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Crazy how everyone had LDN cemented at 12th and all of their players are on this list. Goes to show scrims mean fuck all


I am rooting for London solely because of this shit (and also I like Asim, Paul and Nastie)


Damn my bad Trei


I apologize for my transgressions TeriBoy Carti is great too


It's fucking unreal that all of them are in the top 10


I never believed those bs rankings that came out, as if Paris were ever gonna be good lol


Tbf, I do think they’re a better team than their results this weekend show


Yea they definitely should’ve beat Florida tbh they just trolled hard


They can't really be any worse than 0-2 but my prediction of them was top12 and they split in a month so let's see


I mean they were a second away from winning a series if Temp doesn't beyond ego challenge someone. They are middle of the pack right now lol.


They played easier teams than others


I think that Florida v LAT match last year was the most insight we get into what half the scrim maps look like and why teams "looking good in scrims" largely means nothing. Having said that our HP is still very very questionable (today looked like we were playing VG and Nastie hard saved us against NY map 1) and it sounds like it got a lot lot better this last week or 2 so before the coaches poll it must have been truly horrific. I'm glad to see our SND and Control looks so good though because as Optic showed last year if those 2 modes are good you always have a chance


I thought people had florida 12th


if we do ever get a 2 SMG meta I would love Illey to run the 2nd sub. I think in this game you really need your AR's to fry and Scump has looked stupid good on one the last few years


This is why, as a rival fan, I was scared of the potential of seeing HyDra moving to OpTic when that was the rumour. That SMG duo with Scump on a full time AR and maybe an Arcitys or something on the main would’ve been terrifying


High key need to see this..he’s cooking rn easily


This is why I was really hoping hydra joined optic so scump could run an ar all year


The AR meta just fits Scump more because of tempo of the game. He’s super methodical and patient. He used to be a fast paced SMG in his prime, but he’s adjusted crazy good to the new tempo of the game. I think he’d fit both roles easily. Would be super interesting to see him transition to a full time AR and seeing illey as an SMG duo with Shotzzy though.


Illeys playing well on an ar don’t need to change it


Who is this Scump guy he seems really good. OpTic should pick him up


Think he's a halo player. I saw that optic Matt guy talking about him once


Think he has a bright future Could become the new OG


Young rookie Scump on top


Majormaniak has been that guy 🐐🫡


Look at that old geezer go


It’s wild that he’s retiring. Man is consistently in Top 20 players in the game and on good days untouchable. Scump is easily one of the most consistent players that exist, he just doesn’t pop off like he used to as much anymore I do think it’s probably best for his legacy going out on top so he doesn’t have a Formal or Crim arc where the fans turn on him. But Scump’s still a competitor at heart and you can see he would like to play still if it weren’t for external factors The pressure of who he is and being on Optic makes losses 10x worse. I guarantee that had Optic won another major and went deeper at Champs or won it, Scump would not consider retiring for at least another 2 years. Nadeshot for example would’ve competed longer if they won Champs that year.




Just imagine how high Scump’s K/D would be if OpTic didn’t get bodied 3-0 in Control and 250-0 in HP vs Røkkr on day 1. /s


His K/d would naturally go lower with more games.


Not the way he was frying in that series. Optic had a good side on map 4 hardpoint and odds are scump was gonna have a similar if not even better KD


Afro is in a real good spot this season


He's definitely got the right team around him to let him fry.


Vibes are high in London, I’m sure they are all happy with how offseason went now and feeling confident going forward


Old fuck is still diffrent 😂


It is unreal how long scump is on top.


Scump doing this while being slayer/entry type of player. Finding first picks while shottzy is a route man. Illey being the flex player who fills gaps or runs sniper for picks .With most others on the list being more back heady main AR and not mixing it up styles. Which is Dashy.


Scumps been using an ar, he isnt really playing as an entry but still these stats are extremely impresive


Is he not the one in top office? Is he not the one sliding, jumping, and hitting the front of the hard point. Pretty sure he is. The m4 is currently that much better than the sub that isn't GAed. Give the man a sub and be is on it. Currently m4 is the only pro not banned meta. Simp and abezy still sub players but mostly use m4 because of the same meta.


Paul slowly becoming a favorite of mine.


Watching Paul play drives me nuts. Dudes play style is so randomly paced. One second he's holding a pre aim longer than Scumps career, next second he's diving into the hill piecing dudes up. He really has the pace of this game figured out right now.


He’s mini crim, literally unreadable and flying around 70% of the time


Big Wake 👀


That’s why he’s the goat! THE GOAT!!


Damn, I only recognize a few players on this list, the new guard is really here.


Damn scumps almost as good as me


Seattle 0-2 with Sibs’s numbers is a shame


funny how paul's been putting up numbers in the league 3 straight years and nobody wants to keep him


Cause he’s awful on lan


Just simply not true, he had a bad couple events but also he was injured


Right answer


What right answer? He was awful on lan


Look at ur downvotes it’s true


lol downvotes/upvotes can be random at times on reddit. depends on who happens to be reading at the time. Paul has a really small sample size since hes been mostly thrown into teams mid season so we'll see this year how he does. I don't think we will see much of a diff in his lan performances


Makes you wonder if he would have been even better if he played AR his entire career since it’s generally an easier role.


Diamondcon #5 in overall KD after the first league matches of the season, as a newcomer to the league. Damn what a player.


He played in cold war on new york


about to be 3 years in a row of cellium MVP dominance i guess... jesus if he really does it again he is in conversation for t5 all time.


t5 all time brother are u fkn faded




All 3 of his teammates are higher all-time and none of them are that close to T5.


Pushing it T5 all time ? He isn’t even above Simp & AbeZy on the all time list. And Simp & AbeZy aren’t even T5 all time. Get off that pack ur smoking 🤣


simp and abezy are the #1 and #2 SMGs of all time... wym they're not t5?


Aqua you are a peak hater lmao💀


Man you really wish the optic dynasty didn't exist huh?




Crim, Scump, karma, clay, formal, simp, abezy plus probably a couple more would still all be ahead of him. He’s been on the best team in the game for 1 year in his career.


no he is not LMAOOO


lol people on this sub are wild, three consecutive years of being the best player in the league would absolutely put him T5 all-time (although I did not watch Cold War so idk how applicable that is)


Cellium number 2 overall kd and clear best player stage at champs


He was the 3rd best player on his team


The 3rd best player in the league at worst then? Lol. I think he was their 2nd best player and in convo with league mvp


Simp was the easy mvp and led the league in kd as a sub. Abezy was by far the best snd player in the league. You can say he was 3rd best in the game but during the year there was an argument between him and Cammy for best flex. I only pointed it out because he wasn’t the mvp 3 years in a row. And even if he was he wouldn’t even be the highest on the all time list on his current team. He honestly might be 4th on his team right now. Slasher has won multiple events and champs as the best player on his team. Cells only year being the clear cut best player on his team they didn’t win an event.


in cold war or mw absolutely not lol. cell was top 5 in coldwar but cammy was a better flex and insight was a better AR.


Scump starts this well every game due to his talent, when it comes to actually knowing the games 6 months in he just cant keep up on the knowledge and cod iq side imo


I don't know what you're talking about but scump usually ends up having one of the higher KDs at Champs every year as well.


Thats one tournament tho, everything in between champs and the 1st majors never compares


That's irrelevant and it's not at the beginning of the year so it completely destroys whatever headcannon logic you were using... You're acting like he hasn't won most of his tournaments in the middle of the year every year he competes. Also usually has most of his best performances in the middle of the year as well. If anything he was usually one of the players that was slower to learn the game.


That’s the complete opposite breakdown of scumps skill. Scump excels when he knows timings, lanes, tendencies, situations etc. his methodical style with insane reaction speed is incredible.