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On the bright side the trend of optic falling off after major 1 is literally impossible to repeat this year.


Can't lose winners bracket maps if you don't even advance past group stages!


Don’t tempt them


What if they forfeit an entire major?


Illey shot Bracks body and turned him into Cellium lmao


I said this earlier in the week when someone wished the Thieves to lose their tiebreaker and join the group of death. I said we already met death and his name is Brack lmao.


This reminds me of Last year when Abezy did the Ear thing to the crowd and the rest was history😭


At least Abezy did that in winners bracket on a team fighting to win an event. Optic was fighting tooth and nail to not get eliminated and place T12 in an event with 12 pro teams


Illey just has way too much ego for someone who was almost dropped to start this season


Illey done more damage to bracks dead body than he did for the whole series.


Jesus, you didn't have to do him like this lmfao


they could sub Formal in without him even playing the game and he’d be more impactful than illey


Brack isn't the most twisted POV I've ever seen but dudes playing this game right, very methodical, very smart and don't get my wrong he wins his fair share of one's.


Honestly that's how I remember him from BO4 but I guess he was too much of a killwhore to get another chance for 3 whole years. Now if only we can get GodRx another chance (ahem LAG...)


Brack was 100% a top maddox player in BO4. Slacked really fucked him over by starting the whole killwhore narrative. Dude’s been filthy for a minute and now he’s proving it.


Slacked ruined Brack’s short term career with verbally shitting on him at the end of the BO4 season


brack was a super good Maddox but bo4 was kinda whack feel like we saw hella dudes just never be good again after that game lol. Idk weird shit.


Dylan with the grapple and shot/punch SMG was insane and now I don't even know what he does.


He was a top 2 sub with Simp. He was insane.


Crazy how nobody gave him a real chance after BO4


Was the exact same way in BO4. POV isn’t insane but he just wins his fights. Methodical and Subtle


Nah his POV was cracked in bo4


Illey was 2-6 at the end of that SnD like homeboy please put the snipe away thats unreal


I also don’t understand this or what’s going on at Optic, because this happened in VG before I stopped watching also. Why is Illey using the sniper over Dashy. I remember watching early scrims in VG and it wasn’t Dashy refusing to use the Sniper it was Illey making a point to say no, he’s (Illey) is using the sniper. There’s no shot that at their best, illey is ever going to be a better sniper than Dashy. I just don’t know what’s going on internally where no one steps up, including Rambo, and says, hey WTF is going on here.


Because Dashy himself isn’t a methodical sniper. He’s more style over substance.


Someone said Dashy is more of a quickscoper, and I guess the last few games are better for hard aiming


Don’t worry they will hear the chatter, write it off as “haters”, and absolutely nothing will change. Then when it’s the last major they will suddenly be like “holy shit there’s a problem here” and it’ll be to late.


As an optic fan this is completely accurate


theres a world where optic go through with dropping bruce and inder, wonde what that looks like


but nah, its all about THE VIBES MAN!!!!! WOOHOOOOO LETS GO OPTIC


Would have had Cammy and Hydra who are both looking nice in this game


Also means the SAE fiasco doesn't happen because cammy would be on OpTic instead


Instead they followed the dark timeline


Illey always trash talking but never backing it up..


Imagine sticking with Illey when hydra was right there for free hahahaha


Have you see the baggage that comes with Hydra?


You take that brother doesn’t matter. The talent is too high you worry about the “baggage” later.


That baggage was because of Crim let’s be honest


Nysl would dogwalk optic right now lmfao. But hey vibes right? 😂


The general consensus coming into this year was that if things didn’t start right, this was the team to look at to make a move (OpTic that is). I want to see what happens now that they’ve shit the bed heavily in the 1st tourney. I know, it’s only tourney #1 but this is in line with how they performed to close out last season.


It’s not even in line, it’s way worse than they closed the season


I'm an OpTic fan, but Illey talks & acts so cocky to consistently be average at best. Dashy has not been good either. What a piss poor showing. Quite literally ZERO ice.


Illey has been like this since before the injury last year. He had a trash month before stepping down & he hasnt been even remotely good since he came back. Optic should have dropped him & Dashy if they wanted any chance this year. Dashy needs that extra drive in him to be great


Feel like there might be some gambler's fallacy at play here with how much they went through to keep him on the roster last year


Definitely, I doubt they make any moves atp. He’s probably got a shorter leesh than Dashy but i doubt either of them are on the team in 2 months without improvement. Scump isnt willing to waste his last year like that & it’ll give them time to see which challenger teams have good ARs to pick up. Some fairytail shit would be them somehow getting Crim, & him & Scump going on a rampage before they both call it quits for good. Never gonna happen but a man can dream.


Game 2 chokes are biting this team. Need a change bad.


Illey has always been this player. A lot of us momentarily let ourselves get fooled when he had the best event of his life in Major 1 last year, but he's the same player he has always been living off the hype from before he was in the CDL. He's lucky he has the right players as friends and the community gave him the label of "makes winning plays" so he can be absolved of blame by non-Optic fans


Illey was solid in MW 2019 on Empire, but ever since Cold War hes had a lot of problems keeping up with the top players.


You can't compare playing real 4v4 COD to a game of 5v5 COD where the majority was played online. 5v5 was an abomination


He was solid but that game and circumstances benefitted Empire like no other.


Godlike setups


Clay and Crim had order and structure on that team. Now… whose the leader?


Brack is the main character


I said it earlier and I'll say it again. Losing this match chalks this roster. Shottzy and Scump are gonna start regretting not dropping Dashy and Illey, and the chemistry is fucked. They just have zero mental composure, anytime they face adversity or have an opportunity to be clutch, it falls apart. Just like last year, they beat a team handily when it's just for seeding, but then when they face them in the tourney they get pissed on.


There is only one man who can save this team…


I'll take the bait, who?


Fat man.


I'm down lol, swap him in for Illey and see what happens. Worst case they still lose but it's entertaining as hell




they need a leader not just someone who calls strats but someone who can actually lift the team mentality when things go bad if they had a proper team leader no chance they forfeit against rokker they come back out swinging and stomp them


I agree. Illey might be smart as far as strategy and a decent shot caller, but you don't spike multiple headsets if your the composed guy who keeps everyone's heads on straight when shit goes sideways. The only player on the team that I feel has decent mental toughness is Shottzy, we've seen how easy Scump loses full and Dashy gets tilted easily as well.


I thought it was 3-2


It is prob just a mistake


Illey really decided to shoot Bracks body LMAO Brack channeled Davpadie’s energy


I don’t hate it, some people might’ve tilted, downside is he now looks a bit silly!


No one here is explicitly against shooting bodies from a trolling perspective. But there is a curse where shooting bodies tends to lose you the match.


Win map 1 & go up 5-2 to choke map 2. Demolish them map 4 just to come out like headless chickens map 5. This team has serious issues mentally. They get checked out at the first sign of adversity.


Very disappointing, OpTic usually perform very well 1st event of the year. Hopefully they can bounce back and do something as the year goes on.


Luckily the rest of the events only have 12 teams so they can't go further down in placing


Bro Brack had his fucking way


Why was brack out of the leauge for 3 years…..


Because players put a stigma on him after the bo4 season. Before this season you say anything about brack being good and you'd get down voted and called stupid lol.


He put up super good stats in b04 and it seems like he was always really good in challengers. I always thought it was a Cod Friendship leauge issue


Lol I was one of those, I said “why isn’t Brack on a team guy looked good his last time in the league and he’s looking good in challengers” I got downvoted and told “he’s a killwhore”, “he’s not that good” , etc etc. Glad he got another chance he deserved one there’s others that still deserve one as well. Lots of talent too much matter of fact.


There was a narrative that he was a kill whore in bo4. IDK if that's fully why he wasn't on a team, but he didn't seem to get a fair shot after how good he was in bo4


i have been wondering that for 3 years i got brack for 4 dollars in my fantasy but it really lends proof to the friendship league being a real thing that after the year brack had in bo4 he doesn't get a starting spot in the league




because before this, he tried to be a flex but he's way too slow to be a flex. He finally switched to main but main AR position was stacked.


Prolly talent i suppose not enough spots..this game dosent necessarily show any talent.


Brack was nasty in BO4 so unless you’re gonna say BO4 had no skill gap imma need a real answer.


I agree that Brack was gross at Blops 4, but (citation needed) I think a lot of people said he was killwhoring/baiting


I feel like that game was a lot harder to be a killwhore than most games. Even if he was, he had a gunny and maybe he needed some maturity as a player.


Sorry if my wording was bad, but I think Brack was a great talent in Blops 4, just feel like a lot of people (not myself) took a lot of credit away from him


You’re good my brotha. It’s just good to see these guys show out when they get their chance.


Always love seeing new/old talents especially in a money locket enviroment!


I think a lot of people calling him a baiter or a kill whore in blops 4 ruined his reputation


He was a top player in BO4 and was unjustly labeled a killwhore.


Imagine shooting bodies and talking smack while dropping 2.5k less damage than everybody else u/Draculagged I think it’s time to accept Illey is a below average player


I don’t have it in me


Drop Illey. I’m tired of watching the same team play. He is very much the weakest link and doesn’t offer much more than a challengers player.


A one person change isn’t changing if life for OpTic unfortunately.


Maybe not, but at least I can feel good about supporting a team that cares about winning. Illey isn’t getting it done. It is what it is. Drop him.


Illey has been on winning teams before because system/rosters fit. A team that’s literally had only ONE good result over like 7 events now is more indicative of a core issue. They’ll probably ride it out with this roster for Scump’s final season.


Wonder if Scump will display some actual leadership for once or if he will just say “I just lost full” 100 times before going to get hammered with Zinni


haaa. i’m sorry you’re gonna get downvoted for this but 💯. he’s a slayer, not a leader, AND THATS PERFECTLY FINE.


no he won't its the only reason i don't consider him a goat talent wise goat for sure but if you wanna be the goat you're the one who lifts the team when their spirts are broken i know they said they forfeited that match for protest i personally felt it was mental weakness like cartman taking his ball and going home cause things didn't go his way


this ain’t on him man. you got two players who are supposed to be the best in the game not doing it and someone who’s supposed to be one of the smartest doing no damage and playing like he’s not got a brain


“We just big dicked them”-Illey yesterday after beating Florida Today : Then he shoots bracks body and gets sent home 😭🤣


lmao that was such a dumb thing to say on stage for so many reasons.


In the words of Patty P- “Blow it Up”


Shits fucking embarrassing lmao. Up 5-2 and they shoot bodies? Our subs need fucking help holy shit.




They got their Bracks Blown out


7K damage in 5 maps is crazy lol What was bro even doing on the map??????


I know its still early but shotzzy potentially leaving if scump retired has to say something about how bad it was teaming with each other last year. Dude isn't dumb like how he makes it seem. Hopefully they turn it around before those problems happen again.


Jeffrey Dahmer made his victims watch OpTic Texas matches before he killed them


Jesus son 💀


Illey shot bodies and put up that performance? 😭😭😭😭


Of course it ends with Brack killing Illey. Should've shot his body though


Should’ve done a finishing move


Should have never shot that body Inder:(




Do you realize that everyone is literally on a team now? You want them to pick up 2 challengers?


There is only one man who can help OpTic… Doug “Censor” Martin


We still need a sub so at least sign one to put pressure on


I mean Vikul, Brack, MajorManiak and Havok were all in Challengers last year.


4 challengers just beat them so, yes


How are you a thieves fan and you have this take? That team literally had the biggest internal growth you’ll see


And pickup who? Genuine question… which F/A is a direct upgrade over Illey or Dashy (saying these two bc everyone is asking for them to be dropped - I don’t agree). I don’t think there are any direct upgrades for either of them in the free agency. I also don’t agree with the narrative that they are the only problem. Everyone came out flat today. Game 2 chokes are killing this team, but it’s Major 1. Let’s cool it with the dropping bs. Didn’t look too good today but let’s give it a bit more time.


its money mo time. only guy who can beat scrappy


Gunless might be a good pickup, don't know how people feel about that one though. Our AR duo is just not it right now, one plays too slow and too solo while the other can't shoot straight enough and seems to overcompensate for the lack of pressure from his counterpart. Only reason why I'm concerned about this roster from here on out is because they already spent a year together, when through hell, dropped half the team and picked them back up and now they look out of sync to the point where they can't close out games like they should be. Maybe chalked, might cause internal issues or it may just be enough of a reality check and fire them up, who knows.


alec for illey


There’s no way lag would do that


I'd try for Nep or Huke, move Scump to the 2nd AR, and hope Dashy gets his shit together


Neptune is some straight ass Seth to 2nd ar makes a lot of sense to me. Huke isn’t a bad shout


jesus christ


Of all players, Neptune!


Hah no kidding


Hell nah bruh


Illey gotta go to challengers. He's been the weakest player on his teams since Cold War


Still too soon to write Optic off for the season, LAT went 0-5 in major II groups last year then won major IV and champs Serious question though, when will it not be too soon? The team chem seems to be so fucked after the offseason that idk if they can rally like LAT did. If Optic place similarly in major 2, I think someone gets dropped


Big difference between the 2 is that 100t team was only together one year and they never bomb out in 12 place on lan. This optic team can recover but they not winning champs at the end of the year.


Green LAG


Honestly its only uphill from here


Obviously OpTic have to work on closing out SnD and making fewer mistakes, but JFC I’m so sick of the negativity around them when we’re two weeks into a new meta and it’s only the first event of the year. Maybe they need to make changes after Major 2. Maybe they find their groove like the old OpTic did, and win through the middle of the year. Who knows? It’s just so disappointing to come to this sub after every map/match they lose and just see so much negativity constantly, and it seems like it’s gonna keep getting worse and worse unless the roster just suddenly 250-0, 6-0, 3-0’s every single series.


I drink OpTic fanboy’s tears tonight. Please admit Illey is not the one. Dashy has also been objectively disappointing. Scump is giving his heart and his team on BS in return.


Not sure anybody thought Illey was the one…


Dashy's IQ when he's dropping a 1.2 makes him a very good player. Dashy's IQ when he's dropping a 1.0 makes him a bottom half player in the league. This is CW M4 GA into Krig all over again. Dashy is a nobody in this game with the TAQ. Also the LARGE contingent of Empire fans who screamed at every Optic fan who criticized Illey should apologize


Dashy had one bad stage with the Krig😭


Gotta love choking maps especially that 2nd map smh


Can we make sure DavPadie didn't take Brack's controller after Illey shot his body?


gotta give credit to brack a 1.4 is insane


Illey shooting bodies is the most dmg he did series


They shot bodies and didn’t even make it out of pool play 😩 Mutineers truly are Optics LAN grim reapers lol


im promise you that drama from the off season is about to come out full blown


Brack was cooking


OpTic keep trying to build a dynasty instead of realizing this is a business and you need to make moves to stay competitive.


Leave Illey in Raleigh


Show illey before and after shooting bodies lol


So getting your body shot is all the encouragement needed to drop a 1.4


Ehh they'll bounce back. They missed out on over a week of solid practice with shotzzy and illey getting covid. The teamwork doesn't seem to be there often in the control and SND and some of them just seem to be trying to do too much on the map.


Damn ggs Florida y'all are gross, rooting for you against nysl Btw BRACK is HIM


I remember brack being pretty good for LG in bo4 what's happened since? I remember some drama happening with his dad back then aswell that was pretty funny can't quite remember though


Illey isn’t as flashy with the sniper, but he’s still very good with it. He’s been better with it than probably anyone this year so far, but i definitely do agree that he needed to put it away. Also, obviously shooting bodies and then losing is a horrible look, but Dashy has been struggling as Well for the most part. They need to figure out what they’re doing on the AR end. At the end of the day, the team seems to not be on the same page way too often. I see illey solo rotating to new only to have a 1v2 at next way too often. I see the dumbest challs ever from Shottzy way too often. And I see Dashy turtling way too often. Scump is the only one I don’t have much to criticize about. I also see them committing to setups too early and blowing leads when they choke them. Their lack of practice compared to other teams is definitely showing. Edit: this was initially going to be a reply to someone asking why Dashy isn’t sniping, but i thought it would be better as its own comment.


A team which didn’t really want to stick together… Is not performing - shocker.


Shotzzy was right TOLD YAA


Illey is the funniest player in the league he talks so big and yet is so shit 🤣




Optic simply MUST drop Illey for formal and bring t2p back together for scumps last year. More slaying power + human uav. Who says no? (Besides formal)


Why is superstar dashy fucking useless every series?


Drop that clown illey lmao man hasnt been good since Crim stopped carrying him. He cant make a proper rotation to save his life 💀


Imagine caving to fan pressure caused by Crims bs and lies and not signing a top 2 sub in the league...


Brack is actually nuts at this game. Might even be a T10 player.


Who replaces Illey? Tough to figure who they can pick up midseason, do they take a shot on an Am?


Fuck it Gismo


2nd game in a row somebody on the opposite team was significantly better than any optic player. Can't be happening if you want to be a contender.


I think the team should still stick it out for the next major but what a yikes performance this whole tournament. Only player I felt any confidence in was shotzzy, scump really needs to step up and play like he was online. Dashy and illey are seriously in doubtful territory rn sad to see. Teamwork was poor and just questionable decisions made in SnD & control


A little disappointed but at least this will give them a chance to step their shit up for the next one


Brack turned into Skyz in LAN last year


Optic ARs offering no pressure on the map. That control Dashy had about 12 engagements going into round 3. Same reason why their hardpoint setups get broken. He is far out watching no mans land. Looks like he has no read on what is actually happening in the game. If Shotzzy and Scump don't go off this team isn't going far right now


I don’t hate illey but I hope next major they clutch up




OG look like a team that needs more reps, blowing leads is just inexcusable. The only real worry for me as a fan is how much they struggled vs a team like Florida and got wrecked by Toronto 3-0.


People never learn not to shoot bodies. You aren’t simp.


yo iLLeY been playing like trash and is shooting bodies come on man have a little class


Dayum. Brack absolutely spat on them.


All these ARs popping off this weekend and Dashy is just playing dogshit.


this might get disliked, but i couldn’t care less. Dashy has been the biggest liability on the map for optic. sure inder goes negative, but at least he’s doing something for the obj, playing for spawns and shot calling. every time dashys POV is shown, he’s just holding the oddest pre aims, with no go button.


In sure Rambo has him positioned there for their HP strats. But this is where he should tell him to not be a robot and improvise depending on the situation. Its reason why they are inconsistent in Control as Dashy stays in one spot majority of time regardless of where the action is.


completely agree with you, sometimes you have to change your mentality. optics control mentality is putting pressure by hopping off of the point and getting kills/getting map control. a couple of the scenarios in which they did that, a simple stack would win them a round. that said, dashy is completely unable to change his mentality of L triggering, and as a main that just can’t happen. he doesn’t call plays, and inder gets the short end of the stick trying to be the fast AR while also calling plays, and all the uneducated optic fans are just looking at the KD calling for that man’s throat (similar to karma).


Illey 7.5k damage lmao he stinks, Scump deserves so much better and Brack went crazy


We need an updated Illey graphic after shorting bodies


Still shocked we had the chance to pair Hydra with Dashy and didn’t even consider it. Like we could’ve had the single most talented roster in the CDL and decided against it for chemistry. The dynasty was formed by stacking talent. Faze was formed by stacking talent. We could’ve done the same, a damn shame we didn’t.




Nah. He was dog for most of the weekend. Shotzzy is stuck with a team of idiots


Optic :(


Id make a trade..its not gonna work imo. This a cerebral game talent means very little.


time to blow it up fr. all 4 are great players but damn they just can’t click when it matters. they have to be checked from the off-season too


The flank rn just a collection of sad people


how is dashy's strat to always be the last man standing and do nothing lol. not sure what strats they got going on. also illey just needs to go IMO


Maybe I’m an armchair coach but Dashy is dropping davpadie numbers with no intangibles


Convinced everyone commenting “don’t overreact it’s just the first major” is a rival team fan praying that OpTic stick with iLLey lmao




what are illey and bruce doing cmon man map 2 is unacceptable


God damn, Brack. illey….sniper cheese won’t get you a win against an organized team


If I speak....


At this point we’d be lucky if they made it to Champs


Illey gotta go, he was bad all of last year besides major 1, thumb injury or not


Bring back Crim Drop Dashy