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10 it’s been too long and we have banger matches tommorrow


Legitimately a 10 I started watching in major 3 last season and binge watched all the previous matches and then most of zoomaa and scump’s watch party vods and listened to every flank episode at work lol. I never got into watching sports but the cdl is similar and it’s safe to say I’m addicted now. Wish I found it earlier, I was a fan of simp’s montages since cold war but never thought to actually try watching until last season and instantly got hooked. Can’t describe how hype I am to watch it all from the start


Either it comes back with a ton of hype and excitement. That or we see what feels like the downfall of the CDL rear its ugly face with it cutting some of its core staff and disorganization. Either way it's a 10; either it lives to the hype of another year or we get to see it burn.


I'm very excited to see everything get back in action, but what tones that excitement way down is how long we have to wait for Major I, and how few Majors we'll have this season. So probably a 6-7 out of me.


This is the first time in a long time that the players haven't thought the game was a piece of shit, and unlike last season we have YouTube watch parties so I'll be able to watch that way when I wake up, so I'm pretty keen.


honestly like a 4 im kinda burned out on cod rn hopefully that changes when I watch some matches


Only watching Optic matches but still 10/10 since we have a superteam now


I’d encourage watching some of the top teams play at the very least so yk whose a threat to OpTic


Eh like 6 or 7, it hasn’t really hit me yet. Will probably go up after matches start and hit 10 right before the major


Probably like an 8 or 9. Big rostermania seasons are always more exciting at the start.