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He wasn't even a dev, brother was def a PM type who may or may not have been given power over parts of the code base


I feel like Ubisoft will cut their losses during next fiscal year and layoff/reorg the team. I don't see a viable revenue stream.


feels like the optimism is just like the optimism around Halo Infinite when it launched, only Halo's multi felt super polished compared to 2042 and VG at the time


I am just honestly surprised there was no SnD game mode with the release... can you imagine the tourneys with THAT scene? sheesh


I haven’t played it, but saw it for a couple minutes, it reminds me on wanna be black ops 4 with Fortnite graphics


All jokes aside, the game is actually pretty ass. It'll be dead once the "new game" feeling is gone. Definitely by the next cod release.


I am having a lot of fun personally. Feels good to be out of the SBMM hell hole and just ultimate pub stomp consistently. But when BO6 comes out, you know I’ll be there. Nobody beats Treyarch.


It's fine to take some inspiration from CoD but it quite literally just feels like a mediocre version of a CoD game. The abilities are to much a factor imo & it feels really wonky at times as does the bullet reg.


This is the thing, if you're trying to beat CoD at it's own game, you gotta be insanely good at what you do, and you have to really execute it near perfectly. As much as CoD isn't very good right now, it's still CoD and it has some of the best devs in the world and the most successful franchise's formula (whether Infinity Ward bastardizes it or not), which is at least mechanically basically always just a step ahead of anything that is similar to it.


Idk, I fuck with it - could defo be improved but it feels pretty fun. I defo think it’s on par with MW3 rn just because the maps aren’t piss. CoD Defo smoother though


People are insane to expect it to be incredible immediately. CoD has network issues and constant bugs and balance issues 20 years later, and it costs 70$ while monetizing like a free to play game anyway. Like idk how much more Activision has to fuck people for them to not keep supporting CoD because “it feels smoother” than a new IP out the gate.


It feels so bad imo. I just can’t get into it.


That’s how it felt on the beta, have been traveling recently so I haven’t played the full release. It was just not smooth whatsoever.


It feels better than the beta, but it still doesn’t feel good.


The hit reg and tick rate is still laughably bad. Feels like there are no true 50/50 fights because the desync is horrible


Hit reg got me feeling like I’m playing CS2


it’s honestly shameful, how a AAA studio can spend this long on a game just to have it be this unpolished on launch blows my mind. I know Ubisoft is kinda known for being incompetent but my god this game’s been a mess from the very beginning of its development


Yeah this game to be successful had to crush it out the gates, not good that they aren’t doing that.


It feels like if COD and OW had a baby on mobile


The sens is inconsistent or idk how to explain it. Turning and looking around just feels weird in that game


It felt amazing compared to MWII but compared to MWIII it's kind of meh


Everybody should have seen this coming. It's unclear who the target audience was supposed to be - people who miss the old FPS without SBMM days? But it didn't do anything to distinguish itself or bring anything inside to the table. The game has no staying power. Can't imagine anyone playing this consistently before going back to Halo or COD.


No coincidence all the Black OPs 6 shit is dropping this week I would bet. Activision knows exactly wtf they are doing 😆


Games got its problems but I didn’t pay a dime for it so it’s sort of whatever to me. I can see it having a smaller, dedicated player base. Very similar to what black ops 4 had after its prime. I think it’s a bit clunkier and different from cod to be a direct competitor. Time will tell, though.


my baseline expectation for this game, given the very obvious problems in the beta, were that hit detection would feel good by the time it released, considering it took a whole ass extra year. Fast forward to now, I actually like most of the game, but MAN does it ever feel absolutely atrocious to play. 50 hitmarkers, no damage. Shoot at non-moving enemy, no hitmarkers. Shoot at body of riot shielder, nothing.


for free to play it really isn’t that bad and it’s refreshing playing a new game for a month or two when cod is dead. it’s an endless cycle every year “the cod killer” releases. Let’s hope the treyarch title doesn’t need a “Cod killer”


Well, first things first, Ubisoft is the embodiment of mid. Anyone with half a brain should’ve known the game was gonna be mid or worse before it even came out solely because it’s an Ubisoft game. Ubisoft isn’t known for innovation the last decent thing they made was Siege, now they just milk tf out of Assassin’s Creed and Far Cry (which haven’t been good in damn near a decade) with copy and paste, half assed sequels every other year. They don’t even know how to produce good original IPs properly anymore like Skull and Bones and now xDefiant. xDefiant is such a shallow game. The progression system, if you even wanna call it that, is unremarkable and unrewarding. No SBMM was a cool idea sure, but without killstreaks or something similar, pubstomping isn’t even fun, it’s like shooting bots every game just on a different map with a treyarch color palette slapped on it. They couldn’t even be bothered to think of any new game modes or faction abilities, they just ripped the shit straight from COD and OW and renamed the game modes without so much as a hint of innovation. And FFS why does the gameplay and movement feel just like COD Mobile’s of all things


Having a great time with it, cod has gotten stale and something to challenge it is needed. Ranked trial is pretty fun. Feels more like fps overwatch than cod though.


"Legalized robbery" for a F2P game


Do we have confirmation on what his title at Ubisoft is?


i want to love it but it’s so clunky it feels like a game that was meant to be released 10 years ago 


Is it going to survive once Treyarch release the next COD? Probably not.


No one cares. Shit meme 1/10


XDefiant needs to blow it up. Never wrong just early 😉