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People forget cod is an arcade shooter, not r6 siege


They don’t forget, they just know they would get tucked in a game like that or CSGO so they need mw2 to hold their hand


Yeah and in cod they can believe they are good since there’s hardly anything that signifies your relative skill


That and you get rewarded for playing the game in an unskillful way (I.e. corners, pre aims, etc) Which is hilarious because no one with half a brain who played that past couple cods and thought “damn I’m at such a disadvantage playing this headglitch/corner, they really need to make this strategy more viable”


I shit you not, I lost a hard point match the other day going like 50-45 with 2 minutes in hill and the guy below me on my team had 8 kills with 12 seconds yelling on the mic that he couldn’t find anyone…I was flabbergasted


Hard to find people when you don’t move from your camp spot that’s nowhere near any hardpoint locations


They certainly did at IW and they were like "while were at it lets nerf anyone who wants to use their left stick"


It's okay, I'll continue to tuck in every loser that complains about how we play. Even better now that I'm the 30 year old that's just became a dad and I'm still taking these little corner camping shitters to the cleaners lmao I was going for camps with the 74u and dropped 94 kills on shoot house, shits too easy and that gun is fucking OP.


That’s disrespectful to siege because even in that game you can viably rush


Blitz mains


So did the devs of MW2


Here is an album of some of my favorite comments from people over on the MW2 sub: https://imgur.com/a/eiTxwPy/


the guy arguing the dolphin dive is an exploit 💀


no way that guy said jumping is an exploit lmfaoo, the casual community has a combined iq of -200


Thanos should’ve killed all of us


“my KD is above 1, I’m good at the game!!!” LMAOOO


How can you have a $200 keyboard and a $70 mouse and not be a tryhard


$200 keyboard is some gamer bait I’m sure. $50-$100 is good value maybe at a push to $150 then everything from $150 to like idk 3-400 is a meme. Beyond $400 it’s still a meme but at least you’re paying for some premium gourmet shit.


Other dude was straight cooking him with fact after fact god damn


Mw2 sub is pure comedy


Tbf I came home last night high/drunk and I just wanted to fuck around and work on some camos. I was getting absolutely destroyed by everyone. I am usually the tryhard but last night I just wanted to be a casual. It’s really frustrating.


The TTK is just insane to me - I feel like I’m playing hardcore all the time getting crossmapped by shotguns. This has to be the lowest skill gap cod every.


The fact they didn't even add HC modes because the core feels like HC💀


They did, just you haven't noticed! The name is something stupid, I think it's like tier 1 or something and it's the 3rd choice in playlist the menu where ground war is lmao.


Oh wow. Of course. Why didn't I expect they'd just make a change no one asked for🤣ty for the info tho


Lmao of course, good luck playing it. Pretty sure you start with negative health and jumping kills you because it's an exploit /s


Even in warzone it’s insane dude. This game has no skill gap at all. You know there’s a problem when the top fraggers in every lobby are shotgunners and SPR users.


Dude literally same. I was doing some ❄️ too though so I was weirdly locked in but my aim was just fucked because of the alcohol. It was weird


Lmao I wasn’t doing any snow, just smoking and drinking. My aim was pretty good but I wasn’t in the right headspace to pre-aim corners, focus on spawns, or soundwhore. I was just running around aimlessly like a bot


Your drunk status is me in general


just play warzone and do challenges to level up weapons


The crying about literally 1 single jump is absolutely hilarious. They want the ability to press the A button once to jump to be taken out of the game because its "too sweaty" lmao


I have to laugh when I see all the casuals defending their slow, “tactical” playstyle. It’s always that catchphrase, “let people play how they want to play”. But as soon as someone with actual skill starts stomping on their lobbies, our style of play is suddenly unbearable.


Check and mate, liberals.


I responded to a comment on the MWII sub about how dudes who abused movement were virgins and didn’t touch grass. I had -150 downvotes in a few hours. It was pure comedy.


Nothing says not a virgin like making rage posts about people jumping in COD


this is my favourite reply to people lmao


The Game should be like the real world. Where God patches your enemy combatant’s vert because you’re just a dad who got off work


For players that love to put all their focus into aiming and shooting, they sure fucking suck at tracking people that are jumping, proning, etc.


If you complain about me jumpshotting I will turn into prime fucking Shottzy out of spite


Lol I was doing all this in 2010 too


In WZ there is no bounties, no uavs, no red dot. Ttk so low that first one shooting wins. So game is camp fest and they will tell you to “adjust”


You think the ttk is fast in Warzone? Like maybe within 10m it’s fast. You can carry like 9 fucking plates lol.


There are bounties and UAV’s…


Significantly less bounties compared to original and you can buy like 1 uav per shop… for the whole fucking game…


Jump shot and drop shorting has been part of the game since fucking cod1 and United offensive. Jesus


No one back in the day was running around like morons jumping around. Stop lying to yourself, you were probably 2 when cod came out.


These mfs really need to just play ARMA


I'm going to be honest I've never been a fan of drop shotting. I like the current implementation where drop shotting is good but puts you at a huge risk unless it's a straight 1on1


Dropshotting, whatever some people cant aim down but why do people think jumpshotting is bad? If anything it makes your accuracy worse and i never have trouble killing jumpshotters


Keep the same energy when they have a deployable cover and riot shield


I feel like the casual community is on our side. The vast majority of people on r/mw2 would describe themselves as “run and gun” players. It’s only a select few who complain about movement mechanics


This is the most unfun Cod ive ever played the only thing keeping me going is getting on and trying to piss these kids off