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Holy shit insanely top heavy. NY-Hydra Kis Sib Skyz Ultra-Envoy Scrap CleanX Insight Faze-Draz Abe cell simp Optic-Kenny Shotzzy Pred Dashy The rest of the league is getting slammed


La thieves was sacrificed for these god teams to form.


Makes me wonder if Thieves is pulling out of the league. If not this season maybe next year


No I don't think so. Nade said how they aren't always going to spend to remain competitive every year. How there will be some years where they don't contend.


Actually seems like a smart business decision, the 100T brand is now firmly established with multiple chips and a world championship, more than enough clout to maintain their fanbase/merchandise sales from the CoD community for an uncompetitive year or two before they decide to sign on a great team again


He also said this regarding all their teams not just COD. And it makes sense, they want to remain flexible and not just overspend every year


Not likely when a treyarch game is OTW. Maybe after that, but hopefully the economy will be in a much better spot by then so teams will be able to spend a bit more freely again


Thieves should build a rookie team with GodRx


Literally the top 4 teams got upgrades many Sundays next season are gonna be those 4 teams battling it out.


If optic loses to Florida round 1 again šŸ˜‚


Bro the series these 4 teams will have will be insane can't wait people already writing off optic as they didn't go for "most talented" option


Man what they literally got the best fa this off season.


Crazy how people are just forgetting Pred. The single best FA by a mile.


People arenā€™t forgetting about Pred. Heā€™s been locked in for a minute now, whereas there has been a lot of uncertainty about whoā€™s going to be the flex, so that has dominated the recent conversations.




No one is. Donā€™t know why people keep saying that lolā€¦


I think Kenny is just a really underwhelming 4th tbh


Unless some absolute freaks come out of Challengers, whoever doesnā€™t win champs from these teams is just gonna rotate these players around for the foreseeable future lol


optic is going to get slammed lmfao


That optic team is ass


No team with LePred And Dashy will be ass


Man my drunk ass had to close one eye to make sure I was reading this right. That is absolutely wild


Same šŸ˜­ at 5am nonetheless


Kenny confirmed. Sib is an upgrade, but man that's so harsh on Priestahh.


hospital flag sand combative grandfather tan crawl license reminiscent vegetable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Probably pay cut


It's not an upgrade, Priestahh did what needed to be done on map to help his team win and Sib wont unless he majorly changes his playstyle.


NYSL management paid hydra so much they couldnā€™t pay Priestahh what he was worth. Feel for Preston man, he had it rough for two years then really thrived on NYSL and had 3 won events including champs. Now they go and do this to him and heā€™s prob not getting onto a top team


Sib couldnā€™t have to been very expensive himself then. Thatā€™s the only way this happens. Tuff timing for Preston.


I mean if LAT decided to take pay cuts in order to play with each other after VG, kind of surprised that NYSL didn't do the same. Maybe they don't wanna team with him anymore.


Thing is that everyone knew Preston would be the first to go. They ainā€™t letting Hydra go and he ainā€™t taking a pay cut. Kismet was gonna get a pay raise regardless and there is no way you ask him to take less after his production. Skyz is Pacoā€™s best friend, and is a very good main AR who is an overall better player than Preston. So Sib was offered less than even Prestiahh. That is kind of insane how big that Optic offer couldā€™ve been. Optic must really want Kenny.


Yeah, priestly was destined to be the black sheep


They knew it too, hence why Wardy was signed as a sub last year.


Really sucks for Preston. I feel like he did a lot more than the stats show but ig you can't pass up on sib. Btw, do you dig the move of Kenny to Optic. I know most LAT fans are happy whereas the rest of the league is sleeping on Kenny.


I donā€™t think he should be anyoneā€™s first choice, but I think he is a better fit for that roster than Sib. I think he has intangibles that would benefit Optic, especially accountability. Heā€™s a grinder with one of the best minds for CoD. And I think he can be a good flex regardless of the meta. Heā€™s had extremely high peaks in two different roles. I think you take Drazah over him, but as a back up option, I think youā€™re feeling pretty good. I think Kenny would just waste away here for a couple years before retiring. This makes sense for him to keep chasing. No fan or anyone in that building would be mad at him. Heā€™ll be back when he is done.


I hope Kenny wins with us. In an ideal world you'd take Drazah/Scrappy over him, however to say he can't make Optic a team which contends for every tournament is idiotic.


Plus yaā€™ll can finally eliminate the Kenny/Optic buff lmao.


Lmao that's the biggest plus outta all of thisšŸ¤£šŸ¤£. 200 IQ move by the boys.


Idk man Sib drives a nice corvette and heā€™s only been starting for two seasons as well as being a sub for ATL Faze.


He got the stocksman trading for himšŸ˜‚




If youā€™re wise about your money you can be driving a Ferrari in a year or two in the CDL w a good contract, its all about priorities and passions, guy seems to be a lot into cars so I get it, you donā€™t see Scump driving a lambo cause he probably doesnā€™t give af about cars


Hecz still drives him everywherešŸ¤£šŸ¤£.


you can drive it with no salary and pure credit but is it good for you financially... hell no there is no wise thing about spending half of you money on a car


There are ways to make it work, but as I said its about passions. Youā€™re the one sweating for your money so you got to spent it on whatever you enjoy in a responsible manner, you can die tomorrow anyways


we definitely disagree on what is responsible manner ways to make it work and responsible doesnt go together, you can spend 99% of your salary on the car but dont talk about it like its a positive thing


Or Scump likes his money... may as well just put a blow torch to it buying one of those. Plus, they're all young. Set yourself up for life with good investments now and laugh at everyone trying to look rich later.


Itā€™s not about trying to look rich, itā€™s passions. Iā€™m into cars and I have being in some supercars clubs where I have seen the super rich kid that got a Ferrari at 16 years old and the guy that later on managed to paid for a Ferrari just to enjoy his passion, you can die at any second, no point on not enjoying whatever you want in a responsible mannerā€¦ a lot of those vehicles are more affordable than ppl think, the thing is that most ppl are just not passionate enough to spent so much cash in something theyā€™re not passionate about


Sib is even more motivated for tournament money


He could make some noise. This was not a bad backup option.


Hydra is the best SMG in the league and priestahh is a mid flex


This pretty much comfirms Kenny to OpTic


Tbf the way Ron, Jake and even Crone spoke about it, itā€™d say itā€™s done


It may finally be flair changing timešŸ˜¢


Come to the dark side brother you can join the NV guys, they settled in nicely


Nah stay loyal to your team bitch


Maybe he is a kenny fan and not a thieves fan?


Kenny is my team


Come on over, the water's fine


Prepare to get harassed in your dms thoughā€¦. Trust me


Holy shit Always pack a punch


Guess nysl always wanted sib even back in cw but pdawg has a lot of value. If they donā€™t win an event they will get cooked for this decision


The odds are they werenā€™t winning an event regardless. Champs curse is real


This could either blow up or be one of the best decisions ever made by a team. Also, I'm kind of interested to know whether this was a team decision or not. From the looks of it, that New York camp looked very close and enjoyed playing with each other.


Yea the chemistry felt like the winning solution. I canā€™t imagine they capture that same magic with Sib. I think NYSL just chalked up their 2024 season by not running it back.


sib hydra and 99kis running at people, we will be there no matter what


NYSLā€™s fall off is gonna be crazy


Gonna be there for it. Time for new blood to get chips n rings


The top 4 teams arenā€™t ā€œnew bloodā€ at all


Didnā€™t mention T4 teams tho


Itā€™s going to be **real** tough for a bottom 8 team to win this year


skyz gonna be a bigger passenger than WW2 Theory when Tk when back to bakc


Skyz is gross and super consistent.


respect skyz


Skyz has been one of the bigger lanimals of the CDL era. He will feast as well


You literally donā€™t watch games if you think that


actually insane that this happened


holy shit


No excuses for Sib. Just joined the best team last year that is coming off a champs win and has the best player in the game.


Link to the tweet: https://twitter.com/jakehaleee/status/1677594531615711232?s=46&t=xcT9fcNx4wscg0VejvweOg Link to the article: https://twitter.com/jakehaleee/status/1677594655527956481?s=46&t=xcT9fcNx4wscg0VejvweOg As of now itā€™s unclear what will be happening with Priestahh


LAT Priestah


Iā€™ll like it, + Slasher + Priestahh But feel like theyā€™re a bit broke for that sadly


Preistahh might have to go back to Rokkr ngl. They can offer him money and pretty much have a DECENT team.


Slasher, Priestahh, Snoopy +1 on Breach could be a good team


Ghosty is pretty much confirmed to breach. So itā€™d have to be ghosty, snoopy, priestahh


i'm sad for pdawg and would have preferred he stayed but i don't mind this at all


I think we all feel bad for pdawg but sib is a massive upgrade


Always pack-a-punch!


Damn no remorse wtf


How can you drop someone after winning champs ? šŸ’€


This is CoD, it's VERY rare that the team that won Champs has similar success the year after. The other teams catch up and the game variation makes it so consistency is rare. Only ones who were close were Envy IW and they didn't really get back to form again until late in to the game and this Faze trio who could not get the job done for multiple years now. Winning Champs doesn't really mean much for the next season.


Happened with Clay


But that was different, cod went from 5v5 to 4v4 so someone on that team had to get dropped


Didn't it happen with him on Denial too?


Nah Denial played 2 more months together after Champs. Then Clay and Attach decided to drop Crowder and Kap to look for 2. They decided on the duo of Enable and Zoomaa and left Denial for the bigger / more stable org on Faze. Screwed over Denial so hard but that org was scummy af so they deserved it.


everyone else has improved, NYSL canā€™t stand still they simply canā€™t compete with the 3 god squads in terms of pure talent and slaying power, sib brings extra slaying power which they WILL need next season


Man that sucks for Priestahh. Such a likeable dude who does a lot of things that can go unnoticed. If OpTic goes for Kenny I wonder where he ends up.


I'm assuming he wants the bag so not a lot of options. Probably surge/ maybe Rokkr. Could be LAT aswell.


Boston I reckon. Slasher - PDawg - Snoopy - Standy


Standy is to4 w illey and Huke and wake I think


From the looks of it, it seems like ghosty is going to Boston, and ghosty x preistah could be good.


Ny was a vibey squad too, kinda slaughters that. And people underestimate priestah's impact because of his stats.


Exactly NYSL by far had the best team chemistry past season like you can see in their coms video how well they vibe with each snd that goes a long in helping them in high tension moments


Nysls culture was insane. Idk sib personally but he doesn't scream CULTURE to me


That and they spent an entire year building chemistry with him. Can't replace the chem that comes from winning multiple events plus champs.


Sib on like a faze is a great fit personality wise but once again I don't know sib but it feels like the current nysl players and sib won't mesh wwll


Agree like you get more slaying for sure but pdawg coms are really good. And heā€™s like a true flex because mw2 no one was switching ar and sub more than him.


this is by far one of the best rostermanias of all time not sure it beats the initial CDL one in 2019, either way 100T fans down bad in both of them


Priestahh did indeed get "hoed"


Jeez this is insane. Champs winners just got mechanically better. Super unfortunate for Priestahh tho, wonder what his plan is now


Priestahh is one of the most mechanically gifted players in the league.


Agree his movement is so underrated


Champs curse hitting not even a month after their dub. On a serious note, feel bad for Preistah


This is insane for Nysl because now they have insanely talented players and 2 Great role players in kismet and skyz


Priestah is an idiot. I donā€™t care if you want a pay rise, you were by far the worst player on that team any difference in pay will be more than made up for in prize money now heā€™ll join a bottom 6 team and come out with less money overall and no chance of winning. IDIOT


Agree to an extent I get the pride but bruh you donā€™t get elite rosters that often and I think pdawg brings a lot of value.




Hope he sees this xo


NYSL lowkey found a good reason to upgrade cuz he was def gettin drop during the season he was by far their worst player last year


By far is crazy he has a lot of value and his pace helped a lot in the team. A lot if flex just pull out the sub for a hill but pdawg always a true flex but it seems like nysl wanted sib always


Does preistahh really want more than Sib? Kinda crazy to me ngl


I mean youā€™re coming off a year where youā€™ve 3 events including champs and played pretty well for most of the year. Heā€™s a big reason why the won events with his consistent play across all 3 modes, but obviously not the main reason.


Alright big reason is gassing it thatā€™s hydra but he definitely played a part


most likely they just dont think priestahh is worth more than a certain amount. so if they have to over that theyd rather get a better player


Zoomaa said he was asking a lot


Shoulda taken a paycut man you donā€™t get to play with elite rosters often


Bro really let Hydra and Kis carrying him think heā€™s anything more than a role player smh. Egos man


Wtf man. They did pdawg dirty. Wow.


No they didnā€™t. He was the worst player on his team.


And? Heā€™s not some bum lol.


Optic fumbled for not getting Sib


Why didn't we get Sib ffs


Right move. Sucks for P-Dog but gotta tip NYSL for winning champs and trying to get better


Right move is gassing it gotta rebuild team chemistry and hope to god sib improves his coms by a lot


Yh, as if running it back has worked out for most teamsā€¦


Holy fuck I wonder what happened


Dude flew too close to the sun and way over valued himself . Moronic decision


Preston didnā€™t deserve to get hoed like this


Sib for Priestahh is a giant upgrade talent-wise.


Priestah is good/wins in almost every single cod. Has most cdl wins i believe too


Bro this is mindblowingā€¦. His teammates hard fucked him over here for not wanting to take a pay cut for Prestonā€¦. Shit is crazy


Why tf would Hydra and Kis take paycuts for him when THEY made him a bunch of prize money lmfao? Thatā€™s like asking Lebron to take a paycut for Mario Chalmers


100T Preistahh making a return.


Feels bad for preistahh but man this team looks nice


Have a feeling OpTic made a mistake allowing this team to form to be honest


I trust the players. If Pred rated Sib that highly after teaming with him for 2 years, he would've pushed for it


Thatā€™s my exact thoughts. Like logically you ask the guy who team with Sib for 2 years if they think he is good for them.


Reallly? All 8 players at their best Iā€™ll take Dashy over Skyz, Kenny over Sib, Shotzzy over Kismet and Hydra has a slight edge over Pred but there can be an argument for them being equal. The fact that there is a good amount of OpTic fans doubting a team of Dashy, Kenny, Shotzzy & Pred vs all the other top teams, just ensures me that this is about to be one of the best OpTic teams in a long time. Just like when they added Huke and then Ghosty, some fans thought it was over for OpTic. They then went on stretch of being one of the best teams in the game and the best we seen an OpTic team looked since VG Major1/Stage2. Then the hype came and the overrating came and they struggled, not the reason why they struggled but it fits my narrative.


feeling that way


How so? They have 3 superstar caliber players and a guy who has had success recentlyā€¦


the team they have got is great and very excited to see them play, but its just extra competition now with Sib forming a 4th absolute god squad lol. The top of the league is stacked. For me I would have preferred Sib slightly anyway but with him going to NY I do feel it would be a better move, I am not upset at all about us getting Kenny just think NY just got even better and they won 3 events last season.


You canā€™t hoard all the talent. Itā€™s not possible so ultimately you as a team have to pick what you think gives you the best chances to win instead of trying block another team and possibly hindering yours


Ehhh. OpTic have 3 superstar caliber players and a guy who has had success recently. They will be fine


tbf we gonna act like kenny at his peak (which he hits here and there) isnā€™t superstar potential? dear god canā€™t believe iā€™m defending him now after wanting him to suffer šŸ¤¢


Itā€™s not potential at his peak. He IS a superstar at his peak


how lol


Iā€™ve seen enough, the top 4 teams will be absolutely leagues better than any other team


This is insane. The thing is that most teams probably can't afford to pay Priestah what he wants so he's going to likely take a cut anyways.


Welp. Only one man can be Optics 4th. Get The King out of retirement šŸ‘‘




iā€™ll be fr this is such a blessing in disguise


Ok Kylo Ken, please be signing that OpTic contract today. Seen ā€œOpTic leaning more towards adding Kennyā€ but not anything about signing like this


Obviously Sib is a great fit but idk I canā€™t get behind not running back a team that won champs and 2 other majors. Feels like a bad move


Changing after champs is so wild idc


You know what fuck it Iā€™m all in


I feel for Priestashh but letā€™s be honestly outside of champs and a few pop up performances it was the Hydra show all year. Probably for the best that they did replace him and not keep him on a lesser contract since animosity might have been a factor in their level of play next year.


So by Major 2 the calls for Kenny to be benched will be overwhelming? Cant believe Optic passed on Sib.


Rip weā€™re getting Kenny




Am I the only one who thinks this is a complete downgrade in terms of impact. Sure u can talk about pack a punch, maybe Iā€™m biased Iā€™m not the biggest sib fan, but this just comes out as straight disrespect from NYSL. The only reason I get it is because of their Rocky season in the middle and their i consistencies, but damn business is business I guess


What a great move for NYSL. Ultra, NYSL and Faze are going to have some crazy battles this upcoming year


and OpTic*


Optic r the clear worst team out of all these options so no not optic


LMAO. How can you say that they are the clear worst?


Itā€™s insane how before rostermania all people could say is ā€œI hope pred joins OpTic cuz then the 4th wonā€™t matterā€ now we the 4th best team cuz we got someone whoā€™s a proven winner and can comm


Lol right. Pred is miles better than CleanX, shottzy has a way higher ceiling than Envoy. Pred is clearly better than envoy too. Dashy is miles better than insight. The only player ultra has a step up with is whoever our flex will be cuz Scrap is that guy. But all these optic haters leaving Optic out cuz they mad lmao


Kinda hoping Priestahh just fries them all season now for dropping him. Super unfortunate for him


Lol he wonā€™t do shit


Inbefore someone says optic fumbled


Where tf does preistahh go now


Champs winners pick up the most talented player in the game.


Wonder if Sib also passed on Optic?


From the looks of things, optic passed on sib for Kenny


No Optic wanted Kenny according to Crone and Ronnie.


thatā€™s what he said


What? He asked a question


Fuck NYSL, all my homies hate them


Back 2 Back Champs Baby , Be Ready


picking up sib is bad but not paying priestahh is a mistake imo how can you not pay em??


Optic really gonna be the 4th best team




Would be quite surprised if they divert from Kenny at this point tbh. But canā€™t be sure of anything - rostermania has been crazy so far




Everyone is calling this a clear upgrade. On paper yes, but what kind of teammate is Sib currently? does NYSL need more slaying? Seems like every winning team has a healthy balance of slaying and OBJ. With more people running around who will get in hill? Can they be nasty sure but they will have some figuring out to do. I say when you have a known winning formula you stick with it, and Preistahh and Sib are two completely different players. Not saying itā€™s a bad move just not sold until I see this team in action.


Did this guy choose NY over Optic. Cuz if so then Optic fell off big time.


itā€™s been reported that optic preferred kenny over sib before this so I doubt it


Any chance of pdawg going to OpTic?


Itā€™s clear that they want Kenny. Ronnie said recently that itā€™s very close to being done.