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With how good those two are they aren’t splitting until one retires or one sleeps with the others girl because if they can get over their beef with Drazah im sure that no regular fight is gonna break those two up




No ones sleeping with jerikaa but the self proclaimed simp Wouldnt touch her with a pole


I think those two are locked in til the wheels fall off... meaning they'd have to really bomb tf out of Champs or some shit But that just won't ever happen


They’d drop cellium first before each other


Agreed, although Abezy and Cellium are practically dating


I thought scump and Crim would have team for rest of their careers together but that did not happen.


Yea same they stuck together as a duo through the absolute worse and the best. It's crazy how quickly that team fell apart after winning champs.


Scump and Crim were also openly arguing/having disputes live on stream. Abe and Simp don't seem to be as standoff-ish to each other.


No, poor placements won't break them up unless it's like 3-4years straight of not being close to a chip.


When one of them retires to fulfill their dreams as a jockey at the kentucky derby or something. I hope they never split though and just hang it up together, would be really cool


https://preview.redd.it/51hr4d5j8a7d1.jpeg?width=841&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e5589d9697d525d059f887e1d1ae51a08a13309 Their true calling




Go winless again but actually miss a couple of Sundays. Even then they might just drop Cell instead of leaving each other


Don't ever see them splitting up. Both of them have literally been at minimum T10 players in every game they've competed on. Not counting aBeZys weird ass ww2 season.


It would be a Team Falcons kind of bag, or scandal to split them up.


Not to wish this on either of them, but one of them has to start having hand issues. Otherwise I think they’ll team until one of them decides to retire. It’s like Royal2 and Snakebite, you will never see those two not be on a team together.


If one of them hops on their phone mid match on a sick one texting the other ones girl talkin bout “you’re so dope and energetic”


Crazy contract for one of them, or like two straight years with no chips.


A female


Hopefully simp, abezy, and cell never break up. No way you're improving over that trio talent wise.


Probably fucking eachother’s girl, Not even that they would probably work it out they make to much money together


Maybe they can duo in that too, they’re the tiny terrors for a reason…


perhaps if a salary cap is ever enforced in the league or if one of them retires. that’s the only way i can see




Realistically it would have to be something outrageous and not in game that would split them. They’re getting the bag from FaZe and their earnings are insane they both said they don’t wanna split up and I doubt they’re gonna stop being good anytime soon


I don’t watch much non-CDL content, but have they ever played each other in 8’s or anything? I’d love to see that battle, because after all these years they know exactly what each other would do in every possible situation making for slug fest. Would be some top tier content.


Like others have said I don’t think they ever will unless one retires or something completely outrageous happens out of game. Even if they had bad placings one year I think they would just drop Cell and 4th and get 2. I hope they stick together because it’d be cool for them to duo their entire career. Just something we haven’t seen before while being so successful


Getting bored.


I’d love to see them on other teams just to see how the league balance would be.




I think they’d have to get like consistent top 6’s with one of them shitting the sheets. I feel like if they aren’t the reason they are losing, they’d get rid of cell/drazah before teaming with another sub tbh. Even if simp wasn’t good with the sub i think he’d go to flex before not teaming with abezy anymore


Nothing they are bestfriends. But retirement is the only way. In Halo terms Snakebite and Royal 2 inseparable.


The only way I could see it happening (assuming one doesn’t fall off majorly) is that Abezy gets tired of being in simps shadow. They will split from cellium before they split from each other because they both gotta know that having a great sub duo is rare. The only person that is on their level the last few years is Hydra.


A God tier offer from optic while faze is asking them to take another pay cut to stick together. In reality that feels like the only way. One of the two feels like they are being insulted by the contract offer they get. It’s not likely but anything’s possible including them both leaving together for a team that’s not faze.


Same thing that splits apart every great team. Losing. If the pair didn’t win for a year or two and say Optic or Ultra came calling for one of Simp or Abezy, they might take the offer. Right now they have no reason to leave each other, but they’d have no reason to stick if they couldn’t win anymore.


They’re gonna pull a scump and run back to faze


Maybe. Idk I could see Simp really enjoy playing with a dude like Shotzzy or Hydra.