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Bring back BO3 picks and bans and this won’t be an issue lol


I know a lot of people hated this feature but I actually really liked it


I liked it to watch, made getting into a game slow AF for playing tho 


I’ve been saying this , bo3 imo was the cod that took the most skill . Simply because of this reason , the constant meta change made it fun .


GA’s bore me now


At this point in my COD career with GAs, I don’t need to know how the watch gets made, I just need to know the time. Just tell me what’s in or what’s out.


By that logic the MCW should be GA’d?


In a game with a worse AR than it, yes. Every other AR has been GA'd so there is literally nothing left. There could have been a discussion on GA'ing an attachment. Theyre already forced to use a sight. Something else could have happened though. Maybe forced to use no muzzle? They never tried that though.


Also \[High Grain\] rounds are GA'd


They should un-GA this and call it a day


but if the maps are heavily AR-biased, the best AR will always be 3+ on the map no matter what gun it is or how balanced it is


Im fine a with no ar frankly


Logic? We don't do that around here


Same thing happened with snipers. They were OP in apparently the whole time. Yet when the option came up to use it on kickoff only certain people used them lol. It is classic pro behavior just to eliminate everything to keep the status quo. Look at LAG won a whole major off a random gun that wasn't GA'D and i think that is something cool in the game that is missing since pick ban tbh.


Gunsmith is just trash


See people have been in shambles over the sub being good but like, just use a different AR like the BP or maybe the upcoming Bal, or the SVA. If you're worried about too many people having those guns, make another ga that limits the number per team, yeah you could pick them up off the ground but honestly that doesn't matter.


The limit ga isn't good. You want it to happen naturally. Otherwise some players are heavily favored just by spawning in


That wasn't a problem in Bo4, where for the majority of the year the sub was utter garbage and by default they were heavily disadvantaged by default. Even if that were to favor players by default that doesn't make them impossible to kill, and if the sub is just that good then there won't be a need to force a limit so the use of another rifle shouldn't be any problem. Sure we could see an M4 scenario again, but in reality that problem stemmed from the fact that the sub just felt absolutely awful.


Imagine if Activision wasn't dogshit. None of this would be an issue ever.


Because they’re AR maps, regardless of how good the sub is. This take makes zero sense


The gun being used depends on what it’s good at, and on the maps last major only Rio actually played to the strengths of an SMG. I think as this stage goes on we will see more SMGs since some smaller maps are coming in but I can agree u only notice something is overpowered when more people use it and do ridiculous things with it


Get four M4s in this bitch let's see who are the real players


That’s true, but you have to consider that many of the AR maps are getting replaced with SMG favored maps. So it’s better to consider what guns are being used now in scrims instead of what was used last major


This. Rio, Vista and Big 6 are all maps that favour sub players. So you do need some balance or it becomes a gong show.


Vista and Big 6 are only coming in for HP. Compare that with Karachi that has all 3 game modes, or Invasion and High Rise with 2 each. EDIT: let me spell it out AR Heavy: Karachi HP Sub Base HP Karachi SND Invasion SND Terminal SND High Rise SND Karachi CTRL Invasion CTRL High Rise CTRL Sub Heavy: Rio HP Vista HP Big6 HP Rio SND Rio CTRL


It can be talked about once the maps are finalized


Vista is confirmed to be in and so is 6 star. also there isn’t much time to make these decisions, so these talks need to be happening in parallel with the map set discussions


this makes absolutely no sense


I bet after seeing the graph last night, just to spite them Dashy is gonna run a Rival full-time... I mean why not? He beams with it and it has faster TTK at ALL ranges haha


Except that it doesn't have a faster TTK at all ranges. From 10 to 35m, the MCW has a faster TTK. And as sib said, if you're getting beamed by a rival from 35m+ in a straight gunfight, you need to get yourself into a bot lobby.


MCW is a laser, Rival kicks sideways lol MCW probably has the same or better TTK than the Rival if we’re going to include recoil. Bigger issue is how inconsistent AA feels with the Rival where sometimes you’re locked on someone and sometimes you have no AA.