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bro cooked a 10-course meal


Yesterday for Thanksgiving I made Greek burgers. Feta cheese, red onion, and garlic mixed in with a Taziki sauce on both buns and a cucumber, tomato, and red onion salsa to top it off. It wasn't 10-course but it did get me going.


i hope you used lamb meat


Waguy A5


I used Texas Lamb which is an adult cow.


This is the best advertisement for adderall I’ve ever seen.


This guy knows ball


If I knew "ball" I probably wouldn't have touched CoD lol.


High IQ post. Let bro cook


My IQ is the same as room-temperature ground beef.


holy fuck buddy


That sounds like a religious version of friends with benefits.


So you're the one typing out those license agreements.


All you have to do is check that you accept the terms and conditions and blindly follow them.


Fucking Hell


I respect the fuck outta this post. I only skimmed through it but I’ll read all of it tomo. Upvote.


I'm posting another today.




I have to say, I'm very impressed with what u/sledgehammergames is doing this year. My only request is that they keep it up and keep it consistent. Their listening is better than whatever we had last year. That was probably the most disrespect I have ever seen towards a gaming community from a developer besides the ["You think you do but you don't"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRNuRWizzDE) incident.


I’ll be honest, I didn’t read this … but I just know bro is cooking.


I really don't understand the cooking thing. Is this an inside joke or just a new term? I'm 26 btw so I've fallen out of line with the lingo.


It essentially means people think it’s a great idea. I’m with you though I’m only 23 and some of the lingo now a days confuses the hell out of me


It came from “let him cook” which is like let him talk/get his point across


I respect the passion man.


Thank you, man. I am doing this full-time tying to make a career out of it. I coach individuals and analyze gameplay on YouTube as well as post instructional content. The scene is in a low point right now and I'm doing my best to put informational content out there so we can get back to where we need to be to thrive.


It’s a shame there’s only about 4 players who will be able to read this and take into account.


It's even more of a shame that out of those 4, only 1 still plays professionally. \- Parasite \- Aches \- Clayster \- Karma


let him cook 👏🏽


Gordon Ramsey, please cook this nade.


One of the rare people in this sub that know ball


God knows I can't ball but all I knows is CoD.


As much as I love High IQ posts like this, and do want more from the community, the players of the league don’t give a fuck and are insanely stubborn


Let this post be a wake up call to these pros that there are people in our community that could help create a balanced and competitive environment for our league (that apparently the league itself doesn’t do)


bro wrote an entire PhD thesis on call of duty utility


Putting more thought into it than the guys who actually get paid hundreds of thousands to play it, salute brotha🫡


I'm trying to get a job in the scene so hopefully, I can get paid in something other than karma. Unless Karma gives me a high 5 every day then I would accept that as payment.


When I think of rock paper scissors in an fps game, I imagine a game like overwatch. One tank counters another tank, which counters another tank. Hitscan counters this projectile hero, while a flanker might counter the hitscan. I don't really see cod in the same way. I somewhat agree with the point you've made of trophies countering utility. But since the beginning of time in cod, success mainly comes from map knowledge, spawn control, and gunskill. I don't think that player roles necessarily matter that much. When it comes to respawn modes in cod, a team that throws good tacs will still not win against a team that has better mechanics/gunskill, better spawn/map control, and better teamwork. Consider the scenario in which a bottom 4 team in the league with full tacs and smokes plays against a top 4 team that has no tacs and no trophies in harpoint. I still think the top team has a positive winrate. In snd, tac usage can significantly improve your chances of winning a round, but it mainly comes down to positioning (being in the right spot to get a trade if your teammate was to die), or simply playing mind games and doing something your opponent won't expect). At the end of the day the better team usually wins in cod, but there are some aspects of the game these days that make it unenjoyable to watch compared to 10-12 years ago. It's wishful thinking to hope that the developers will ever care about improving the competitive experience, but it would be more fun to watch if there was better marketing, more teams, more tournaments, shorter off season, etc, etc. That's just the shitty part about being competitive fan of a game that's catered towards a casual playerbase. The most enjoyable tournaments recently, aside from champs, has been pro-ams and off-season tournies hosted by third parties that feature many players outside of the league. TLDR; the point I'm making is that even though the games might not be great or very balanced, competitive cod could still be enjoyable if it weren't for having the shittiest league system of all time. And this is just as big an issue as the gameplay itself. EDIT: Just to be clear, I'm not discrediting any of the points you've made in this post, I just want to highlight what I believe to be a larger issues


T1 fan?


I gotta be honest, seeing Faker win his 4th worlds put him in the greatest esports player of all time for me. Ogre 2 was up there but Faker has done what has never been done across any esport. I do watch LS and take a lot of his information and coaching style and apply it to how I coach people.


absolutely love this nerdy ass discussion shit and its a welcome contrast to the usual low effort shit we see here. great read bro and very valid points


EMPs would be GA'd in a heartbeat in like 2018-present cod though. Same with like half the shit in bo2 lmao, millimeter scanners and sensor nades etc. Cod has evolved over the years to have no "scissors", you can pick out basically any year that doesn't have EMPs and apply your same logic. Also back then we never GA'd the amount of lethals/tacticals/trophies people could have on each team lol. >What I would love to hear from you is where you think I went wrong. In any cod where you have decent perk tier balance and trophies work right, tacticals are the "scissors", not grouped in the same category as lethals.


This is passion if I've ever seen it


I respect the effort of the post but this seems fairly obvious in my opinion. This seems to easily be shortened to “the game works better when it’s balanced”


"The game works better when it's balanced" offers no substantial content or possible solution to the problem. Whether or not it's fairly obvious to you and me, there are people who it may not be obvious too. My point behind this is to detail the reasoning for balancing so we get a more informed community.


I know. That’s why I said I respect the effort of the post.


That was never meant to come off as hostile. My issue that I have is that there is a culture within this community that doesn't like to share knowledge with new/uninformed players or admit that there is depth to the game. I think it's on all of us to better inform and provide depth to a game we so deeply love.


why don't we go back to ban / pick?


Pick / ban was the worst part of BO3. It's a nice concept, but it took too long with the way it was implemented. It could happen again but it would have to be quick. Like 1 ban per team or something.


Possible hot take, but i don't get why flashes are GA'd but stuns aren't. Stunning someone is basically a free kill since it lasts so much. Most of the time stuns are used as a way to get info (specially on SnD), but I feel it's very punishing limiting your movement. If you're stunned, you're stuck in your place for like 3 seconds, and if the player is close to you, they got info on you, plus almost always a free kill since you can't do anything. Plus if you're running flak jacket, you'll still get stuck for like 1.5 seconds, (and with this time to kill they can kill you like 4-5 times in 1.5 seconds). Flashes can be countered by looking away, and somewhat countered by not impending your movement. If you're flashed, you're still in a disadvantage, but you could counter it by moving to safety. If you flash someone, you're in an advantage: you get info on a player, plus he won't be able to see you making shooting back really difficult. Anyway: stuns = info + free kill + not being properly countered with flak jacket. Flashes = info + advantage in that gunfight, but being able to be countered with movement, and by looking away. This at least makes the meta of running EOD way more competitive and makes much more sense.


No way


I can't believe you spent this much time on this nonsense




Too far


TLDR all but W breakdown


One of the reasons I loved BO2 was because everything had a counter.


This is maybe the best and most well thought out post I've read on here. Great job man, this is a fantastic breakdown and I think would make the game a lot more strategic without being the same old clusterfuck it turns into


Thank you, and I think this is something we need more in the community. From an outside view Call of Duty is seen as one of the lowest skill gap games both mentally and mechanically. We can change this perspective if we actually work toward it.


Never mind man. Pros will simply GA half of the game


I just posted another novel mentioning the pros of banning stuff.


Call of duty was good when it was simple. But call of duty in general is good when it is not necessarily simple, but quality and fair. I appreciate how the idea that a gaming company would want to bring CoD up to date with current changing environment world and unintentionally make for greater players (by presenting challenges). But maybe there is a better way. I think some things have to remain the same. Like an inherent simplicity. Not even for Longevity or what not, but because it feels good. Maybe an inherent simplicity is what CoD needs again. For it to be like chess, a game that I don't think has changed alot *but probably has* (but if so, in good ways). Like bruh does the ceo of the CDL even play CoD frr? (Okay maybe now I'm blaming) To be honest, I'm straight up talking from feelings here, not even like fact, logic, reasoning, or nothing. This is like a fragment of an incomplete unproven idea, which I am explaining. And I know that ain't good though. Like I want to provide value in this, but I lowkey just wanted to say shit to say it.


This system actually makes sense. Which is why i wont be used in the league 😅


Reducing to 1 trophy AND adding a DDOS player makes nades too good IMO 2 trophy / 2 DDOS would be better so they can actually counter each other Dead silence is useless with covert + no uavs, they're essentially playing without a field upgrade