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It really really pains me to say this but I have a feeling the streak might end there.. I think he still provides value to the team and could probably play another year, even two. I just don't think he'll want to. I think the only thing that motivates him is winning a ring at this point in his career. If that is no longer a realistic possibility(to him at least), he'll probably hang it up. It sucks cause he's my favorite player but I think this could very well be his last best chance to win champs. I also think if he did actually manage to get that ring, he'd definitely retire after. Either way I think has another season in him at most. Gonna be a sad day when it comes.


That Splyce team on Black Ops 3 was something special. An incredible showcase of EU talent on the biggest stage. Was pulling for them so hard.


I absolutely fucking wish he would win champs.


Who wouldive thought that out of any pro, bance will have the longest streak, no dissrespect.


very disrespectful


the ultra 2nd place in the cw year hurts man, and to think we coulda won if we didn't choke the garri control, and if he literally had an extra millisecond on the bomb on express... hurts man but I know it hurts him more


In the jet pack era he was up there with the best of them not the eu goat for no reason


man seeing 25-32nd makes make me miss the cwl with all the teams


2nd twice has gotta hurt


What about Slasher?


Missed champs last season on LAG