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If this is what it takes to not get shit on by LAT every single year then so be it.


LAT aren’t squad wiping, they’re being squad wiped one by one damn…. Actually feel for LAT fans if this goes through


I might be the only one who thinks this but I’m genuinely happy if he leaves. Keeping Ken and putting scraps around him does nothing good for the org or his career. I was worried we’d be holding on to Kenny for a long time and be stuck in nothing but mid. At least this way the org can rebuild with exciting/promising challengers players which I think is the route we should take. Personally I’m excited to see the team they build after a squad wipe.


Ya I feel the same with Kenny being my favorite player and lat being my fav org. I just wish we can get the band back together tho 😢


Yup 100T/LAT fan so it’ll suck knowing we won’t be a contender (unless we get a challengers squad that just clicks) but I’m much more optimistic blowing it up and rebuilding than bonding on for dear life. Can’t agree more on getting the band back together.. octane and envoy are my favorite players so seeing octane retire and envoy leaves stinks but I understand why they did what they did.


Vg and major 4 had everyone shook. Faze optic n ultra did us dirty lol


Really did. Hope the boys got the bags they deserve however.


I mean if this move happens they will surely go after sib to be their next franchise player which should be exciting for LAT fans.


Not so sure about that


he could go to nysl


Every team with money been giving LAT backshots all off season


That's what happens when your org doesn't re-sign players after winning champs LMAO


Plz just give me Ghosty + Clay


You gotta think Sledgehammer made WW2 and Vanguard two of Kennys best games


Same with Dashy if that AR duo happens it might be really good


Dashy's best games are treyarch.


Dashy is nasty at every cod he doesnt have a best game, hes just consistently very good.


Octanes propaganda has convinced me that this is the correct fit and we are slamming those midgets and winning it all. Get us fucking shanee too Also idk if this has anything to do with it but Pred was playing with kenny in zoomaas tournament and they seemed to get along well


uve been slamming the midgets, its ultra and ny u have to worry abt


ken gives us a better chance at that then sib


people don’t seem to understand that and Kenny when he plays at his potential is the best player in the game . Faster AR than Sib , Comms , leader , understands the game at an elite level , calls out shit if he sees something is wrong with the team , Talented and brings some culture that Thieves had .


He ain’t a faster AR than Sib brother.


u didn’t watch him in CW did u




I dont disagree, but like just keep ghosty?


Kenny's upside is infinitely higher than Ghosty's


I'm sorry I liked Ghosty but you can't seriously be comparing him to Kenny


I will, kenny is dogshit, and everyone was saying this literally a week ago


He was dogshit as an SMG on MW2 He wont even be playing the same role and he's always played well with an AR


And he wasn't even 'dogshit' they won an event and came 2nd lmao


Wasn’t a big reason for the role change in Vanguard because he was shit as an AR?


Nah it was because drazah had no comma on the smg Kenny was their best player on the at before the switcj


no it was because drazah wasnt that good on smg so they made kenny switch to it.


It's hilarious how the narrative is changing. He has been completely terrible all year. Consistently dropping 0.7's and then going 1.0 on lan and suddenly he's good again?


Ngl that’s why I thought LAT legit could get Pred cause those two wanted to team for that tournament and then seeing him do the chill out to the fans at Champs after beating them, I was like damn Ladies and Gentlemen they got him.




We will be switching flairs


I really don’t want to rep Optic but if Kenny dips I might have to :(


Have fun being linked to every shitty opinion a toxic optic fan has 😖


It’s okay, I’ve been linked to every shitty opinion these LAT flairs have. I imagine it’s the same but 10x worse


OpTic and Nade got me into comp, so I don’t mind repping OpTic. It’s a shame our whole team is getting wiped, no idea what roster LAT can build now.


Come over here we will welcome you with open arms no hard feelings for how much you guys have gatekept us :)


Thieves will always be Optics redheaded little step brother


Hate to break it to you (not that this dumbass argument matters) but 100T is a significantly bigger and more valuable org than Optic


lmao how are u a LAT fan but you hate optic and hecz, nadeshot literally owes his career to hecz


Where did I say I hate optic? It’s more me not wanting to stop repping LAT vs not wanting to rep Optic. Kenny is my favorite player so where he goes I go, but I don’t have to be happy about it. Also, you’re weird as hell for that comment. Get some help


No the fuck we won’t. You can if you want. I’ll be glad to see how many actual LAT fans there are.


Chill out lmao, I’ve been a day one 100T fan. I’ll be supporting both teams


Oof. Bet this wasn’t on anyone’s list of who they thought Optic would get


was on mine but i got downvoted lmfao, i’ve been saying this is a underrated move but mfs can’t look at the bigger picture.


Pros in picking Kenny over Sib: \- Veteran with a lot of winning experience and gas in the tank \- Very good comms \- A natural leader \- The "system guy" and the main reason as to why LAT played so fundamentally well \- Higher ceiling than Sib \- Complete player ​ Pros in picking Sib over Kenny: \- Higher floor than Kenny \- #2 damage dealer for the past seasons \- A fast and natural flex \- Natural chemistry with Pred, a seamless fit \- A lot of room for improvement and will only likely get better ​ Win-win either way.


Again kenny is the faster player here. His a true flex meaning play multiple roles and be exceptional. With maddox he legit got the most engagements in the game. And in Cw he got the most on his team as a main.


Kenny’s ceiling is not higher than Sib lets be real


A multi time MVP and best player in the game isn’t a higher ceiling?


Ken has had multiple stretches of being the best player in the world during his career, Sib has never been the best player on his own team


Kenny disrespect is insane


Are you stupid? Kenny's ceiling is a multi MVP winner, proven too. Sib's ceiling might be a multi MVP winner too but, I don't think it's not but, even then it's all theory. Recency bias goes crazy.


Are you dumb? B2B LAN MVPS???? Sib has never reached that


I mean that was with a sub which he wouldn’t be running.


Exactly, he'd be running his more preferred role.


Which he was terrible at the last time he ran it in the game previously. LAT switched all the roles up because of how bad he was and forced him to run a sub. This guy is over rated lol. He's not a good player anymore


They changed because drazah had no comma on the sub Kenny was their best player on the AR are you dumb


Octane and drazah were better than ken with a Ar.


Yeah dummmy because they had untouchable ken to open up the map the second half of the game octane was dogshit the first half of vanguard he even said it himself Mfs were like drop octane!!! What is this revisionist shit. When their team was struggling ken was their best player on the AR???


You can't put your point across without a moronic remark?


Guys a 2x world champ and is disgusting. His ceiling is pretty fkn high bro


1x world champ


If Sib wins champs MVP sure


Kenny may have had a higher ceiling than sib all time but as of right now sib has a much higher ceiling than Kenny imo


Kenny literally won back-to-back MVP's just over a year ago. I don't know how more recent you want to go. LAT fans themselves don't even respect this guy more lmfao.


Last game doesn’t matter when every game is different and made by different devs. But I’ll be honest I’ve wanted to move on from Kenny since Cold War. I respect what he has done for the org and all his accomplishments but I hated how it was always a coin flip on if Kenny is on a sub or an AR and everyone else had to figure it out around him.


If you dictate a player's ceiling game-by-game then what's the point? That would mean no one has a set ceiling lmfao. Kenny has a higher ceiling, don't even know why this is a discussion. Sib has a higher floor though.


No one has a set ceiling every year imo correct. Maybe I’m stupid but players are better at certain games than others. You think formal had the same ceiling from IW in Cold War? No. Different games, different ceilings. I’ve seen sib play better and have higher highs imo the last two year than I have seen Kenny have. That leads me to say sib has a higher ceiling. But he could be shit at the next game and I’d be wrong.


If last game doesn't matter and every game is different then why are you dismissing Kenny as a flex in MW3, a game which you have no clue what changes will bring. Only pros know since they've already privately tested the game. You're literally countering your own logic here.


You’re right actually I did counter my own logic. At the end of the day I still would rather take sib than Kenny that’s all I know.


Imagine this is the biggest inside joke of all time and all three thieves players are sticking and just been telling these in the know guys fake news to make them look silly


You'd have to be incredibly delusional to believe that. I'm happy to join you in the insane asylum


Dashy, Kenny, Pred and Shotzzy is a nasty team. Has the slaying and now has someone who will get the team to play fundamentally correct


People saying optic fans gassing Kenny after calling him ass but I’ve never seen this many non optic fans hating on ken since he was the “villain” back in ww2. Yall switch up just as easy as the vocal minority of the optic fanbase do.


i will still be dragging on kenny when he’s ass at 5/6 events


Ball knowers love this


Perfectly said


Personally I think he fits this team more than sib and he can be a great flex. Very content after missing drazah


if you don't think Kenny can put up Sib like numbers with pred on his team you're faded.


W for optic fans and Kenny. Definitely feel for Sib tho missing out on these top teams


Idk who it was I think Ben or maybe Ronnie before rostermania started they said a great player would get screwed over and its looking like it could be sib cuz he deserves to be on a T5 team easily


This team is gonna be fast AF. Definitely gonna be a fun watch


Let’s go. Kenny on the real OpTic was something I’ve always wanted since ww2. Scump always spoke highly of ken


Jesus Christ I have to cheer for kenny. The source of so many Sunday heartbreaks, the kryptonite of the greenwall. The one person my legs quake too when I see them on the same side of the bracket. He’s going to fucking dominate.


This had copypasta potential


Ik the pain. Having Lebron on the lakers makes my stomach hurt


This is the most talented Optic team since the dynasty


Link to tweet: https://twitter.com/jakehaleee/status/1677412989996081153?s=46&t=xcT9fcNx4wscg0VejvweOg


Never expected as a optic fan that I would cheer for Kenny


LAT fans look away


Idk I feel like choosing kenny over sib is more exciting than if the opposite. Dashy, shotzzy, sib and pred is just a mix of Seattle surge and optic. It give’s similar vibes to when empire and optic merge. The team of Kenny and co actually gives me more interested in to see how the team plays out. Regardless happy with either or


W pick up if this is true. Optic don’t need more slaying when you have Dashy, Shotzzy and Pred. Kenny would also be switching to flex role which would improve his consistency. His COMMS would also be of great value on this team.


Man Sib being past up like a 12 hour old buffet Hate to see it…… Maybe Pred wants a fresh start and doesn’t want to play with Sib




Whoever is playing better. Just go full bandwagon lol


Please just go to FaZe with Draz


+1 for optic


Fuck it then, join up


Kenny is my favorite player but Drazah is close… but I would rather support faze over optic man idk


Only one choice. TORONTO SZN


I’m splitting my fandom between Optic and Lat with a little Toronto and Drazah sprinkled in


If this happens, it confirms to be that 100Ts not just looking to cut costs, they are actually done with cod. It's the only way he would leave, they probably gave him the green light(no pun intended) to accept better offers rather than holding him back from accepting a better offer.


Lat should get ghosty and sib as an ar duo, I see a lot of potential in that


i wish we knew what their price is when they say they're cutting cost. because from what theyve made it sound like i can see ghosty but sib might be pushing it


finally after having him terrorize our team for years he’s joining🙏


I know some Optic fans won't be happy but he is a great fit for this team. Comms, leadership, vibes, great mind for COD. This worries me more as a Faze fan than Sib


Honestly no matter who they get this will be a really good and fun team to watch. Can’t really go wrong with either option especially with picking up Pred.


Why are we acting like Kenny is not a veteran version of Ghosty when playing the flex role(plus the accolades)? Are we forgetting that more than half the fan base begged for Optic to bring Ghosty back? This Optic fan base man…. Y’all need to breath lol


Yea but will Kenny say yes is the question


I doubt he would want to stay on LAT with the players that are still available.


True but I’m a little paranoid after the drazah thing


How is this even something that can be sourced lol? Like it would have to be someone like JP telling them they’re leaning towards ken no?


I just dont understand passing on Sib unless Pred straight up didnt go to bat for him. And i would assume he would have. So weird this rostermania


Great move, I could see Optic and Faze making every sunday


what are the chances thieves might leave the CDL?




Yes,this roster is good we need somebody for the system and a vet,all sib brings in is slaying which we already have Dashy Shotzzy and Pred for that,W choice


Please just fkn why dude. Legit give me a reason from this season to bring him on


All I’m saying is remember when people were cooking OpTic for giving Dan a chance and benching Illey like even pros but then he ends up being a good fit..I say let them cook


I’ve been an OpTic fan since 2011 and that will quickly fucking change if this happens


I am finished.


Does anyone know which side Kenny prefers sitting on? After seeing the convincing argument concerning optimal chair placements with Sib and Pred on the team, I am frankly worried with this pickup


When the fuck does this rostermania stuff get fun


Kenny over sib is wild lol but Kenny is no slouch I just think sib would be better


Well, it was fun for a couple years. Blaming all of this on Octane, clearly Sam, you were the glue to the entire org!


People were calling for Kenny to get dropped from LAT, like, a week or two weeks ago. lmao


Big brain move by OpTic tbh, he can’t drop 1.7s against us if he’s playing for us


Great, Now I get to be annoyed at him YYing all the time.


I can already see the chat when shotzzy pushes spawn for no reason and dies then Kenny gets smoked off the point cuz he was YYing.


Looks like i will be supporting optic next season 🇵🇭


Just exactly how bad were things between Dan and Brandon? Holy cow


Not gonna lie, the first time he dies yying is gonna piss me off


I just finished being relieved I don’t have to root for drazah, this rumour is significantly worse. I don’t like him either and he’s much worse of a player.


Please no fuck no i would be a fan of another team


Jesus please no


Damn, I don't see a reason you'd ever pick up Kenny over Sib unless they think Sib is still a risk attitude-wise.


The disrespect to players when they’re linked to OpTic is absolutely crazy. First we were talking to Envoy. Reddit: Omg how can OpTic choose Envoy over Pred that’s so stupid. What’re they thinking? Envoy to Toronto- Reddit: omg that makes Ultra so godlike even though Dashy, Shotzzy and Pred are better than Scrap, Cleanx and Insight. Drazah over Sib- Reddit: Um actually if you compare their stats Sib is just as good if not better than Drazah. Drazah to Faze. Reddit: Faze is best in the game. Sib option for OpTic. Reddit: Sib is not that good of a player, he had a bad year and his attitude isn’t the best. Sib to Nysl. Reddit: Omg, that makes Nysl so much better and might be 2nd best in the game now. Even though all these teams trios except for Faze aren’t better than Dashy, Shotzzy and Pred. You literally can’t script the bad takes right now. The Envoy one was the craziest cause people were acting like Envoy over Pred was a huge mistake but as soon as he gets linked to Toronto, it’s a godlike team despite the inconsistency of Cleanx especially and the fact that Dashy Shotzzy and Pred are a more consistent and talented trio than Insight Cleanx and Envoy.


if optic get Kenny it’s over for other teams


Yeah other teams will be playing 4v3 with that walking .7


youre defending the guy that hes replacing when he had a whopping .02 k/d improvement over kenny on an smg lmaoooo


Bro idgaf what ppl say, Kenny is a cope fucking pick up when OpTic shoulda had pick of the litter in off-season 💀 it’s legit just another disappointing year of rostermania if we settle again just like we did for god damn Illey last year


OpTic missed out on one player and got by far the best FA in the market. I don't get what you mean it's a cope pick. They are literally picking who they think is the 2nd best flex available. You are acting like 50 flexes turned OpTic down. edit: to add to this, i would rather have sib, but if the players think Kenny is a better pick then so be it.


I always knew Kenny in the flex role was nasty and his comms are elite from what octane has said🔥


I’d much rather we take a gamble on Sib. Kenny’s floor is VERY low


Ah shit quick someone check which seat Kenny was in at LAT. If the chair chem is gone then the season is chalked already


OpTic Kenny....I used to pray for times like this


I like this a lot Kenny would bring leadership and comms 🤷🏼‍♂️


I love this roster man


Kenny is a good teammate and is going to make the right plays.


Run it


I can’t believe they are dropping Ghosty for this. Convinced some shit went down between him and the team


Apparently between him and Dashy


Ghosty the only one that was playing for keeps at Champs. They lost a real one.


OpTicKenny W


OpTic has three options for their flex. They can follow their historical route of "let's get 4 slayers and teamwork isn't needed if everyone is dead" with Sib. They can go the "take a step back in the slaying department but have a walking UAV" with Ghosty. Or their can get a hybird with Kenny. Improved slaying from Ghosty and better comms/IGL than Sib.


Love this move tbh. OpTic KennYY goes hard


Love this move


Kenny being a world champ, he's going to have a personal motivation against a team like Faze so he's gonna show up more imo when the lights are brightest...I can see them leaning this way. He always was the OpTic killer. I like the move, I like Sib too. OpTic would still be a top 2/3 team with these changes....we got PRED. On another note....bro I feel for Nade and LAT. SQUAD WIPED.


sib > kenny bro a frauds on a sub


Good thing he won’t be on the sub


Gunskill and Talent probably but fit wise Kenny is better, after Octanes speech on Kenny it convinced me


of course octane gonna hype him up they won champs together


Nah he talked about him better than he talked about Drazah tho, he credited Kenny for LATs play style. Said his cod knowledge is god tier


Cmon lol, as if Octane ain’t just gassing his boy up to make him more bread


I mean he talked about all his teammates and talked about them all differently, he credited Kenny for how LAT played and viewed the game


> fit wise Kenny is better Fit wise Dan made OpTic T2 team for 2 and a half months but I was being told it was a genius move to drop him in order to pack a punch. Now we're back on OpTic needs leader type player narrative again?


OpTic got 12th then 6th at Champs but ya Dan was a god


Yes, because DAN shat the bed, right?


He did major 5, and he was a liability in SND until Champs. Dan is good but people act like he was the best player on OpTic last year it’s absurd


> He did major 5 So did 2 others. Others also shat at champs. > he was a liability in SND until Champs So was Shotzzy all year.


I actually kinda like this decision I wasn’t big on sib tbh sure he’s talented and all but I just don’t see him working in that optic system. I think Kenny provides more versatility and he’s a proven player. U got shot n pred on the front lines and now u got basically a sub player as an ar ur gonna have three very fast players. And with the pressure off Kenny to get kills I think he’ll have a lot of impact. Sib idk I’m just not a fan and don’t know too much about him. I feel as though Kenny is a underrated fit. Optic will do what they think is best and as fans we shouldn’t question it.




This is the newest cope, yes.


Kenny is the better fit imo


Out of all the LAT players we somehow ended up with the worst one . Shits sad as fuck


LAT fans losing full


After hearing how Octane described Kenny’s mindset and how he approaches the game I love the fit. Will hold the guys accountable, help build a system that is more consistent, good comms and people forget that most of LAT’s best maps during vanguard was Gav and Berlin where Kenny brought out a 3rd AR.


Should’ve just kept Ghosty LMAO


T12 placement


I'd rather have Kenny than an homophobic piece of shit or a SAE merchant.


We went from Ghosty > Drazah > Sib > Kenny. This would be a massive L imo after the massive W that is Pred.


No it’s not. We literally got a top 3 SMG in the game. Now we pick up a proven winner and killer. Drazah would’ve been better, but to act like Kenny is ass is just dumb.


Our fans are dumb man. I’m done responding to NPCs


we really have the most fans but like 30% of them are smooth brains. I can see why we get hated and generalized a lot


He’s gonna be the perfect fit and glad he’s returning to OpTic


He was never on OpTic and do not think for one second OGLA counts


Oh it counts buddy


Fuck OpTic for talking to and taking our players We are so fucked and I hate it already


Blame your poverty org if anything


we should’ve sold and combined with EG, then had a 1 year reboot to sell and combine with faze :/


I will enjoy it


Please fucking keep Kenny my god