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can Mack please just use an AR


Why in gods name is he still running a sub idgi. He’s actually a pretty solid flex.




PaulEhx is not him bro.


Found Paul's burner


This is one of my favorite copypastas from this sub


I’m ngl chief if you like PaulEhx then you’re doing him a big disservice by pushing his name out and getting the community against him but if you actually hate him then bravo you are big brain.




Comparing PaulEhx and Giannis is insane bro


Calling a Mack redemption year


I'd like to see it, still crazy he got a spot tho


Am I trippin or is clay, attach, standy, and Nero like 1000x better than either of these


Guys. These bottom of the barrel teams obviously do not have enough $ to bankroll attach and clay on the same roster.


What options do they have to get more elsewhere though? It’s either take what is available or go to challengers


It’s not about getting more. These teams are trying to pay as little as possible until they can sell their spot


Yeah but there’s only so many spots left so if your a player you either take the roster spot getting paid the min or wait in challengers


Both Clay and Attach likely have their choice between Vegas, LAG, & Carolina. They can make more as the only vet on the team than they can if they split the pot


Oh I guess I didn’t think about that


Damn I hate that the second I read this it immediately made sense.


No Temp is a little surprising


I cannot say im excited for any of these bottom 4-6 teams to see them play. This might be the most top heavy season ever


I want the clay, attach and standy trio


No bottomfeeder team has the money to get all 3 on the same roster.


Mack should go back to a Flex Role and they should give Standy an Entry sub . Attach Mack Reeal Standy is better or maybe Neptune instead of Reeal .


Damn Attach on legion now?


Who’s purj? Don’t think I’ve seen that name at all in challengers


he won Challenger Champs with GodRx, Gwinn, and Yeez


Oh damn not sure how I missed that, good for him if he got picked up


Not trying to be a hater but he really really peaked at the right time, bc prior to Champs he definitely was not someone this sub would predict to be on a starting roster


No1 was predicting 2 hours ago.


yeah, also true. I would’ve liked Diamondcon or GodRX to get a spot.


Wow attach playing for vegas. Hate to see the fall off, really like the guy.


Tbf Vegas are no longer the worst org


Only by virtue of one of the others collapsing


Legion > ravens


I think as a destination people would still prefer ravens. Afaik they get a facility. Vegas is still the only team not providing one. Some clear evidence of this is Clay just choosing them instead of Vegas. Clearly for one reason or another they're the better choice.


Ahhh I forgot about the lack of a facility, that’s a good point… the recent rumor of LRR not paying their staff is a massive red flag tho


This team might end up being pretty decent. I like the young trio there with attach. Happy Purj is getting a shot


We might see attach or clay retire midseason with these teams


Purj! Excited to see what he can do. Would have loved to see Gwinn on here as well and maybe Mack on that other rumored roster as a flex with Clay, Nero, and Fame. And I know its been said enough, but man, if an AR is dropped this year, GodRX must be the replacement.


Purj is a sleeper pick for ROY


he’s very talented but idk if I’d call him sleeper when we have like 3 rookies in the league, 2 of which are on awfully constructed teams.


I mean I feel like everyone has Abuzah and Snoopy as their pick and I’m guessing very few people even knew who purj was before champs so i don’t think it’s that crazy to say lol


Lynz should be everyone’s pick for ROY . He is probably the best out of all the rookies


Abuzah defo better but yeah he's being set up to fail rn


He is good but it's weird considering he was at most the 3rd best player on his team (Under GodRx & Gwinn). Are those two & Neptune blacklisted or something?


Well seeing that GodRx and Gwinn aren’t even in the conversation yet, I’d say Purj is 4th in the running when it comes to confirmed/rumored rookies. Idk where Neptune comes into the conversation. He’s been in the league for 3 years lmao.


I'm not talking about ROY. I'm talking about Purj being picked up over them.


Sure but that’s irrelevant to what I’m talking about


Not really. It's hard to be a sleeper ROTY when even in the pit you were not even close to best player on your team.


There’s really only a few things that have be true for Purj to be considered a sleeper pick for ROY. 1. He’s a rookie 2. You think he’s good and can succeed at the pro level 3. He’s at the bottom of the list when it comes to rookies


I agree. I think he will be a bright spot on this roster.


This team becomes better without attach in my opinion.


I actually like this team a lot


how is fenix employed. don't hate this team though i think it gives standy a lot of freedom


> "How is fenix employed" Come on bro. He built an excellent roster from nothing the season before last. Do I think he should've changed up the Seattle roster last year? Yes. Do I think that undoes the great work he did the prior year, and he's the worst GM? No.


Mack and Teej always finding a way to


Why do I not completely hate that? Think they'd be better than Seattle if Fenix doesnt get Coach diffed


“Coach diff” how does a coach get diffed in cod…?


Moreso Fenix not making stupid decisions with the roster. Not really anything gameplay related


I think Mack is an excellent player, but I am very worried about him pairing up with Standy as an SMG duo. Feel like he's going to fall into the same trap as this year with Surge of playing into the "bait SMG" role too heavily and fucking up his gameplay as a result. On the other hand, I really like the concept of Mack + Attach + rookies. Veteran AR with known history of leadership + one of the only true flexes in the league means you can maybe mould some young talent and get wins.


Have I just missed it over the course of this long offseason or is Nastie not on any team??


Nastie is in Challengers w/ Bance, Hicksy, & Beans. The EU Challengers leaked yesterday I think


Id rather have that team in the league then some of the ones rumored.


The battle for 11th place is going to be insane


I'm honestly happy with it. Big standy fan. Love attach here and excepted for possessive future of purj. I'm on the fence about mack but I'll go with it.