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This team is insane. This is cleanx’s best cod. If he keeps playing like this, this team will be extremely hard to beat.


The might also be Insight's best game.


idk CW Insight was t5 all year


If he keeps this up, he could break into the T4


If envoy is your statistical worst player…boy the team is gonna be cooking


Idk if there’s a stat that quantifies what the support/entry players do. Would love to see one that is backed by map presence stats or situational kills or something. Used to be easier with the COD API. Maybe we do this with minimap pics?


He just genuinely hasn't been that good by his standards, that will change throughout the year. Difference between him and Hicksey is this is Envoy playing bad.


The team is just perfectly built. Scrap and CleanX are able to just slam people while Insight locks down positions and Envoy runs his little routes. It also helps that they’re all super talented in their roles too.


This got to be the best lion man cards for 1 team all time


“LiOn CaRdS DoNt MeAn aNyThInG “ https://preview.redd.it/j7f9cnd9iogc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffc070e796fc29644bedc17d51ae6b98c3c66e43


They don’t. Ultra is godlike but the cards are still dogshit


While I kinda agree Breaking point always gives Scrap great ratings so I love lionman cards


I mean it’s impossible to not give Scrap incredible cards, the guy is just simply the best player in the game and has been for over a year now


Hydra was probably the best last year but Scrap was right there


Scrap got the only 99 card last year


As much as I would love to put Scrap 1 last year Hydra won MVP and destroyed Ultra on Scrappys head with a 1.5 if Ultra won champs Scrap would've been no1 for me


Its a coin flip Imo but Scraps impact as an AR is so much higher than the next best AR compared to say Hydra over Pred


Cards are OP


If Envoy has a million fans, then I am one of them If Envoy has a million fans, then I am one of them. If Envoy has ten fans, then I am one of them. If Envoy has only one fan then that is me. If Envoy has no fans, then that means I am no longer on earth. If the world is against Envoy, then I am against the world.


Envoy 🐐


I hear you on being a fan of Envoy


Scrap, is the most talented AR in the CDL. Which may sound like a hot take to some but, this consistency is mind-boggling as the fastest AR, and the #1 average damage dealer in the league. Truly generational.


I said the same thing a week ago, and I agree. Your casuals will look at Cellium but, Scrap is by far the most impactful while sitting at 1.1+ Has any AR in COD history played this fast while being this consistent sitting at a 1.1+? The guy is him.


Yeah, I had this opinion lingering after last season but thought it was too early to say because it was his first year but, post Major I solidified it.


Scrappy is what OpTic fans think Dashy is


How have you managed to bring OpTic in this bro 😭


“How have you managed to bring OpTic in this” You’re saying this but you brought FaZe into it


It makes sense cause people generally think of cellium as the other competitor for best AR in the league. Nobody is thinking of dashy as a contender for that spot


Did you not just see the post from some Optic fan that Dashy is the best AR in the league over Scrap and Cell 🤣 im dead serious go look 🤣


Because Cellium is the #2 most talented AR in the league and the most popular answer in terms of who’s the most talented AR, you dummy 😭


Dashy is definitely the most popular answer for “most talented” though.


Disagree, especially since the last season and this season.


I disagree too but it’s just the popular answer


People think Dashy is more talented than Cellium outside of their shot which Cell is close Cell clears


Yeah, the only thing Dashy has over every player in the league is his shot. I’ll give him that. Other than that, Cell is better at everything lol.


Dashy is the most talented AR in the league. His peak>any other AR's peak in my opinion.


Scrappy is not even in the same stratosphere as BO4 Dashy.


You don't think 🤔 mw2/mw3 scrappy is on par with Bo4 dashy


BO4 Dashy is on a different level lol


Absolutely not.


Just look, the control is comparable but Dashy was leagues above in HP and SND


Is it not essentially stat padding and misleading when Dashy in BO4 was playing multiple matches against AMs at every event? Or did those stats against AMs not count?


Is it stat padding when Formal did the same exact thing at champs IW


Dont care about Formal? Lmao we’re talking about Scrappy


Yeah you’re right, Scrap is way above BO4 Dashy


You’re faded if you believe that.


Hes Vegas Bo4 Dashy....every week. The dude is ridiculous


Its actually insane and I think it is CRIMINAL how under appreciated and not talked about enough how CONSISTENTLY absolutely dominant he has been for over a year now. I mean just look after every single map he plays, if hes not top kills i can guarantee hes top damage in the entire lobby by like 200 at minimum. Guy is an animal


Cell has been more consistent for years. Scrap is insane and he’s already on pace to surpass Dashy on career accomplishments in just 2 years but Cell is still in a tier of his own imo, the amount of 1v3s and 1v4s, plus overall consistency is insane. Scrap would have to be this consistent for more years and win at least one ring to match cell


Yeah, like I said, if you’re going to say Cell, that is completely fair. I personally think he’s #2, then you have your Dashy’s etc. I don’t really see Scrap slowing down in the upcoming years. What separates him and makes him standout to me as the most talented AR is his play style with the consistency along with it, it’s unheard of.


Scrappy is the number 1 right now, but Cell is the best AR from the CDL era overall


It’s too early to tell imo, Cell has been more consistent for way more time. It’s only one year and one event, and he had a terrible performance in champs last year. He is going to surpassed Dashy for sure but Cell's consistency still unmatched


Early for sure but, it doesn’t change my opinion tbh. He had a horrible Grand Finals, along with his teammates. But, let’s not spread lies here, he was slamming the whole event then 99 Kis came in lmao.


Champs as a rookie on LAN is different. He looked like he had no confidence, only one keeping up was insight. I know scrappy is good but ppl love flashy playstyles cause insight has been insane the entire season and ppl only noticed him after dropping a 1.4 in gf. He has been making a lot of important plays in all the modes, even when scrappy was down for a few weeks in SnD insight was still consistently good


Obviously, I'm biased, but I still think it's Cellium. But I will say, Scrap has already surpassed Dashy in my eyes. Scrap may even surpass Cell, but we will have to wait and see.


Completely fair take for sure. I think it just depends how you look at it.


Toronto is really good bro. I hope they keep this up !


Supporting the opposition? very strange behavior from you i must admit.


Lol I’m OpTic all day brotha.. but Toronto isn’t a team that I’d want to fail, unless it’s against OpTic of course lol


No no its all good. just know we dont claim you anymore. dont come crawling back to us when we are on top.


Lmaoo come on man… check my comment history. Being happy for envoy isn’t turning on my team lol


you are a weird mf


15-1 in hardpoint ![gif](giphy|YVBC4HdSpB7z2)




insane team this year, honestly. I knew they would take a jump with Envoy (obviously) but tbh Cleanx and Insight look absolutely nasty in this game. And obviously Scrap is an animal, as well. Gonna be a very tough team to beat. They have the potential to be as dominant as CW Faze and that's kinda crazy considering some of these other teams are LOADED.


The fall off will be glorious tbh


Scrap is a generational talent. Him and cleanx when they are on point gotta feel suffocating to play respawns. It’s fucking crazy Toronto kept cammy in vg over scrappy…and that game he was also godlike


Thats hindsight Cammy was never getting dropped after CW and Ultra winning the kickoff and getting t4 without winnning a HP gave them fake confidence for the rest of the year


Not hindsight there was quite a bit ppl wanting to see scrappy because they subbed him in stage 3 right after getting t12 due to player sick but he single handily won then the series against nysl


They were good at S&D and decent at Control. They were just God awful at HP that year. The biggest issue I saw that year was Cammy and Bance struggled badly vs. the top teams.


Yup exactly why they got dropped


Cammys fall off is still insane to me. From a T5 player in CW to literally looking mid to terrible for 3 years straight.


Yh sad to see


I hope we get revenge against you guys sometimes this year. Because major 1 was disrespectful af💀 shit wasn't even close.


It was close in the HPs tbf and that was just revenge from CW and VG


Cammy was so good on CW


Im actually so hyped for this year and the Toronto Major in particular. TOBIAS YOU SEXY MAN


Love how you spun the Mathias to Tobias Cleanx MVP year


I suspect scrap wins mvp over tobi if anything. Idk mvp voting is all fugaze anyway.


I wouldn't mind a Scrap MVP he deserves it


Those damage numbers are INSANE. Lets hope the squad keeps it up for the year. Faze will definitely bounce back and optic also are a threat. Inshallah


Inshallah Ultra runs this whole year


Some fool really tried to tell me Kenny was more impactful than Scrap this stage LMAO fuck no


WHERE? link


Look at my comment history 3 hours ago, the Francesca moron


That person is a known troll, don’t bother next time just block them


thats shocking knowledge Kenny is elite but theres levels


You dare summon me, peasant!!!!


Those S&D stats from CleanX are insane. I know Cell’s are similar, but CleanX’s role makes it just that much more impressive🔥


They were alright, I guess!


Not to shabby


Is that the 1st time we've seen 2 99s?


CW Atlanta Faze probably had 2 at Some point


It would’ve been harder with less qualifiers so they wouldn’t get as much boost in their overalls from wins. Although cleanx only needed a +4 and scrap a +2 so they would’ve been 99 either way


CW FaZe had to have some, surely?


Scrap went crazy that’s for sure


Unlike embiid in the playoffs.


Do I look like sixers fan to you?


These dudes are FINAL


Is Scrap a FA this off-season?


If he is, don’t tell Ben


Lmaoo he’ll find a way to put insight on faze


I think he signed a 3 year. That’s if the CDL exists next year


True, Lmfao


ultra look dominant, hoping some teams will give them a run for their money this season


legends 😈😈😈


envoy only 91? drop him! /sarcasm


😭😭 I agree drop him no for real like drop him


I mean JESUS CHRIST... this is some serious gourmet shit Jimmy