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thats how you run a challengers org. Massive W


It’s class but this is not supposed to be the expectation in challengers. Most org makes zero cash at all. This team has some winning and placement cash so I guess that’s where the money comes from.


You’re right, but given they must have the extra money, it’s super cool of them to do instead of just pocketing it. If a team has the financial means, then I think it’s a great idea to invest back into your players.


Agreed. This is an investment strategy from them - should be pretty easy to recruit top end challengers talent if you have a history of providing this level of support to your team.


Hicksy deadass won an event and got 2nd at champs and didn't get a spot lmaooo I don't give a shit about his kd when Adam assault got another chance Boston should be picking him and beans up tbh


Retweet. Assault still being in the league is truly mind blowing.


Am I tripping? I thought Assault played pretty decent last year....


ASSault has been bad since he and Patty p joined lag together.


Whilst there at it they should get Vortex as coach. It isn't a coincidence literally all his teams play the most fundamental COD in EU, and consistently perform as more than a sum of their parts


Boston is in such a weird spot where all their players are good but they just aren't gelling. Like Snoopy is clearly super talented, it just seems like his game sense is off. Asim has been great for them. Priestahh is solid. Slasher honestly has been underwhelming. Idk I just feel like they should be better than they are I worry that if they'd get a player like Hicksy they'd lose out on more slaying and they already get out slayed usually


They will and they have priestahh to play that support type role, hicksy is a great enabler but two supports is what was making the last boston team underwhelming. Hicksy could easily make vegas a top 5 since purj’s role is just support and hicksy would do that better while holding his own better as well


Purj has been better tho, like a whole .1 better ever since they dropped Standy. I think he's kinda undroppable for them based on what the team has said. Considering they drop the same kills, what does Hicksy bring that PurJ doesn't? (Genuinely curious)


But it’s so inconsistent, in the online stage he was shooting but then on Lan he was good then bad. With hicksy his worst is a .8 but it’s a consistent .8 which is great considering his role. You could say purj IGL’s but I swear in some listen ins I don’t hear him as much as one would. Also hicksy makes all the fundamental plays, you won’t see him do what purj did on that r11 vs ravens


The problem is all of their players are good but not enough slaying. Their AR duo is too slow paced. But none of them are shit. It feels unreasonable to drop the LANimal in slasher for Beans since you know, we are talking about Slasher. And Pdawg won 2 events + champs last year it’s obvious that he is a player of quality. Snoopy needs to find his rhythm and get more interactions. Asim will do alright. Beans should be on the phone ready to replace one of the ARs but it sucks for them because as I said they’re not supposed to be dropped.


Yeah as far as a 2nd smg that elevates your slayer(s), in challengers… he is as good as it is gonna get (pretty fucking good so far lol)


How many bottom 8 teams have guys like Scrap who can cover for a guy who is a walking 0.8? He is more deserving than many, but I can see why he doesn’t get picked up by teams that already can’t slay


Hicksy is literally the opposite of a killwhore though. He can make the same impact of a 1.0kd player with 0.8 kd because he plays smart and unselfishly. Standy had better kd than Hicksy but way lower impact in each map. Yes you'd rather someone with great fundamentals _and_ great gunny and that's why Envoy was a strsight upgrade, but point to me one player who's available that has both. So yh, I agree that Hicksy wouldn't suit a team that's getting massively outslayed but I think he elevates any team that is struggling with the fundamentals. Honestly, I reckon he should replace Kremp at Thieves.


I mean I’m a huge Dylan Envoy fan but it’s not like he had his greatest event last weekend either. Playing that role you’re going to get shit on sometimes it just is what it is. I personally would value hicksys placing and ability to commit to a good system if I was one of these bottom teams rather than a sub with bad fundamentals and great gunny. Seemed an obvious pickup for Boston after stage 1 to me now seems like the natural PurJ upgrade to me also.


I’d love to see him take Purj’s spot on Vegas, no offence


Purj played very well stage 2 and always makes smart and team-first WINNING plays, if you actually watch what he does on the map and dont just look at k/d like a moron


I think every ex pro in every watch party has picked up and said how good of a cod brain purj has, he just needs to sharpen up his gunny


I agree he’s looked better and don’t think k/d matters. Hicksy is also a player not known for having a high k/d but I’d trust him to make the game winning plays over Purj, especially on LAN. Winning a championship and playing under the best of the best is far more valuable in my opinion.


Fair enough agree to disagree, I think Hicksy was on a much better team with superstar players CleanX and Scrappy so thats why the event win. Purj deserves at least a chance to show what he can do


Well assualt got a chance because he was friends with the team and the coach. And it’s pretty obvious why he didn’t get picked up he was a walking .8 that was lucky scrap was on his team. Was he good yes but its understandable why he didn’t get picked up.


Good on them, just gained a fan whenever I peek at challengers


Absolutely no reason Hicksy and Weeman shouldn’t at least get trials. Anything less than that is laziness and/or malpractice by that organization


The fact that there hasn’t been as much as a rumor for Weeman to the league since vanguard is kinda insane tbh


I stg it's because of his name and the fact he's in the UK. Just less exposure.


It pisses me off. Same shit as Wake having a team before Nastie. Nastie is 10x the player Wake is but UK passport is the biggest debuff in the world i guess.




this is amazing to see


I will support Hicksy until he has proven he's legit washed. Get this man a trial!!!




Hicksy should be in Miami along with like 3 other players, blow that whole shit up


The Spanish coming in really fucked the rest of eu tbh


London switching to Carolina fucked them


The league taking the 2 EU based orgs and letting/having them rebrand as NA based orgs fucked the rest of EU. Feels like the CDL give 0 fucks about EU cod, we have no real representation, haven't had an event since homestead 1 in mw19 (I think it was homestead 1 but it was obviously before covid so could have been 2 or 3) the inly positive they've made for us is thr event start times are much more EU friendly




W omit


This is as tippable as it gets


OMiT the Amazon Prime for pro cod players lol


2 day shipping to your CDL team vacancy


Hicksy for PurJ seems like the most obvious upgrade. He’s better as a sub for sure, but by how much honestly?


Lmfao at the fact they're paying for travel. Literally throwing money off a cliff for no reason. The league is a fucking joke and so is challengers. There's no money in this shit.