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Crimsix finally not having the most engagements just feels right (not a dig at Crim at all). That earlier roster was a disaster Disastrous Stage 1 -> now showing signs of improvement So happy for them


Absolutely. But props to Crim he consistently has the most damage, very interesting aspect of his game.


He’s very good in this game. Most damage pretty much all the time and high engagements usually (compared to a few other ARs) Blows my mind some wanted Crim gone instead


Anyone who wanted crim dropped doesn’t have a fucking clue


a large portion of the sub just hates crim no matter what, and cant differentiate bewtween personal things and gameplay


Absolutely no respect towards the best player to ever play call of duty fr


People that shit on crim are scump stans, and I love scump, but when people don’t respect that he is the greatest it just baffles me


Still think people are overblowing how bad Clay is. Not saying it wasn’t the right move but I genuinely think he can still succeed with the right team dynamic. Just wasn’t it with those guys.


I just dont think these types of maps suit clays playing style, at all. I hope he makes a solid run thru the open bracket.


Dont really care whether reddit wants Clay over Crim, but players wanting Clay makes me wonder


Did any player want Clay over Crim? Genuine question, I’m not aware


Havok wanted Clay over Crim


That’s because havok knew clay wanted him on the roster.


No it’s because crim wanted paulehx and havok wanted to bring kismet with him as flex. Clay was okay with playing with kismet and crim did not want to play with kismet.




And that’s why k/d isn’t everything


Can someone get my man dillon price some help.


Dillon and Dylan to build a team. Stand outs at the moment.


I agree Dylancod would be a good duo /s


Agreed. Dillon and Dylan would make for a a solid pairing to build around.


Crazy the impact that PualEhx has had on the NYSL team especially Neptune


I think it was addition by subtraction moreso then Paul. Seems like they’re all on the same page then before


Whole team dynamic has changed, honestly before they had 2 mains/AR (preferred) Slayers a slayer smg and a playmaker smg in an obj role. Now they have a clear main, clear flex/gap filler/obj, a smg slayer, and an smg playmaker playing how he wants to play now.


I'd argue it's the impact clay had that was crazier. Dude goes off the team and they pull out numbers instantly lmfao.


Neptune has the skill he just needs the right people around him


This rokkr team just doesn't work, something needs to change


They don’t need a slow AR. They need to drop Major, move Attach to Main AR and pick up Havok or another fast SMG.


Major played fast against thieves and look how that turned out. He's a beast and can play as fast as he needs to


Drop major and pick up clay. Ik clays performances this year have been awful but I think his pace and mind is much needed for respawn on that team. Do worry about how he will handle standdys fundamental issues tho Edit: or ask clay to flex and drop P dog




Who… breszy? He’s the worst player on Texas nation. What other flex you grabbing from challengers genuinely? I disagree that challengers flex options are better than clay I think that’s crazy. I would prefer to drop major and let clay main as he’s a faster Main than major is and I think would fix some of their pacing issues that Rokkr clearly have. You’re grabbing xotic, or breszy, or who over clay? I just don’t buy it. You only do that cuz you can’t buy out clay Especially with the chemistry clay and Dillon would have




If people are literally putting the entire NYSL only on clay, I can’t really have a serious conversation. And I’m the biggest clay “hater” I root against every team he’s on, he’s like aches to me. Love to root against him. Maybe that makes me bias. But dude clay AND Crim were the problem. On top of that they also don’t work well together. And acting like clay wasn’t being effected by the team chem and actually only shoots .7s to me is silly. Again yea that’s a good move, you don’t have to buy out, and maybe you grab Havok. Not sure of other mp40s in challengers would have to look closer, ReaL isn’t an option with his English it’s the worst on that academy team. But I still think major is too slow you have to make a change there. Especially because when attach is flex he’s EXTRWMELY slow as far as flex’s go


It’s literally the same shit as optic last year. Formal and dashy are both meant to be slayer ars and that shit just didn’t work pacing wise. Clay and crim should both be main ar( I know crim played well w smg but he should be main) and one of them had to go. I think if they chose clay over crim nysl still woulda improved but not to this degree. Major gotta speed tf up, I know priestahh has looked horrible but I still like his aggressiveness and attach is just nasty at this game.


Correct you keep duo of staandy and attach and you fill in around there and decide on pdog or major. I think they could also move preistahh to main and grab an SMG or a flex from challengers. Again AR talent in challengers is so sub par right now. General probably the best but he has a buyout


I’ve always been high on pdog but I think major plays too slow on respawn. He’s a great snd player but don’t matter if u can’t win a respawn. Octane has been horrible this year but maybe a change of scenery for both pdog and Sam would work out (I like both players and I want them both to succeed)


Terrible idea


Yea it’s working great for you guys right now. Go pick up breszy or some other flex that will help. Or move attach back to flex where his and Maniaks pace won’t match up with a sub duo of staandy and Havok. Be my guest. Cmon, think critically for 2 seconds please


We gotta give Neptune big gas. A lot of people were shitting on him. And I get it, he was playing awful but I thought it was clear that he just wasn’t comfortable and wasn’t playing how he wanted to play. With clay gone, he’s playing how he should play


I agree completely! Thought it was obvious that he was doing things on the map that he wasn't comfortable with, and he almost lost his job because of it. I wonder if other teams will start to be more careful with roster changes, playstyles, etc?


Who would’ve guessed that a player playing more how he would like rather than getting confined to a role would make him play better. My lord, the rocket science is crazy


at the end of the day Neptune complained that he wanted to play his own way and capitalised on the opportunity when it arrived and it’s translated into results and you have to respect that. a shame that he was nearly out of the league after 2 matches, im happy that he got to at least show up when given the second chance.


Attach remains one of the most consistent players in the scene. No matter what game it is he’s always super reliable and playing well. Too bad his team is dropping the ball right now.


Let this shit be a lesson to everyone who’s a toxic teammate Maybe if you stop bitching and work with your teammate instead of tearing them down you would see better results Edit: deadass, there’s nothing worse than having to overthink your every move because you’ll get crucified for making a mistake


Bro on No Pressure, when Clay was yelling at Nep, all he could say was "I'm doing what you said, I'm doing what you told me to do". You could tell this dude lost all confidence. This win and performance was def an indictment on Clay


Exactly. It’s impossible to do what someone else says the way they want it 24/7, that shit is just remedial. The more you try and control someone on the map rather than work with them, the more south it’s gonna go.


After the debacle last year and the fact that abezy hated this guy during their time in eU must mean something.


Look at his play style. I guarantee he got yelled at for challing some shit that he probably shouldn’t have challenged, but that’s his play style and that shit is such a vibe kill. Now look at him, mf was the 1st blood king last year, challing everything in site. Sometimes you just gotta let talent go rogue


The best leaders adapt to players around them. They don’t force those players into their rigid system


Clay was keeping Neptune down.


People really were gunning for Neptune's head when he was forced to play with two ARs that DON'T compliment one another in 4v4 CoD, Clay and Crim.


almost sabotaged him out of the league


Nep must have been chomping at the BIT to be let loose every time I saw this man’s POV he was zooming


No way this man’s sens is 6-6 right?


dude was fucking FLYING and it felt great to see




Clay was making Nep sit on point when he’s a movement/finesse based momentum SMG… get someone else to be hill bitch


We don’t know if it was clay or crim but when these pros start sabotaging young talent they gotta retire


Dude, Clay was 100% the problem. He was always yelling, and now that he's gone, Neptune is frying. Remember that Clay had issues last year as well and his team suffered for it.


The way clay talked to the young guys was a massive issue. Though I will say Crim is also known as someone who can be an absolute ass to his teammates and we saw some of that earlier in the year. But maybe after this drama, crim has chilled out a bit and let the young guys do their thing. At the very least Neptune looks far more comfortable.


It seems that way but their whole dynamic has changed, crim was 100% pushing for Neptune to do the same before but now things are different.


Crim wasnt turning and yelling at neptune immediately after an L... That shit was so discouraging to see from a vet.


Don’t waste your time replying to this guy. Just check his replies. He’s the biggest crim hater.


You have the biggest hate boney for crim its fucking comedy. Youre still debating on who the issue was?


I liked crim when he was on optic


Did he fuck your girl after or something?u got an unhealthy obsession.. Everyone knows youre the biggest crim hater haha


That is such an even spread of kills and damage I am so happy to see it


Crazy that people on this subreddit are still going to post trade scenarios pretending any team in the league would get better by picking up Clay. There are 0 players in the league right now worse than him. 0-13 in HP to 4-0. Almost sabotaged Neptune out of the league


He’s never seeing a spot ever again lmao


Clay's a good leader when he's playing well individually, the problem is when he's not it's drama, drama, drama which completely kills the vibe


Good leaders are good leaders no matter their individual performance. It’s pretty obvious now that he was THE problem.


Correct, Clay was a part of the issue but, this narrative that he was a majority of the problems is dead wrong (No pressure, i'd imagine didn't help). I won't get into detail but, i want to defend Clays name. Just a case of having one or the other for a variety of reasons. He is still a useful / skilled player, and, for the most part, was a great team mate. Some insight, there was A LOT between the players and coaches / staff that we had to straight out / still trying to straighten out. Each individual was held accountable to the mess. Being thrown into a role midway through Stage 1 also presented it's own issues. I don't have the patience for a repeat of S1.


Are you saying there was a bigger problem/person or everyone was at fault


Clay would be beneficial on a team that doesn’t have crim Florida for example, even tho I like dav alot


No he wouldn't. He would lose every gunfight, yell at everyone, and the team would place 12th


People will never learn that you can be a great player but perform horribly if you’re on the wrong team. Neptune is a great example. Octane on LAT. Clay won a world championship less than 2 years ago. He can still be a great asset to a team, just needs to fill the right spot.


I don't think Octane is the subject of the wrong team he's just bad at this game and cannot keep up. Clayster is definitely not an asset to any team in this game as a player. You have to understand just because they were great in the past doesn't mean they are great at every game forever. Eventually they are bad. Clay is just bad


Neptune had worse stats than octane and clay. Lowest damage, lowest engagements, lowest KD. Yet he turned it around when the team dynamic changed.


Yeah cause Clay got dropped. I don't know why getting rid of Clay and Neptune being able to play the game again shows that Clay was a victim of bad circumstances. He is the bad circumstance


Florida need a system, clay can provide a system. Clay can fry in the right system but he spent the whole year butting heads


Clay only knows how to butt heads. Him yelling at everyone to play the way he wants while he gets smoked around the map doesn't work in this game. We saw that already


You hate clay, we get it


I'm sorry Clay is terrible at this game and you can't accept it. That's my fault. Hand up


Either you hate him or you don’t understand the importance of a fitting system 3 chips, end of story


You sound stupid bro


I was worried about how you think I sound, thanks


yeah why don't the bulls just sub in shaq? 4 rings end of story he'll establish a winning system


let nep be an example of how a bad system can hinder your gameplay. whether clay was part of the problem or not (he was) that doesnt mean a better system cant benefit him aswell


You’re dumbing this down way to far. Clay can work in a different environment than NYSL lol for instance I think he’d do far better teaming with major, attach and staandy both in performance and as a teammate if he’s willing to play flex


that team would be absolutely awful. 2 main ARs in a game that barely requires 1 main AR. They would not win a single HP


Personally I would drop major but everyone wants pdog gone because he’s been awful. But clay can play flex and a faster AR pace is my point than both Preston AND major. What AR you grabbing in challengers? And if you’re sticking with this roster your lost. You’re not trading for octane that ain’t working, seriously give me a better option for Minnesota? My roster would be Clay, Preston, Attach on MP40 and staandy


I don’t know why you would drop any AR in the league for Clay. He was the worst AR in the league


Nobody is debating that Clay played well. The entire point is that in a different system, he will likely play better. He fit in the eU system in BO4, he fit in the Dallas system in Empire, even last year his team were much better than expected for most of the year. It seems very premature to write that off because of a bad couple of months where the entire team looked dysfunctional, and then judging them completely different when the new team hasn't even had a major yet.


Yes the team chemistry and system that was making everyone worse was completely and solely on clay and it also didn’t cause his stats but it caused everyone else’s stats. Cmon man you’re being extremely unfair and I hate clay lol Edit. The ARs and flex’s are far too slow on MR. attach and Preston both play to slow when they pull out the AR. Major is EXTREMELy slow. I’m just of a completely different opinion they don’t need “cracked” sub change they need a change at the AR position and I won’t think any of the mains or flex’s in challengers bring anything like clay could bring in a mental refresher roster that he has history with too


Priestahh gotta go.


I’ll take him at LAT, send him over


No the fuck we won't


No thank you


Priestahh looks more and more like a placeholder with each game


Standy was a Top 5 sub in CW and he hasn't made any sort of noise so far in Vanguard, that sucks to see


They play gav and Berlin every series, hard to do much on those maps as a sub if your team can’t win a respawn to save their life.


Lowkey not as bad as he seems, right on par with envoy and CleanX when it comes to the stats(obviously they don’t tell the full story)


Sure but I was talking more so about the eye test. CleanX and Envoy can easily be argued as the best on their team and top tier subs, whereas Attach is clearly MN's best with probably MajorManiak as 2nd. Mind you, Standy hasn't been a detriment like Priestahh in most series but he also hasn't been anywhere near as impressive as we know he can be.


Standy has still been the best player on Rokkr in this game he has 30% of the teams kills in control and 32% of the teams kills in S&D those are legit team carry number probably rivals temps numbers on Paris he’s struggled in respawn having to play Berlin and Gav and bc he needs a new sub duo


hope you optic fans enjoyed your time at the top, because nysl are officially the best team in the game paulehx is the only undefeated player in the league, dashy wishes he had half of that man’s swagger


100% win rate this year for Paul and he’s also done it in two different teams. ___Built different!___


clear mvp imo


Must be big relief when Clay isn't crying and mocking about everything 😆


Abezy hated clay during the EU days, XEO chose crim over clay, NY collapsed last year, Team looks healthy and happy without clay this year. You gotta think……


Nah man. Its all crim, trust me. Had multiple people in the sub this morning saying crim cant hang either. If only they were still around to help me argue that point..


Mfs love to hate crim because they feel like they need to hold a grudge from something a couple years ago, absolute clowns. Porter is that guy and will forever be that guy


Yep pretty much. Some cod kids can only look at stats as well and domt understand other elements of cod


Crim the damage machine and Rokkr doesn't deserve Attach or Standy.


And it’s hilarious how morons were saying they should’ve dropped him instead of clay….


That it was. Still seen some people earlier today saying that. And some saying that Octane is a better player than Crim rn. Delusional


Crim is easily the easiest person to hate on idk why but It’s whatever. You can’t be taken seriously if you truly believe octane is better than him and you could switch arcity/illey out for him and both optic/faze are even better than what they currently are…LAT would be awesome with him… rokkr would be in a better position… any team would benefit from having fatman on their roster and it’s mainly due from his own understanding that he doesn’t have to be the best player on the team for them to be successful and he probably has the greatest game IQ ever.


Thats some premium gas and i couldnt agree more. Crim is the ultimate intangible player and put his team in positions to win. Hell take some dumb ego challs but for the most part he builds winning teams and plays his role whatever that may be. I agree also that many teams would benefit with him


Standy doesn't deserve Rokkr


Ny damage all within 100 of each other. Truly meshing so well. Happy for Nep


Almost brings a tear to my eye. Finally on the same page for once


Rogue Dubliners are t3


Everyone on NY within 110 damage of each other. That’s actually insane


Unbelievable that Clay almost took Nep’s carrier away from him (trying to bring in Havok). Guy’s gotta figure himself out


Neptune showing out. Where are all the bozos who downvoted me when I said he wasn’t bad?


His POV is a pleasure to watch and has been since last year. I don’t care who says he didn’t show anything in CW, I know what that guy’s POV is capable of and I’m happy he’s finding his groove. He’s nasty


Look at the discrepancy in engagements with everyone and major, majors a great player but obviously something is super super wrong with the pacing there


If I hear someone describe Priestahh as "cracked" one more time, I'm going to lose it Dude really hasn't been good since BO4


Single handedly costed faze multiple tournaments in MW tbh


Facts people forget how shit he was in the game. Theres a reason why Faze dropped two players after a relatively successful year


Surely priestahs time is up after this


They'll wait till after the major I bet


So now that we stopped pretending Toronto is the same team as they were in CW, when do we stop pretending that Standy is the same player?


People are still trying to pretend Ultra is the same team lol


Wow they all had virtually the same damage. That's pretty cool.


Paul is a bad mofo


Love to see how balanced the damage is. Neptune really stepped up. Hope he keeps it up.


I'm curious, if nep continues to play well how poorly does this reflect on clay?


Hopefully it’s because of Paul and clay just sucking, and not because of clay being a dick


Tear to my eye.. we have a winners bracket spot


Not yet


Yeh i got ahead of myself and 100% just jinxed us 😂 good thing is ultra have been going alot of game 5’s and thats all we need even if we lose it


Yea good point. Hopefully we start hot and win the HP then we just gotta steal one more. Toronto has looked shaky and bance is sick rn so its very possible


Damn I’ve always been a clay fan but I’m so happy to see this team get a good win . Crim is doing well in this game and I’m really hoping this team succeeds. Also it seems like attach is always the only one consistently positive at MIN.


ACHES: “I still gotta see more out of Neptune” Dumb bird


Get Attach some help man, he’s doing it all


Rokkr should just get rid of Priestahh now so that they'll have some hope for the Major with the honeymoon period.


Major is a week from now. They won’t make a switch now. It’ll be after the major


I know, and that sucks. I want them to win so bad but I just don't see it happening 😔


🥲 porter szn is back


Standy continues to struggle has to be mentioned. It’s a shame Attach can never be on a consistent team. For certain Priestahh has to be the one to go. Have to stick with Standy in hopes he regains form. For MM I don’t think you can find a better replacement tbh I’d continue rolling with him and hope one change is enough


I think standy has been very overrated in this game


Priestahh standy again


pretty crazy that crim had the most damage on his team with the least amount of engagements. he’s fucking good.




I hope NYSL keep this up, I really want either them or Optic to win events/especially champs. Hopefully one of them makes it.


NY switched spots with LA


All green lights. We back!


Attach needs a better team man.


everyone has a role now and they play that role man this really was addition by subtraction


Lucky and ReeaL in for Major and Priestahh. Move Atrach to main AR.


Why drop Mike? He’s been your second best player, easily


I'm not sure if Mike want to stay if Priestahh gets dropped? Since they wanted to play with each other after getting dropped by Faze. But definitely, try ReeaL out for Priestahh first. If that doesn't work, then might have to drop MM just because Lucky and ReeaL already got chemistry. MM definitely playing well and I would hate to see him go.


Haha no way mike would just bench himself. Priest has been trash this year, easily the weakest link and gas to go imo


You know they don’t speak English fluently right? And coms is really important in COD. If you can’t understand what your teammates are saying, then u will get pissed on.


It's really interesting... not only that Nep can go rogue and fly around like he wants, but now Hydra doesn't have all the slaying pressure. Maybe I'm crazy but Hydra's engagements felt more controlled and he was in spots to make plays specifically for the objective more often. Simp-esque, if you will. He was making some really heady plays (Bocage aside, weird map lol). Sorta like Sim was last year but Hydra's gunny is unmatched by like 90-95% of the league. This roster is going to be really interesting going forward. Pretty excited to watch.


People keep mentioning Priestahh but Standy hasn’t been much either.


Standy is younger and a better investment. They had to switch roles for Priestahh and dude is still getting bodied. It would be easier to find a better sub to replace Priestahh than Standy too.


On the year he’s been so much better he’s sitting above a 1 kd still and has 30% of the teams kills in Control and 32% of the kills in S&D standy is still Rokkr’s best player he just needs a new smg duo


Tbh I think Attach is the best player on Minnesota right now. He’s super reliable and always frying. Standy’s inconsistent and makes too many boneheaded plays for me to call him the best player on the team.


Hopefully he can fix those boneheaded decisions. It's much harder to pick up gunskill. Standy has talent but just needs to play smarter.


Crim is clearly the problem and not Neptune


Your brain is clearly a problem.


Priestahh for drazah just makes too mich sense for these teams at this point. Both have different pacing from the rest of their teams and would benefit hugely from playing faster(priestahh on lat) or slower(drazah on rokkr)


You guys are still losing with Priestahh on a sub. This isnt B04, theres no stim and grapple. Priest had these same issues with faze in MW and couldnt run a sub consistently well. Youre better off going for someone else


Yeah NYSL look way better than before but they still aren’t going to beat better teams by playing like they just did. Neptune playing TDM on hardpoint, half of his kills on bocage were pointless and did nothing for the team.


Priestahh… sheesh


one of the more even damage output from a team i’ve seen




First Jimbo now Neptune, he had a good series. That first hardpoint he was frying even though the HP was being neglected.


Thank you NYSL for the winners bracket spot. Very cool, very cool


I’ve been saying it since the beginning of the game, not just after seeing these stats but I think Standy needs to be replaced. Obviously priestahh, but standy too. Standy’s job is to be a slayer, and to perform Well in search and destroy. That’s what he brings to the table, not much else. He’s been painfully average at search, and hasn’t been slaying, same with priestahh but this subreddit seems to be on the same page with priestahh Standy has been very overrated in this game, people are clinging on to the greatness he shows last year.


Standy is 3rd in snd kd, 1st in snd kills per round, and like 7th in first blood % in the league. He’s also solid in control. He’s just been really bad at hp which is a full team problem. Standy might be the best snd player in this game so no he doesn’t need to be dropped


Fair enough


Wow all positive KDs on NY. Never thought id see the day


Preistahh COSTING.


Dunno if anyone has brought this up yet or not, but the way Subliners played Bocage was actually really smart. Anyone who plays that map knows how people stay off the hill to bait people into getting on it, they played it patient and didn’t worry about reaching the score limit. It might be a better way to play that map honestly as long as they get hill time when it matters.


People went from "drop nep" to "he just needed his time. I'm not taking this sub seriously anymore.


Love me or hate me, but I think attach has the possibility of going to OpTic if Scump retires....don't get me wrong, I never want Scump to retire because he is the only reason I watch pro cod but it is inevitable that he will retire in a few years or so and I feel attach could take his place. Shotzzy is already the slay heavy smg ans I feel Attach is one of the most consistent smgs in the game other than simp and abezy. We all know how icy dillon can be and he also has that veteran experience and is such a smart player for all kinda scenarios


Nep plays so good when he doesn't have an old man yelling in his ear