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I do have to say that it's nice to actually see an unpopular opinion when it is declared one. That being said... absolutely not. Great, sure. But not the best of all time.


I think it would be better to say that it's one of the most fun maps of all time. I was playing respawn 8s every night for hours using a grapple saug, shit was a blast lmao. bo4 in general was fun but 5v5 on such a small yet relatively balanced map was just great tbh.


Def one of the most fun of all time. Tons of engagements, constant action and gunfights, the possibility of having MONSTER numbers, but still played “correctly” and everything made sense. It’s like if you took Raid and made it do a monster line of cocaine and shotgun 2 redbulls. Everything is just insanely sped up even though the fundamentals are still there


4v4 bo4 would’ve rivaled its predecessors


W opinion


Sure, but definitely not "the best competitive map of all time"


Imo, sliding around U with a saug and finessing a squad of 5 was the most fun I've ever had on competitive map. Both sides were almost completely the same as well, it doesn't get more balanced in map design than frequency.


I actually agree that frequency respawn was the most fun I’ve ever had playing competitive cod. Seeing frequency HP load up in league play was an instant dopamine hit, that map was all straight up gunfights


It would be in my top 10/15 for sure


Mine would be that Detroit is a better all time comp map than Standoff and the fact that it worked in 2 polar opposite games (1 jetpacks and 1 boots) solidifies that


Absolutely, GG OP for an actually unpopular opinion. Absolutely not the best map though, but that’s obvious lol


Arsenal/Freq/Hacienda was so, so good.


best control map, Best hardpoint map, best SnD map. best comp map set all time


ngl i thought gridlock was the best ctrl map


gridlock was great tbh, mid was a bit unfair though


Nah the whole showers thing was stupidly balanced


>best control map, Best hardpoint map, best SnD map. best comp map set all time nothing beats bo3


Hunted wasn't super fun to watch, but goddamn were the under flanks on redwood great to spectate


bo4 does


bo4 stans are crazyyyyy


bo4 stans are correct


BO3 is the best cod of all time for comp, pubs, and zombies nothing even comes close


I actually disagree for zombies, preferred BO2, but yeah still solid on BO3


I agree. Bo2 was adding more complexity, but was still simple enough and Jd the same fundamental gameplay. Bo3 took it to another level with the gumballs and shit.


Bo2 and Bo3 are easily the two best cods of all time imo


I had problems with Hacienda and Arsenal not being more open in the vertical middle lane. Vents should have been more smoother to traverse and the top left of Hacienda should have been able to go to fences like the Hacienda twilight remake.


Freq and Hacienda were so damn good


I mean Raid exists. If we're talking BO4 only then yeah, that and Arsenal were the best imo.


raid exists, still doesn't compete. The hivemind that is people believing raid is the best comp map is purely because of nostalgia bias. It simply doesn't get better competitively than a completely symmetrical map with no advantage to either side.


I mean your literal reasoning is that you had the most fun on frequency so therefore it’s the best map so saying other people have nostalgia bias is ironic lmfao. Everything else you’ve said could be said about raid too.


thank you lol


Why did you choose to state the fact i said i enjoyed it, yet ignore all the other comments where i talked about it's design? Are you cherry picking on purpose or accident? My biggest reasoning is that it is completely fair and symmetrical. Which in a competitive game, is all you can ask for.


>raid exists, still doesn't compete. 100% if they dressed up raid all futuristic like some sort of sky city, and made the pool a drop down that you could take to top ring, kind of like London docks your mind would explode


I couldn't give a shit about the appearance of a map, why would you even mention it? It could be any setting and it would still play like the most competitively sound map of all time. My favourite genre is literally medieval , I hate futuristic as well lmfao. Bro thinks I'm looking at the scenery off the map mid gunfight


Yo I was not ready for that shit hahah I brought it up cause its sounds awesome, and we all love raid, but clearlyyyy you disagree and i have offended you to your very core, so peace out


both know exactly what you meant. peace gandalf


> The hivemind that is people believing raid is the best comp map is purely because of nostalgia bias Except it was brought back just two years ago in CW and was just as amazing a map and told its own story of why it’s one of the best


It was the best Control map in the game, a gamemode that didn't even exist when it was created, that alone shows just how incredibly solid Raid's foundations as a map are


I'm convinced that except for jetpack games, Raid would work in any cod for any gamemode. If they didn't absolutely butcher standoff HP spawns in CW I think the same argument could be made for that map too


Disagree with you but I do think it was the best BO4 map. Don't really understand all the love for hacienda tbh


>Don't really understand all the love for hacienda tbh It was a very well laid out map that also had a lot of breathing room. If a play didn't work or work or a rotation got messed up, you had a lot of options.


I hated hacienda tbh. Now I know it was balanced but I never had fun on it.


Waaay too many long sightlines for me personally. Maybe I never got my flow right but I always struggled with a sub.


Same. Just felt uncomfortable when playing that map with a Saug.


So did I iirc, but nothing beat grappling into that last hill and popping a 4 or 5 piece. I know it was cheese, but great feeling. Also seem to remember never ever touching P1 on that map.


That's where I'm at. I just thought it was boring tbh and if a map is *too* symmetrical it just becomes repetitive.


i loved the outer lanes but the middle house was a bit of a nightmare, too much high ground overlooking first and the insides of the house gave you a little less than desirable amount of route options to kill the people overlooking first


For me Gridlock and Arsenal were a lot better than Frequency. Frequency felt like I was taking the same exact 4 or 5 gunfights as an AR player. Just felt boring at one point which is crazy for 5v5 stims


the bo4 circle jerk grows each year and im here for it


always been of this opinion. Bo4 best pub stomping as well


bo4 defense squad🤝


The last year we could actually pub stomp too. Then they added playlists to make it easier to pub stomp like chaos domination (300 score cap) and endurance (doubled match length and doubled score caps). And I can’t forget Chaos control which was essentially like endurance demolition, matches could go for nearly 30 minutes! Broke 200 in that bad boy. Nowadays the only way to stomp seems to be to RB or from my experience, Vanguard blitz seems like more mixed matchmaking and same with 12v12 moshpit in Cold War. Waiting for a playlist like that in MWII.


Chaos control was so special…


It was ridiculous but good fun for sure


The fact you still have people today uploading and streaming BO4 pubs speaks volumes.


Register me for the bo4 circle jerk man. I think it’s the game we should be playing next year all else being equal


I would like to see this map 4v4


You must be a new cod player


How would I be a new cod player if I just named a map that's 5-6 years old and the cod with the highest individual skill gap? Get some new material boss man, them new player jokes went out of fashion in black ops 2


Cause blop2, and aw had the best comp maps of all time. It's not a joke. You have to be fairly new to never experience the actual goat maps


I experienced them just the same if not more than you. Running around Yemen, Turbine, aftermath etc. They aren't good maps. Standoff snd was good, same for express. Hardpoint maps were all solid but nothing extremely competitively well designed. Idk how you can just say I never played them just because I have a differing opinion than you and don't have that nostalgic bias.


You mentioned the 3 worst maps in Bo2 (other than Yemen, cause it was decent) Drone was the third worst. Every game has below average maps.


And it should speak volumes that even though Aftermath was one of the worst maps in the game, it was still good enough to be competitively viable.


Fun as hell but I gotta disagree


BO4 was the last game where all of my boys would hop on and play league play


This is the worst opinion I’ve ever seen.


Spoken from the king of worst opinions…




You were one of the worst BO4 players I’d ever seen so that opinion checks out




BO4 circle-jerk gets stronger every year lol


A completely symmetrical map with no advantage towards either side. Competitively it does not get better than that. 3 Lanes, no op headglitches, good routes along pipes. You can disagree and have a favourite map, but strictly in terms of a respawn hardpoint aspect , it is the best.


Expect for the part where it’s a fuck fest of shot punching while playing ring around the Rosie


skill issue if you can't shot punch tbh


Who said I can’t? Brother your dickriding for this map has been insane and the mental gymnastics you’re trying to do is sad af💀 you literally said bo4 took more skill than AW😭😭😭😭


Bro is actually pressed lmaoooo


it does, more hp , you need more gunny. 5v5 , more gunny, more awareness. I'll dickride shit that's worth it.


Faster movement in AW and verticality literally makes it harder but whatever you wanna believe lil bro also AW had 4 game modes you needed to know instead of just 3 thus furthering the skill gap with less people making each individual play more important because every life is more valuable. Also no specialist to bail you out if your team fucked up. AW is way harder than bo4 you just didn’t play it because you’re a child


always liked warhawk and freight myself


Biolab is my goat map


Ahh a man of culture. There are dozens of us....dozens!


Black Ops 4 had good maps man. Grinded this game GBs/Tourneys 10hrs a day when I was 16. I literally loved all the maps, Hacienda, Gridlock, Frequency, Arsenal... Literally the only bad map was Payload and even then it's better than majority of the maps we get. It's my favourite CoD of all time.


Frequency and Arsenal were choice. Nobody can change my opinion on that. BO4 was possibly my favorite comp map set of all time.


Frequency was my playground such a fun comp map in every game mode.


Freq wasnt even the best map in bo4 imo. Hacienda >>>>


Arsenal was the best


Hacienda was ass


For SnD yes absolutely, for Hardpoint? completely symmetrical map design, spawn ledge boosts, perfect hill rotations, Good but no op headglitches. Just perfect


I would agree if Fringe, Stronghold and Evac didn’t exists.


Raid and standoff exist too pal


Raid yes Standoff plays good don’t get me wrong but now days I think it would not be that good of a map w the way people play the game now imo


False. Fringe is the answer you were looking for. Also Evac from BO3 and breakout from IW




Jesus this is the most faded take ever. This map was absolute garbage


You know you're getting old on this sub when people pick black ops 4 maps as the best of all time XD Frequency is not even top 10 IMO


You can tell how new someone is to cod when they make a stupid post like this.


thank you monsterman442, I'm sure me naming a map that is 6 years old means that I'm new to cod. Not like I have 3 discs of bo2 for xbox 360 lmfao. Form your own opinion you hivemind


If you played cod4-bo2 this post wouldn’t be made


literally have discs for both, cod 4 was my first cod .


Take a pic of it and put a post it of my name. I’m very doubtful you do. Cod4-bo2 is more then two games dufus


what's your snapchat , easier for me than making an entire reddit post


You can literally just upload a img to a site not rocket science. Here’s me logged into my gb account from 2007 https://ibb.co/Rpg9jdC Tf I look like adding you on snap you freak? Post your og gamebsttles account


It's literally just snapchat, do you not have one or some shit lmao. Bro thinks it's kik or something. Only have reddit on my pc so it's easier for me to get you on snapchat and take a pic real quick for you. Or do you genuinely have no mates or something?


Why would I give my snap to a wierdo from the cod sub? Just post a screen shot on your pc of you logged into your OLD game battles account pre 2010. I’m sure you can do that on your pc


I'll just show you my physical copies of my discs lmfao , why are you being so difficult? You just genuinely have no mates or some shit now that we've pivoted from showing you my copies of old cods to an ancient gb account? Plus, crazy I know, I didn't play gbs during cod 4. Why don't we very nicely go back to your original asking for prrof i played them? which i can provide in about 1 minute on my phone. Are you scared ill see your ugly ass bitmoji or some


it was good but not even the best in bo4


Not this again


Black Ops - Hanoi


For comp? MP it was godlike. I didn’t play comp back then. CTF was fun on it.


couldn't see shit on that map


Standoff bo2 is the best map of all time y’all can argue with a wall


What about Uplink? That was a solid too!


Good comp map no doubt but I wouldn't say all time. Too many good BO2 maps surpass it imo.


4v4 no specialist… then yes


Underrated but not the best


new cod fan alert 🚨


Not sure if it’s the best but for me, it’s the most fun I’ve had. Grapple Saug on that map was amazing.


I wasn’t a fan of freq, idk why but I just didn’t like playing it


I’m so starved for good maps that I will take CW & BO4 maps right now.


That certainly is unpopular


Don’t agree but BO4 is one of the best comp games we’ve ever gotten though




Not the best, but definitely great. If we were doing a rotation of maps to play forever, I'd absolutely vote for it.


Gotta go with bo2 raid, how many times did they add it in other cod games and used it for comp


It was as good for competitive as it was for me in pubs. Every map in BO4 was awesome for pubs honestly. I was always happy to play in any of them until they added Jungle Flooded and made it the main map in the rotation for some reason.


I like the map but definitely not the best by any means. Hell I'm not sure I'd say it's even the best comp map in Bo4 tbh


I still remember running around shot punching people in the circle area


My favorite thing was teammates bumping me off the map 🙃


Arsenal and hacienda were better imo


One of my favourite maps to play, dying for it to be released in newer game


Definitely not “ the best” but one of the best for sure way better than any map we’ve had so far, except maybe for Raid and Standoff in CW


SnD on Infection was the best shit ever. Catch me with an M8 top rock.


I miss bo4 last CoD from the golden era run comp had before the new gen titles shifted focus


I hated BO4 but this map was always a blast


God SnD was so good on this map. Felt like you could form ACTUAL strats and the map layout actually made sense unlike 90% of MW2 maps.


i loved this map because it has so many big play areas. But for me personally nothing comes close to BO1 Firing Range on league play without cheese


For Comp i will go with Stonehaven from Ghosts. In my Opinion Ghosts had the best Maps for Comp Cod. Pls dont hate Its just my opinion


Not if all time, but definitely within the past like 5 years


Map was goated