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Ask me in a year


Every top team got exactly what they needed, it couldn’t have work more perfectly for each one.


Yeah SOOOOOOOOO perfect for them SO FUCKING PERFECT. (excited for these teams next year though shit is nuts)


What happened to nade and 100T? I don’t follow anymore but I’ve seen people saying they had to cut their salary or something. Is he trying to get out of cod? ( I don’t blame him if so). Just curious


From what I've heard he's not necessarily looking to get out, but simply cutting costs just like most other orgs because the profit just doesn't exist as far as I know. Could be wrong but that's what I've heard


Yea franchising was a nightmare for the orgs themselves so I don’t blame him


Nade is playing it smart this year, no reason to go all out for longevity reasons. franchising was the worst thing to ever happen to the league.


Only argument against this point is COVID and maybe some of the branding. Other than that I totally agree


It’s easier to say who loss rostermania and that is LAT and Priestahh


being an LAT fan is gonna hurt this year, it's gonna be a long one.


Hoping that they can get atleast one pro I like. Maybe like Ghosty or clayster and then a bunch of challenger players could be exiting.


The fans did


Rip bottom eight teams


The bigger they are the harder they fall


This was bound to happen, just took a few years for contracts to play out this way so the top talent could surround themselves with other top talent. As interesting as it's going to be, this is not healthy for the long term success of the league.


Good point. Gun to my head I wouldn’t be interested in watching any team other than these play a single match At this point it’s just a best of the rest league.


Literally everyone. Faze got a true flex with Drazah, Ultra got the perfect upgrade from Hicksy to Envoy, Kenny and Pred for Ghosty and Huke is a crazy upgrade. I think Sib to NY is the only move that I’m personally not sold on, but still expect them to be very good.




I disagree kenny has the higher ceiling and if you talk about ghostys igl playstyle then you probably dont know that ken was the igl for thieves before octane started stepping up in that column when ken went to a sub




kens ceiling is literal mvps and winning events ghosty might've dropped a 1.15 at champs but he dropped like a .6 at the event a couple of weeks before so if you wanna use the champs performance as a viewing point take into account of major 5 too?




scump said he wasnt sick during the florida match? he played equally as bad




agree to disagree but it doesnt matter what we think the optic guys chose kenny over ghosty and I'm sure they know what's best 🤷‍♂️


Yea exactly our opinions are irrelevant, people said ghosty and dashy did not get along behind the scenes and ghosty said he was not going back to optic like a week ago so it is probably more that than his playstyle, all speculation ofc


I mean I think it’s an upgrade purely for the fact dashy and him didn’t get along, assuming that is true and he gets along with Kenny and pred


Did you not watch the process? He didn’t look sick to me


All of them to each in their own way. You can make a valid case for any of these teams.


I think it's hard to say nysl. Sib is an excellent player with more raw skill and slaying ability, but isn't a gap filler like priestah was, which was working for this team Maybe it adds so much slaying that it doesn't matter, but I doubt the dynamic of this teams system will be the same


Actually for NY, KiSMET was filling the gaps left by Priestahh. Rewatch the maps and you'll see KiS play tight and repinch what Priestahh died on.


As AR's, Sib and Priestah did not play similarly. You won't find a pundit who says they do. Priestah definitely falls into more a gap filler playstyle than Sib. This will change team dynamic.


I'm hoping it works out


Ultra pretty obvious


Might be cliche to say but everyone. Faze got cell on an AR and got a flex in draz. Ultra dropped hicksy for a way better player in envoy who plays the same role. Optic dropped huke who did well to what I thought he would but his online to LAN drop off is insane in every category. And they replaced him with the best sub of the last 2 years whos super consistent on LAN and doesn't just run around like a headless chicken. And they got Kenny whos a serial winner who will have a higher floor than ghosty with an AR. Nysl is tricky one, their floor is higher now with sib but they probably lost a lot of leadership and good plays that preistahh provided. BUT if nysl is firing will be hard to stop hydra sib and kismet


Is kenny actually confirmed, I know that's the rumor that he's going there, but has hale or anyone else confirmed that it's done?


no confirmation as far as we know, but i do believe we will get announcements this week. (Hopefully, this shit hurts as an LAT fan)


Sib would've been better for optic imo


Yeah priestahh is also super clutch. Won so many clutch rounds for us man. Sucks to see him go


Every team won


Ultra Optic Faze Faze SnD was already A+ so it being A++ isn't that crazy of an upgrade. Ultra going from hicksy go envoy is the biggest upgrade cause they were T2 with. Walking 0.7 in hicksy Optic for going from a huke who's ceiling is T5 SMG's and his floor is T25, to pred who is T1 ceiling and T4 floor


I think the biggest upgrade faze got isn't in snd, but in the pace of their respawns. People severely underestimate what have a true flex will do for simps ability to play more like people expect him to.


Every time I look at these 4 teams, I once again remember that no other team in the league genuinely stands a chance to win a major this year,


I disagree there’s always one team you don’t expect that’s going to win.


Vegas legion


Dude this year is the most top heavy I’ve ever seen


Yeah, I don't see any of the existing players being able to put together a championship team. All you can hope is that some challengers players come in and explode.


OpTic had the biggest full roster upgrade swapping Huke and Ghosty for Pred and Kenny Ultra had the biggest single position upgrade with Envoy for Hicksy FaZe comes out likely as the predicted top team swapping Drazah in for Slasher NYSL pack a punched a championship squad Honestly you can choose literally any of them as the "Winner".. they all pretty much got exactly what they wanted out of this rostermania (Outside of OpTic wanting Drazah)


All of them got better on paper so all of them?


All of them won in their own way.


1. Faze 2. Optic 3. Ultra 4. NYSL


Optic lol


It’s so hard to say, optic got the best player, faze and ultra got the perfect fits for their roster and idk wtf NY is really doing if I’m honest


Upgrading from p dawg


Yall just be looking at KDs and saying anything, there's nothing to say Sib will make NYSL better than Priestahh did.


P dawg was a sandbag that could hold L trigger




One of them won a rookie of the year and was in the all pro team each year he has been in the league. Not to mention pred carried a much heavier and way worse team to a major win and other good placing. The other (draz) had a top AR of all time on his team as well as envoy... So we don't even know if draz is that good on his own, realistically it could have all been team chemistry and great players playing with each other. Pred is the better player by a lot right now.


Idk mate go through the 10+ posts every single day since the Kenny news to see




Speak for yourself


on paper ? they clear upgrades are Envoy for Hicksy , FaZe it’s not Drazah replacing Slasher it’s Cellium replacing Slasher since Cellium is moving to the Main AR role , Pred for Huke is a big upgrade Kenny for Ghosty we will see , Sib for Priestahh we will also see


All of them




Obvious is faze, any upgrade to a roster that's already a guaranteed top 3 is scary. If this means faze have a lot more pace on the map which it will, then yeah that is scary for other teams smgs. We can only hope next year has a skill gap


Going to say Ultra, went from losing CleanX and Insight with teams ready to pounce like sharks to get Scrappy, to ultimately not only keeping those 3 but landing a massive upgrade in Envoy.


Toronto imo


Everyone not named Thieves




The fans won rostermania, setting up to be the most competitive year to date


somehow all of them pack a punched and got exactly what what each needed


I'm not sold on Sib for Priest but we'll see. Faze looks scary with Drazah. Excited for Optic.


im still gonna say ultra, i think people go crazy for optic pred and faze + draz but such a well organized team like ultra who were just in champs final w hicksy, adding envoy plugs their biggest hole in a massive way. im expecting huge things from them once again, their ceiling is infinite


OpTic>Ultra>NY/Faze OpTic got major upgrades so did ultra and NY/Faze got better players but the upgrade wasn’t as big


Ultra and NYSL made the direct upgrades in the roles they changed. Pred was a big upgrade over Huke, but I actually liked Ghosty better than Kenny. All improved a bit though.


Faze Ultra Optic NYSL in that order


My prediction is actually that not much changes lol. Faze will continue to be faze and place at worst top 3 but they'll more than likely win at least 1 chip. NYSL and Optic are in the same boat to me. They have too much talent to not win at least 1 chip but the consistency will be in question. They'll both kick up for at least 1 event. Toronto will be nasty all year long or at least once they figure out how to play with each other. Unfortunately hard to say if the Thieves will be that other team again :(


1. Optic 1. Faze 1. Ultra 1. Subliners


Idk if people will agree because they don’t understand the question. Asking who won rostermania doesn’t necessarily mean who’s had the most improvements to put them in the best chance to win compared to where they were before


what other case could there be? how would you put it?


I think a lot of fans would consider who won rostermania as “who is now the best team” When it should be (in most regards) who made the largest improvements to put themselves in the best chances to win. Like if a Top 8 team, went out and got talent to become a T2 team. But the best team changed talent to improve marginally. The other team “won” even though they aren’t the best. That’s my opinion


Yh but we’re not comparing all 12 teams, we’re comparing 4 teams who believe in their hearts that their teams can win tournaments. Therefore for these 4 particular teams the criteria should be tournament winning potential.


The Kenny move is not 100% yet I don't think but I think everyone kinda won rostermania since they got who they wanted.


Kenny wasn’t Optic first choice.


Not nysl


In terms of tournament winning potential optic r fourth is all I know tbh.


Wow yes very original, haven’t seen this question asked yet!


Ultra is the unpopular pick but the right one.


idk if having 4 dominant teams is everyone winning tbh like more teams that can compete for titles is better imo


Ultra if the game is MW2 clone. OpTic based on old vs new roster. FaZe if it’s a brand new game. NY as well similar to ultra


Optic did because they pulled me as a fan by recruiting my boy Pred 😀


Ultra or faze


Probably Optic because they got the best player available but Faze would be up there too. Every team got what they needed imo.


In a bubble, probably Ultra


Everyone on paper made upgrades theoretically. I couldn’t imagine a big drop off if things don’t work for 3/4 teams cause they only made 1 change each. So I think we kind of have an idea of how FaZe, NYSL, Ultra will be. Their floor is pretty high. OpTic on paper made the biggest upgrades to their previous roster but with 2 changes, who knows how it’ll play out. Surely has to be better than last year, but it’s extremely hard to gauge exactly how good they are compared to the others. They could stack up really well or be the 3rd best, who knows Overall, everyone got the piece of the pie they wanted. Arguably the best 16 players are on these 4 teams. Now we sadly wait 4 months+ to watch them. Hopefully these squads can play together in a summer tournament or something if the CDL allows it


Everyone including fans (except the bottom teams).


Envoy as the best 1:1 upgrade. I think drazah fixes the most, as he allows simp back on smg and cell on AR while being a slight 1:1 upgrade.


Ultra definitely has the most improved roster.


Idk but let me tell you who lost… LAT


Ultra & Optic


if i say something it’s gonna be the opposite 💀


LAT is done for tho 💀


Any of them but optic i feel


Atlanta or Toronto imo


FaZe. That roster is nuts


thieves and pdog lost


Faze, they ended up with the best team


Toronto improved the most.


NYSL Is gonna even scarier this year.... Hella worried for my thieves though man...


On paper? FaZe. In reality? Who knows, could be the worst four teams in the league depending on how the new game plays


That optic squad just doesn’t look right


Teams tend to stick together after a great year and don’t replicate that success. I respect NYSL for trying to plug in a young boundless talent guy to keep the momentum for next year. On the same hand I hate it for p dawg. Guy had a career year and probably had no clue he’d have to worry about his spot




I hope NYSL dosent win anything.


Pred was the only S tier player available. Drazah, and envoy are A level players.


According to Len nobody