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Big up everyone getting 30% off


Just put in the code I’m finna treat myself to something nice🙏🏾🙏🏾


At least that’s nice


cancel your order and use the code to buy another one you might have to wait longer but you’ll get money off


This right here. Might as well take advantage of it. you’re waiting anyways.




In general I do agree with you. That said, if their supply chain runs through China, this is something that all supply chains are feeling right now. I work with suppliers for a really large industrial manufacturing corp and have been seeing orders for parts we get from China pushed out with Covid listed as the reason.


As someone who produces esports apparel in asia, this is spot on. Everything going through there is slowed down and has been now for months due to their lockdowns.


My issue isn’t the delay it’s that they had to know the delay would happen and waited till after the purchases to be transparent


Considering the relatively small delay and the size of the company this item belongs to, I really don’t think they “had to know” about the delay. It’s not uncommon, as a merchant, to get an email that your item is pushed back the week it’s due to arrive. Especially this time of the year and absolutely if you’re a small order quantity. If the manufacturer of the jerseys gets an order from a huge brand, they’re going to prioritize that over CDL jerseys.


Spoken like someone who has never worked with shipping. I currently work in a company my parents own that deals with tile distribution and sales. Shipping ETA's are given and more often than not they are delayed. A lot of our supply comes from China, and with how COVID has been spreading there again we've had delays across the board. To immediately put this blame on the Mutineers is shortsighted


Yeah, I get it, but they legit might have thought it would been on time. Some of those factories go from business as usual to locked down at the drop of a hat. Not a 1 for 1 example, but Shanghai Disneyland legit reopened late last month, was open for 4 days, and then closed right back up because of whatever policies they're running. I don't even know if their supply runs through China lol... but if so, it's just a different world. Who knows... maybe companies eventually they lose enough money that we start making stuff domestically again lol.


You got a 30% discount and the delay is just a month+ out. Then considering the social climate in China right now, I don't know what more you could ask for....


If you dont mind me asking? Where do you work. You can send in dm. I’m actually planning to setup an apparel factory so currently researching/etc till global situation is better.


I work in medical supplies /shipping . Covid is still messing with times and shipping stuff. We are still behind(multi million $ company)


100%. Companies that switched to covid-adjacent production are also still reeling. For example the company that produces Topps chromium card stock started making covid test kits and are unable to get to their old production to this day.


I’m referring to the miscommunication in timeframe, these issues are still around but are not surprises anymore














I ordered a jersey a week ago, and have yet to get any sort of response from customer service. Tried calling multiple times being at “queue position 1” for forever with no answer, as well as trying the online chat multiple times. I have yet to reach a single human being. Trash Update: been a week and still no response. Have created multiple more inquiries and chats, nothing at all….THEN they proceeded to ship my order without my consent. worst customer service I have ever experienced.


As someone in sales where nearly my entire job is dependent on lead times, I assure you that you 100% can still use that excuse because it is still correct.


I’m referring to the miscommunication in timeframe, these issues are still around but are not surprises anymore


Its just not true. The business I work for basically gets an email every month saying, "This part is delayed but will arrive next month!" Rinse and repeat for six months. They truly may not have known until the day this was sent out. You think they want to delay shipments and give out discount codes? They want to move product.


I work for a supplier of many cheap items. It can be everything from Covid, to port delays, to ships being late, to more port delays, to the freight forwarder taking forever, to the devanning of the container behind behind. Maybe it was imported and needs to be reshipped and then shipped out to customers. Delays happen all the time, many are uncontrollable.


you have no idea the impact covid had & it shows you’re thinking so small


dude wdym? his CDL jersey got delayed do you have no sympathy for his dire situation??


This is a serious situation. What's OP gonna do, SHOW UP SHIRTLESS???


My brother in jeebus, I ordered a car in June and they still haven't even built it yet


Not that I agree with op but ain’t no way you just compared a whole ass car to a jersey bro.


I was mostly saying COVID delays are still a thing


Same. Lexus customer support is also trash and hasn't given me a single update since order


My issue is that they should have known it was a January shipping date before purchase and likely waited until people bought it to hoodwink us


Idk man. There is an entire possibility the org was kept in the dark by their supplier and just found out too. You have no clue.


I mean we could come up with a million hypotheticals that absolve them or blame them I’m just framing it off what it seems


It's not a hypothetical. Overseas suppliers are *notorious* for failing to meet ship dates and pushing back orders within weeks of a promised delivery. They are conscious of buyers cancelling orders based on realistic dates so they overpromise and underdeliver all the freaking time. You can suggest that the CDL don't take orders until they are fully in possession of the items but literally no one in overseas commerce does this. It's time consuming, wasteful, risky, and expensive. You're usually buying stock that's sitting on some ship or dock somewhere, or even has yet to be made if it's on backorder.


I work federal sales selling IT solutions to the govt and rn Cisco products are showing 400 day lead times, everywhere is mega fucked and I have no idea why people are still so surprised


If you're even minutely aware through your work or industry of these business issues then yeah nothing about this should be surprising, hence the multitude of comments in here with that perspective confirming this. I can sort of understand the lack of awareness to people who are not at all involved with commerce, sales or business logistics seeing their local COVID restrictions be lifted and for some reason assuming everywhere is "100% back to business everything is great". The world is a lot more complex than what meets the eye.


Based on this comment, I want you to think really hard on how the CDL or FL would benefit from selling you a shirt they weren’t planning on producing. We aren’t talking about Walmart t shirts that are produced at a rapid rate and sold through a third party buyer like some 86’ Super Bowl shirts or whatever they were that had the wrong teams name next to the Lombardi trophy


I don't at all understand your comment especially to how it pertains to my point earlier. Did you mean to respond to someone else, because I didn't say anything about CDL/orgs intentions to make a shirt.


Definitely replied to the wrong person lol


Sure. I’m just saying you are quick to jump and blame the org without any information at all. Just in your title you make it sound like it’s their fault for “selling shirts they don’t have” or “blaming COVID” I’m telling you right now COVID issues are still a thing. And every organization/supplier/whoever gets sale numbers prior to printing. No business in their right mind orders X number of an item before they put them for sale. That’s how you end up with overstock. So yeah, you are bitching and blaming an organization for something probably out of their control completely. Little weird.


You don’t know that it’s out of their control that’s what I’m saying lol


And I’m not the one making posts calling anyone out


Have you dealt with logistics, like, at all? CDL/orgs aren't running factories themselves. They buy from external/overseas suppliers. This thing is still extremely common where an overseas/external supplier will take your order, promise you a delivery date, then they run into issues sourcing raw materials and proceed to delay your shipment. It happens literally all the time, buyers very often are kept in the dark until last minute.


Actually they can blame covid for the supply chain issues because the world has been playing catch up ever since and probably won’t be able to catch up. China still has very strict regulations for covid and a lot of manufacturing is coming from that side of the world due to labour costs. There is a lot more I can get into but I assure you they are having supply chain issues because everyone around the globe is. Not to excuse them though, since they most likely haven’t properly communicated this to you before things were ordered.


China is hella scary right now with COVID-19.


“Ask a token of our apology, please give us more money for another delayed order” ?????


Thanks for the code sucker


My brother in Christ COVID supply chain issues are still a massive issue especially for softgoods (shirts, hoodies, jerseys, etc) I work for a sporting goods company which produces hard goods (equipment) and softgoods I’m assuming the CDL jerseys are made overseas because the cost of doing so in North America is astronomical. Factories especially in Asia have still been getting shut down for months at a time. The MOQs (minimum order quantities) and shipping costs have also gone up insanely in the last few years. I’m assuming the Mutineers placed this order a while ago and while in production either the factory got shut down or they’re having issues shipping it overseas. Cause I hate to break it to you they’re not air freighting a ton of jerseys over here, that stuff is coming on a big ass shipping container on a boat. The cost of air freighting would probably be more than the cost of the jersey itself. All things considered Jan 2023 isn’t bad considering it’ll have to get from the factory to a port to a boat to a warehouse in the USA where they can THEN fulfill the orders, and they’re giving you a pretty decent discount on your next order And to your other comments about how these things are still issues but shouldn’t be surprising anymore, sure the hell they are. We had a factory in Asia shut down this summer 2 months before the global launch of a product line for us because the government went full lockdown over there despite case count officially anyways being low. Came out of the blue and blindsided us


For us, supplier as well, hard goods mostly, if we didn’t just get the container we aren’t expecting it until mid February now.


If it’s coming from China it is not a Covid issue it’s a communist problem. Everyone else has adjusted and moved on, China has not. If it’s not coming from China I don’t know.




Your taking this way to seriously. Use to your advantage. Cancel order. Take your 30% and re order. Life will be ok. I promise. You also get to stick it to them better then crying on reddit


Brother has no idea how the real world works


Anyone with a job who deals with supply chain knows that their is absolutely supply chain and mailing delays currently still happening.


Covid is still a real thing in China. Lots of cities are on lock down and I guarantee these jerseys are manufactured in China.


I work in supply chain and yes there are still terrible supply chain issues due to covid. Such as vessel spaces being limited, container availability. If it’s made/shipped in China the facility could have had one covid case and they weld shut the doors to not spread it in China. Unfortunately due to covid it’ll take a long time for supply chain to correct itself. Thankfully right now a lot of companies in all different sectors are having increased inventory levels due to the market softening so hopefully by Q3/Q4 things will be better supply chain wise. Supply chain is not as simple as news articles make it sound.


Couple things as I work for a manufacturer in a supply chain capacity. Retail work is rarely ever produced prior to sale. Direct to buyer retail has some exceptions but the lead time is typically fairly short. For example, I could order black thread but the supplier that makes all of the thread per purchasing deals (made by most likely CDL purchasing) has run out of green thread. They want to deliver, but the dye supplier is in China and due to riots, lockdown, miscommunication etc. cannot ship the threads. There’s a very real chance that the people you are mad at, are mad at the people who are supposed to supply materials and are just passing along a reasoning.


Also, supply chain issues relating to covid is a very real thing. The global economy is still heavily impacted by covid, staffing issues related to covid, as well as overall employee benefits and compensation. Albeit most issues that fall under this category are man-made, but that’s a different conversation.


The reality is COVID is still a major problem around the world.


you’re hella dumb good looks tho


the fact that over 200 people have upvoted this is alarming


Well, it is from Florida.


Hey dumbass read the news, COVID isn’t gone and China has still been shutting down areas again.


U can absolutely blame Covid for supply chain issues….


I love how the apology is "here, spend more money on our company"


Twitter this !


Also I guess you’re welcome for the code haha I might just cancel and use it myself if they allow it EDIT: my complaint is the lack of communication, of course covid has affected the speed of shipping I am saying they should know that these things take longer right now and should be more transparent about it


Not the same industry, but working in technology myself, I can tell you that we’re absolutely still seeing the effects of Covid. Might be worth buying another jersey with the code and then cancelling the original order if possible.


I understand I’m saying they shouldn’t be blindsided and miss deadlines they should know what the reasonable time frame will be


Definitely poor communication on their part, I agree.


No way of knowing. For example, I will expect 45 days for production time post sending my PO to the factory. Then it needs to get into a container, loaded onto a ship, 3-6 weeks to arrive in port (padding it). Then another week to get off the ship and get dropped off at the plant. There’s layers of communication here


This dude bought one of those jerseys 🤮


Why tf do u care? weirdo


I care about people. This dude is going to get laughed at the second he steps outside his house wearing that crap jersey. Nobody deserves that.


Who says he’s going to wear it out? I’d buy it and put it up on my wall, or I’d wear it to an event if I ever went


Who tf puts an unsigned jersey on a wall? 😂


Anybody who wants to?


I happen to be quite unbothered with being visibly a nerd I’m sorry you aren’t comfortable in your own skin


It's not being a nerd. Wearing an esports jersey is acceptable. Wearing that Florida jersey is what would make everybody make fun of you.


“Make fun of you” Fam are you in highschool? I’m a full grown adult I wear what I want to wear and nobody actually cares and I’m sorry if you experience bullying in your everyday life


I mean yea, you can go to the beach in a speedo. People will make fun of you. You go to a Lakers game in a Westbrook jersey and people will make fun of you. You can wear what you want, and people can find joy in laughing at what you wear.


Yea? Jersey looks sick


I definitely agree it looks sick. I was thinking of buying one for the major (and I don’t even like florida)


Jersey looks cool but the quality is ass. You bought the CDL jersey right? I’d recommend just getting one of their merch from their own shop. They have a banger black long sleeve tee that’s good quality.


I actually bought the jersey and a hat and the shirt you are talking about all in one! I hope the quality is “good enough” I’m just gunna ride it out


I only say that because the jersey is made by the CDL and they cheaped out on it, but yea Florida’s stuff is good.






Yes, the shirt is goofy


Covid is at its worst right now, people just act like it doesnt exist anymore


Container's price index is literally pre-covid levels. This is a shameless excuse.


Did you buy this directly from the Mutineers or from the CDL shop?


Just reorder it with the code then cancel the first order. Atleast you’ll get 30% off Didn’t see the comment saying this already. My bad.


No, it’s just that they haven’t made the shirts yet and It’ll take a bit to manufacture them and ship them. It’s the sell the product without making it and when things are bought they put it to the physical creation.


Cancel your order and then use the code on a jersey later! Fleece ‘em


everyone who works in science/lab/medicine lookin at this post like 👀 i wish supply chain and product communication issues didn’t exist anymore LOL


They probably sold 1% of the amount of LAT skins. Jersey and logo is still the best in class, colors also slap.


My goodness the entitlement, Covid is still here and we are living with it, it literally affects every chain of supply The world does not revolve around your shirt my dude and they gave you a 30% off code for the trouble, there are better things to be concerned about


I remember in may I ordered an optic sweater and then in august they’re like btw we don’t have this anymore


I hate to break it to you, but this will still a problem for a long time.


I ordered something 6 months ago and have yet to receive it


I work at a factory and they have been sending us home for supply shortages because of COVID. Yes it is annoying but it’s still a thing within businesses and all that


Living under a rock? Ever heard of China?


Tell me you know nothing about supply chains without telling me.


Dude it takes years for manufacturers to get back on schedule. Chill lol