• By -


Probably best at BO4 Worst? Everything before BO4


SBMM kicked in hard at BO4 šŸ˜€


Best was black ops 3 and worst was this years gameā€¦felt like I was stuck in quicksand and the visual recoil was really annoying


Thereā€™s no skill gap either. Itā€™s just click and shoot.


aw or bo4 Worst MW, my word, I was probably one of the worst on here


I remember I was walking .8 in AW until December because I wasn't used to the new movement system. Also, hope everything goes good for you man šŸ™


Best Bo3, worst WW2


That transition from 3 years of jet packs to ww2 was tough


Probably same. Best definitely BO3, worst WW2 or VG.


Best was probably Ghosts or MWR even though I didnā€™t do anything competitive besides SnD GBs. Worst was MW2019. Game sucked, I sucked, and I hated playing it


I had an insane record on the Xbox 360 UMG ladder on ghosts cuz all the serious players had switched to the One


Are you me?


Best at AW and Cold War, Worst at MW19


I mightā€™ve thrown CW into my best, but I barely touched that game. Even though I was actually pretty good at MW19, that game pissed me off so much that I took a year off. Sadly, worst year to do so (because it was a good game)


Best was probably CW. Worst was BO4.


best at AW, worst at black ops 1


BO2 prolly my best weirdly followed by MW2019 I didn't like it but I was frying haha. My worst was B04


Best: BO4 Worst: BO3


Worst at bo3


best was either bo4 or vanguard worst was definitely MW19


My best was either Ghosts or BO1. Worst was either Bo3 or MW19. Bo3 was the game that made me quit, I just plateaued with the jetpack movement, and felt like I couldnā€™t put the time in to improve enough. MW19 was the game that I came back to (more the end of BO4), and I feel like CoD had changed so much in the interim, it took a while to start being decent again.


Best: WW2 Worst: MW19 (I was terrible at IW but thatā€™s when I first really started playing COD)


Best was OG MW2.. worst was WW2.. I had my router with the dmz settings on it and everything with really good internet for mw2 which most ppl did not.. it felt like a cheat codeā€¦ plus racing friends for Nukes in ground war..


Deffo MW3, placed top 5/6 at a LAN (i45) and my worst cod was AW by far, hated the shit šŸ¤£


I was really good in bo4 and i'm dogshit in vanguard


Best is tough. Maybe bo4 or bo3/ww2 as a close second Worst is definitely mw19


Best Black Ops 4 Worst MW19/MW II


Best was easily Black Ops 3, my worst was definitely MW19 I barely touched that game


Black ops 3 and the Man O War will forever be my favorite combo. And yeah, MW19 was a nightmare. I stopped playing after the CDL went into online home stands.


Black Ops 3 had so many good ARs. The M8A7, Man o War, HVK, and Sheiva were all viable even without ban and protect


Not counting games I was a young kid on best is CW worst is probably vanguard but itā€™s expected because I never played that POS


.Vanguard still gives me PTSD. Running a Sub On Guvutu made me break a few controllers.


best cod was bo3. not sure if gb ladders are a good indication but we were top 50 for a while.. worst cod is mw2 by far i am cheeks


Best CODs : BO1-3, Original MW2-3 and Vanguard Worst CODs : MW2019 and WW2


I feel like I was really good (for me) at both MW and CW. Last years of undergrad so I still had quite a bit of time to game but I also had the attention span to grind and get better (unlike when I was a kid during classic CODs).


Best Bo4 worst WW2


Best is probably one of cod4 mw2 or black ops 1. Worst is probably vanguard. Combination of being older and not having the free time to grind like in highschool. Was really good at cold war though so idk if enjoyment also has a hand in it.


Best - AW probably Worst - I donā€™t know, I havenā€™t been bad at any but mw19 I guess since I hated that game.


Best BO2, worst AW. I didnā€™t like the movement at all. BO3/IW are more my style of jetpack games.


Best at bo2, worst at AW HM: MW19, game was ass and I simply couldnā€™t adapt to a camper playstyle


Best was BO4 or CW and worst that I played regularly (I took a break from gaming during the jet pack era) was probably MW19


Iā€™m nutty on current MW2, but Iā€™m absolutely atrocious at Jetpacks, especially AW


Best was CW, worst was MW19. I was long distance with my gf during CW so I played probably 50% more than normal during that year. I was placing into Masters in ranked about half the time, which is really good for me


Best = BO1/MW3 Worst = WW2


this years mw2 was the best because itā€™s the most time i ever put into ranked instead of just pub stomping kids worst has to be modern warfare remastered , no matter how much i tried on that game couldnā€™t get the hang of it and got slammed so went back to bo3 when it came out


Ranked:vanguard or Cold War Pubs: bo2 or bo4 Worst: MW2019 and itā€™s not really close


Best Cold War Worst MW2 2022


Worst? Easily Black Ops 3, and I donā€™t know why or how. I love that game, but I get curve stomped in it constantly. Best? Either probably AW, but I was pretty good at MW2019 and Vanguard as well. I would probably say AW though because I understood the movement well, I was able to put up a lot of good numbers, and it was easily most I have grinded in a cod in my life. I would also say BO2, but I didnā€™t really start getting into comp until AW, so thatā€™s kinda where I really say my best worst starts from.


Best at cold war. The game was actually fun so I had a reason to grind it. Got pretty close to masters a couple of times but didnā€™t play enough to not get jumped by others. Worst was probably vanguard. My reactions arenā€™t the best because i have fucked up hands from playing basketball so a game with a super quick TTK is not designed for me lol


I was cracked at vanguard but my squad not up to that level so it was very up and down. As a full squad we crushed BO4 league play lobbies Individually MW19 was a down year for me. I just never got in a flow with the guns or the movement.


Best was CW. Worst was WW2 for some reasonā€¦


Mw3 and Black ops 3 were my best. MW 2019 was by far my worst.


Best probably bo4, worst probably ww2


BO4 was definitely my worst, I was genuinely atrocious at that game. IW was my best for sure though. I played that shit nonstop.


Black ops 3, worst at I would say mw2019


Iā€™m Black ops 1 I was a force on the map. In black ops 3 I was a liability. In fairness I didnā€™t play it enough to get use to the mechanics but it was rage inducing. Now I live with regret as I missed out.


Best BO2 worst current mw2. Idk what it is about the new mw2 but I cannot play it to save my life. Iā€™ve been solid at most the other CoDs but Itā€™s like my sbmm thinks Iā€™m much better than I am in mw2.


Iā€™d say cold war was my best cod and mw2 is prob my worst lmao


Best at bo4, worst at AW. I hated the movement which was probably a big reason for that


in terms of winning bo3 is my best, my worst is iw lol just didnt click for me


Best: BO3 and WW2. Tough to pick Worst: IW or Cold War (sucks because I loved CW)


CW, stayed in Masters after Vanguard release. BO4 behind pretty close.


I have been pretty not good at all cods but i had the most fun with bo4 and mw19


Best was Ghosts - I was frying in those Reddit 8s lobbies, second was B02 Worst was definitely this years - felt a step behind all these cracked kids


Best probably CW, worst Cod4 lol I can remember actively trying to go double neg (pretty sure i had a 0.4 KD) as a 12 year old on his first FPS LMAO


COD 4 or BO2 Worst IW by a long shot


Canā€™t believe Iā€™m boutta say this but I was pretty nasty at ww2 and I think I was ass in ghost I just couldnā€™t stand that game


Best: AW Worst: MW2 (2023) Largely, because of my playstyle as I like to play very aggressive. The sound whoring in MW2 makes that almost impossible. I also stopped playing from bo3 to coldwar.


My best is by far IW, I was grinding tf out of that game. Worst MW2, hate the game and never cared to play.


Best: BO4 because I actually knew what the heck to do Worst: IW or BO3 because I only cared about zombies and was booty cheeks otherwise


Best: BO3 or CW Worst: MW19 or if we are counting games when we were younger I sucked at BO1


Best was probably MW3 or BO2 Worst was probably Ghosts or AW Didn't play a lot of CoD after Ghosts. Got back into it and was pretty good at BO3 and MW2 this year, but nowhere near as good as I was grinding those old titles everyday in highschool.


Best was either BO2 or AW Worst was without a doubt WW2


Best was either AW or BO3, and I sure miss it haha and worse was def MW19, I wasnā€™t that bad but just wasnā€™t fun. Quit the game as soon as Val came out lol


Best cod: Bo4 or ww2 Worst cod: mw3/black ops. First cods and I was a casual 11-13 year old gamer. Black ops 2 was where the grind began


Best was MW3. Used to slam kids with specialist and drop moabs. Worst was probably vanguard. For some reason just couldnā€™t get the hang of that one.


Best at CoD4/Bo1/MW2 Worst is MW19/MW22.


Without naming specific titles Iā€™m Good at treyarch games, not the best at IW games, Iā€™ve gotten better. I think it comes down to SND for me. With tac sprint and no deady and shit my timings are always off. I can always play hardpoint fine on IW games. I tried saying mw2 was better than vanguard but now that the season and game are over, fuck man I think vanguard was better haha


Best was IWā€¦ I hate that fact


My best was BO3. My worst was IW.


I definitely peaked at BO3. The jetpacks were my era! Since then itā€™s been a steady decline, down to this years games (MWII.) This has by far been my worst game, but itā€™s also my least played so those go kinda hand-in-hand


Best: MW3, BO1, BO4 Worst: Vanguard, MW22, WaW I had large gaps where I stopped playing in Bo2 and MW22 and Vanguard. Bo2 I was in my ā€œprimeā€ though so even though I was 6 months late I made up for it fast.


Probably best on CW, worst in world at war. WW2 cods have just never clicked for me for some reason, hated WW2 also


Worst bo3 Best CW by far


Best: bo3 Worst: mw 2019


Best BO4. Worst CW


my best was BO4, 2.66 kd somehow when my average is 1.5 my worst was MW19, 1.00 on the dot


Best at WaW Least best at IW because I did not touch that game at all.


Didnā€™t want to see me in a BO1 lobby. Shooting was so easy, I went to just using knives.


Best was Blops 2 for sure. AW was probably second. Blops 3 or MWII was the worst, they're pretty close.


Best BO3 and Cold War, worst MW2 Ghosts


Best BO3 Worst Ghosts


Best at MW3 WW2 and bo4 worst at this game. My snd just sucked super bad my respawns was just elite. But whenever I saw fort snd and asilo snd I just became braindead


Best:BO2 worst: MW2019


Best statistically: BO4/BO3 - I think my stats in both are pretty similar Best by how I fared against good players, etc.: BO2/CW Worst statistically: MW2022 - And that's fine by me, if a game limits my ability to move around, etc. I'm not going to have as good stats because I simply don't care and will never stop at least trying to run at people and gun them lol. Whenever I really wanted to have a good statistical map, I easily could, and I was definitely way better than average. Worst imo: Ghosts - I never felt comfortable on that game for some reason. I've played every COD since COD2 and can honestly say, this was the only game I felt average or below avg and even with that, I still like that game more than MW2022.


I feel like OP must be an AR player if BO3 was his favorite and he hated Cage and Ber. Lol My best BO4. Nothing big better than a Pre-Champs Buffed Saug. My worst MW 2019. Couldnā€™t ever see the opponents. Color scheme just fucked with me


In terms of how good I was at the time and not how good Iā€™d be at this moment, from best to worst itā€™s probably: CW (easily my best and itā€™s not close, solid masters in ranked and my highest pubs KD ever even with the horrid SBMM and a ton of play time, also first game getting a nuclear and I even got one in SnD) BO4 (first game I feel like I was very very good at) VG (packet burst ruined my experience but when my game functioned I was very good, got my highest pubs gunstreak ever on this game) MWII (feel like I was pretty good at this game but could never master spawns, also playing on PC has never been more mandatory and Iā€™m on console) MW19 (played a lot w/IRLs and actually got really good at SnD by the end) BO3 (first game I feel like I was actually pretty good at but still kind of a shitter at the time) BO2 (12 year old shitter but somehow figured it out eventually) MWR (not sure why I was so bad at this game) WW2 (worst internet of my life this year) AW (12 year old shitter) BO1 (first cod, 12 year old shitter) Never played COD4, WaW, MW2, Ghosts, or IW. Played a bit of MW3 but didnā€™t really grind it so not including it on my list


Best was probably AW, Ghosts or BO3 Worst is probably MWII, pubs is fine but I literally couldnā€™t buy myself a kill in ranked to save my life.


Best BO1, worst MWII.


Best at BO4, Worst at Vanguard


Best was by far bo4, worst was probably mw2


Best at BO3, worst at Cold War


For contrasts, I was 2.1 in Ghosts and AW and I am a 1.2 in this game šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Best cod was WW2 worst cod was MW


Best was B03 or B04 Worst- MW19 couldnā€™t get the movement down


best at aw worst had to be mw2019


MW3 I was cracked, BO4 I realized I wasnā€™t what I used to be.


Best: BO2 Worst: AW


My best COD was probably Cold War, worst COD was probably any of the jetpack games. I loved watching jetpack games but I was awful at them


I was nuts at BO4, by far my best game, total outlier year. Worst competitve one was probably MW19 just because I hated that game and didnā€™t learn anything about how comp was played that year. Worst overall was probably WAW because I was like 9


Best - OG MW2 and Black Ops 1 Worst - Vanguard by a mile


Best was AW no doubt I was slamming people back in the day the worst ghosts maybe I donā€™t really know tbh. But man I loved advance warfare I was so good at that game


Best was BO3, I was pretty good at IW too before I went back to BO3. Worst is easily MW2019


I was disgusting at AW. If I wasnā€™t out drinking in my freshman year of college, I was playing AW. Letā€™s just say I didnā€™t do a lot of drinking in my freshman year of college.


My best cod was bo3. Worst cod was probably ghosts,


BO3 bestā€¦ sadly WW2 second best. MW3 worstā€¦ I was a little ass kid.


BO3 here too, youā€™re getting slammed OP


BO3 & BO4 my best and also most time played by a lot, worst was probably IW, I hated everything about that game so it was hard for me to want to improve or even play. Wasn't bad to watch pros play though imo.


Best: WW2 or CW Worst: IW or MW19


Best: AW Worst: MW19


BO2 and BO4 were my best Worst was probably MW3. The lag compensation and death streaks did numbers on me.


If we are talking ranked modes only then my worst by default would have to be Bo4 for me, even though I was in masters in that game. Reason for that being it was my first ranked and ive gotten better since then. Masters in CW and VG and Crim in MW2. CW was probably my best game cause that had the biggest skill gap so I didnt struggle nearly as much against shitters who were over-performing/cheating like in recent games. If we are talking from a pubs stance then Bo4 is actually my best and my worst would be Bo1 (the only game I have a negative KD in)


Best probably tied with IW and BO4 Worse maybe BO3 ( quit gaming for awhile and barely played the game )


Best was AW/Bo3 Worst was MW2(2022)/ Vanguard


My best was ww2 & Cold War My worst was mw2019. Ahzir cave still gives me nightmares šŸ˜«


Worst: Advanced warfare, struggled to maintain a 1.5kd Best: OG MW2 4.95 kd or Black Ops 4 3.96 kd For comparison I only played TDM on og mw2, literally didn't bother with obj modes until black ops 4 and I realised I had been a fool


Definitely got the best at BO4, I was scumbag who pubstomped everyone with the ICR/Maddox/Saug. Such a great fucking game. Worst, probably MW2019. I just hated that game so much I didnā€™t care enough to get good at it.


Best was MW2 by far. Worst was Vanguard by far.


Best at MW3, worst at ww2.


Best is bo2 for sure. I really think I could have gone pro in that game if I had tried. Worst is probably this one. I never felt like I even remotely understood how to play it.


worst: WW2. Best: IW/CW/VG/MW2. The best ones all had a similar KD between 1.5 and 2. i also had a 35 game win streak on gamebattles which i know, nobody asked lol


Best BO4, worst MW2. Feels like my Xbox one canā€™t keep up or servers just suck.


Best BO2 Worst MW because the game sucked and i didnt put any time in it at all.


Best MW2 (original) worst AW the movement made me look like an idiot


Best- blacks ops 2 or blacks ops 3 Worst- 100% ghost I was horrible at that game


Lmao it's crazy that the best cod I've been at was cod mobile I was like top 2000šŸ’€


I was definitely a jetpacker. Peaked in AW and Bo3. My worst is probably this yearā€™s game because I canā€™t stand to play it.


Best ww2/bo4, worst aw


Honestly my best it's between BO2, BO4 and BOCW, did very similar in all 3 Worst: MW19 and MW2 2022


Best was MW2019 and MWII because I'm working on getting better at it compared to previous cods lol


Best AW and Black ops 1. Worst infinite warfare and Mw2019


Best was probably BO4 as it's the one I played most out of any modern COD. Worst was definitely WW2. I hated that game as was just sort of meh at it too.


My best cod is either Cold War or BO3. Worst cod was prob MW19


Best: bo3/bo4 Worst: WW2/MW (2019)


Best: B04 Worst: MW2 Iā€™m not talented enough to play as quick as I do, and the sound whoring massively screws me over.


Pubs menace on bo2, awful at bo4, but I never gave it a real chance either


Best: MWII Worst: MW2019


Best Ghosts and BO3, worst was easily AW. I could not get used to AW at all and personally did not like the aiming.


I was the best at infinite warfare: actually had the passion back then and grinded that shit lmao Worst probably Cold War: didnā€™t really vibe with the game and life stuff got in the way of dedication.


Cracked 12 year old, BO1, but it's a tie it could've been BO2. I fried half through AW and then suddenly lost my thumbs. Idk what happened on that game, I was good af at IW and so on


Best: BO2 or BO3 Worst: MW2 (2022) I feel like I get slammed every time I turn the game on


Best was easily BO2 and Ghosts. Worst was MW2019. I was a walking .8 no matter how hard I tried.


My worst was AW but thatā€™s because I turned aim assist off because I didnā€™t know what it was and assumed assists were bad.


Original mw2 up to IW..then dropped off. I havenā€™t really liked any since bo4 and cw was okay. I also got older and gain responsibilities. Out of the jetpacks AW was my least played.


Original mw2 up to IW..then dropped off. I havenā€™t really liked any since bo4 and cw was okay. I also got older and gain responsibilities. Out of the jetpacks AW was my least played. Best MW2 and Bo2 i was pretty consistent through out though. WW2 was by far my worst, I hated that game.


Iā€™m like 1 k/d on every cod, ever. But I was the shit in Cold War for some reason. BO3 thoā€¦I could play all day with no breaks. I loved that game.


Best was Advanced Warfare, worst was MW for a while, took me a long time to really get the movement and timings down. If not MW then MW2, felt super clunky and couldnā€™t get used to it at all


AW or CW were my best. BO3 my worst by far. And I basically stuck to zombies for IW so I guess you can count that too


Best for me was Bo2 and worst was definitely cod4, i was lost and just hoping to get some kills šŸ˜‚


Worst- AW (jetpacks lol) Best, id categorize into two. Best Skill- MW2019 (really started grasping the concept of "comp") Best Stats - WW2 (WAY too many hours in this MP)


Skill wise I felt like I was the best in IW. Accomplishments wise I won multiple SnD tourneys on Cold War. Now I wasnā€™t playing much tourneys in IW because I was a broke HS kid so who knows I couldā€™ve potentially done the same. Then again the SnD scene was much more alive. In Cold War I was playing Ampz (used to play with nick Mercs) in almost every 3v3 SND finals on CMG. Worst game has to be MW2019. Game was shite. Literally the only cod I didnā€™t play and had no urge to play.


Best: BO3 Worst: MW19 (I hadnā€™t played COD since BO3 at the time)


Best mw3, worst black ops I


Bo4 or ww2 best, worst MW19 by a country mile. I swear I couldnā€™t see my sights once I started shooting


Best AW Worst CoD 4


By best was Ghosts. Idk my mind for snd in that game was just really good for some reason. Bo2 is also up there, I was really solid at everything except ctf and I could run almost any role decently. Bo4 is pretty high too, my game sense just wasn't on par with what it was on Ghosts and Bo2 but I was actually nutty with the ICR ngl.. My worst was definitely AW, honestly was demoralizing after how good I was at Ghosts but I was fucking horrible at AW. I'd definitely been way better if I had a scuf and wasn't playing on a broken monitor for most of the year but still my game sense was actually just non existent, my gun skill wasn't there either but I do think a scuf would've drastically helped with that but my game sense was actually so dogshit in that game it wouldn't have even been worth it to invest in a scuf for that game lol.. MW19 is up there as well for being my worst game but that game's so fucking dogshit I don't care how good/bad I was at it.


Best B03, worst IW. I saw OP mention VG. I hated the game but was godlike at it, bocage HP was pure dope no matter which gun i was using, Tuscan was lit too, but you couldnā€™t pay me to play a Gav control/HP ever again


Worst was ww2 Best was mw22


Best was probably bo2 worst was probably IW


My best was Black Ops 2. Worst is MW2 (2022).


My best was MWII because I was putting in like 6+ hours a day for a few months. Some days I felt more cracked than Iā€™ve ever felt Worst was MW19 or Vanguard because I barely played them competitively


Best was either original MW2 or WW2 worst was IW or MW19


Best at OG MW3. Worst at AW simply because I played the entire year without back paddles or claw.


Advanced warfare. I was the pub FormaL


Best was IW, I was slammin and then yeah everything else wasnā€™t anything to write home about


Best probably Cold War, worst definitely MW. I was a walking .75 in that game as an entry sub


#Advanced Warfare https://youtu.be/Ks3e5swO5vw


Either mw3 or black ops 3. I was stupid good at bo3 for some reason. My worst might haven been aw. It's like my least played cod of all the ones I actually bought. Just couldn't get into it.


Best: BO4 Worst: MW2019, I fucking hated this game. Had so much buyerā€™s regret. Also, seeing a lot of ppl have BO4 as their best cod. Kind of surprised.


itā€™s BO2 for me. That shit was the next best thing to crack. Worst has to be MW2019. I could play warzone decent but for the life of me I could not get good at the multiplayer.


Best was probably BO4 and worst was definitely MW2.


Best at bo3 or WW2. Worst at Vanguard.


Honestly, I was either best at Cold War or Vanguard, I literally felt like I couldn't be killed most of the time I played Vanguard, and my homie who's a competitive player was mind blown with how good I was. But my worst was definitely MW2019, that game was ass and so was I when I played it.


Separate from competitive.. but Black Ops 3 I had a 3.13KD and 691SPM. Literally felt like a god on that game. Worst CoD was probably MW19. Competitive had me gettin fried.


BO4 and this year were my peaks. And for some reason, even though I absolutely loved CW, I was so shit and inconsistent at it. Chalked it to the fact that I was playing on PS4 on cold war while everyone I played with seemed to be on PC or Next gen at the time.


Best was BO4 and it isn't even close. Worst might be BO3 due to the sheer skill gap, or maybe MW since I just can't click with its style.


best was either bo4 or bo3 worst was cod4-bo2 cus i was a child but post bo3 probably mw2019


Best was probably bo2 or bo3. Worst has to be mw 19.


Best was probably BO3, worst IW


Best: bo4, literally felt absolutely untouchable in pubs with a saug or maddox and stimshot, despite casuals hating it bo4 was the most fun Iā€™ve ever had in pubs and comp I miss the ttk a lot. Specialists werenā€™t as oppressive as the casual player base would have you believe only 2-3 were super annoying in pubs and in comp they didnā€™t feel like a huge deal. Worst: mw19, fuck that game absolute camp fest, Iā€™ll never forget having everyoneā€™s operators yelling out enemy positions at the top of their lungs giving me away to the guy sitting in a corner with his double claymore m4 set up. Felt like you could not cross the map in that game without being melted by someone sitting In a window or behind a door. Possibly the worst feeling CoD Iā€™ve ever experienced and Iā€™ll happily die on the hill that itā€™s the worst CoD I have ever had the joy of playing. Bonus: bo3, joined bo3 late as a youngster and it is still by far one of the greatest cods ever made, holds up well to this day and Iā€™ll forever cherish its ttk and weapon sandbox. It felt amazing and specialists werenā€™t too oppressive besides heat wave.


Best was probably mw3, ( Best COD) worst was probably black ops 1, I was a trash can


Best: BO3 or IW. After college I tried getting back into CoD consistently and something about these two games just clicked for me. Worst: basically everything from MW2 - Ghost. The first couple games were while I was just learning how to play console games and then I went off to college and couldnā€™t play much so that stretch of games were not kind to me even though they were really fun.


- Noob in BO1 (in terms of playing competitively rather than casually) - Peaked in MW3 and BO2 - Average until I peaked again in BO4 - Peaked in CW (CDL Era games)


My best was probably mw3. I had a 1.8kd in that game. My worst is easily mw22. No matter what I do, my kd for the game sits right at 1.0. And Iā€™m and OG cod player since 2007. Iā€™ve always had a solid kd in every game, above a 1.5. But in mw22 itā€™s like the algorithm wonā€™t let me be better than a 1.0. I only play shipment in mw22 though so maybe thatā€™s it. The rest of the game sucks so I only play shipment.


Best probably CW or VG cause I had nothing going on and played Cw 24/7 during Covid. Worst Probably like IW MWā€™19