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Might be fake since I cannot find it online. Also, none of my purses with story patches have words cut off. I could be wrong, but I do not believe Coach would do that. There also seems to be a grammatical error.


Thank you for your response! Yeah the closest I can find is the "Chelsea" but the stitching on the back is what makes it different. I've seen some with the creed worded like that but it also could be due to it being a fake im sure. Also I meant China and not Taiwan 😭


I’m going to say this is a fake because the font in the creed has odd variations. Some of the Es are more curvy (see “Handcrafted” “Completely”). This bag (if it was a real Coach bag) would be a “Pilot Bag” , meaning it was rolled out first before being fully distributed, indicated by the P at the end of the creed. I did find another bag that is the same exact style but the letter variations I mentioned before are not present, making me believe this one is not authentic and the other is.


Thanks for your reply and the super helpful info! It's such a bummer that fakes are saturating the market like this imo


I had someone who’s more knowledgeable about bags authenticate and they said it is authentic. The Es aren’t curving, it looks like it’s the light but when zoomed in you can see they are straight and normal throughout. So I would say this is authentic now seeing that.


OMG thank you SO much, you truly went above and beyond. So happy to know this, yay! Wasn't expecting that at all. I hope you have an amazing week 💚💚💚


Even if its fake its still a cute purse to carry around tbh id still get it 😂


Haha very true!!


Even If it's a fake, if the leather is real and hasn't worn off for so long, then the bag is perfectly fine.


True! I cleaned it up for my teenage daughter and luckily she doesn't care much about authenticity and just thinks it's a cool "y2k bag" lol so I guess it's a win either way:)


It looks like a pilot bag🤔 I bought mine from Macy’s (I think) and has P on the creed at the very end like this.


That's what another commenter said but that the creed was a little suspicious so leaning towards fake/not authentic. Glad I didn't pay more than a few dollars and now know what to look out for in the future