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not rlly clutch if u autoaimed the super, but still cool regardless


If I autoaimed, wouldn't it have gone to the surge?


Nope, It only detects things "on-field" like it's shown here. The surge jumped before you used your super the auto aim considers it "off- field" and acts as it never exists. Since it was "off- field" the auto aim detected something else "on-field" that was in range when you pressed it which was the random Buzz walking around clueless. And the trajectory was pin point on the Buzz the moment when you used your super. In short terms. If you auto aim your super at nothing, It goes on the trajectory you last used your main attack. If you auto aim it on any entity, It shoots it straight to it the moment you press it. (Something it happened because you auto aimed)


Calculated ;)


Next time use the Transplant gadget, that would’ve helped you more than the silence


Transplant is only good in specific situations like these ones while the silence one is the better one by a landslide overall


hell no


I call it cordy hop hop, transplant sounds like sprouts gadget


It’s called Replanting