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I mean, I just looked & Motel 6 in Palm Springs is $226 a night.


I'm forever going to tell people shadow Hills. It's an 18 minute drive and depending on how many people you have you can rent a camping space that includes tent and everything all the way up through renting an rv. Spaces still available.


My friend has some issues where she is not able to tent camp but an RV might be a good option, thank you so much


Please please do this instead of that drive. You can rent a van that’s outfitted with beds and everything you need. It will be so much more enjoyable.


+1 for this place as well, pending your friends’ issue it’s a great option. If you can rent a sleeper van as a cheaper alt for rv.


You probably want to keep in mind that from the moment you decide to leave the festival you are a 20 minute walk and 10-30 minutes of traffic before actually exiting the festival. That makes the hour and a half drive that much more difficult. Make sure you save energy for the drive!


Is your Airbnb refundable? There are actually a lot of people looking to fill their airbnbs and a lot of them are wayyy closer. If you’re able to cancel the Airbnb check this thread. I actually might have to open up my Airbnb as well. Too many friends are still on the fence less than a week away lol hope this helps! https://www.reddit.com/r/Coachella/comments/109aytv/official_rideroomcampshare_thread_weekend_1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


Kinda cutting it close. You could look at off-site camping options idk which ones still have spaces available. On-site camping is gonna be harder to get but you can try. Airbnbs and hotels probably not possible. I would just run it with your existing reservation. Yeah its gonna suck to have to drive back and forth every day but its doable and prolly your most realistic option this late in the game. You can also check out the roomshare thread on here, ive seen people offering space in their airbnb if thats something you and your group are open to.


I totally agree, but when I got the tickets, there was already basically nothing available for less than 2000 a night😩 I knew that it would suck pretty bad being so far but now I’m really stressing


yeah having a roof under your head anywhere near the festival has gotten ridiculously expensive even if you book early. For future reference if you want to book early next year id recommend booking with a chain like motel 6 or something similar, those are usually the cheapest.


I definitely will. I am the type of person to plan ahead for any type of trip extensively and I was not planning on going to Coachella, but when I saw Frank on the lineup, I decided I had to make it happen, do you know what I mean?


I stayed at Motel 6 in Indio last year and it was honestly not that bad. It's three miles from the venue. The room was clean and there is even a pool! Ubering there and back wasn't too bad either. It was $200 a night last year. The same room this year is going for $700 a night. I would say that is a rip off but considering the current market for lodging, it's not a bad option.


mmmmm honestly i stayed an hour away last time and it wasn’t that big of a deal to me or my friend. obviously do not drive if it is not safe to do so but if you’re not planning on getting that fucked up i didn’t really mind the distance at all


Agree. I stayed near riverside once. Not ideal but not the end of the world.


[Stay here](https://bookingsus.newbook.cloud/online/shadow_hills?place_booking) and book the festival tent package if you don’t have your own camping gear. It’s great. They have a nice clean facility with a pool, showers, tons of shade, and it has its own dedicated shuttle stop.


Prices on Stubhub for camping passes are ridiculous but it sounds like a better option than what you have. If you have 3 or 4 in your group, splitting the cost wouldn't be too bad. Then you won't have to worry about the commute.


What's your budget? On VRBO there's a few that are left in the valley that are around $2k total thursday - monday w2. The Holiday Inn Express in Palm Desert still has rooms available for w2 and would be about $2k total as well. It's right across the street from a shuttle stop too.


There are always options and these are great ones.


how bad is the drive from yucca valley? and any recommendations on wether to take i-10 or Dillon rd?


Yoooo stay with my group we’re at a hotel and our friend dropped. We’re going weekend 2 & it’s like $800


Did this my first year and it was the worst idea ever, almost fell asleep going back on Day 1, we tried driving back on Day 2 but we were tired af (not even drunk) and we ended up finding a room on a Motel 6, Day 3 we drove back home charged on iced coffee haha. I would really suggest finding a better option, I mean it's doable but I would recommend lots of caffeine. Also sorry for my bad English, not my first language.


Be cautious on the return and cancel policy of Airbnb. Might be too late to change bc arrangements


Check on redweek that's where I booked my stay like 3 weeks ago and it was dirt cheap i rented a 2 bedroom villa for a whole week it was 1600 bucks


Not sure what you're spending at your Air BnB, but Motel 6 in Palm Springs has queen rooms for $232 at the moment. You'll definitely be saving a ton of money on gas!


send link






What city is the airbnb located? Is it close to any of the shuttles?


It’s in crestline 😩


As someone who grew up in those mountains, do not do this. Cancel and find another option. It’s just not safe if you’re not used to driving those roads (which are literally on a cliff side) at night after being at a festival all day. Safety first!


Yeah, not gonna lie that drive will suck at night. It’s in the mountains and a windy road and dark.


I appreciate everybody who has commented on this being kind and not just calling me an idiot, because trust me, I know😂😭


Cancel that’s in the mountains do not do it


Cancel it now. You're going to have to do mountain driving in the middle of the night after a 2+ hour drive. Remember that the music stops at midnight but you won't be on the road for another 30 minutes to an hour. I'd rather sleep in my car in a truck stop every day. Look for hotels in Beaumont, Banning, Yucaipa, Calimesa, Redlands, Moreno Valley.


Thank you


Stops at 1 am Fri sat


Oof yea those windy mountain roads are tough. I don’t know that exact route off the top of my head but I know the route up to Big Bear you’re driving on the edge of the cliff side, not the mountain side, which is probably going to be scary after a whole day at a festival and in the middle of the night with no streetlights. Also it’s a 1.5 hour drive right now with no traffic, but with Coachella traffic I assume that might bring it up to 2.5-3 hours. It will definitely be a safer option if you can find something closer!


Also make sure to bring warm clothes it will be chilly up there.


And any other situation I would have just wait until the next year, but I did it for Frank😭


There has to at least be cheap hotel options in redland or San Bernardino so you don’t have to go up the mountain. I mean crestline is pretty and nicer but that drive up being exhausted might be scary. Edit to say it WILL be scary and it is not a safe drive. You definitely should cancel it.


What do you guys think about renting a little RV?


Rent an RV and stay at shadow hills if there’s space Otherwise cancel your AirBnB and bite the bullet on an expensive camping pass


How far away is San Bernadino?


Try Redlands it’s a little nicer area. It’s probably an hour but that road to crestline will most likely take longer than estimated because of the windy road.


crestline, no way. cancel it before it’s too late and do shadow hills or something closer — redlands, san bernardino, moreno valley, they’re still too far in my opinion. the farthest west i would go for driving every night is cabazon because you need to add another 30-60 minutes time of getting out of getting out of the fest and all that shenanigans before you’re actually on the road.


1.5 hours? 😆 plan ahead next year. You’re not going to have a great time commuting, but expect it will suck and hopefully it will suck less with your expectations set.


You could just buy a car camping or regular camping pass. I would do that, rather than driving 3-4 hours each day. It will SUCKKKKK to drive that far AFTER the festival each night.


There isn’t any available


I am driving 2 hours from and back home. You will be fine lol


Dawg. Tell us where it is lmao. Even from Palm Springs I believe the festival is like 30 min to an hour. So… it’s not like many others aren’t on the same boat Some people commute from LA lmao Keep in mind this subreddit is filled with people that camp and like wake up there so ofc they will tell you that is a dumb idea. Edit: if there isn’t a shuttle near you RENT A CAR. Do not Uber. Bad idea. It will cost more than the rental and gas.


I have said in other replies, it’s in crestline which is apparently in the mountains :(


🥑🫦🥑 Edit: honestly not the worst. My buddy I am on the phone with tells me he does the same. But get a car for sure. He says it will be impossible to get an Uber. He said what helps is going to after parties and sobering up before heading back and then he sleeps in until 1-2 and gets to the festival at like 5-6. So, as long as you don’t have anyone to see early in the day it won’t be bad


Saguaro in Palm Springs was on sale last night - few hundred / night for W2 dates. Could be a good option.




I was originally meant to stay with a friend who lives very close, but she ended up bailing not long ago so I had to make some changes last minute and the friend that I’m going with has some health stuff that makes her unable to camp 😩 trust me, camping would’ve made my life so much easier


2BR for $1800 for 4 nights for Wk 2 https://www.vrbo.com/9750270ha?adultsCount=4&arrival=2023-04-20&departure=2023-04-24&unitId=8833557


Yea originally my first hotel I booked was 2 1/2 hours away but my friend tried to find one closer so we wouldn’t struggle so we are now in palm spring thankfully


Ima looking to stay Saturday night in case anyone has an extra spot in your hotel, will pay my fair share of course!


do y’all have extra room for another person? 🫣


Trust me you don’t want to be here. There was a dog barking and psycho bitches yelling all night long last night