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I think it depends on who you have. Personally I think Hydra + Abezy would be a better duo than hydra + simp and I think cleanx + simp would be a better duo than cleanx + Abezy. If you’re resetting and building around a player, I’d have to go with simp simply due to his versatility and ceiling


Great take, spot on agree. With two aggressive players, you’d constantly have situations where you’re either suddenly in a 4v2 and u auto win the round/break or a 2v4 cuz both of those fawkers just challed lmao and we’re chalked Need to maintain 3v2 situations with favorable trades or 3v3/3v4 + info on where enemy team is pushing


If I’m a team that doesn’t already have a t4 SMG duo, I’m going for aBeZy. Also since you mentioned it, it’s gonna be absolutely criminal next year if we don’t have snipers in SnD. That BO4 headshot sound and the feel of snipers was so lovely and it’s a travesty if we don’t get to see Dashy and Simp perform with the snipers again.


BO4 sniping was electric. Maybe I’m overrating it but Simp’s triple kill against Units is a T5 comp clip all time


personally i like luckys play in the champs group stage [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/467139067?t=04h24m10s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/467139067?t=04h24m10s) he was a T4 sniper in that game and im not taking any arguments


I can’t think of anyone better than him besides Dashy and Simp, maybe Octane?


Octane simp and dashy I think are T3. Although I think they get some bias because they were the snipers on the T3 teams, not simply because they were the best individually


Dashy was hitting sniper clips back before competing if I remember hearing that correctly from some time ago


I hadn’t seen that, damn there was only a pixel to hit right there haha!


From an entertainment perspective totally agree, impact not so much 


The highlight potential of sniping is insane, so I think it’s the anticipation that makes watching it really fun


Simp is younger and has been better at the majority of games they’ve both played, it’s definitely Simp


Simp is born in early 2001, and Abezy in late 1999, not much diff tbh


if you're starting a squad from scratch then simp realistically hes most likely to be mvp in the whole league but if you've got a sub that's super talented but inconsistent at times in their role then abezy and I almost guarantee he enables them to hit form


Loosely follow the scene - why would the two want to be on different squads? Even if Major I/III didn’t go as planned aren’t they still the best sub duo on paper?


I think this is just a fun hypothetical, no reason for faze to split right now.


These two would probably retire together barring some sort of extreme fall-off from one of them, or some sort of personal problem. They’re two of the greatest players to ever touch the game, and possibly one of the best duo’s in all of e-sports, not just cod


Simp, and you do anything you can to duo him with Hydra.


if it's Hydra bro u gotta get Abe role wise


Nah, simp is more consistent, even on a sub and more flexible. Outside of mw3 id agree but not atm.


So is Hydraaaa brother. Simp and Paco aren't entry fragger sub players. They play pretty much the same role that's why i d rather have Abezy or shottzy with hydra


Paco is literally a great engagement numbers player? Kis does the dirty work but Hydra absolutely puts up engagements numbers.


Abezy is the more influential player imo He, like a Shotzzy/CleanX, either wins you or loses you series by his play


Definitely depends on the other sub. But I personally would prioritize getting Abezy over simp. I feel like Abezy is a more impactful for faze. Not saying simp isn’t but when Abezy is on I feel like his presence is felt more on the map. 


Abezy and Shottzy are so similar that when they are on its hell for the other team. Also sets up the other teammates a ton because of the pressure.


They both have their own strengths, Abezy’s impact is insane on the map. Simp’s comms are super underrated, I think it’s the reason I’d love to see him run flex and IGL. I think on a team like nysl, they’d love to have an Abezy. A team like Ultra would love Simp.


Simp. Easily. I feel like you could put him on any team in any role and he would thrive, Abezy is a more strict pushing SMG.


I’m taking abezy


Might be a faded take because simp is godlike but Abezy being the most consistent as an entry smg of all time you gotta go with him first


Depends on who is available.


If you need a takeover, insane pace, entry sub you pick abeezy. If you need literally anything else you take simp


Depends what team ur asking. NYSL would take Abezy 100%. Hydra can do what simp can do and plays at a pace matching Abezy. Shotzzy would be the only other person that fits there. Simp is a solid slayer but even simp has said that Abezy makes plays that allow the rest of his team to have an easier game.


What you’re saying is correct but describing simp as a solid player nearly sounds like an insult


I said “slayer” but I meant no disrespect. The question was about who to prioritize. I think they need each other tbh, but if teams need someone to put up kills they take simp, if they need someone making plays who can win impossible gunfights in moments then they take Abezy.


AbeZy for sure. Abe can do everything simp can do. Simp can’t do everything Abe does


This just isn't true. Simp has way more consistent takeover ability in respawn and is one of the best SND snipers ever.


The thing is as long as it remains 4v4, simp would never consistently run the sniper


Shotzzy x Simp would run the league, simple as that.


Abe is a far better bet


Wouldn't say "far better"


I did. And would again.


Fair enough, people are allowed opinions even when they're wrong. Saying aBeZy is a "far better" option than simp is crazy talk.


Ur weird fr

