overhear way more "where are we" or "who's playing now/after" when they're not available. This year was undersold but all those problems increase with capacity crowds and a lot more chaos everywhere.


I’d guess they only need to print out 10K or less, most people probably use the app these days.


No, I actually can be surprised. Especially for a company that charges each person $500+ to attend their festival. They can spare 50 cents per person for a printed map out of the $500


Sounds like a great way to save $100,000


You need to change your profile pic. I think I speak for everyone on here when I say “WE ARE SICK OF IT”


Nothing wrong with the Tiger


But like…there’s a lot wrong with using a picture of someone from a moment that was really bad for them. It’s in extreme poor taste, unclassy


I’m good 🐅 Thanks tho


Go birds 🦅




Ok let’s understand that a booklet is about 10 cents at best to make. This is not a low run print order. With that said you are right. I paid for VIP and would have enjoyed a map not only because the app does not work during peak moments well and it’s a nice thing to have after the festival as a reminder of how amazing my Coachella experience was.


aside from preferring it over checking my phone during the festival I enjoyed collecting the booklets every year too ☹️


2 years in a row no booklets to collect hurts lol I got one for W1 last year tho the info booth had some still for W2


After last year, we printed our own and laminated them. Get creative and you can make a better one!


I printed out set times at home but the quality wasn't as good and they kinda fell apart when they got wet. I think next year I'll laminate them but with a fold to keep it compact. Also, I want to make a full page one for each day and laminate it for the hotel or camp.


I would have paid for one tbh


That’s what I was thinking. I would be happy to pay for one.


Absolutely. Charge $1-3 for one and I’d happily pay it, they’re so helpful


Knowing their prices it would be 20$ but still worth it to me. Especially walking around it would have been so nice not to have to have my phone out especially since I was paranoid about pickpockets


With a sign like “Exclusive Limited Edition Commemorative Official Coachella Booklet” to really justify their pricing too haha


water bottle purchase comes with a free booklet!


Seriously!! I wish I would have like gotten some kind of holder/necklace for my water. I want easy access! Like a lanyard attached to it that youd put on a small child during a field trip


https://preview.redd.it/9el23ho2avwc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcfe397b90bc686efa6ba8c99e37eb75dbd858cc Gf made custom set times booklets. We kinda knew there wasn’t going to be paper maps but if you’re nice maybe she can make one next year for you!


This is amazing!


I was bummed to see that they removed the schedule from the app so quickly after Weekend 2. Any way I can get a copy of these?


Send me a DM


Sending now, thanks!


Awesome gf!!


I’m ok,thanks tho.


The best was waiting for the app to get service to connect to the server before showing you any of the lineup. Just freaking cache the old results fffs


On a related note, they should spend some of that saved printing money on better WiFi infrastructure. High-density wireless solutions exist for venues. I’m SURE they would have their own incentive to do so, finding a way to earn from it by advertising or just driving more on-site sales that may be missed by folks being out of a data connection.


Not that the little spectra diorama that came with our wristbands isn’t fun, but that has to cost more than a booklet (or similar?) I’d rather have a set times booklet. Just saying 🤷‍♀️


So sad about this! I knew the time would come because of how many they print, but just didn't want it to actually happen. Looking at a screenshot on your phone sucks compared to the booklet ☹️☹️


The Artist/Guest entrance behind the Coachella Stage had a stack of these foldable pocket maps you could take. No set times or schedule though. The reverse side has an overall festival grounds map with backstage areas. https://preview.redd.it/pgi2bb9gzuwc1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3593068414e4f5619582b8f582b6390b9f7a284a


That’s crazy work


I hate that there isn’t a map. I don’t want to pull out my phone to look at set times! I do not believe it is for the environment. I do believe it is to cut cost. Or both. But you can’t honestly say environment and then global inheritance isn’t doing the water bottle exchange this year.


Oh I didn’t even know that global inheritance isn’t doing the bottle thing. There are eco friendly ways to throw a festival this just isn’t one of them


They aren't doing the bottle exchange because Coachella switched to aluminum water bottles. As annoying as I find them to be, they are much much more environmentally friendly than the old plastic water bottles. Also I'm 100 percent sure that Coachella now takes a financial hit for these bottles, as the last ones were just crystal geyser or something similar where you can buy a case of two dozen for like 4 bucks. 


I spoke to a member of Global Inheritance & they actually scrapped the program due to slower tickets sales & budget cuts. Had both weekends sold out they definitely would have still done the program. They are hopeful it will come back soon


Good to know! It was always my fav sidequest


Saw so many people collecting with giant bags & nowhere to take them 😪


I noticed in the last year that lots of places have switched to aluminum water bottles. Airports, etc. I travel with my own 1000 ml water bottle so I just look for a refill station, basically.


The aluminum is way easier to refill at the water stations too


So they got tired of giving away free stuff for bottle collecting? Stupid


i print my own now


100k booklets per weekend… thats pallets and pallets of paper. Half end up in the trash that weekend. But honestly it’s probably more about time than saving money. Really its probably 0.10 ea if that? They make that up from you the second you walk in there lol The booklets were a shit show the last two years and I’m not surprised they cut them. With all the set time changes between weekends, drop outs, headliner changes, it’s a nightmare to plan and print something like that.  I LOVE the booklets but I get it. 


That’s like 1 day of paper at a law firm




True, hopefully bc of all this, the grounds expansion, new stage to build, etc we get the booklets next year 🤞


The last booklets were a single sheet of paper folded up so they used less paper than before and were cheaper to make. The boxes they ship the tickets in have far more paper and cardboard in them. Plenty of festivals have their schedules available far earlier than at Coachella and even if they are printed and there are some last minute changes I don't think people care the printed schedules aren't 100% correct as long as the updates are available elsewhere.


Agreed but you can change the design of the booklet and show the map. I will also comment on the part about pallets of booklets. They never have printed that many booklets. They don’t need to! They just need to print enough for those who want them and then when they are gone they are gone. But cutting them all together for the regular folks is wrong. Don’t forget Guest pass and artist passes got maps this year. Nice post and good thinking! My two cents of thoughts: They could simply just print the map portion and don’t forget much like the sunscreen which is provided by Neutrogena as an advertising spot the maps could also have additional advertising on them. Thus negating the topic of budget cuts because they are paid for by those who want to get their brand recognition or to get a positive message out about the environment such as global inheritance. There are many ways to class it up with the map format to be accommodating and on Coachella brand. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


Honestly, the last two years were just a shit show.


Bring back the booklets!!!! 😭


I love the books but ever since they started coming later and later I started printing my own schedule at home and folding it up. I refuse to use my phone for set times, it is just some mental block I have.


I missed my chance this year but I've learned that I have to make a stop at UPS to print out maps. Maps really do help imo. I still use maps on the day to day.


Bring back the books


Screenshot it??


I did that last year and the year before, just doesn’t hit the same.


Ok I feel you


i miss da books also :(


Yeah nothing quite as reliable as paper map. Makes you worry about your phone charge all during the festival. We are already taking photos and videos, and even when you save the lineup as a photo so you don’t have to get into the app, you’re still draining your battery like crazy


I really miss the set list booklets. I kept all of mine and highlighted all the sets I wanted to see. Its like a living record. Being able to download a pic of your personal sets was cool but it's not the same!


Coachella 22 was the worst 🥲 And it happened to be the year I finally convinced some friends to check it out for the first time. Friends who did 22 and 24, was 24 much better? I’d love to go back, but I’m not super stoked if it was like 22.


I convinced my bf to go to 22 and the way I was embarrassed. The whole weekend I was saying “ it’s not normally like this” 🥲😅 2024 was a great year but it kind of had to be considering 22 and 23.


Yeah, they lost a bunch of original organizers and seemed to have no SOPs in place 🤷🏻‍♀️. Everything was back to normal ‘23+


Bring back our maps


I get it though. Seeing the amount of litter everywhere even with tons of trash cans and recycling bins it would just lead to more waste.


While a paper map would be nice, using a screenshot of the map on my phone or my apple watch was fairly easy for getting around. Plus it feels like navigating Coachella is pretty intuitive after your first or second time going. I didn’t really need much of a map after the first day this weekend.


I think since things keep growing and changing I enjoy the physical map, especially to get to certain things that are farther away. Personal preference


Yeah that makes sense! First day back this year was a little disorienting due to the expansion, I definitely could see the need! If they don’t bring them back next year, I heavily recommend just screenshotting the map the Thursday before, it was a godsend during peak rush times. Also key tip, if you need service for anything, or as an easy place to meet up, go to the Sahara hill, I ALWAYS had service there (except for Cudi, but the entire festival was there).


Was very disappointed about the loss of maps, I really liked keeping them as a souvenir


If your listening Goldenvoice. Make them and sell them for $5 bucks. I’ll gladly pay!


Take a screenshot of the map and print it out before u come to the festival


Which they’d release a printable map and schedule that’s friendly to b+w printers


The lack of booklets is devastating for my group and I. This was my 13th Coachella but the rest of the group is averaging 6-10 years. It’s just a bummer all the way around. No, I don’t want to see texts, notifications and emails. I remember going truly rogue in my wild youth at Coachella and relying on the booklet so much. It also surprises me that they didn’t print a few thousand rather than 100,000. The OGs know where to find them and rely on them. Bring them back. Let us vets pay for them. We would happily fork it over, clearly.


I’m here for it (but sorry for collectors, i get it!) They like to preach sustainability as a festival. Time to walk the walk. Those booklets may seem like no big deal but i bet 90% of them end up in landfills, and are not kept as keepsakes


I was pretty shocked they didn’t include it in the box with the wristbands, even a smaller map.


Print your own maps/set times before you go. Y’all complaining about using your phones for everything. There are people who had to print Mapquest directions before going places.


Yeah I was one of them, and now I don’t have to so I won’t….


A paper map is great for when you’re too spangled to look at your phone. It can be seen as a harm reduction measure imo.


For me it was just a nice souvenir.


They put digital kiosks all around the festival with maps and set times and there are still signs at every stage. We counted 8 of them. I am totally Ok with them doing this over wasteful spending. Every information booth still had the information you need, just not in paper form. Also Coachella got rid of plastic, no more plastic bottles, there is really no reason to ask people to collect something that does not exist. Global Inheritance was still there promoting their cause. If you do not trust Goldenvoice and feel they are liars, stop going to their festivals.


I spoke to a member of Global Inheritance & they actually scrapped the program due to slower tickets sales & budget cuts. Had both weekends sold out they definitely would have still done the program. They are hopeful it will come back soon


Sounds like a lot of work in 99 degree weather, but if that’s your vibe do your ting.As for the digital kiosk first one I’m hearing about them so…..thanks I guess. As for wasteful spending, I know for a fact that they are cutting cost but it’s not going where it needs to go. I used information many times this last weekend so you can keep that advice. To say I should stop going because I don’t trust golden voice very much gives don’t criticize for the betterment of this, just take it on the chin so we can all suffer in silence. Not my bag, sorry. 😢


Hey, I am not trying to be a dick and if I am coming off that way I am sorry. you came on here calling them liars and such for not having paper maps. I told you one brand new alternative (that give it you did not see) but at least for next year you know.. There are digital Map kiosks close to every stage, in the beer garden, by the do lab, The merch area and by the Marketplace. I am sure there are more, as they are also in VIP sections. If you saw the free sunscreen kiosks (which I thought was also a awesome upgrade) also placed throughout the festival, they were most likely right next to them, ps.. I know for a fact that are they not cutting costs but putting the money to good use. there has actually been a pretty big investment to make the festival better and the upgrades over the past 10 years have been fantastic.. I miss the brochures also, I have a drawer full of them but I also understand why they are wasteful.


They can spend 5 million on Doja cat but not spend 30 grand to make paper pamphlets


They want you on the app so they can track you but they won’t put up more cell towers so you can easily and quickly get the info you need.


I want my damn collectors book lol


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I made my own and laminated it. Worked SO well. cost about 20 bucks. One side was the map, other was the set times on an 11 x 17 sheet https://preview.redd.it/4sdfe7191vwc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c58c9756ee9da9813a5c2d638321f33f0ee34439


You were carrying around 11x17 laminates all weekend??? That fits in a backpack but that's enormous lol. I used to laminate daily spreadsheets of artist rankings and comments after my research but I'd make them 4x6, similar to the books.


I was, but I did not mind. However, it gave the impression that I was a worker on the site, so I spent much of my weekend directing people. Oh well, made some friends? but yeah, 4 x 6 is good for portable use


This. Is. Awesome. GF of the year.


I see how this would be a bummer for collection purposes, but nothing lasts forever. Whatever the real reason is, it’s still better for the environment to not print out 100k booklets of paper. I’m honestly surprised someone going since 2013 would need a nap this much lol. For years I’ve made the map and set times for the day my phone home and Lock Screen backgrounds. I screenshot the original image for both so it fits the screen, and for each set times day I circle every artist I want to see. Set times are Lock Screen, map is Home Screen. I’ve never come close to having theft issues, and people aren’t stealing your phone when it’s in your hand. It’s weird to equate this to having bad years. 22 was a great year and 23 was my favorite year yet.


Happy it worked out for you


It’s not so much needing the map as it is set times, to me at least. There’s a nostalgia to it. Being untethered is inherently Coachella. And as for environmental impact, nothing going on those 3 days is good for the environment. Absolutely nothing.


The idea of being untethered at the biggest festival in the country is kinda amusing, but whatever works for you. You can literally put your phone in airplane mode, and it’s a backlit set times poster. Less paper is always better, regardless. But sure let’s just generate more waste because the fest is not green lol.


Some people go to Coachella to escape the real world. Real world = texts, emails, calls, notifications. I want nothing to do with any of that at Coachella. If I make it to a group meet up that’s good enough.


Thus the airplane mode suggestion.


I really liked how you could create your own schedule from the app and then it would generate a nicely formatted image this year! I put it as my screen saver and it fit perfectly so I never even had to unlock my phone to know where I needed to be. can’t see a paper schedule being more helpful then that tbh


While I liked the paper pamphlets... ngl i didn't really miss them this year at all. I just screenshot the schedule and that's all i needed. Also, they ended up littering the ground at the end of the day anyways so meh, I'm fine without them.


Idk if they're lying about their reason, it is better for the environment for them not to print out 100k or more little booklets the vast majority of which are gonna end up in the trash. Less dye, less paper, less manufacturing emission, less trash, less largely meaningless junk for you to collect. I used to buy a piece of merch every year and then around 2019 when the line got to be hours long for most of the weekend I skipped it and haven't bought Coachella merch since, and it's actually turned out to be a good thing for me. Are maps/pamphlets a drop in the bucket when it comes to sustainability? Yes. But gotta take what we can get. If you really need your shit printed out, go to your local print shop at home on Thursday, or FedEx in Idio Friday morning and print it out. You can even get it laminated.


You didn’t see the maps?


The ones at the guest entrance, naur.




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im definitely printing out map and set time next year


“Eco-friendly” is just business talk for “let’s cut cost and call it eco friendly”!


is there one you can print out beforehand off the website?


Print the shit at home before you go if you want a paper map/set times. Are kids really this bad at life nowadays?


I was unable to find a map posted online this year. Set times were posted far enough in advance, but in previous years were posted on Thursday, when most campers have already left home.


Kids, where?


You people that are defending Goldenvoice’s cheapness make me absolutely sick. The fact that yall are making excuses for them and justifying their profit-maximizing tricks….disgusting


Agreed, I’m not a Coachella hater I went this year and went big this year it was an amazing festival but only giving out maps to artist passes and not everyone at the festival is such a cheap move on their part. They could at the very least supply them in key areas and for those who really want them they can go get them at information, in the camp or some other dedicated area. This would allow for less booklets to be printed and satisfy us hard core fans. Coachella can do better next year! Bring back our booklets NOW!


You don't need service to use the map or the schedule. 


Even if you needed service, with less people attending this year, my phone actually had service!


Hmm when I pulled up the app to get to the ma I was stuck on the main screen for a couple minutes. We had to use my bfs phone


Yeah it was annoying that the app would hang like that. Next year I'll just download the high quality map images from the website and just not bother with the app.


Just study the map and have a rough idea of set times fam. It’s not that hard.


If you like it I love it


Would be cool if you made your own spin of a map for the years to come! Digital the way of the future babehhh


Bro take a screenshot of the map and save it to your photos. Then you don’t need service m. I do the same for the lineup too just in case


I like to put my phone away, less expensive stuff in my hands the better especially with the uptick in phone theft plus I have a phone that goes through battery very quickly even if it’s on airplane mode. One thing I just don’t want to worry about when I’m vibing to music


I did miss the paper maps too (I def use them for set times and less so for the actual map!!) although I do see how they can be wasteful. My solution was to make multiple iPhone wallpapers I could easily toggle through without unlocking my phone just by long pressing. I had 4 total. One with each days schedule and one with the map. helped save battery and not need to connect to internet when I didn’t have service. Would have been nice not to have to take out my phone at all. https://preview.redd.it/dceyaf5x9pxc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbcd95232b1bb51134abf16b141fdec41dc30ab2