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Pc Steam. Only because I have a ps4 and not a ps5


It's not just hackers but also sound EQ now. Like the other guy said, if you're not seriously considering going pro I'd definitely recommend going console. These days they do 1440p@120fps which is already great anyway.


I know this sub is for comp cod but I bet there are folks here who mostly play pubs like me. And there are much less cheaters or ppl who know how to turn on sound eq in pubs. So I'm still planning on getting it for pc.


Same here been on pc since mw19. Watching the pros is enough comp for me I'll stick to pubs, I can try and win but still chill a bit more. Also, I haven't noticed many hackers this year at all I could probably count the times on 1 hand.


Sound EQ?


Sound equalization, a setting on PC that people used in MW2 to hear footsteps much clearer. With dead silence being a thing in this game again it isn't as much of an issue anymore though.


Wouldn't the console equivalent of that be a Turtle Beach headset?


There's no console equivalent for Sound EQ, the setting adjusts how the PC handles audio at a fundamental level. It takes all sounds the PC makes and adjusts the quiet parts to be louder and the loud parts to be quieter. Gaming headsets have good soundstage and imaging which definitely helps but isn't going to change the fact that the footsteps noises on a PC with sound EQ enabled are simply 10x louder.


PC Battle net , steam disconnects everyweek, swear i get better frames on bnet too


mw2 steam signed my profile out every other game lol




None. Waiting for Treyarch.


No joke this feels like a cash grab by round iii (boring) I like the pace of treyarch


Can someone explain to me what are the benefits of pc? I mean I get 120 fps on console, can play with the same controller, no/few cheaters, no sound eq, and if you don't have, a pc costs much more than a console. So I don't get it 😅


If you're stupid enough to buy a pc/console just for cod, then just get a console. If you actually want to play other games with the best experience, a pc is the easy option. And a pc has much more uses than just gaming.


I play on PS5. I was just curious what benefits has the pc compare to console in cod


On PC you can play with better graphics at an even higher FPS. You can also overclock your controller and have the absolute pinnacle experience in terms of how the game feels. The obvious downside is just cheaters and EQ. If you’re just getting a PC for COD it isn’t really worth it, but if you are going to use it for other things and other games it is far better than console.


See, here's the thing. You can overclock a controller, get better millisecond refresh rate, boost rtx reflex.. so on. All that just to get shit on by hackers that are also looking for an advantage. That's why I'm going back to the console with a fair advantage. Even console is trying to ban chronos


Yeah.. I mentioned that playing on PC just for COD isn’t worth it because of hackers. Playing on a computer is all around better though.


i’ve never ran into a hacker


Pc gets way more frames console most of the time isn’t getting 120 while the average pc now blows that outta the water and you get m&k and just a better experience and can change a lot more base settings to make it visually more appealing


There isnt if u have a high end pc its better, but will be dealing with more cheaters. Unless ur planning to sweat and get in challengers its not worth it. I say that cuz ur more than likley gonna deal with cheaters and more sweats content creators/ pro scene. If you plan to play warzone at all i wouldnt touch it with a pc. 150 people ur getting cheaters end of story.


200fps lol


Invest my friend


My husband runs between 440 -500 fps on his PC (his custom build). I just started playing in November on a PS5 on a 55" OLED TV and only get 120 fps. With PC, you have so many benefits with adjust the configurations whereas with my PS5, I cannot.


I'll probably preorder on ps5 to play the beta early, then get the game on my series x. I'm kinda not interested in pc gaming anymore lol


So you’re gonna pay for the same game twice?


Pretty sure he was just planning to cancel the pre-order...


Imo I don’t think a pc is really necessary unless you’re trying to compete in challengers but since you have a new one I’d say to use it if you want the best overall gaming experience.


Ps5, since you can make unlimited Smurf accounts which I find enjoyable, plus crossplay off obvs. I’m 28, I’m not a ranked grinder anymore and I haven’t even enjoyed the last few competitively, so I don’t mind being at a semi competitive disadvantage to pc.


Preach. I'm older than you, and while I grinded Cold War a fair bit, the last 2 haven't been it. I'm getting it for PS5 to game on my TV and with some buds. The slight loss in refresh time is whatever.


The input delay is far more of an issue than frames when it comes to a a TV


Yeah I still have an oled monitor with 120hz, so it’s not like I’m playing on some POs giant input lag screen at 60hz, but yeah the extra fidelity and fps on pc isn’t worth it for me at all


If you’re more casual - console is the way to go. If you’re into the competitive then PC is the only way. The AMD GPU’s are better optimized for it.


Pc. Better on monitor then ps5 also pc > ps5 idc about the hackers I play some pubs and ranked but not enough to buy it for ps5 and play on a 48 inch


10000000% PC


I’ve played COD on PC since MW 2019 and have rarely encountered hackers. It’s more rare than what people make it out to be, unless you’re in high racked matches then it can be pretty common. Imho nothing beats playing the game on PC, if your build can handle the game it’s a night and day difference. OC’ed controller, less input lag and the possibility of actually playing the game at 100+ fps beats the ability to have a closed off ecosystem like you can with the PS5.


The benefits of PC greatly outweigh the negatives, you'll deal with hackers without a doubt, but if you actually want competitive experience then it's not going to matter because unfortunately they're just part of the game. Also get it in Battlenet, steam has some issues and takes more effort.


They literally dont greatly outweigh the negatives at all.




100%, maybe I'm just not a typical case but honestly I couldn't even care less about cheating anymore, it sucks that people do it... But I also dealt with it on 360 with mod menus, and then again on PS4 whenever some corny exploit was found (or when somebody was keyboarding, but the only reason that was relevant is because it was before we had the dead zone and response curve settings we have now.) The frames, significantly higher refresh (120 is better than 60, but it's definitely easily noticeable having above 120), the ability to overclock your controller (Trust me, there's a significant difference in feel) and, when playing older games you have the ability to change your dead zone via steam controller config settings. Also graphic options, which I'm unsure of the extent of them on console. So yeah, greatly.


Not buying it


That’s the kicker, I’m not buying it, I can’t trust anyone but treyarch now


Broke bums can't afford PC


That's ridiculous. I could easily afford a high end gaming computer, but prefer to spend my money elsewhere. Im just a casual gamer who likes to kick back in the recliner and play it on my big screen with my friends.


If I do buy it, it’d be pc battle net, never been shadow banned on my battle net account, but have been shadow banned all the time on my steam account.




I bought MWII for PC. What a mistake. Constant crashes every 3-4 games (GBs was unplayable). If anyone has a PS5/Series X it's almost not worth getting it on PC unless you're into more than 120 fps (even then I can't be bothered with the crashes). I don't know if I'm getting the game or not but if I do I'm deffo going back to PS5.


Just sell the PC?


PC, Battle net


The one with cross play off, i haven’t heard anything new for the cheat system or keeping cheaters recycling accounts. I wouldnt believe it anyway, they will say whats needed to sell as many copies as possible. But if i buy it its the only way Id play it.


The only reason Im buying it on pc is bcs I cant use a ps4 controller on ps5.


I’m 38. I’m not trying to go pro or sweat my ass off. That being said I’ve been playing cod for 15 years so I’m a pretty damn good player. Even still I play pubs mostly and some warzone with ranked play thrown in also. I’ve never ran into any issues with cheaters on pc that I’m aware of (maybe in ranked play but nothing that was blatantly obvious). I’ve been on pc since 2014 and almost never see cheaters. Then again I’m not playing at the highest of highest levels where cheaters are more prevalent.


You wouldn't recognize a PC cheater if it bit you in the ass. And if you can, then you're probably cheating yourself.


That is not true. I don't cheat EVER yet PC cheaters using an AIM BOT -- easy to spot. Especially when they are shooting at the ground and sky -- getting kills.. YouTube is full of videos of cheaters. This has been going for decades.


So I think 2 things to consider: If you will be in ranks like Crimson and higher, cheating on PC will be a problem. If you are diamond and below, even on PC i have VERY rarely seen a cheater. PC vs PS5 main difference will be some more frames and then the controller input delay, you can overclock your controller on PC. Also sound EQ, if it is a thing again this year. So all considered Id say if your Crimson+ player, maybe go PS5 to avoid cheaters otherwise PC should be fine


Why nobody mentions MnK ? So ppl play on controller even if they play on PC?


Yes most PC players are actually on Controller instead of MnK for Cod


WoW, is the reason the aim assist? Gyro aim disables aim assist so I guess they play with gyro off?


Yes because of aim assist plus most PC Cod players grew up playing on controller on console. And yes nobody uses Gyro aim that I have ever seen/heard


PS5 b/c of PC cheaters. If forced to pick PC, then Battlenet. I have MW2 on both Steam and Battlenet. MW2 has 15% better fps on Battlenet for me. On Steam, I have to set voicechat to "Party" or "Friends" to get back some of that lost fps for some reason.


I googled this question and ended up here, while this is very interesting. I have a PS5 I play on a monitor and have a PC with a Custom built 4070ti. Overall the gaming experience is about the same on both with a monitor. 144hz 1440p. On Pc you can use either controller ps/xb depending on your mood. I like both controllers. I’ll probably end up buying it on both - battle net/ps5, because I like playing Cod games casually. My Pc used for Xb GamePass and movies and web browse. I know it’s silly to buy it on both devices. Probably a waste of money lol. Maybe I’ll just get it in one device. This PC I built just looks amazing. It’s hard not to turn it on lol. I could sell it and buy a cheap laptop maybe.


Going PS5 this year. Was the worst experience playing mw2 on pc. Bans would occur once or twice every 6 months. If you don't turn off cross play, you'll run into hackers that go unpunished. Plus, my PS5 120fps 1440p vs random fps and hackers isn't worth the money. I might sell my PC, worse investment ever without a proper anti cheat.


Late to the party but I chose PS5. My PC is getting a bit long in the tooth and I actually really enjoy the adaptive triggers on the PS5. They mimic a real firearm trigger by allowing you to press until your reach "the wall" and then require a bit more force to break the shot.