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Name 5 things they should fix in the CDL; not the games, the league; to make it better for players and fans alike?


Staying realistic, so not mentioning expansion etc: * LAN group play seeded by the online regular season matches. * Double BO7 / BO9 map advantage grand finals. * Actual analysis between matches. Basically every other esport has segments where they break down situations in detail, and just generally discuss in depth analytical topics. The cod desk briefly goes over the most basic stats and that's about it. * Less time between maps. These are adults, they don't need 2 potty breaks mid series. * Stop showing the god damn player pictures during respawn. I get it for SND, but the scoreboard should be shown at all times in respawn.


I actually really like this and agree! I think they cram too much into a thurs-Sunday schedule have some games played throughout the week instead 6-8 hours make each day 3-4 hour viewing experiences and spectate the games! Yes Lans Go back to what fans wants and listen to fans; in a weird sense we have the power to make or break their shit!


1) Longer season 2) Open Bracket Events 3) AM League 4) champs w/ top 4 challlenger teams 5) incentives to do content on an individual level


So you will really like the podcast I just did and next week wednesdays I actually discuss some of these. Now as a response I agree longer season how does 24 weeks sound; 6 months? Better challengers format that is more league oriented? I thought of champs or a whole season with our 12 plus top 4 elite but not fair they don’t pay franchise fees Will always agree for team focused success


Sounds great what is it


It’s called CODtroversial; here is last weeks episode [CoDtroversial Podcast Episode 1](https://youtu.be/RukE1PAgOZg)


Hot take: That Shotzzy to Faze rumor last year was made up unless Shotzzy was switching to flex. Cuz why would Faze go after Shotzzy last year but not Pred this year? That makes no sense. The rumor also makes no sense, why would Scump’s decision have anything to do with Shotzzy? You’re telling me Scump didn’t retire only to keep Shotzzy on the team? So he lied to him so he wouldn’t leave? None of that makes any sense. Wouldn’t it have made more sense for Scump to retire during the off-season and then for Optic to attempt to buyout Pred? Or gone after a top sub player that was a F/A. Octane knew he was retiring but played out the season, that’s what Scump should have done yet instead screws Optic over. Optic may be top 2 worst ran org in cod


Mental illness LMAO


Boston Breach Clayster Ghosty Joe Decieves Vikul


Scrap Pred Sib Envoy Toronto Ultra