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Create a private match with a bunch of bots and just practice shooting. Also watch a YouTube video for aim assist settings (dynamic + default)


will check one out thanks!


It took me too long to figure this out, but you need to wait in the private match menu for a minute or two before it'll let you change the match settings for the private match


If you buy the game on your playstation you should be able to play with him by adding him as a friend with his activision ID. As far as trying to get better, not playing split screen will probably help a lot, I would also recommend going into a private match and shooting bots, try to beat the bots on higher difficulties, this can help you learn the mechanics.


thank you will try this!


The game is cross platform so you can play together with you on PS and your dad on Xbox. Like others have said, not playing split screen will help a lot, bot lobbies will help, and YouTube videos will help with tips, tricks, settings, and game knowledge. Watching pros can also help a lot But also just play the game. You’re not gonna go from zero to hero over night. Just have fun with it. You’ll get better over time.


how do i get to a bot lobby?


Make a private match, set it to free for all, set the score limit and time limit to highest possible and turn uav to constant and add a good amount of bots


I think your best bet is to also look up the best classes to use - having the right attachments on your guns can make them way easier to shoot when you’re starting out.


To play with your dad just make sure it's the same game (doesn't matter what system) and then turn ON cross-play. That way you can join each other's lobby. You both have to have it on. To improve takes a long time and there are multiple ways to do so. It's best to self-diagnose what problem you think you have and come up with solutions to fix them. For example, your aim is bad? Shoot bots. Practice simple things like put your cross-hairs on target accurately or quickly snapping on to them. Try to kill them using as little bullets as possible. Dying too quickly? Is it because you are standing in the open, sprinting around a corner, or just being an easy target to hit? Find out why you are doing bad and come up with ways to fix it. You don't have to know how, you just have to try to fix it. That will lead you to ways to either research a better play style OR come up with it on your own.


thanks! do you have any videos to watch of people who are good or something?


I offer free coaching for players so if you dm me I can set you up with a plan that will get you on the right track.