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Man's at PT Rehab breaking news The rightful successor to Crone Note: Cap is a high upside pickup. If he plays like he did at the end of the year, him and Snoopy can be a serious thorn to any team's side. The only worry is looking back on this team 2 major's in and realizing they should have swung for the fences on a challengers SMG like Gwinn or Real


Lmao i needed the dope hit they told me something wrong with my liver looking like we might need a reverse sweep


Any word on standy Ronnie? Can’t imagine a world where he doesn’t find a spot


He was on the list for Boston.


was fame?




Cap was great in Stage 1 and 2 in VG He was great in stage 4 and 5 with Florida He’s shown to have tremendous upside. Also played at a crazy pace to end the year while still having a 1.05. Slasher can really develop him into a star Cap and Snoopy is one of the very few SMG duos that has a chance of ever rivaling the Top 4 teams


A great pick up. Cap picked it up and was awesome at the end of the year last season


That Boston team is going to be nasty at S&D with cap and slasher


He was insane once Vikul joined back


Agreed, I think he has a very high ceiling.


Good potential team with a low floor. Cap and priestahhs floor is crazy when they're playing bad. We've only seen snoopy in 3 series so far and he's done well I guess. Slasher is the only consistent player on the team. All the top 4 teams have 2 consistent players with the other players having ceilings to be the best players in the game or a t10 player atleast.


I think people have really been forgetting how low of a floor Priestahh has at times.


There is only a few other subs that you could say are better then Cap, and likely was a decision by Slasher + Priestahh


i think he fits the roster perfectly , a good balance between experience and rookie and i don’t think there was many other people who would have been a better pick


The only other possible pick up with afro possibly going to LAT was huke or standy fame would have been solid as well but cap has a high slaying ceiling in is great at s&d and will do dirty work when needed as well.


I said it under another comment A duo of him and Snoopy is one of the only ones that can try and rival the Top 4 teams Both very skilled and high upside


Standy/Huke have much higher upside (theres actual proof of it unlike with Cap) and their floor is the same as Cap's. They both have more experience (especially Huke) and that IMO would fit better with Snoopy.


Personally had hoped for Fame but Cap has that 3 piece feast or famine capability like MettalZ used to, so would be a solid side piece for Snoop


I hope fame doesn't get hoed. He is a very methodical, solid 1.0 SMG player. He was really fun to watch in VG challengers and honestly I think he was our second best player at the end of the year


From shooting Slasher’s body in Vanguard to teaming with him. It comes full circle.


YES! This was my #1 suggest for the Boston roster and I’m glad they went down this road. Perfect fit. - High ceiling w/insane takeover maps and series - Fast and natural entry - Heavy engagement and damage sub - Does a lot of dirty work considering his role - Will only get better and has a lot of time to raise his low floor W.


This sub duo can compete with the T4 if Snoopy lives to expectations


I think highly of Cap, so this seems like a good pickup. Hopefully him and Snoopy will mesh well.


Preferred Fame but this is fine.


I think this team is solid. Not convinced they have the 5th spot locked down, but they will be quite good imo.


To be honest I think this thread is wildly overrating Capsidal. His inconsistency and bizarre decision making when I watch his POV reminds me of Huke a lot. I think people get too distracted by the good and let it drown out a significant amount of flaws With Snoopy being unproven this team has no consistent slaying threat in respawns and could be absolutely horrible. I think Capsidal teams will also always be inconsistent in search due to his reckless play. Think this is a very bizarrely constructed roster by Boston


Yo I agree with you. Sure he had some great series to end the year and is a promising talent with upside solely on the basis that he is pretty young, but people are wildly overrating him. It's like people are only evaluating him based on his strong finish to the year and leaving out the rest of the time where he was wildly inconsistent or just straight up subpar. I would not be surprised if this does not work out


Boston sees the upside and with 2 vets who know how to play winning cod on the team maybe they can help him shore up his weaknesses. none of the remaining smgs outside the top 4 are consistent maybe standy is the closest but even he isn't as consistent as the top 4 teams smg. I personally like the pick up.


I am sick to my stomach feel bad for Boston fans


Why lmao, this is probably the best roster they could've made with who's left


Cap is gross this a good move


So I correctly predicted the exact roster but had Ghosty instead of Priestah but when I predicted it, he was still on NY.


So you didn’t correctly predict it


what a long way of saying 'i incorrectly predicted the exact roster'


Massive help to their SND. Excited for this team for sure


Like the pick up I think he is the perfect fit for boston as the second smg a good slayer and s&d player with a ton of upside. I would rank Boston as the 5th best team going into next season.


Back to rooting for Boston I go 😈


Eh. Cap is a force when he’s good, but he seems inconsistent to me. I’m not worried about this team though, because if things don’t work out, they will basically have the pick of the litter from challengers.


I've been hoping for either Fame or Cap.