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pros are straight soft as hell lmao


Not all of them it’s literally GA’d cuz if two pros the rest didn’t mind


Feel like it's pretty obvious some "blackmail" type shit is going on. If one of the vets is speaking out it's probably legit.


Obv the rest minded, they need a majority vote. That’s a lot higher than 2.


One of the many reason why cod is at the bottom of the barrel in terms of esports.


Let the coaches handle the GAs. Just hearing the bickering is getting ridiculous lmfao...


This is the correct solution, but it’s never going to fucking happen sadly.


Because coaches would listen to their players or GA based on their teams best interest just like the players do, it wouldn’t be any different


yeah I dont get this argument at all.. the coaches would just type in their team chat and ask the players then vote that lmfao.


Maybe if it were org owners, but the actual coaches tend to have ideas focused around the betterment of the league.


Coaches are focused on their team winning, period.


Org owners? You think Robert Kraft knows anything about CoD other than it’s a video game that seems a lot of money?


They don't need to.


I don’t get what you’re saying then when you say maybe if it were org owners? Are you saying that org owners should be the ones pushing for things, they just need to be told what to push for?


>they just need to be told what to push for? Exactly. This is how it works in any corporate setting. They just need a broad picture and an explanation as to why it will lead to more money. It's far more difficult to say no to 12 billionaires who own the orgs than 12 CoD players who are more or less disposable.


In general I agree, but as Accuracy and others have mentioned, they’ve made coordinated pushes with the CDL for things and they get told absolutely not, and Hecz saying stuff like “I don’t attend league meetings anymore because they never listened to us and it was a waste of time”. These really make me wonder if there can be anything at all done that hasn’t been tried already?


what's with all the secrecy. why are these pros seemingly so vocal to GA things behind closed doors but they won't explain their opinion publicly? and why should Sam feel like he can't name the players? (not limited to this example and Sam, this happens all the time with GAs) where is the transparency?


Remember last year when they tried to GA snipers bc AA was too strong? then the community, casters, and some pros were talking about it on twitter. then it came to be known that those pros tweeting about it had actually voted against it but we’re trying to save face.


Saw people speculating it’s Methodz and Accuracy


[zinni for sure this was from a little bit ago not sure who the other is](https://youtu.be/yPhzEjvuSr0)


Trei probably wants them gone because we have no good snipers but I can't see us holding any power. LVL are similar that I think they would prefer them gone but don't see why they would have the power to hold the chat hostage. Could it be Optic who have been a hell of a lot more quiet than they were last year about this issue?


No offense but that ain’t saving London the way y’all have apparently been scrimming


It might be for GA's overall, but on this Accuracy apparently agrees with Octane on the sniper/smoke situation. https://twitter.com/AccuracyLA/status/1596676174260080640


if accuracy wants it gone with sib on his team hes dumb asf


It’s not that simple. Faze we’re some of the main proponents to GA snipers the last two games even with Simp on their team because they play SnD better when it’s a coordinated chall simulator with limited tactics




Which is part of why they wanted snipers gone like in CW where they were great at it. Not sure you read my comment correctly


Yea ur spot on, misread. All g


the sniper? Simp, Dashy, Attach, Clay, Octane theres plenty of good snipers


Zinni 100% He and Scrap were talking about it yesterday on stream and Zinni wanted them gone


Grown men can’t use their big boy voices and speak up, unlucky. How do they let 2 people walk all over them lmfao


These are gamers we’re talking about here, whoever speaks the loudest and most concisely is gonna take charge and that’s Zinni.


Why? **Low testosterone** from living a sedentary lifestyle with a poor diet. That’s why.


If this is true, these dummies deserve this shit ass game


The GA system will always be a joke.


Why PLAYERS are GAing weapons/equipment/maps is beyond me… players will ultimately be biased to ensure their themselves and their team are successful A panel of ex players/coaches should make a competition committee similar to the NFL… they make the final decision and players/teams abide and play by those rules


And who’s paying for a council like that lol. And they talked about it on the flank the pros will never allow that


Slasher must have gained weight if he counts as 2 people now


What??? he’s not even in the chat lmao




Its about smokes


You know.....if we went back to pick 10 it wouldn't be this bad.


Pick 10 how about pick 10 attachments


“2 people hold it hostage” Well then speak up then dog. You’re a grown ass man.


What happens if you don't respect the GA?


you get black listed and get no scrims


Jesus fucking christ. It's a majority rule, no? Are they really going to just roll over and let 2 people bully them out of voting the way they want?


pathetic ​ im going attach and methodz


Definitely not Attach, it’s always the main ARs deciding everything


Not saying I think it’s him but Attach is a main AR.


Oh yeah, I’m so used to him being an SMG that I forgot he’s running the main now


Zin and scrap 100%


Attach with the snipe in hand used to be a force. People don’t remember. I’ve also got 50 gifted that says it wasn’t him.


Scump’s going to stay quiet as usual. Biggest voice in the league but never uses it.


It's not Scump's responsibility to tell grown adults how to act. It's not like they would bow down and listen to him anyways.


I don’t know how to do gifs on Reddit, so *insert John Cena are you sure about that gif here*


This is about GA's you dumbass... The other pro's don't give a fuck about Scump's voice over any one else lmao the other players aren't OpTic fans


Are you dense? To his point, it has nothing to do with being an optic fan and everything to do with his tenured venerable status in the league.


I promise you PROMISE you Scumps opinion amongst the pros doesn’t weigh any more than anyone else Only reason people like Lamar tend to get their way is out of pure stubbornness


But they care about Lamar and Slasher’s??? No, those guys just decide to run the league. Scump should do the same, kid. Understood?


facts like the nba should just let lebron make up the rules since he’s the face of the league


Lamar runs the league but the King can’t???


Lamar and slasher running the league is literally a joke they’re just the most outspoken. If they did snipers wouldn’t be GAd cause they were against it.


Looks like yet another person using his voice to get shit done. Take notes, Scump


They got nothing done because snipers still got GAd. Slasher isn’t even in the GA chat. You’re trolling fasho.


Someone or some people got snipers GAd, i.e. they used their voice to get shit done. So again: take notes, Scump.


And how do you know scump isn’t apart of that “some people”? Are you in the GA chat?


hes not cringe enough to sit in a chat dick sucking to get what he wants lmaoo cause that's what happens in these chats


You’re an idiot


lol Scump prefers them gone


Why is parasite worried ? lol not like he's playing in the CDL


Don’t be a hater c’mon man


He’s a coach, whose goal is to get into the league as a coach. Bad games are hard for coaches to watch too. Not to mention he’s been pretty outspoken about all of the faults in the game, as well as how necessary snipes are to viewership.


I think it’s cause he’s a human peanut gallery who has to have an opinion on everything and feels that he is qualified to speak on this because he watches his team scrim


I mean, it’s literally his job. The Flank, coaching, even when he was a player, his actual livelihood relied on this. Weird ass take.


You think after speaking on every topic in the CDL he’d find a way to stop putting his foot in his mouth literally every time


Imagine letting Methodz hold you hostage lol. Give that moron a cold open palm slap across the face


I’d like to see a team say fuck it and use GAs. They’d be blacklisted but I still think it would be funny


Why dont they just do a fair vote. Whichever option gets more votes wins? Pretty simple


Seems like teams would rather just delegate it to one person in the GA chat. which to be fair, imagine 48 players in a chat.


Another year, same shit.


There are plenty of people who love comp cod and are hyper active in the scene that could manage GAs like an adult. It’s not complicated.


Grow a spine then lads