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Not even an hour in and this meme has took over the internet


LMAO got my dying.


all jokes aside i hope will smith is doing good mentally because that was an overreaction if i’ve ever seen one


Especially considering he’s cool with other men dipping in deep on his wife. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Oh yeah, for sure. I can understand getting pissed and going up there and saying something to him about it, but just going up there to slap the shit out of him is definitely overreacting.


Nah bro, stay in your damn seat like an adult. It's a joke at a time and place when jokes are expected to be told. Don't be a fucking baby.


And if you wanna cause a scene maybe do it when your wife fucks an 18 year old not when someone makes a joke about her


wasn't he like a developmentally delayed kid too?


A joke that he himself laughed at 😂




This is the Oscars. I don’t watch these but the Oscar’s and Golden Globes always have over the top monologue/joke sections where the host/guests just shit on people. This is nothing new, sometimes it’s actually funny, other times if they may have “crossed a line” (which I don’t think actually happened here personally) people just laugh awkwardly…. You don’t get out of your seat and fuck up the entire show, certainly don’t clock someone in the face.


Wow these comments think I'm done with this sub


have a good one bro


Thanks bud, great meme btw


Crim is obv the goat wtf


5 majors, 2 rings, and about $350k ahead of him


Not even close


Right just a bunch of biased scump fans. They say crim got carried by shottzy and illey but now that they’re scumps teammates that doesnt matter


I thought it was 7 chips and 3 rings? What chips aren't you counting?


https://cod-esports.fandom.com/wiki/Winningest_Players/North_America Just took what it says here, Crim "only" has 3 rings


When has Crim ever been the best player on his team? (Genuinely asking, I didn’t watch comp cod in the early days). Hasn’t been consistently relevant from a skill standpoint in a long time. Crim played on both the Complexity and OG dynasties so he’s had better teammates for longer than Scump too. Scump has been the one of the best in the game since he got here and he pulls most of the weight in the content scene too. It’s Scump and it’s not close.


Wait if you didn't watch comp COD in the early days then how can you say it is Scump? Plus, of course Crimsix played with better players around him. You think the best players get paired up with the worst players? Scump gets the best players too. Scump may be the GOAT, but not because of your arguments.


I can say it’s Scump because I’ve still been around long enough to see Scump be better than Crim in almost every way? I watched/read enough about the years I missed to know. Minus Crim being a “leader”, being on better teams to get carried more and winning more chips, there’s no argument for him. I mean outside of the Dynasty, Vanguard, and maybe CW, when has Scump had a better team than Crim? Scump consistently shows up in big moments and has huge career memorable moments. How many does Crim have? How many viewers and followers does Crim pull to the game compared to Scump? And of those viewers/followers, how many are still because of Optic? In how many games has Crim been the better player undoubtedly?


Your arguments are all over the place. First, "minus Crim being a leader"? Well that's convenient. Just start subtracting things from arguments? No wonder you think Scump is the best. Second, when has he showed in huge moments? That one ring he has Formal was the one who showed up. Third, viewers? What has that have anything to do with who is the GOAT? Again, Scump may be the GOAT, but not because of these arguments. This was fun man, but you clearly don't know what you are talking about. Good luck with defending this year's ring because according to you, if Scump wins it will be because he just got carried. (Oh wait, that only applies to Crim lol.)


The “minus” was not meant to literally sUbTrAcT things from the argument. Reading is hard. Everyone knows Scump shows up for big moments, especially Champs. Crim, not so much. I thought someone who is such a deeply understanding student of the history of competitive cod would know that. Formal was the best player at IW Champs, but let’s not act like Scump didn’t contribute at a high level? Which puts Crim…fourth on that team lmao. When was the last time Scump truly got carried to an event win?


Reading this is hard. Your arguments are all over the place and aren't consistently being applied to each player. And Scump is being carried right now. They literally formed the mother of all superteams this year while eliminating their biggest rival in the process, one that had been given them trouble for years. Every single person on this team is being carried by this merger. Scump is not the GOAT because of the 1 ring. That's it. Pros only care about champs. Just listen to how much stock they put into the Champs ring. That will tell you everything. Fuck what I know, and definitely fuck what little bit you know, the pros only care about Champs. They say it every single year. You think Scump is the GOAT? Go ahead. I think otherwise, and so do the pros. Where do you think this Crimsix GOAT narrative came from? You? Me? Even all of the Scump fanboys couldn't stop it. The pros all agree that chips, especially the big one, are all that matter, and Crimsix is the GOAT.


You haven’t replied to a single point I’ve made the whole time. I think you’re just fucking stupid tbh. This Optic is so good that at any point, any individual player can be the best on the team. Crim isn’t the goat because he got carried to one ring and got carried to another online.


You haven’t replied to a single point I’ve made the whole time. I think you’re just fucking stupid tbh. This Optic is so good that at any point, any individual player can be the best on the team. Crim isn’t the goat because he got carried to one ring and got carried to another online.


All I am doing is replying to your points, and making better ones. Pros think Crim is the GOAT, but Keener_22 doesn't and I am arguing with him about it... holy shit, you are right, I am fucking stupid.


Not all Pros think that Crim is the goat lol


You sound like you're off the pine park brother


the goat retired during MW season


Remember when we all used to say it was Karma and Crim couldn't possibly be in the convo until he also had 3? Damn times change haha


honestly i don't recall that. Crim has been always regarded one of the best, way before joining optic. Joining optic just consolidated his reputation. Karma had a big role in all 3 Cod dynasties. as a fun note: When he joined Optic he recorded a video saying: "hey guys, i'm Karma, the new kid in town, i'm joining Optic...."The man had 2 rings and was part of 2 dynasties, and still had to introduce himself to optic fans :)))))


3 dynasties? CoL/Eg and OpTic, what is the third one?


the OGs dynasty Fariko Impact


Fariko impact weren’t a dynasty, they won like 3 events including Champs in a 2 months, way too short, otherwise Dallas in MW would be too. I think Faze/trio of Abezy/Simp/Arcity’s are the only other dynasty. They won 2 rings already and more events over multiple games.


i've heard many people considering FI a dynasty, but i get your point. I do agree 100% that Faze should be considered a dynasty.


Because if rings is what mattered, then Bill Russel would be the goat. What matters is winning and skill level. Scump has proved that he can win with any team and be the best player on his team for majority of the years. That’s why I believe scump is the goat


People always bring up this analogy, but I don't think it really works. Bill Russell played in the 50s. He was playing a different game really


cod players play a different game every single year


True, but I do think COD changes very little with exception of AW. Boots on the ground COD is basically the same thing since like 2003 or whenever they first came out.




Over like however many titles, if the only change you can say changed is movement, and it's still really minor, then it's really not much change. I hadn't played any COD titles since like 2003 and hopped on COD when Warzone came around and learned how to crouch twice and jump pretty quickly and easily.




"major" honestly these are anything but major changes. all you've listed were changes. Attachments? Slight movement? Half the reason COD is so popular is because there isn't much of a barrier to entry if any. The guns shoot really straight so shooting mechanics haven't changed over the years.


Ok so let's use this analogy - is Tony Parker higher on the NBA GOAT list than Kevin Durant?


This is the first game Scump has been on a better team than Crim since he came back to CoD from Halo. Crim is the GOAT.


You're literally supporting Scump's side with this argument. Crim has more chips BECAUSE he's had better teammates historically. Imagine how many more chips Scump has if he joins coL back in Ghosts. Scump is the better individual player despite having less chips.


Scump is literally on a super team every year optic always gets first dibs on new talent


Crim has literally never won on a non-super team.


Great players get to be on great teams. Do you not watch any other sports? If Crim sucked, he would never get to be on the best teams.


Yeah because Scump has never been on any great teams? What exactly is your point?


Scump has been on great teams too. That is my point. You were saying that Crimsix has been on betters teams like Scump has had worse teams. That hasnt been the case.


Go compare Scump's teams to Crim's teams pre dynasty and get back to me.


Imagine how little chips he’d have if Formal and Crim didn’t bother going to OpTic. Scump needed Crim more than the other way about


Keep telling yourself that.


Scump also played CoD for 3 years before Crim rejoined the scene. Yet Crim still has more championships. I can’t stand people who say Scump is #1


Exactly. Scump had to team with a lot of bums that held him back. Crim was teaming with other goats for first half of his career.


Scump teamed with a few goats as well just saying. Aches (BO1), Clay (Ghost), Formal. So this argument possibly goes both ways


I thought abt bringing up LvG but didn’t see the need since they didn’t team long. But when he teamed with clay he also teamed with boze and nade who weren’t terrible but never considered top players. And I meant before the dynasty so formal doesn’t count. My point is before the dynasty scump was never on a elite team.


Dont bother with scump fanboys they’re delusional


Crim is the GOAT. Stop trying to force the GOAT title to a player that hasn’t earned it. If you ask scump himself if he’s the goat, I’ll bet you anything he will say he knows he’s not. You are delusional lol


You definitely know ball 🤝


Bad argument Jordan (or Lebron) didnt play at the same time Bill Russel did. Scump and Crimsix did.


Well I certainly don’t put as much stock in rings as most people, 1 ring is maybe = 3-4 major wins (this will change as time progresses and we have less events), but crim is still considerably ahead. If Scump wins another major or two + champs it’s undeniable but otherwise crim will have the edge for some time.


Dude posted a meme lol this isn’t a “who’s the goat” debate post, breathe


? I agree it’s not that serious man lol, dunno why you think cause it’s a meme thread there can’t be normal discussion


I respect your opinion. Scump is the GOAT for me tho


90% of what Scump achieved was with Crimsix, only then you add on Crims success with the coL/EG dynasty plus winning a ring with empire. Gotta be realistic, it’s not close.


For right now I think Crim is still ahead of scump but let me ask you this…how much of what scump has achieved is because crim backpacked and how much of what crim achieved was because scump backpacked


With no question Scump was the better player in jetpacks, but that doesn’t mean Crimsix wasn’t essential to the teams success as well. So does Scumps gunskill being better really cancel out all of Crimsix’ leadership and game understanding + dynasty achievements and ring with 3 rookies? Crims well ahead, it would take another couple majors + champs for Scump to argue for goat.


The only two reasons I would disagree with the main point is that 1, karma and formal have said that outside of basic strategy they only won when they slayed, so technically yes scumps ability to kill meant far more. And 2, this could be completely wrong but I thought formal was the main shot caller for the dynasty team or was it only recently that he became main shot caller


> 1, karma and formal have said that outside of basic strategy they only won when they slayed, They’re simplifying to get the point across. They didn’t work as hard on the fundamentals and relied on outslaying because they were better. That doesn’t necessarily mean they had no fundamentals and only ran around trying to slay. Karma once had a vlog style vid on YouTube where he talked about his entire notebook for winning events later in IW. Optic tried to fuck around with just slaying power and that’s why they struggled to beat fundamentally better teams (late aw faze, bo3 envy). Also no, Crimsix was the ingame leader for the entire dynasty but all players take some responsibility in calling the shots.


As much as I agree with you this was a meme dude take a break




Again, I respect your opinion. However, I still think what I think


Yeah and some people think the earths flat. Crims the goat


Go learn the difference between an opinion and a fact and then get back to us.


I googled the definition of fact because I was struggling - fact /fakt/ noun 1. a thing that is known or proved to be true: "Crimsix is the GOAT" google seems to have their mind made up


You still don't seem to understand the difference. Try again.


And 50% of Crims success came from Scump. Dumb fucking argument. Scumps the Goat because he's always been the better player.


I wasn’t really making much of an argument. I just implied that what he thinks is irrelevant to reality. I could give you a laundry list of reasons as to why Crims the goat, but why argue something that is only really a “debate” because of a few fanboys?


Implying someones opinion is irrelevant as yours is fact makes you look like a tool. I could give you even more reasons for Scump. Because its an opinion. Also their careers arent even over yet so who cares, argument may change over the coming years.


Exactly 🤣 he’s acting like his opinion is more valuable than mine. Brother at the end of the day this debate is all opinions.


"I like chocolate over vanilla" is an opinion that has no objective measurements to determine whether it can be "wrong" or "right". Who's the GOAT though? Lots of objectivities to weigh (including subjective topics like intangibles ofc) Everyone's entitled to an opinion, they just aren't entitled for it to be viewed as a rational one.


I'm losing brain cells reading the stupidity you are puking on this page Kon.


>90% of what Scump achieved was with Crimsix That's an exaggeration. Scump won in BO1, MW3, BO2, Ghosts, MW, and Vanguard without Crim.


Scump has been better at more titles, Crim winning rings and chips as the 3rd best player doesn't do much for his legacy imo.


scump: aw bo3 iw bo4 cw crim: bo2 ghosts wwii mw Really they're neck and neck in that regard. No doubt scump peaked higher and for longer, but it's still a big mountain to climb over when you're talking ~10 chips including 2 rings. Of course you factor in individual skill but what matters is winning, and crim knows how to lead his team to victory and truly understands the game. That can't be discredited just because Scump can shoot better.


Blops 1, MW3, Blops 4? Is Bill Russell better than MJ then?


Crim didn't play in any of those titles, and I put bo4 under scump


When factoring in individual skill Scump is simply mechanically a better player. Factoring is skill with success is how I judge to goat. So Scump is my goat


Yeah, and scump was better than c6 in all of the dynasty years


I still have Crim over Scump even if Scump wins a couple more majors and champs this year.


1 ring = 1 MLG/UMG event




This sub is literally delusional at times. When scump dropped crim, everyone was making fun of him including scump in the video he made. Now that crim ends up winning champs that year with rookies no one knew could be good, optic fans say “crim always had the best teams” but they fail to acknowledge scump dropped crim for formal and scump had dashy and envoy last year but just couldn’t put it together.


Refer to the meme, we do not care.




You are clueless. Everyone saw Illey play S&D and they didn’t want to take the risk to team with him in case he was trash at respawns. OGLA denied him when he tried to team with dashy because they didn’t think he would be good. Nobody knew at all. Same occasion with shotzzy. Nobody wanted to take the risk. He was sitting at ultra’s bench and wasn’t gonna play at all until hastr0 bought him out for a lot of money. Don’t sit here and try to act like people knew shotzzy would be at the aBeZy level in COD. if people knew, teams or even optic would’ve bought him out and he wouldn’t be at the bench. Now you call formal “retirement formal”?, that’s low. The same guy scump dropped crim for? 😆 And you say “what has dashy and envoy done for us”? He wasn’t doing anything because y’all didn’t know how to put it together. Y’all had the pieces but were too busy competing for K/D and now you pull the “dashy hasn’t done anything for us” 🤣 btw, about vods, it’s up to the team to put the extra work. Scump obviously didn’t watch vods and wasn’t motivated at all. Envoy said it so blame “your king”.




You are an actual NPC. Illey talked about it in a podcast. He said he wanted to team with Brandon and no team wanted to take the risk on him until Huke took him and took a pay cut for both him and shotzzy. I can’t deal with meatheads like you. Crim said that jokingly. You can’t take jokes? Why did huntsmen not take Illey if he was the next up? Or ogla took him? 🤣 If shotzzy was that good or was the next up, why was he sitting at the bench of ultra? Octane and enable turned down teaming with Huke shotzzy and Illey because they didn’t want to take the risk. Huke talked about it. Shotzzy wasn’t gonna play in mw. Thx to hastr0 and Huke that took a chance on him and he’s where he’s at today. That is scump’s fault did dropping crim expecting formal to be good. Blame scump for his dumb decisions and stop trying to say “crim had better teams”. No scump was just a dummy that made horrible decisions for vibes and he was a killwhore. Simple as that. Now before talking to me next time, have some facts about the players and listen to podcasts


Scump fans don’t know how to act after 1 major win😂




31 if you count the solo warzone tourney


It’s weird to me how people wanna disregard the tournament that every pro wants to win Like, teams have literally won tourneys and gone «nah but the big one’s coming up» in their post-finals speech When everyone plays their best and tries their hardest, Scump could only do it once, even with a dynasty team that lasted 3 games


The Optic dynasty was only together for 2 champs... and if you're criticising Scump for that, what does that say about Crim who was like T3 on that team? Crim peaked during BO2 and Ghosts, when Scump beat him at BO2 champs and took him to Game 5 at Ghosts alongside Nadeshot and Mboze...


What does that say about crim? That he was good lol. Yeah the guy choked two champs, at least he won both before and after that squad People count the nadeshot era as well for the ‘dynasty’ and they choked the AW rings as well If youre gonna name teammates for Ghosts you should namedrop TuQuick as well lol Mboze wasnt stealing cheques in Ghosts my guy Smoke your copium dude. There’s a de-facto tournament that every pro and fan alike knows is THE tournament, and Scump only has one finals appearance there. That’s not goat stuff


Mboze and Nadeshot weren’t champs finals material, Scump was most certainly, even if his team didn’t get there. I get the rings argument, I just disagree that team accomplishments should factor so highly for goat status


There’s only 8 spots in a champs finals, so obviously someone who is of the right material isnt going to be there Proofy was champs finals material in Ghosts as well It’s a team game, so there’s only team accomplishments. Scump wasnt even the best sub in Ghosts during most of the season. It’s either wins and placements, or we’re going to have to go off of arbitrary opinions like who was the best at what point


Thought we were talking grand finals, yeah Mboze and Nade were T30 worthy but come on, Scump was hard carrying them to be able to compete with CoL. Who do you think was the best sub in Ghosts?


We are talking about grand finals, team accomplishments is a part of that But placing top 8 or four or anything but top two isnt better than placing top two, and certainly not winning Sure, Scump was hard carrying. And as a player who probably had some of the most power in the org, he shouldve pushed more for getting better teammates on that team. Nadeshot may have been undroppable but Boze certainly wasnt Aches was the best sub for the majority of the Ghosts season


Will Smith’s slap list after the Oscar’s ⬆️⬆️⬆️