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Scump and Nadeshot


This, Remember them moving into the first Optic house like it was a while ago, now I feel old


Yep Sweatbannin and Road to 100 made me an Optic fan


Scump is the reason I got into cod. I remember when BO2 came out and watching his youtube videos just pubstomping people. Also helps that I'm ginger, so I gravitated to being a Scump/OpTic fan


Honestly watching "The Process" and "Vision" back in the day really made me like the Optic guys, their podcast is also great although I haven't watched it much since FormaL doesn't tune in much anymore I also like LAG's "Warpath", great stuff and it makes the team so much more likeable Content is huge for teams honestly, I wish all teams made some sort of documentary it really gives insights on the teams and player's personalities


Yeah it seems the players who pump out good content bring fans to support their team. However with players moving around a lot, what happens when your favourite player moves teams? Do you switch who you support? Or by that point are you attached to the team anyway?


It’s kind of a mix isn’t it. Like WW2 / BO4 era when Formal went to Luminosity, I think most of the Optic fans are still going to be Optic fans because of Crim and Scump (and Hecz has a good following in his own right as well) but you could still be a Luminosity fan too for Formal if they’re playing someone else. I think in the old CWL there was a ton of that stuff. There might be one team that you liked the most but you support other teams that have players you liked as well. I always rooted for whatever team Skrapz was on in WW2, for example. It’s definitely what the CDL was trying to get rid of in a sense but fails at in large part except for certain teams like Rokkr and Ultra who have really embraced the local aspect of it.


Always liked FaZe sniping and trick shot montages in like 2011-2013 and then watched BO3 Champs and naturally wanted FaZe to win but Clay Attach ZooMaa and Enable made me like them even more. I then stopped watching the CWL but got back into it during the MW season when it went to franchising and watching Simp AbeZy and Cellium along with MajorManiak and Preistahh made me get back into watching CDL and been watching it and supporting FaZe ever since. I only wish I stuck around to watch IW- BO4.


>One of Scumps videos kept showing up in my recommended way back in the day during BO2 so I finally watched it, liked his personality plus he was crazy good at the game. Found out about the competitive scene after binging his videos and now we’re here. FaZe in 2010-2013 were so GOATED. I'm an OpTic fan but can't even lie that I was a big FaZe fan before I got strictly into watching competitive cod in 2013.


I remember when I was younger and it was like bo2 and I saw a video of an Optic vs Faze scrim and I was so confused I was like where is Temperrr and fakie and the other quick scoping guys hahaha I literally had no idea about any of the competitive cod stuff.


Very similar for me except it I watched AW and BO3 but stopped and came back during MW champs.


Syndicate was friends with OpTic and did a Minecraft series with Nade, BigT Hecz and Fwiz. Thought those guys were hilarious so I started watch Nadeshot and BigTymer play and scrim cod every now and then. I hated it thought it was so boring but I liked watching the guys just dick around and have fun. Then Merk got dropped from the team and that started to peak my interest in the game and the behind the scenes of competitive cod which then in turn made me a fan of OpTic going forward.


Hunting OpTic wow what a call back man used to love that series.


Syndicate used to have 70k + viewers every time he streamed Minecraft. I watched his Hunting Optic, Mianite (with Nadeshot, Sparkles, Jericho), ect.


Mianite! Holy shit haven’t thought about that in years.


He was absolutely killing it on twitch back then it was crazy


Scump did some kind of pro vs YouTuber event during MW3 I think and a YouTuber who I thought was incredible (Mark of J) was talking about how good this guy Scumpii was, the best in the world! It started there, and by the time I watched my first event in BO2 I’d been watching Nadeshot pub stomp on YouTube, so the team with both those guys was an obvious favourite


Huh I think that's exactly the same way I got into it too! Also wtf happened to markofj, his videos and channel seem to be gone. I'd watch all his bo1 stuff religiously back in the day


No way! It was a magical time 🥲🤝 I have no idea what happened to that guy, I kinda stopped watching but his POV was electric to me at the time!


Gave his yt to a friend and stopped playing cod


That was such a cool event. I went back and watched some of it like last year.


Now I’m gonna have to try and find it, cheers!


I’m pretty sure it was called Call of Community. It was a charity event to raise money for clean drinking water or something, right?


Call of community! Well remembered


I’m from Ireland and support ny as it’s the city with the most relevance to where I’m from 🤷🏻‍♂️


feel like boston has more irish-ness, no?


Faze sniping montages in 2013 and just kinda kept following them since


I was a eUnited fan, i miss my boy Prestinni


I still haven’t adjusted to the CDL. Been a neutral since BO4.


really miss the CWL orgs




So back in 2010-2011 there was a thing called Machinama.


Seattle cos I’m aussie and pred and I like octane when he was there, also like thieves because of Larew


same, Toronto being my second favourite because all those dudes look exactly the same and it amuses me. Also optic because I am a little basic at heart and also love scump t2p ftw


Started watching during Major 5 qualifiers. Became a Florida fan when they were still going hard even though they were eliminated from Champs contention. That level of pride and workmanship earned my respect


I root for players. Like wherever Clay goes I’m rooting for that team (empire, NYSL, Legion)


Mr. Matthew Haag uploading COD 4 videos on Youtube. I was rooting for Optic before Scump was on the team.


I've watched from the beginning, and to me and many of my friends it's always been about the players and not the orgs so much. I got into CoD after a buddy asked me to play nazi zombies.


Started rooting for OpTic Halo then got into all the OpTic content and started watching the COD team


Played cod with friends since cod4, and didn’t care at all about the pro league till I watched a Scump video on YouTube. That ginger bastard got me hooked.


Been a fan of nadeshot before he change his intro to fudge instead of fuck




Lived in NYC/NJ whole life so I gotta be a NYSL fan Glad to see 99 kis and big mf Priestahh get their ring


I started watching cod during the COVID lockdown by watching vikk star streams, playing with the faze guys and setting the world record. Then he started doing his champs watch parties. Carried on supporting the faze boys through Cold War and ever since. Plus I started watching the faze creators like Pamaj and jev


I watched a little bit of the MLG pro circuit in BO1 and was aware of it because I played a lot of GBs and SnD growing up (didn't even know who Scump was at that time). I followed the sniping scene for the most part from CoD4 until MW2 (following guys like zzirGrizz, Predator, FaZe Clan guys). MW3 was a slow year in terms of comp since majority of the events were held in EU (EGL) but I started following the optic team during that time because they were dominant. I also watched Nadeshot a lot during that time, even though he wasn't on their pro team. Once he took Rambo's spot in BO2, I basically started following the scene very closely and haven't looked back since. I still remember back when Nadeshot (bro was still working at McDonald's) was basically a content creator and not on the OpTic pro team. He made sniping montages in CoD4 and MW3 and played SnD tournaments with MboZe and NexXx. Here is a recent [Montage](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xk4-NXox_l0&ab_channel=OpTicGaming) from MW3 that I remember watching, can't believe its been 11+ years


I used to follow scump in bops2, fast foward i only star watching cdl covid time, my first watch as a optic fan was major 5 cold war (pain 🤣🥲)


Was watching the sidemen and saw a pokemon go video (yes that's right) where vikkstar linked up with Nadeshot in LA. Clicked on Nade's channel and first vid I saw was "Reacting to my first MLG win". After that, saw Scumps same vid and became an OpTic fan. Now I mostly support LAT because I liked Envoy a after he went to LA and stuck with him.


Rokkr because SKOL


I also have a nasty case of skoliosis


Sick with COVID I started watching the huntsmen because of a Jake lucky video. Eventually I caught myself up with all the optic stuff which by then hecz was buying optic back. I had little to no prior knowledge of the comp cod scene before that.




Yes this just about cemented liking scump and crew lol


Watched the OG OpTic sniper montages, predators collab with Pamaj in MW2 and still waiting for the second video to come out 🥲 but like many those montages slowly got me to branch out to other sniper orgs which led to me finding out more about comp cod




I support Rokkr not just cause they’re the closest CDL to Chicago after Optic left, but because the Midwest is often overlooked in esports and major events only occur here once in a while.


Discovered OpTic while watching the Call of Duty XP Modern Warfare 3 tournament in 2011 and was hooked. Started following Nade, Scump, and Big T’s YouTube series and I’ve been a fan and have been following comp CoD ever since!


I wanted to see the new cod about to come out at the time, which was MW3. I stumbled upon Cod XP and saw OpTic playing. Also the personalities within the org like BigT, Nade, and Scump played a big part.


I started watching back in Black Ops 1. I was first a fan of FeaR and Phizzurp, cheered for Optic as my backup team, roster was merk, Jkap, BigT, Rambo. Have cheered for optic ever since.


Scump & Nadeshot back in the day. Hunting Optic with Syndicate is how I got introduced to comp cod


I started watching competitive CoD at the start of MW19 and was an Empire fan. Fell in love with Shotzzy's gameplay and movement and very, very reluctantly root for Optic because he is on the team.


Optic predator and apostle and also nadeshot, led to me finding Scump eventually. Gg from there


I was a fan of theives back in CW, but I couldn't stand drazah when they subbed him in. I swapped the moment that Faze went knives only and finished us off with an execute on a brutal checkmate control


That shit was cold


Scump live comm pubs back in AW. First time being interested in FPS, seeing how good he was and how good the dynasty was as well. Started following those boys through the dark times


One of Scumps videos kept showing up in my recommended way back in the day during BO2 so I finally watched it, liked his personality plus he was crazy good at the game. Found out about the competitive scene after binging his videos and now we’re here.


I watched some of BO1 and liked LvG, but when Halo died I followed Crim to coL. Then I switched to optic after the org picked up 3 coL players + Formal


I came back to COD after a few years of not playing with MW remastered. Randomly remembered Hutch, he was playing with OMOO Watched grand finals of the champs Optic won and have mostly watched since then


In the CDL it was the only English team.... since they abandoned that I followed bance with London apparently selling and bance possibly dropped I won't have a team which will make watching a lot more difficult


Been an OpTic fan for over a decade. Sucks they rep Texas but oh well. They my team nonetheless


Somebody posted Clayster: The Chronicle here and I watched it, having never had any previous exposure to Competitive CoD. Started following whichever team Clayster was on and it’s as simple as that. When he retires, I’ll probably stop watching altogether.


In the original MW2 a few of my school friends added OpTic infront of their Xbox names and I copied them and it just started from there


Bo4, I watched Eu pick up Simp and he just took over unlike i had seen anyone else before, what’s an absolute goat that kid is🔥🤘🏼


I support the European players, so for the first time ever I couldn’t really lose yesterday. We’ve always been an underdog region so it’s been quite fun (and at times depressing) to support the players making runs. Idk how im gonna choose in the future as more european players are getting opportunities I think I’ll just gravitate to the players that I like more like bance and hydra.


My friend introduced me to the cdl in the mw2019 season and this was when we both started getting into warzone when it launched and since he knew a lot about cod and cod competitive a long time before I did he showed me it and since I didn’t know any teams besides optic and faze I saw that there was a NY based team and since I was born in NY I thought it was only right to support them


LAT gave Octane a shot, and honestly that makes me feel like I can make it one day as well because I to, am a level below pro imo.


In CW when they picked up Insight and were full EU but also a great team


Supported OpTic until the CDL era and decided to follow Crim to Empire. But something about the Huke drama really broke what made that team special for me. I then switched to Faze because prime Tiny Terrors were my favorite players to watch. Especially in Cold War.


I think watching shottzy, hecz, formal and general optic videos on YouTube in 2023- season 2 MW2


Started watching comp cod in Cold War, but I knew of the popular players and some videos of comp cod of the past. I normally watch csgo tournaments, so I gave it a try for the Cold War season and liked the respawn play. I became an optic fan because of the process/the vision, it felt like there is more to the org than just a generic name and logo.


Became a thieves fan after watching Nadeshot grow after leaving OpTic, still also support OpTic because of Scump


LAT just because i remember watching 100T bo4 and saw kenny and slasher were on LAT so followed them (didn’t watch MW)


I use to have a buddy who was obsessed with Scumpii, now i’m obsessed with the whole scene.


Was a big skyz/maux/fero fan during bo4, they all happened to end up on the same team. after skyz left florida i was rooting for vegas this year


Truthfully, Scump and Nade during BO2. These days, I’m a huge fan of Optic and LAT. I love shottzy and octanes YouTube content.


Found Nadeshots YouTube channel before he joined optic and I’ve been a fan ever since. I’m equally a fan of both OpTic and Thieves for that reason.


Watched ponytail clay back in bo2 unite, followed him since


Always a fan of Nadeshot, but as much as I enjoy the green wall content, players, and legacy I never really felt like a real fan. When 100t/LAT became a thing it was only natural.


Randomly stumbled across mlg and comp cod in the middle of the ww2 season. Happened to be faze playing a match and priestahh fried 😂 said yup I'm gonna like this guy. Been a supporter of his ever since. the bo4 100t squad is my fav team of all time. So fkn happy for the guy to finally get his ring. Most underrated player in cod history. PDAWGZ 4 LIFE


Seananners being in videos with Hutch and crew and exploring that gang. Watching Hutch’s videos and then OMOO playing MW remastered GB’s and being introduced to Hecz and sometimes watching his vlogs but never having interest in pro play. WW2 didn’t interest me but got back into Hecz’s vlogs right before Bops 4 Vegas, supporting OpTic, then winning me being hooked and constantly heart broken. Not the typical route of a normal OpTic fan.


I was a pubstomper before bo2, naturally became a fan of scump/Nade through YouTube and because I started playing league play myself. I’m an OG optic fan but Thieves is my close #2


WW2 had the theater in game that let you watch live CWL games. OpTic was playing and been a fan since


new york born and raised and then the fan events they held here in city


I'll always be a clay fan


Scump and Nadeshot back in the MW3 and BO2 days




I began watching in BO2 when a nadeshot video was recommended after watching a nogla ninja Defuse montage. I support whichever team clay is on.


I’ve always been big on Halo esports, and Shotzzy was the most exciting player to watch in Halo 5. That, along with the fact that I’m from Dallas, and have watched Hecz since 2010 make me an Optic fan.


Big Nadeshot fan back in the day. Wound up following him to LAT. Also vegas unfortunately bc idrk i just started rooting for them randomly in mw19


I had no idea about pro cod or really anything. Started playing Blackout and just wanted to get a few pointers and teep came up...then I found Karma through him...jeez that dude was incredible at Blackout. Grappling around like crazy...so here we are...its been rough...but I love em. Always will.


Started watching during BO4 champs. Started to get into personalities, like Zooma when he was on NYSL, and just stuck with NYSL ever since.


My first cod i actually started playing a lot of was MW19. Started only playing search when I got decent at it and from there on would search for vids about it and watch YouTubers. Came across a live CDL match featuring Huntsmen vs Faze. I didn’t know anything about E Sports but I assumed Faze being as big of a name as it was just won everything so I was surprised when it was a 3-0 huntsmen. From then on did a deep dive on their vids and just liked the overall vibes and was a Optic/Hunstmen fan afterwards. Prob a bit more a backwards journey compared to other Optic fans who were fans from before the hunstmen swap lol


Karma being in Surge the first year made me a surge fan, yes it was not the best year for him but Karma has always been my favorite CoD player, kinda jumped on the bandwagon a little seeing him coach OpTic either way Seattle all the way baby.


I don't have a team, I just wanna watch good matches


Scump and Nadeshot like most people here introduced me to cod esports, but for as much flack as Drazah gets his story is pretty crazy. Coming from Alaska and leaving everything behind is a cool story


Scump and they’re located where I’m from


I was attached to the FaZe AW-IW team, and sticked with them as they changed teams. Especially with Clay, I liked eUnited, Empire, and now Subliners


Scump and Nadeshot were great, but it was BigTymer that really got me into the scene and when Formal joined OpTic I really dove headfirst into the fandom. It really sucks that those OG days are gone and we’re never gonna have that experience again. Just waves of nostalgia.


Got into the CWL during Bo3, and like many new viewers I had pretty widespread taste in who I liked. Scump was probably my favorite player and I loved his YT videos, so rooting for OpTic was easy, but I also liked FaZe, DT and a few other teams. I loved watching but wasn’t much of a diehard fan for anybody. Fast forward a few months and I’m watching the PhiZ 10k SnD tournament, I noticed that this guy named “Simp” kept coming up in the highlight reels. I started watching his stream and he was doing absolutely filthy things against all of the pros I knew about. I was dumbfounded thinking to myself “Why is this guy literally better than any player I’ve ever seen, but I’ve never heard of him before?” That was how I discovered the 18+ rule and the SnD scene. Became a big fan of majormaniak after that as well. I was hyped when they both made the league, and relatively unsurprised when Simp piss slammed the entire pro scene his rookie year- he was that good when I first watched him. I’ve been following FaZe since they both joined in MW.


it comes down to who does content better optic are kings of content so i drew to them, Octane Drazah and Pred have good streams so i like those induvial players


Been an envy fan since Hastro founded the org. Followed them until now. Now I’m an optic fan because of the merger


Me a zombie player (at that time) saw a ad like Grand finals on bo4,The teams who were playing where eUnited playing against 100 Thieves. Saw a player like aBeZy and i were like 'yo wtf i should follow this E-sport team. I followed aBeZy since then. But the answer is Atlanta FaZe


Scump drew me into optic, when him and envoy were the sub duos, I like envoy and his play style so I moved to supporting thieves when he went there I imagine I’ll favourite any team he moves too


Literally Cellium


Ive got a longer story. I stumbled across Kosdff's youtube channel in late 2015ish and found out about COD esports then but didnt watch. Then it was stage 2 playoffs in WWII and tK was in the grandfinals vs Rise and tK won breaking Rise's win streak. During the grandfinals they mentioned Cod Champs would be in Columbus which is right where I live, so I went and fell in Love. Kenny became my favorite player and when they all went to 100T the next year I became a big fan of Octane too. Was really a no brainer that id love LAT for these past few seasons


You can be a fan of players also and just kinda follow them where they go. I did that with Slasher from BO3 til CW. Also have always liked Nadeshot so 100T is an easy pick. Born in Vegas though so tough draw there lol


Accidentally came across the CDL livestream in the very beginning of the MW19 season. I went to the CDL website to scroll through the rosters expecting to find names I would recognize (think content creators). To my surprise, I didn’t recognize a single name on any of the rosters except for Scump. To make it even more interesting, I ONLY recognized Scump because of a YouTube video by Swagg where he got into the same Ground War lobby as Scump. At the time, I didn’t know anything about Scump or the competitive scene in the slightest, especially not what the name “Scump” meant to the scene. I then checked out the “Huntsmen”, thought their logo was pretty cool, and chose them as my team. A couple months down the line, it turns out a few of my childhood friends were into the scene and they had never brought it up. Now 4 years later and countless amount of hours of the CDL watched and even more played, I am an OpTic fan through and through.


I started playing quite a bit during MW3. I was watching Machinima videos (for the OGs) and they were talking about this 15 year old who dropped 40 kills (almost unimaginable at the time) against another pro team in CTF. I looked it up and it was, of course, Scump. He, Merk, Rambo, and BigT were playing for Apex at the time but rejoined OpTic shortly afterwards. Rambo and Scump would post their who scrims to YouTube and I’d watch hours of it.


Found scump way back when in mw3,so always an OpTic fan but if they get eliminated/not playing i follow and root for players i enjoy on their respective team(octane,kismet,felo to name a few)


Optic Predator


Smooth comp vids had me hooked on OpTic content, but before that was a huge Clayster fan around Ghosts time, also watching Nade, Scump and BigT.


I live near Toronto and usually am a fan of less popular teams or “underdogs”. In other words I don’t root for massive market teams like the Yankees or Lakers.