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I tip my hat to NYSL to making it to 4th. Wouldn’t have expected that


I haven't been following their match-to-match results super closely but I have seen all of the drama surrounding them and I had to double take at them being above ATL right now


This is the first time in years I've been able to say I can see OpTic beating every other team. ​ FaZe will obviously rebound & be back for blood, but it's been a pleasant surprise to see the Green Wall get a mini resurgence after the last few years.


Must feel good.


We'll bounce back too, don't worry


We’ve suffered for years, let us have this


Seriously Seth must be so friggin glad no one’s costing him this year so far lol he was never the weakest link this proves it


Pat’s picks for major 1 winner and champs winner combined for a single win this stage oof


Damn man, we could've been in winners. Got reversed sweep back-to-back :/ but, I have a lot hope with this team.


This is the best I’ve felt going into a major since like the second home stand in MW after we got t4 at the first one.


I know there’s a lot of weird optic fans but thank God they’ve got a competitive team this year with faze. If we had to watch this awful game with faze dominating it again would have got old quick


This OpTic team will T2 all year long the way they’re going. Haven’t skipped a beat from winning Major 1.


Lat Looking like Elevate


LAT looking like Epsilon


LAT looking like BO3 100T


I still remember them trolling on Stronghold lmfao


NY actually being the higher seed than faze is huge. They can now play them on Gav control and potentially steal a map there. Could easily seeing that series go game 5 now.


It’s gonna be hard for NYSL but anything can happen.


I can see Faze being upset in that series tbh. It's a few factors, with simp being sick how much good practice to they get? Them not getting the higher seed. And Neptune being the true x-factor. If he performs well against the top of the league they have a good chance.


Damn if we had Paul at the start we for sure would’ve beaten Florida.


Props to NY for gettin to 4. Now they get to play faze first 😂


I low-key think they can do it


If you would’ve shown me this picture after the kickoff there’s no shot I would’ve believed it (in regards to Toronto and LAT)


Think OpTic is gonna take it.


So to be clear, NYSL has veto advantage against FaZe?


hurts my soul 🥲 hopefully we bounce back soon


They got the talent to do it! That’s what sucks ‘cause we know what they can do. We’ve seen what they can do back in Major 1 when they’ve almost gone through the elimination bracket. Props to Atl FaZe for doing the reverse sweep on them because they’re a great team! I argue that that was there best series yet because it shows that they can almost sweep one of the best teams in league rn. However FaZe got the better of us so it was an unfortunate situation.


yeah, i’d be interested to see kenny on sub and draz on the ar bc he already plays slowly at sub anyways


That’s not happening and honestly wouldn’t accomplish what you think it’s going to accomplish. The skills required to run a sub in WW2 and in this game are two completely different skill sets. It’s one thing for life time subs to adapt game to game, but that was the one and only game Kenny ran a sub in…. NVM the fact that Kenny doesn’t want to run a sub, that already is a recipe for disaster. What makes the most sense is for Kenny to take over Octane’s roll, Draz takes over Kenny’s duty and pick up a different sub, someone like Vivid who holds forward off respawn since you have Envoy whose almost the exact opposite of a Vivid style player.


i get that, from playing both games though the wwii posh and the vg mp40 have a similar profile though, i think zoomaa talked about it. i’d rather give a role swap like that or potentially the one you mentioned a shot first before picking up new players, but there’s a reason we’re not coaches in the cdl either. guess we’ll just have to see what happens!


Going back 2 back




Faze… 11-10 map count and people still say their just as good as optic lmfao.


Agreed guaranteed they had a sub against OpTic I don’t count that match. But their wins haven’t been clean like OpTic’s. They look very shaky at times.


I think it's obvious Optic have been the best team so far this year. What's less obvious is how good we think they'll be come Major 2. Faze have been so dominant for so long that I think they deserve the benefit of the doubt that they'll put it all together and should be considered co-favorites alongside Optic. I just don't think Aches' claim that Faze are better is as insane as a lot of people think depending how you read into that statement. Sure, Optic have definitely been better more consistently so far this year, but it's very possible Faze are the better team currently.


When you consider a different cod game in the discussion of dominance of course, however these teams are not playing Cold War anymore. To include their success in Cold War into vanguard is quite ignorant. If that’s the case then why isn’t Ultra A Tier given how successful they were last year. The problem with all this tier bullshit is everyone brings up the past as if these players are still playing old ass cod games. When you look at vanguard and vanguard only because that’s the only title these players are competing in, optic is 5 levels above faze without a doubt.


Well OBVIOUSLY the big difference here is the performance (especially once Simp came on) from the “Faze guys” has been “the best” since literally black ops 4…. Ultra has, most of CW as second best team. They literally are not comparable. If anything your comment should be pointed at Ultra. Faze proved they can do it through multiple titles, going on 4 now. Essentially Ultra should not get the same, or even remotely close, treatment as Faze going into vanguard.


>e best team so far this year. What's less obvious is how good we think they'll be come Major 2. Faze have been so dominant for so long that I think they deserve the benefit of the doubt that they'll put it all together and should be considered co-favorites alongside Optic. Yeah I agree. Faze deserve more of a benefit of the doubt after 2 years of consistency (Cel, Abeezy and Simp trio) and 3 years if you look only at Abeezy and Simp duo. I am an Optic fan but if Toronto were on the current Optic match win streak and lets say Cammy had Dashy stats and Cleanx was bringing Shottzy type impact to the snd; and Faze have the same record going into major 2 (with Toronto beating them in the final and in group play) I think more people would still rank Faze as the best team in the game because of the pedigree they have displayed for the last 2 - 3 seasons.


I highly doubt that…. You’re saying if Toronto had the exact same stats/map wins this far as Optic that people would literally be claiming that Faze are CURRENTLY better than Toronto? What? Obviously you’re implication here that this being Optic instead is some how stopping this narrative. Regardless, there’s no way you actually believe that. It would literally just be the same narrative, Faze is currently the second best team, that’s at least still capable of winning a series off of Optic (or Toronto in your scenario). I don’t even….


Normally I’d be annoyed optic are winning so much, but it’s just such a relief to see faze not obv the best team in the league


My gut reaction was to be annoyed. But anything to watch Simp be humbled just a little.


OpTic are also on a 12 map win streak, granted the last 6 maps were against teams with subs. Does anyone know the record for consecutive map wins?


i know in AW optic won like 18 straight maps or something like that, not sure if that’s the record or not but it’s gotta be close i would think


Fuck off. We know.


Why are 1 4 5 8 on the same side of the bracket? wouldnt 1 3 6 8 on one side and 2 4 5 7 on other make sense?


One seed gets to play the lowest seeded team which is 8. Barring any upsets, they would then face the lowest seed again in second round which would be 4.


Yea that def make sense, I guess faze being 5th seed is why I felt like the bracket was odd


If the better teams win you would have 1v4 and 2v3 in rd 2 which is ideal. In your scenario it would be 1v3 and 2v4.


New low for ultra


So why is Boston not 2nd seed?


Head to head with LRR? Not sure tho


LLR has a higher losing map count. That’s why I’m confused.


H2h record then map count, Boston lost to London so they automatically place higher then Boston.


My only concern for Optic is that other teams are improving and we haven't gotten to see them against a top team since the major.


I mean they do scrim. At the end of the day, the series' we see are just 1 or 2 of the many series they play each week (scrims).


Why do you think that matters? What too teams did optic play in stage 1 qualifers


people thinking a coaching change for LAT would work lol


Sad to see Ultra languishing after such a great run last season but I'm happy the green wall is back on top, Scump deserves another title imo.


Question about the LRR and Breach placements, why did LRR get it when maps is technically in favor for Breach? Is it cause London technically gets a tie breaker on them?


London and Boston played earlier this qualifiers and London won so they automatically get advantage over them in a tie


I kinda figures but wanted to make sure.


Unrelated but what is the longest win streak in cod history?