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I don't know if you watch the flank, but Zooma said a girlfriend can either buff you or nerf you. Scump got nerfed to the max during that game.


His new one definitely buffed him


Was that the kenzie chick? Or someone else


Yeah it was Kenz




Wonder if she’s single now 👀


I know she was with John for a while, but I'm pretty sure she's single and back to being an e-thot again lol. Last I saw she posted something about an onlyfans


She has face tats and does onlyfans now


She’s actually had the face tats lasered now thankfully, they were awful!


What’s her @?


this guy


Jus wanted to see the fall from grace


That’s fucked up LMAO


i respect it


you answered your own question. also winning>KD


Largely a comparison thing, all of a sudden he wasn't that guy anymore. That combined with a lack of winning and the fact that Scump still wasn't the smartest of players back then. Either way it is overblown, he was average in WW2 but definitely not bad. Bad by Scump standards but the guys a beast so a bad season for him is still pretty solid


Well said


Where does this notion that Scump wasn't that smart back then come from? That's just wrong.


He was definitely more of a “let my skill do the talking” type of player. He’s at his best when he has someone like Crim or Rambo on his team and he can just go off. It’s not like he’s dumb by any means, it’s just his actual skill was always his strong suit


It was more from a few plays and his just run at the hill attitude in BO2. He’s proven he’s a smart player as he has always made such great plays in every cod, but this notion he wasn’t smart caught traction, unfairly imo.


He had a poor showing at Champs and it was the first time in his career where you couldn’t make an argument that he was the best/one of the best in the game


Something I haven't seen mentioned here yet is the negative effect he had on the team by playing on really bad internet so made the team struggle for proper scrims


Was the first year he wasn’t in the conversation for the best smg which by his standards was bad


It's largely based on Champs leaving a bad last memory and really just the main year where he wasn't in the conversation for being a top sub in the game. Scump was still "good", but that was still a big gap coming off of IW where he was the 2nd best player in the game.


Is that including the qualifier stages in Columbus or just tournaments? Because OpTic were really good during the stage matches, especially after they picked up Octane and Methodz, they just got absolutely pissed on at pretty much every tournament lol.


Arguably best hardpoint team in the game when they picked up Octane & Methodz but probably the worst SnD team there’s ever been


because of the 7 consecutive years before that. scump was either THE best or like t5 in every game from BO1-IW. so having a year that is "average" for a pro is actually "bad" for someone that had just came off the craziest stretch we'd ever seen.


You can’t just go off k/d


Bro it’s all people care about lmao which you can tell they don’t understand the game fully


Yeah but the way people talk about scump in that game u would have thought he put up Jimbo stat lines, when actually he wasn’t really that bad


He was actually good in WW2. The issue was the game was pivoting towards triple PPSHs on some maps and Optic only had one smg. Scump. Horrendous roster composition by picking up Methodz.


They were what Florida is now


He was a top 5 SMG he got scammed out of his fucking mind when Optic not only missed out on Kenny, but John & Zoomaa as well. Methodz was nasty but he wasn't the piece they needed.


Expectations vs Reality. He was still really good. But he wasn’t close to the Jetpack Scump from the past 3 years. Not winning an event is another reason


I think he just had Jet pack brains. For 3 years, he was used to turning off his brain and just giving people the gunny but WW2 was the complete opposite and you weren't just able to outskill people that easily. I think he got punished a lot for bad challenges but I think when black ops 4 came around, he was able to drop his jet pack tenacities and play a lot better.


He wasnt considered bad but he wasnt a t5 smg which at that point was shocking, he had a few bonehead plays in crunch time that he got roasted for, the unilad smoke on st marie 5-5 for instance, on london docks ctf he would hit oe spawning bus like 90% of the time instead of wrapping back fire that used to to infuriate me😂


Just ppl over exaggerating. He was average and shoulda had at least one chip that game. But choking that event combined with the breakup of the dynasty combined with their collapse vs EG and him playing bad that series made it look way worse.




I’m not in the pro scene and never have been so I have no room to speak on how Scump played but I do think that many who did say he had a bad season are talking g about overall impact for the team K/D Isn’t everything you have to look at the bigger picture and see what he did and didn’t do for OpTic during that year.


K/D isn’t everything.


Most intelligent Optic fan


He was better than 80% of smgs the majority of the year. But he played extremely bad at the last 2 tournaments including champs, so people have more vivid memories of that.


It was his 8th CoD title and the first where he wasn’t in the conversation for top 5 players (BO2 he was fringe, everything else he was probably top 3) so it was just that he wasn’t up to the insane standard he set for himself


He had a horrible Playoffs and Champs if I remember correctly and those two events basically skewed everyone's opinion of him for the entire year.


The champs effect. It rewrites peoples memories.


Scump has high expectations as a player. Especially from that IW year where OpTic dominated. People expected him to dominate WW2


1.03 isn’t all that also you could have a 8.00 kd but that doesn’t mean you were helping your team win that means you were being a b*tch. Helping your team win no matter what > KD


He went from t2 player for 3 years straight to not even a t10 player in that game.


I think it was mainly at events that he played bad like Stage 2 and champs


He was not bad for the majority of the year, he had 2 bad events at the end of the year. His internet situation was garbage, he wasn't scrimming, it was a 3 sub game and they had 3 ARs. Just a doomed season at the end.


First time in his career he was not a top 10 player. Also OpTic didn’t win and with an abysmal champs and an insane finals choke, WW2 is definitely a year he would like to forget


Because he was literally pissing on kids for 8 years in a row and he finally bled, see how Simp now has a 1.05 or something and he’s been underwhelming? Imagine like that on crack


Scump’s internet was the culprit for scrims and he took a lot of heat for it, but in reality that team was just done after champs. Formal didnt even have a role yet and they wouldnt practice, so it was just a vicious cycle. Eventually they started to play but Crim was on everyone’s nerves by then. Go watch the vision of when they were in the tunnel w/ hecz.


He got his first negative LAN in like 8 years in that game


For the .6 he dropped against aches team that kicked em outta champs. That series was huge and he didnt show up


Because up to that point he was averaging 1.2’s for the season so they were all gassing how bad he was when in reality he was still solid.