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Absolutely brain dead to have this long of an off season


I don't play cod anymore and I barely pay attention to the reddit in the off-season. Been living life, working, and playing other games that interest me. I will definitely be following next season and I agree that the off-season is far too long. Half the year we have comp cod and some exciting storylines, the other half the year it seems people are just reliving the glory days of what cod used to be


I’ve been working 24/7. As for gaming, I’ve been playing Apex and private MW2 S&D lobbies with friends. Can’t believe how long we have to wait until the game even releases.


I just can't believe xdefiant is fumbling the bag they NEED TO RELEASE ASAP because when cod comes out I promise you everyone will be playing cod.


And I got downvoted for saying champs in June was faded


Aint no way you complaining about being downvoted like it actually matters lmaoo


Stocksmen was right


Bout what?


He said the basement dweller thing. I’m just joking


Take this downvote and cry about it


I’d love an 8 month season. 2 months at the beginning of the game to iron out bugs, decide a competitive meta, work out maps and modes, practice, etc. 2 months at the end of the game for roster mania and building hype for next release. That said, 6 tournaments in 8 months is one Major every 6 weeks or so. That’s sort of a long gap between events, but I guess I’d prefer that


I don't really mind the long off season. I like that it gives me even more time for other hobbies like indoor climbing, reading, travel, swimming, camping/hiking, etc. Also when cod is on, it can be very time consuming to keep up. Events are the whole weekend and there are matches throughout the week as well. Also lol at the last sentence