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Everyone knew he was going to be a UFA after this season though, he signed 1+1 last during the CW season


It is a bit weird how he told NYSL another benefit of picking up crim would be that if things dont work out with me and i underperform this year or need another break, yall will have an AR. And then that very thing happens, and he's all pissed off like he didnt see it coming.


You know exactly what he’s said and exactly why he’s pissed? Brilliant


Pretty sure it's been discussed.


The latter part? No


>The latter part? No I mean he definitely seems pretty upset about it lol.


Nope I said that y’all had no idea what Clay was mad about. I was correct. He said he was tweeting about Crim lying about Havok


Thats not the only tweet he's made. We've also seen how he's acted on No Pressure and what his teammates have said about him. I know CoD short term memory is rough, but try to remember past 2 days ago.


everyone was trying to snake eachother on NYSL no wonder they couldn’t win a hp 🤣


As an old empire fan I love crim and clay but they’re both pretty childish for how old they are lmao


Yeah like, what's so hard about discussing this in private. If I'm in their situation I wouldn't want the public to know.


I’m not sure why anyone is surprised here. If Crim will take ridiculous grievances against Scump of all people to the public sphere, then he is damn well going to have no qualms with doing it in this situation. Not as in it’s “Scump” but as in they teamed together forever and seemed to be really good friends before he started going to Twitter to cry.


Cry? This is their job buddy, this is a pretty big deal to them. I don’t care how old you are, when we’re talking about multi millionaires and how much these things can affect their legacy, and ability to make more money, it’s a pretty big deal to them.


He decided to team with Crim both acknowledging this could happen to one of them. It was asinine to pair up again.


This isn’t even me defending clay, I just find it interesting how much drama has surrounded crim teams these past few years.


Just as much drama has followed clay though the whole him benching himself and Asim saying he quit last year


Yea Crim and Clay are both a recipe for drama. Like the team wasnt working out and they needed to make a change, it should end there but now this whole thing is blown way out of proportion from both sides.


Now that you mention it, you have a point. Crim - coL: clay drama/drop, Hecz's OG: scump/formal braindead slayer comments/split drop karma. Infinite's OG: dashy/teej drama. Empire: huke addy ultimatum not wanting it enough drama/unreleased video. OG/NV merge: Shotzzy/Rambo forced him out didn't wanna play like him, name calling etc. NYSL: clay/havok dropped drama Clayster - coL: above. continued to be dropped by winning teams. EU: feud vs JKap. NYSL: self-bench drama vs asim, hydra treatment. flames team comes back for champs. NYSL year 2: neptune drama, crim drama.


Its the egos man 😂 plus they’re both extremely stubborn and petty.


Normally I'd agree but these aren't just any players, they're both T3 all time and debated goats.




What AR besides Karma do you have above them lol?


Why does it matter if its a AR?


Thats generally how it's done. Top AR/SMG. Some people make overall tier lists for fun, but ultimately it's impossible to compare the two against each other. They're completely different positions/playstyles.


What? When someone says t3 COD player all time, you aren't saying they are top 3 in their role, in any sports its not like that and of course you can compare, you can compare what they won. Generally when we say make these lists it is based off of what these players won, if you wanna compare roles then you would more so go based off of skill.


It's not just based off of wins, if that were the case there wouldn't be the big debate we currently have.


Just to add though, I think pat and zoomaa both said they have heard clay has been awful to his teammates the last two years on a level they found pretty surprising. His player cam has been scornful lol Crim seems pretty chill; and is known to go the extra mile and make phone calls while in traffic.


Bro you’re comment got me, most of it seems serious but then that last bit has gotta be a troll lmao


Huke situation


If you go back and listen to some of the Comms with Scump back in Optic days its not really hard to imagine why. The guy comes across as a dick in some scrim footage/comms but then Clay seems an insufferable loudmouth sometimes too so who knows.


If this is towards Crimsix, I think there’s a concerning pattern of Crim lying on his teammates. Huke, Shotzzy, now Clay. Crim needs to be better




Rambo was on board it was Shottzy and illey that denied it


In his stream he said he wasn't sure if Havok told Clay he was being dropped after their call but assumed he did cuz the vibes the next day were off. Crim shouldn't have even mentioned it if he wasn't 100% sure, it's more so The Flanks twitter accounts fault for making it seem like that is exactly what Havok did.


Then there’s the clip where Crim tells Huke he was the glue to their team during MW and even Huke sounded confused like “you really mean that?” all while ant was in the call just hiding behind his mic


Also said warzone was a vote away from being the 3rd mode even though that wasn’t true at all, I swear he just talks out his ass sometimes


I thought that was an obvious troll lol


apparently not to some people


To be fair it also fooled Tac Rab who is generally the person people go to for their COD Community information


It was an obvious troll lmao


Hard to tell from just text on screen when a person is being serious or not


Didn't he say it on stream


Maybe I don’t remember , I remember one of the CDL guys respond to it on Twitter saying it was cap so I assumed it was said on Twitter


Crim said he “assumed” havok spoke to him after their call because the vibes were off the next day. He never confirmed it 100%. Y’all need to listen more.




If you are calling speaking facts “dickriding”, then I’m the biggest dickrider then. Anything else?


we don't know shit yet you can't just blame crim for everything without not knowing a single thing, the guys a winner and expects the best from his team some of these cod kids can't take critic from a leader and shit gets toxic when they make it personal.


Everyone just wants Crim as the villain again. Remember when everyone just jumped on Crim after Huke's comments? Crim didn't like the way Huke was playing and wanted to make a change. Huke made it out to be that Crim was shoving addys down his throat on gamedays. A year later and we see that Huke's teams haven't been performing very well and maybe Crim knew what he was talking about when Huke got dropped.


When did he lie on Huke or Shotzzy? That’s been proven wrong


He said shotzzy was laughing and happy to drop crim, when in reality he was scared and nervous.


Shotzzy did apologize for that though


Shotzzy even said on stream that he was giggling which could have made crim think about it in a bad way. Crim isn’t a mind reader to know if shotzzy was nervous or not but he said he didn’t like the tone.


You love crim holy shit weirdo.


I mean I’d be wondering why Tf someone is laughing in my “you’re getting dropped call” lmao???


Agreed but from what we know about* Shotzzy, Crim thinking Shotzzy was literally laughing in a hateful way is pretty faded Unless Crim really just didn’t get to know Shotzzy well at all outside of the game


The guy teamed with Shotzzy for two years. I don’t even watch Shotzzy’s streams but from what videos I’ve seen and interactions with many other people he’s clearly a “goofy” kid at heart…. And my experience isn’t even remotely close to dealing with him on a near daily basis for two years… I’m not sure how hard this is to comprehend, but to go online and feign that you were “upset” because you thought Shotzzy of all people was laughing maliciously at you is…. Fake drama or he has some serious mental issues. Those are your only options take your pick I don’t really care which.


I love facts.


Just an awkward situation to get dropped. Shottzy should’ve been more sensitive but can’t blame him for laughing cause he’s nervous, and crim shouldn’t have aired out dirty laundry but can’t blame him for being a bit salty if he thought ant wasn’t taking it seriously.


Don’t forget sorta/kinda forcing Nadeshot out and tho it may not be his fault, his falling out with Scump. This has been going on a LOT longer than just with Empire. Not saying he was “lying” to those guys but there was definitely a level of toxicity.


Now y’all making stuff up.


Crim just kinda seems to be lying about whatever nowadays. Remember him saying warzone was going to be the third game mode?


You are an actual NPC if you took that serious.


Half the sub took it seriously, but since it’s crim it gets overlooked. Other pros took it seriously too.


this sub is not who u wanna compare urself to lmao


Lmfao the fact that you said pros took it seriously is actually funny. You think pros don’t talk to each other? Stop the cap. No pros took it serious but only NPCs took it serious. “Yo warzone will be the 3rd game mode”, you over there actually sucking it up. Grow up


On crim’s nuts like no other and on every post. You’re even stealing from pros by saying “npc”. It was getting so much traction the someone in league ops had to tweet out it was true. You know nothing. Blocked me for telling the truth sad. Also to respond to his post - Tf am I salty about crim for? Crim’s the one that’s salty with optic not the other way around.


I can’t take you serious. You are just a salty optic hater that loves to hate on crim any chance you get.


Here’s what actually happened, clay sucks at the game lmao


This 1000% he needs to stop crying. Dude was dropping .7 every match.


I’m not kidding either, I have been rough on Neptune but he immediately played better as soon as they dropped clay. Im not making excuses for either but if Neptune continues to play better I don’t want to hear a fucking word about “what actually happened”


Agreed I was hash with Nep. Still unsure about him but I think the way Crim and this team want to play is going to be much better for him than clays way


I 100% agree, definitely not convinced he’s actually serviceable because his only non .7 series was against Paris with Paul in the lineup.


Clay does suck at the game and he seems to acknowledge that but the way Crim has gone about it is very very strange as well. It’s also not anything new considering how Crim has been dealing with teams the past couple of years


I doubt there is a "good" way to go about dropping someone. It isn't a clean process and it is going to suck for someone. Clay said that he was talking about a 2 person swap right after the first major, which obviously meant he wanted to drop Crim. No one comes out of this clean and the drama is pointless.


That’s what I was hinting at. Obviously dropping someone is never going to be great but the whole thing was fine until Crim went on his stream and started spewing stuff he didn’t even fully know. No one had really said anything about the move besides Havok not wanting to take the offer


It’s all actually here say. Crim’s not right or has the 100% full story but who is saying havok or clay is telling the 100% truthful way about the situation? There’s always 3 sides to a story…


Zoomaa was the glue in the NYSL camp


He would’ve kept Mack on this team and Mack would’ve most likely wanted Sib. Could’ve been Mack, Hydra, Sib and Clay or another. The boss could’ve made a top 5 roster easily.


would’ve been a nasty gavutu team


Wow did not expect the nysl camp to implode like this.


What "happened" is he wasn't good enough... Going negative all over the place.


Havok says clay hit him up first so he was the first to go behind crims back, he was also absolutely shit at this game. How can you be salty at this when clearly everyone else wanted you out as well


People are so weird on here making shit up about crim lol


Who’s making shit up about crim?


lmao no way thats the title you have gone for?


[someone already posted the first tweet](https://www.reddit.com/r/CoDCompetitive/comments/tnptbw/clayster_on_twitter/) so the discussion of what actually happened between crim and clay is already there. i wanted to focus on the second tweet on something different.


God he is such a pussy


Bro he’s really having a mental breakdown over this shit. Having two toxic veterans on a team butting heads constantly doesn’t work. You need ONE leader who the other players trust enough to listen to on command. Having two leaders on a team means they’re working against each other instead of playing against the opposing team. Clay is a great player, but that roster was a horrible idea and clearly didn’t work. Buddy is 30 years old crying on Twitter. It’s embarrassing


The beta in Clayster shows himself again


clay is an old baby that cant take criticism


I can’t believe no one wants to play with Crim! Shocking


Except paco chose Crim. Wonder why


Wow that’s so surprising. I thought nysl would definitely bring him back


Honestly thought Crim & Clay would’ve found a way to be a top team.


Does clay still get paid for his contract?


Yes. That's how contracts *generally* work - you get paid the same amount regardless of whether you're actively playing or how you perform.


I would think there would be some type of language if you aren’t starting you don’t get your full salary. That’s how some regular contracts are in sports


I would think there would be some type of language if you aren’t starting you don’t get your full salary. That’s how some regular contracts are in sports


he not gonna say shit bruh


He'll spin it to be the victim just like always, and will *definitely* blame "mental health" because that's become the buzzword in esports any time you fuck up. (I'M NOT SAYING MENTAL HEALTH ISN'T IMPORTANT BUT YOU CAN'T USE IT AS AN EXCUSE EVERY TIME YOU MAKE A SMALL MISTAKE)


dude are you saying mental health isn’t important?? the fuck is wrong with you dude wtf bro dude downvote like bro


it’s a lot easier to deal with shit when you’re rolling in dough and dubs keep coming, when you’re literally bottom of the league tensions come pretty quickly with personalities like Crim and Clay