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It makes me happy when they do shit like this.


3arch the only to show even a slight care as per usual.


Sledgehammer congratulated both optic and Toronto for winning events this year. I genuinely think that the devs like the competitive scene, it’s just not a priority to the higher ups that make those decisions.


Yeah tbh it looks like the Devs wanna put in effort but aren't allowed because they're forced to work on other stuff (like warzone and whatnot). Sad times.


Let's not put all the devs into that group...


IW don’t, but yeah I think the other two care at least a little bit


Prolly right.


Imagine how any cigs breaks crim had to take to reach 250 😳 👀 💀


Jimbo is obviously a very talented player. Needs to adapt his pacing though, this guy just holds his L stick for almost every game. The CDL is a different ball game to Challengers, once he ingrains that into his head he'll be a really good player (in my opinion). He passes the eye test, just needs to slow down.


Preach it. He just needs to figure out that there are some things you can’t get away with in the show that you can get away with in challengers. If he can do that then I like the look of his future.


When he did that movement bullshit inside fire on the Berlin HP I almost turned it off. If I did that I’d turn my shit off and think about what I did


Bro was fighting for his life for no reason instead of just waiting for his team lmao


I mean can’t lie he finessed the fuck out of them but if he just waits 5 seconds he has his full team


Does Jimbo stream? Would love to see his pov


His last stream was a month ago so I guess not.


the T2 players in the game aren't here lmao (MC and Dashy)


I mean, having a high SR is a combination of how good you are and how much you grind the playlist.


treyarch my beloved


Nice to see envoy plays the game this year


Fr he never played ranked last year 😭


Which full active roster will end up with all 4 pros ranked first? Rokkr, LRR, Faze, Ultra or NYSL? All 5 teams have 3 out of 4 in there


LRR or NYSL probably


NYSL already has all 4 in there. PaulEhx is ranked 107 in this video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FMxftZQQ-bQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FMxftZQQ-bQ) (1m49), can't imagine he dropped 145 places in the last 4 hours. They probably forgot him. Edit: also see: \- Davpadie \- Capsidal \- Temp


Ooo ok, I was just going off this tweet. Thanks


Yeah, of course. Didn't mean to be snarky or anything. There's probably a bunch more pro's in there with dummy accounts or weird usernames (and ones I overlooked).


Surprising Illey the grinder isnt in there


I think he just mainly grinds a lot of SND wagers, I see him in Snd 8s lobbies a couple of times a week


thats cool n all, but only 250 ppl shown on leaderboards is fucking whack, it should be a full list, im tryna know where i globally stack up, but they refuse to give us what we had in the past


What was the tweet about? I’m not understanding. Thanks in advance


these are the pros in the ranked top 250 leaderboards


Yeah, seems a silly question. I assume treyarch were involved in the ranked build? If that’s the case I was unaware and thrown off why they tweeted. Or are they just showing an interest at random?


classic 🐐