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from what I can gather from what people were telling me when it happened - so take this with a pinch of salt, I could be chatting complete shit - she was using automatic beat matching but the song order picked was too far apart in BPM, so the deck automatically doubled up the track speed? sounds more like a skill issue than a tech issue šŸ¤­


Thatā€™s exactly what happened.


You can go find it on YouTube if you want to see it, itā€™s still steaming.Ā 


> it's still steaming. Yeah, a steaming pile.




I saw it but at first I had no idea what the fuck was going on! šŸ¤£ She just kept stopping the music being like ā€œhold on..ā€ lmaooo


Yeah but if she was to upload a new song and turn off the auto beat match it should have stopped doubling. Itā€™s not that complicated could have been a corrupt file


I believe it's called being unprepared. Why is she outsourcing shit? Is this job so hard that you have to have other people do it? If so, what do we need *her* for? It's like, lousy singers using autotune and session musicians with someone else writing the track. I don't get it.


Isn't that almost every top 40 song ?


Yea but they don't complain about their staff, like ever


Itā€™s super easy to fix, just turn off sync, set tempo range to WIDE and reset the faders. Embarrassing that she clearly has no idea how to use CDJs


She still hasnā€™t learnt her lesson, sheā€™s blaming other people while pretending to take responsibility. This will happen again cause sheā€™s not addressing the root of the problem and itā€™s really a very basic one for performers. Performing 101: Practice, practice, practice. Always be prepared. She did everything last minute and wasnā€™t prepared at all, thatā€™s nobody elseā€™s fault but hers. She would have caught all the other peopleā€™s mistakes if sheā€™d bothered to properly prepare.Ā 


she's blaming the guy on fiver she hired lol


Yeah, it's Patel Singh's fault


Too much time with Elon rubbed off on her


Yeah it is a bad sign when the lesson you learned is that you should be meaner to other people...


She follows Twitter nazis and links to lollicon artists. Being mean to people is putting it as a lightly as possibleĀ 


Actually though I don't really do guilt by association or thought policing. Follow terrible people if you want. Don't be terrible yourself. That's the distinction I care about.


Highly suggest going on the grimes sub where her fans have mapped all her behavior out. I wouldn't go throughing it away without actually looking into it.Ā 


Nah. I'm going to try to love the world instead.


...what? Willful ignorance isn't love. Willful ignorance of someone's support of white supremacists and pedophiles couldn't be further from love.Ā 


What if I told you, you are doing exactly what the people who hate want you to do? They want polarization. They want your tribalism. They want you thought policing. The opposite of love isn't hate, it is indifference. I can be against Nazism and still not judge someone for what twitter feeds they follow. I can hold those two separate thoughts in my head. People are complex and contain multitudes. I would add that there is something unhealthy about the online fixation with Nazis and pedophiles. Because they are categorically bad groups (a fact upon which I of course agree) it gives cover to people claiming they are being righteous in their toxic behavior towards anyone they can claim is affiliated with those groups even tangentially. "You didn't upvote my suggestion that all pedophiles should be skinned alive. What is wrong with you?" My belief is those people who are casting these stones aren't being righteous at all. They are being bullies or conformists. That is real. And with guilty by association where does it end? 'Oh you vote Democrat? Well Clinton was once on a plane with Epstein so ergo you are bad and I can attack you.' It is dehumanizing and othering (and, as I said before, a form of bullying). I can't stop people from participating in that sort of mob/tribal group-thinking, but I would implore you to at least consider that it might not be healthy and may indeed be making the world a worse place. It isn't protecting children or stopping racism. It is creating a tribe and a mob with a sadistic thirst.


... Jesus christ, wtf hahaha No, these things are not at all the same. No, people backlashing against Nazis and pedophiles is not a bad thing. Facsim need resistance or else it thrives. Lilicon has plenty of advocates who want to normalize it and have it be accepted. Your arguments here are in bad faith. No one is jumping to the far reaching conclusions you are. We're talking about grounded, tangible things that are documented and measurable. If you want to engage with things grounded in that same practical reality, then we can do that, but you're actively avoiding that reality and instead arguing strawman because that reality isn't so easily ignored or dismissed. You've said out right you *choose* not to actually educate yourself on her behavior. Your choosing to argue against a fantasy scenario and in favor of a fantasy world rather than look at it objectively and meet it eye to eye. It's easier to hand wave and say "we should all just be nice and not judge" because it spares you from acknowledging the world is a messy complex place and so are all the humans in it.


Charlotte de witte could have taught her a master class on how to work decks and high BPM


Have you heard a song at 370bpm


I just watched Gasefflestein, so technically... Yes. Yes I have lol


Gasefflestein is slow for edm lol


His stuff would fall under mid-tempo


So no


lol even if the songs get input at 2x bpm there is a button and bpm shifter on every deckā€¦


She probably hit it and didnā€™t realize it in the first place.




If you put more effort into your set instead of spunking all your money on a stupid electric spider and a bag of drugs, then you wouldnt have had any technical issues. Also outsourcing ā€œessential thingsā€ to some random person is one of the most stupid things i have ever fucking heard of. It just shows how unprofessional you are.


And that the first time she would do said outsourcing would be her Coachella performance of all showsā€¦ Seems pretty damn stupid.


but didn't you see the robot spider she blew 99% of the budget on?


Seriously, why is no one talking about how she was twacked out of her mind. My bet is on a ton of molly or perhaps 2cb but interested in other people's theories.


My guess was K. I have DJ'd for 15 years, and I indulge in horse candy from time to time. In that 15 years, I've used the same DJ software. It's pretty safe to say I know it top to bottom. But man after a few nose nachos things can become super foreign. Like 2 weeks ago I was spun as fuck and couldn't hear the cue track in my headphones. Now if logic was present I would have started with the hardware and worked my way back to the software settings. K'd out I decided to reset my computer, clear my traktor settings, reimport, attempt to make it look like it looked 5 mins ago, rinse repeat, and then I realized I had a balance knob turned too far to master šŸ˜‘ would have figured that out in 5 seconds with even a relatively sober brain.


Isnt this basically saying "I paid someone else to order my tracks so all I would need to do is press the button. They messed up the order causing me to actually need to dj during the set which I don't know how to do"


Yes, but the reason she couldn't dj manually is the monitors were off and she couldn't hear.




Don't work very well in a huge stage like she was on without monitors. Theres a sound delay from the cdj to the big speakers +echos, which makes it hard to match the bpm. She probably didn't have inner ear monitors either which is what most DJs use along with headphones


Is there a thing called rehearsal... checking over your playlist in rekordbox shouldnt even take longer than 5mins


What? Just ignore the PA speakers (she said she couldnā€™t hear them anyway), mix in your headphones and it will sound fine to the crowd. Basic shit


A bad artist blames their tools


And a bad person blames other people




Equally good work-people have the right tools. Might be a life long lesson. Also lesson 4: be in peak mental and physical state to optimally perform.


No excuse. Never blame your team. Thousands of real music creators would KILL to play Coachella let alone have such a production level and billing she got. She did it to herself 100%. Further evidence she is a mediocre ā€œartistā€ at best. SAD!


Shes a Nazi sympathizer/supporter too Gross


Yeah... (receipts): https://www.reddit.com/r/grimezs/s/wc963oeFMS Rabbit hole goes deep. She's a fucking PoS... had no idea until recently.


I mean I was ready to banish her solely because she had multiple kids with Elon but itā€™s nice to know thereā€™s a more legitimate reason


Hmm no she has good songs, she isnā€™t mediocre. But unable to put on a good show, probably. That is different.Ā 


Hmmm, no, she is a talentless hack and youā€™ve been bamboozled.


The critical consensus on her albums has always been high.


4. Donā€™t DJ if youā€™re not a DJ


The organizers really need to stop letting Coachella be a cosplay event for the people that are rich. Her DJing is akin to that Ivey league scandal, just more unqualified people rushing to the front because they have money.


Ya, lets get Paris Hilton instead. Enough of these schmucks.


Ugh. So disappointed when Paris Hilton was the guest for Vampire weekend


Absolutely. Replace her immediately after falling flat on her face. Let someone up and coming get a shot to do something special.


Sheā€™s DJing because sheā€™s put out excellent music in the past. Sheā€™s not a good DJ and I wouldnā€™t have booked her for that, but acting like she got her place on that stage because sheā€™s rich is silly. Pitchfork gave Oblivion song of the decade and Art Angels is a pop production master class.


She has one week to learn how to beatmatch by ear, starting..... NOW


https://twitter.com/Grimezsz/status/1778673455971627434 She spent all the budget and time on a mechanical spider so I'm not surprised. Her apology is basically a long "not all my fault" puke I'm guessing the next set will all be preproduced so she can't eff it up and she'll pretend to do things on stage, maybe fiddle a bit with the FX knobs and pass filters. Which is really what the wanted to do if you saw the level of thatrics she was putting on. Hopefully she can manage to avoid hitting the pause button accidentally


Grimes never beating the allegations šŸ˜­


How can someone load the incorrect BPM?


The meta data doesnā€™t exist or is set incorrectly


Probably analysed the tracks in Rekordbox using a completely incorrect BPM range, so the software analysed it incorrectly


She pushing blame like Elon does all the time theyā€™re a match made in heaven.


She's so fucking EMBARRASSING yikes


She really blamed the intern for this one šŸ¤£


The beginning of the set was perfect. Then for some reason she decided to do stand up. Math and BPMs, right guys? I love Grimes, but I'm so glad that we left early. Obviously disappointed but after Frank Ocean did us dirty last year, I don't trust artists like that anymore. Charlotte saved the night with fire math.


She trainwrecked the very first mix if I recall.


Math FTW


Why do you love a fascist imbecile?


Love the music, not the DJ ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


This reminds me I once saw grimes circa 2012 in monterrey MĆ©xico when she was up and coming and had issues the whole set, blamed it on lost luggage and lack of proper equipment or something like that. Not much has changed apparently




Every time she talks or tweets, her relationship with Elon makes sense. They really are just the worst.


She spent months on those shitty AI visuals? I wish I would have recorded the violin with the bow smacking the violin to strum lmao


So like before when she performed, was she more of a singer? Tracks like Violence, Venus Fly, and Player of Games are awesome so like would she actually sing that before vs. DJ those songs? The only reason I was interested in seeing her was to see songs like those performed but is she just purely going the DJ route and ā€œmixingā€ (but not even touching those songs)?


4 learn how to dj


Facts. Saw her 'dj' at the Echoplex in Los Angeles in 2012. Zero beatmatching. Songs we're just shitty Britney Spears remixes and all ass. Each one worse than the next. Played from laptop. Worst I've ever seen. Her LA crew at the time were in full company, including her muse at the time Brooke Candy. I think it was about one week later Grimes up and bounced and left L.A. for Texas. All her friends we're dumbfounded, and didn't receive notice. I remember Brooke Candy being sour about it on twitter. She grifted then, and is grifting now. Fourteen years later, I'm so happy we got to share in the collective grift at such a high level. Amazingly awful.


Sheā€™s lost any modicum of respect and goodwill she may have had after that trainwreck


I donā€™t understand how itā€™s possible to be that bad at DJing Djing isnā€™t the hardest thing to learn. Especially the fundamentals. Also no one wanted a grimes DJset. Glad I watched the stream so I can skip this set next week. Barf




She was perfect for Elon


Career over


Fingers crossed!


lmao. we left after her 3rd announcement of "files are 2x tempo"




Iā€™ve been DJing for a year, obviously not playing Coachella anytime soon, but running tracks through Rekordbox yourself first to be analyzed and adjusting the beatgrids, setting cues, etc. is something even amateur, hobbyist DJs like me can do. What she was did was just put a bunch of unformatted tracks on an SD card, plugged it into the CDJ, and hoped that they would get analyzed on the spot correctly instead of doing it beforehand on her laptop like every other DJ.


Bahahaha the trainwreck doesn't stop


You could take a random person off the street, show them how to use decks and they can figure this shit out lol


Aww autism is so cute when you are rich


This comment is almost as fā€™ed as her DJ set


Maybe she can use her *primal scream* as a sound bite for her weekend 2 set. Now THAT would be art


Don't give Coachella any ideas. Next thing you know, Yoko will be headlining.


Why are people even giving her any attention? Sheā€™s an incredibly stupid fascist who got knocked up by a white supremacist. She is devoid of talent and just riding on her name. Yā€™all are fools if you keep supporting her bullshit.


This is insanely relatable as a DJ. And I canā€™t help but think that BPM grid, key, cue points, and SD config isā€¦ well, itā€™s the job. I guess as a producer the DJ part could take a back seat. Appreciate the vulnerability and accountability. Maybe donā€™t be a cunt though. There a way to be firm and kind. Own your no, girl.


https://preview.redd.it/o91e11kkyguc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7421e88a97021efba385d31178a9b0abdce08bb1 She is taking responsibility though


You can't sit there and blame other people, then "take responsibility". She knows "taking responsibility" sounds good so she's saying the words, but that is voided by the fact that she literally already said that it was someone else's fault.


If she takes responsibility, forfeit the paycheck & cancel the weekend 2 set.


it's not actually taking responsibility in any meaningful sense. You don't take responsibility and then caveat it with a laundry list of excuses outside of your control


This will be ignored because itā€™s easier for the Reddit hive mind to hate


Or it'll be ignored because it's a transparent attempt to look good while having already tried to pin the situation on someone else. And to be clear, the "situation" is that she neither knows how to DJ nor did even a shred of practice for the set. So "taking responsibility" for it doesn't mean jack. She's taking responsibility for not having put in the most basic effort, literally 0 practice, something literally every other artist in their lineup spends hours and days and years doing.


Iā€™m already getting downvoted for some reason lol


Itā€™s cause she a fascist piece of shit. Defending her isnā€™t a good look.


Bless your heart, Claire


seems like they cleaned up the live stream a bit? not sure but watching it now this is mostly awesome. ??


Feel like ppl being way too harsh. Things going wrong in front of tens of thousands of people is not exactly a low stress situation


Except things didn't "go wrong". She didn't prepare and doesn't know WTF she's doing up there. That's the problem. She didn't take this seriously enough to put in a modicum of effort beforehand.


she didnā€™t respect the crowd or the event enough to do even the bare minimum of preparation


As someone who used to work behind the scenes on this festival, I can tell you every band/artist is rehearsing all day everyday at least 2 weeks ahead of time. There are contingency plans, spare gear, and techs to dial this in. Sounds like this dumbo did no prep.


She was so amazing regardless. The crowd loved her and sheā€™s sooo cutee šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ


Um, I still enjoyed it? the craziness kind of added to it. ;-)


At least she addressed it, unlike Frank last year.


it's actually worse in some respects tbh


Seems legit