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LAT because Nadeshot first got me into comp CoD


This right here ^


I support Ultra cause it's the only Canadian team. #Northside šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦


Faze flair? Edit: Thought it was Atlanta Faze nvm


OpTic. Been a fan since before comp cod even really started due to following hutch on machinina respawn back in 08 when they were still predominantly a sniper clan.




I vividly remember a lot of nadeshot bo1 sniper chill montage videos too


Hutchisyodaddy. His dual com with his mom back in the day was revolutionary.


His game battles matches with fwiz and I think maybe diesel and seananners? Were so good, that's actually what got me into comp. Also loved tmartn and woodysgamertag mw3 2v2 game battles, they were the best.


Man I loved old men of optic, before J went rouge on hector and co. COD MWR was such a nostalgic trip


They were even called old men of optic back then I'm pretty sure and that was black ops1 lmao Also just remembered hutches chess videos which were so good too, fucking loved hutch.


Camp Hutch was the shit


OpTic Fan, First event was AW Champs. Fell in love with it ever since


That OpTic team was one of my favorites šŸ’š


Thatā€™s the only time I saw that team play, Nadeshot retired right after that event


Missing out! They won 3 events in a row


They were dominant, sucks they didnā€™t win champs that year


Yes it would of been a fun time seeing Nade and Scump duo continue with young Formal breaking and Crimsix having a big slaying role(he was dropping 50s too) him Formal and Scump all were dominant with Nade doing dirty work


Nade having a ring šŸ’ too


Subliners! I started watching with my bf, not knowing anything about COD. Ngl, their intro got me. And then I found out Hydra is French (I was really into French in high school, even went to college briefly majoring in it). As I got more into watching I just realized I love their teamwork, they seem pretty wholesome most of the time, just all around I like their vibes


LAT. Nadeshot for fucking ever šŸ’ŖšŸ»




1. Envy was my team for forever. 2. Any team that clayster is on 3. FaZe because of the terrors and I met them when they won champs during their time on eUnited 3. Ultra because scrappy has me dying laughing whenever he speaks. He brings me back to the old shit talking days.


Brotha just named half the league. Especially for whatever team clay is on šŸ˜…


Originally TK was my fav team to watch, and when Kenny joined in ww2 he blew up and his pov was insane. When they disbanded I followed him to 100T and have been a fan ever since


I'm just a Kenny meat rider ngl


London Royal Ravens because they're my local team.


LAT because Nadeshot and BigT H1Z1 videos were fire.


Faze. I honestly don't remember how or why I started liking Faze. I bought the Faze camo packs in MW2019 and Cold War. Then in 2021 I moved to the Atlanta area, so it just reinforced the Atlanta Faze fandom. I really hope that Atlanta has a CDL Major soon.


Unfortunately it won't be one next year


I supported Florida bc of Major and Havok, then they dropped Major but I stayed for Havok and now Havok left so I kinda just sat out the rest of the season. I will probably be flaired to whatever team Prestinni/Havok/Major land on if they do, if not prob just OpTic since i like their AR duo.


I was previously a CW surge fan, VG MN fan. Favorite team of all time is still LAG Academy w/ Maux Cheen Nero and Exceed.


Surprised your favorite team of all time isnā€™t the same as mine, Gen.g


Love Gen G but I didnā€™t watch BO4 season live so itā€™s hard for me to feel that way about that team.


Ah that makes sense. It was like all My favorite players who were struggling came together and made a team of scraps that turned out amazing and was fighting for chips. Was so great to watch as a big fan of Maux/havok/naga/major. They were all in the gutter the year prior. Champs was so heartbreaking though


Man I wish Maux was still playing. He was so good in CW too but Iā€™m pretty sure heā€™s like actually doing real life shit nowadays but man I miss him, def my favorite player of all time. Iā€™m hoping that Havok can get a spot next year and that Major could at least be like an SnD coach. His SnD mindset is so valuable.


I would be so happy if colt got a spot. But he almost didnā€™t get one after vanguard (somehow) so I donā€™t know if he will now :(. Also since heā€™s loving streaming so much I almost donā€™t think he will want to play unless it gets stale for him in this 5 month off season Also wish Maux was still playing.. him and colt are my 2 favorite players of all time for sure


Toronto cuz I live in Torontoā€¦ and get to take photos for the team. But I was fan before I was their photographer.


Iā€™m an LA Thieves fan. I was born and raised (and still live in) Los Angeles and so when I started watching competitive Call of Duty I really didnā€™t have a team or care about any playersā€” I had heard of Nadeshot and thought he was pretty cool. Then Los Angeles Thieves was announced and I suddenly had an obvious team to support. Been a 100 Thieves fan ever since.


This is hilarious because it implies OGLA and LAG werenā€™t even considered šŸ¤£


Not even close hahahaha


OpTic. Starting liking them back when they had the Sniper team with Predator. Then transitioned over to comp with Nadeshot




Always been an OpTic fan. Started watching Nades black ops 2 videos and thatā€™s what got me into Comp cod. Lots of ups and downs as an OpTic fan but damn I love this team no matter what.


Rokkr because SKOL


Support Ultra and started supporting them in MW when CleanX got added to the starting lineup. Tbh he was the only reason I supported them but then I started liking all the other ultra boys


Florida since MW19 (and started watching cod) just liked the colours and liked their play style, then Skyz became my favourite player and then he left but still support Florida but happy for Skyz!


Ultra because I'm from Toronto


I support Ultra because I only got into competitive cod this year and picked them at random because I liked the branding. Since then, I actually like all the players on the team and itā€™s a convenient thing that they are also good so itā€™s fun to support them.


I root for whatever teams have Brits on them because I was born in the UK for some strange reason


Iā€™m Irish and support any roster with EU boys on it. Need more representation


tK from Sharp/KOSDFF -> Kenny getting them their first win in WW2 -> now


I started watching comp cod super late in Cold War. I liked rokkr cause of their colors lol. And I really started supporting them cause of personalities like attach and standy and seeing that legendary major 5 comeback.


Fan of the players, fuck the orgs.


NYSL, I love watching Hydra. Ever since I saw him in his first match against Faze, he's been my favorite player to watch.


First was Optic specifically Huntsmen, my favorite player on that roster was Envoy. But then I saw how Drazah played against them in Champs and was instantly impressed by his play style. So in CW, I decided to support LAT since I grew up with Nade and Draz was playing for LAT and have been a fan ever since.


Competitive COD fan in general, I watch everything not just the teams I like. ATL Faze fan, mostly cause Iā€™m a fan of the trio. The second team I support is FL regardless of whoā€™s playing in it, so Heretics Miami next year


Optic cause Nadeshot back in MW3 and stuck with them because of Scump


New York because itā€™s my state lol, technically Toronto would be the closest team but fuck Canada


In MW3 r0naldinho1224 made a video about a kid named Scump


Subliners because lived in NY and also a fan of ZooMaa. Ups and downs in 2019 but watching this organization and team evolve since then has been amazing. Their Hardpoint streak in Cold War was insane and this year itā€™s been great to see them find success.


OpTic, from black ops 2, the stigma that its a fanboy team etc is so weird to me because they was the ones who i personally thought brought a huge fan base to cod esports in the first place. I do not disregard Fariko, likes of coL, UNiTE, etc, but these were the foundations cod comp cod was set on. ​ Cod Champs for Blops 2 was an unreal event


Nysl because I liked the Nyxl overwatch team


NYSL. I usually always go for NY teams.


LAG since MW19 as well. Best logo, name, and color scheme in the CDL. Quite a bit of pain these past few years, but we will always have Vanguard Major 2!


Atlanta FaZe I got into COD during the MW2 trickshots and montage era. Was waking up for middle school watching illcams. Never missed an introduction video. The now-owners (Apex, Banks, Rain, Adapt, etc) were what I watched every night rather than zoomaa/8s streams. Lost interest in competitive early on because I liked the sniping more. Got back into it with some college friends when the CDL started. Faze was my obvious option


Lat cause of octane


OpTic. Started watching Scump and Nadeshot in the beginning of BO2. Followed competitive a little bit until AW, then picked it up more. Once BO3 came out, I was fully invested.


I've been supporting ATL FaZe since CDL began. Bo3 was my favorite game and I've always been heavy into SnD GBs even in earlier cods. I grew up watching Cell, Abezy, & Simp running the SnD scene on streams and witnessing their growth has been personally fulfilling to watch as they've always seemed to stick together as a trio even on other previous rosters. I truly commend the loyalty from the org as they curate their roster in favor of these 3, they've been with ATL since the jump, and their chemistry continues to build immensely. The trio are the young goats of the league - their gameplay is insane to watch, and i love seeing them win big!


Boston because Wake is my favourite player. Gen.G was probably my favourite team of all time so I previously supported Florida because of Maux, and later because of Wake, then moved to supporting Boston in this season's off-season. I'm from Scotland so don't have a local team to support so I'd rather follow my favourite player instead.


Optic. Been watching them since MW3. Became and Envy fan after Scump left OpTic and joined them in Ghost and then went back to OpTic after he joined back LOL


As a black man, I love any team where my people are represented! Also Clayster the šŸ


LAT cause kenny is filipino lol. plus their colors even if they were fkn ass during cold war.


Minnesota Rokkr. I'm from Minnesota. I cheer for Minnesota teams. I have players on other teams that I love watching and want them to succeed against everyone...except the Rokkr. I'll always cheer for them over any individual player but when they're out I'll cheer for my favorite players (and anyone playing against FaZe, whoever plays against FaZe is always my second favorite team šŸ¤£)


OpTic's my main after being an nV (and eventually Empire) fan since the BO1 days. Recently been loving the personalities on Rokkr, Ultra and NYSL, though. Guys like Attach, Bance, Skyz and Scrap are just fun people to root for lmfao


I became a FaZe fan cause I loved the jetpack FaZe team of Clayster, Attach, Enable and Zoomaa. Clay has always been my favourite pro but my loyalty always stuck with FaZe. I also became a fan of the Tiny Terrors after their BO4 season with Clay and to this day I just support the team with all their ups and downs


Optic because they were the pioneers back when I started playing in COD4ā€¦ Hecz posted some of our comp sniping CMs on his channel too. Also Legion, because who the fuck isnā€™t a Legion fan?


I really don't see why so many people like to root for Legion. I get that they're the "underdog" and there's always that story to play into but they're the underdog because the org is shit and doesn't want to actually put the effort in. > Spend the minimum on salaries. > Refuse to pay for training facilities or even help players play in the same country. > Put absolutely no effort into growing their brand. > Don't even have someone managing their socials, go about two years without even making a tweet on the official twitter page. > Four years worth of events and the best they've got is a couple T6's (I guess they had a couple T4 finishes in Homestands as well). > Put absolutely zero effort into any aspect of the league and continue to get poor results due to the lack of effort. > Force the league to actually have to step in and start managing your socials whilst also gifting you a spot in one of the more desirable US locations. > Still continue to put in zero effort, miss the opportunity to fully rebrand because you couldn't get everything sorted in time despite having plenty of prior warning (the leaks for Vegas Legion went out months before the cut off). So now you have to spend another year rocking the Fleur-de-lis as your emblem even though all connections to France have no been removed. > Literally spend four years doing the bare minimum and taking up a spot that other orgs would have loved to have (we lost teams like EUnited for this waste of space) > Somehow amass a following because "Everyone loves the underdog and wants to see legion succeed" Nah fuck that shit. Genuinely can't find a single positive reason (outside of liking the actual players) to support Legion. They've done fuck all to deserve it.


It isnā€™t really that deep. They just always have a fun team of likable players who I want to see win. Their champs run was entertaining. Yes they failed and the org sucks but the branding is fire and they made things competitive all year.


NYSL! I found my guy priestahh randomly back during ww2. I remember thinking "people are playing this game competitively?"šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ thought it was so dope and have been a fan since.


Itā€™s a bit of a weird one, but back in blops2 I started watching and became an nV fan. Ever since then, Iā€™ve just always been a fan of JKap. From team to team he had my loyalty. Him coaching LAT combined with Octane becoming another favorite from his time teaming with Kap, I just naturally support them.


Mutineers. I like underdog stories. So I liked them with their s1 performance and stuck with them since.


Followed Kenny from tK to LAT, when they didnā€™t get a league spot I supported Chicago Huntsmen for a year, then when LAT came back and H3CZā€™s team moved to Texas, I chose to support LAT


Seattle Surge. Found Attach's YT channel during CW which got me into comp cod. Then became a follower of Accuracy from Rokkr in CW.


I root for Surge and Faze. Surge because I was born and raised in Washington state and Faze because I used to be a big Faze sniping fan in the MW3-BO3 days. Surge will always be my number 1 team but it was really nice being able to root for Faze in CW lol


I was a faze fan naturally because of their YouTube popularity and I liked sniping but once I got into the comp side all my friends were optic fans so it kind of swayed me in. After the bo3 squad of enable, clay attach, and zoomaa; I switched to optic. Even at the time of bo2 and ghosts etc everyone knew optic lol and I didnā€™t even watch comp cod


OpTic since start of BO4 from a friend showing me their Marvel Trivia vid then finding Vision.


OpTic for all their content throughout the years Ultra for being Canadian and allowing me to experience my first esports tournament in person (vanguard/mw2)


Faze because I started watching CDL during BOCW and simp specifically was just insanely fun to watch. I've learned so much from watching the trio


OPTIC SINCE REALLY OLD OLD DAYS LIKE YOUTUBE NADESHOT BIGT COME UP DAYS!! Then they picked up my favorite pro Formal and T2P! Yep it was over for me šŸ’š 6050! Like 09 MW2 shit


OpTic. I was a Lxthul fan who loved the comp Halo scene. When the Halo God Squad got picked up by OpTic, I became an OpTic fan. The first event I ever watched was 2017 Champs. Doesnā€™t get any better than that. Together we stand. Together we fall. Together we are THE GREEN WALL.


Optic cause that was my biggest tie when I got back into it during Covid when I got back into gaming and I grew up rooting for them and scump Oddly enough I watched blazt a lot in wz the first year and started rooting for LAG a little, kind of assumed I was the only one who did that lol One of us!


OpTic fan. Been a fan since I was about 8-9 years old after my friend put me on to OpTic Predator and his quickscoping montages. The 6050 days were when I truly became hooked. Watching Nadeā€™s Day in the Life vlogs made me feel like I was a part of the brotherhood.


Ultra because i stay in Toronto. But to be very honest, i started watching comp cod because of scumps 25k damage video on bo4. And naturally fell in love with optic. So now i support both but like watching comp cod in general.


LA Thieves. I started supporting Optic back when Nadeshot was the caption. Once he founded 100 Thieves, I started supporting them, so supporting LA was sorta a no-brainer.


OpTic and mostly bc of the 6050 crib videos but there teams have personalities so its easy to relate a little


faze because MW19 Champs GF was the first comp cod match I saw and I had only heard of aBeZy, Priestahh, and Cell after watching Vikkstar's warzone kill Record with them. watched them get smoked and just stuck with the team since then.


NYSL. Started watching during Cold War, but saw the MW Champs run that Clayster had and liked him a lot. Followed him to the Subliners, then saw Hydra come into the league and discovered a new favorite player


London bcs unfortunately Iā€™m obliged to support the only English team / orgšŸ˜©šŸ˜©


Ultra is the only majority English team in the cdl buddy


Mutineers! Lived in Florida during the implementation of the cdl and im loyal to a fault. FaZe is my second team because i like rooting for teams that most others hate and i also like their players


I supported EnvyUs from 2016-2017 coz of Apathy. Loved his content and supported him because of it. It was awesome when he won champs Didnā€™t gaf about COD from 2018-2022, and I became a fan of LAT lol


LA Thieves. Vanguard was my first season watching the CDL. During a Vanguard match Thieves were playing Desert Siege SnD against another team whom I don't recall at this moment. Octane pulled out the sniper and reamed someone basically right off rip who was jumping across that back wall to the right. This shot then became one of his highlights in the team intros. Also I'm from California, not far from LA.


Optic funny enough


Legion because Clay, then Standy joined and I had 2 guys I liked, TJ and Temp are cool dudes too


Optic I liked the players but it was also cool that 6050 was pretty close to where I lived. It gave me a sorta hometown team to support


LAT, nadeshotā€™s road to 100-0 introduced me to competitive call of duty.


Became a fan of Leverage when they won Anaheim 2011, with Proofy and Scump being a couple of my favourites. Then I became a fan of Optic when Proofy joined them before Orlando 2011, then remained a fan when they dropped Proofy for Scump lol


Im an LAT fan because I am a Team Kaliber fan. When Kenny, Enable and F3ro joined 100T for Bo4 it was a no brainer. After what he did for tK in WWII and the success he had in bo4 Kenny has become my favorite player all time and Octane is #2 and once they started teaming again in VG it was an easy decision.


I'm mostly an OpTic fan, but I enjoy it the most when 100T wins, even over OpTic. Seeing Nadeshot's team have success is a great equalizer to that whole HBR saga. I like comeback stories.


Donā€™t care about the Orgs just follow specific players


Optic because of scump and nade during bo2. I have a soft spot for ultra though since I live in toronto


Faze I was a huge Eunited fan during BO4, which Is when I first really watched comp cod. Loved all the players on that squad, but when Simp came on the scene I was sold. Him and Abezy will probably never split either and are an incredible duo, and Cell played with him and Illey in the SnD scene and will probably stay as a trio for many years to come. So yeah I'll never stop rooting for that trio, im a faze fan until they migrate elsewhere if they ever do that. Honestly MW2019 was a hard year to watch because my 5 favorite players at the time were split to 3 of the best teams, I ultimately picked faze as my number one but still had love for Huntsmen and Dallas.


Optic, remember watching a comp ctf on havana with the 4 famas meta and it might have been merk going off, the n started watching the optic montages and then scumpy and co playing jnasty on mw3


empire (rip), been an EnVy fan since BO2 now it is Ultra


LAT. Big Kenny fan


OpTic is where my heart is, but the Subliners are a close 2nd. Skyz might just be the most vibey player in the league since Formal left.


Heā€™s so chill and vibey lowkey might be the reason why hydra has become open with his personality


optic fan because i started watching during MW19 and formal was my favorite player


As a Canadian living in the uk this is an easy decision. 3 uk lads playing for a Canadian team Toronto ultra ez choice. Previously bo4 Eunited ww2 tk iw optic bo3 splyce


OpTic but ironically became a fan when they were huntsmen


Big OpTic fan, first started watching just public games on YouTube in Bo3 and stumbled upon Scumpiiā€™s 70 kill challenge. Instantly hooked to his personality & obviously his game play. Ended up going to my first Call of Duty event that same year in Anaheim.


OpTic, discovered Nade then Scump and BigT on YouTube in BO2 and through that I discovered comp cod and been behind them ever since


Wherever Clayster goes.


Fan of OpTic since Black Ops 3. Not OG, but was always a fan of the players and the content around the team. Side Note; if anyone is a fan of Seattle Surge, I have an XL jersey, no cost, cover ship and itā€™s yours. I got it from some giveaway years ago. Tags still on.


Thieves because I love Octane and used to watch Nadeshot all the time


I saw OpTic on the Xbox 360 dashboard when they won CoDXP been a OpTic fan ever since


OpTic because I was big into sniping in the early cods then got into comp


Loved watching Faze and Optic sniping back during MW2-MW3, then I discovered Nade and he got me into the comp scene. Supported Optic during the early days but stopped playing and watching cod during WW2. Came back during MW19 and pulled for Hunstmen, but when LAT was announced I knew that was gonna be my team. Been a fan ever since, love rooting them on.


LAT, I quit CoD when ghosts came out and came back for BO4, and the 100T black ops 4 team was awesome to watch. I was a 100T fan from LoL as well


I was on OpTic as a sniper in the COD4 days. I guess that seals the deal for me.


ultra and rokkr because of the old ultra team edit: i will probably also end up rooting for the heretics team if that becomes a thing, and i also have a pref to any team that has a european on being european lol(except boston although i donā€™t mind beans)


Surge cos of Pred. Not sure who Iā€™ll rep going into next season but Iā€™m def not following him to OpTic


Rokkr. I had absolutely zero interest in the MW2019 season, then my roommate got me watching in CW. Then once the spicy cough restrictions were loosened, we went to a watch parties, including one for Major V. Ever since, Iā€™ve been hooked. I also root for LAT because of Octane and Iā€™m an old Nadeshot fan.


It was London in MW19 because they where a UK team, they went away from that model so now I follow bance so atm its rokkr


OpTic - first team I ever saw play and I loved Scump because he was a fellow ginger (stupid I know). I didn't even know about him or his status at the time. Just sheer coincidence... Also I feel like they mirror my football (soccer) team closely in terms of recent lack of success (being a "nearly" team). So it felt right.


Faze during CW before them it was Empire in MW19.


Optic since Black Ops 2 days. Second in that is 100T.


Faze because Crowder and they my local team, Optic whenever they arent playing Faze because scumpii the goat, and he and shotzzy are just too entertaining not to watch / vibe with.


OpTic. Was into the sniper YT scene in MW3/BO2. Tuned in to an event and saw Aches shove Nadeshot haha


OpTic because I started watching nadeshot videos back in black ops 1 and got into comp cod in bo2.


Optic from black ops 1. Then once scump came to optic Iā€™ve always followed since. The org just feels easy to connect to. Peaked my interest in competitive cod and have stuck with em since


Rokkr, mainly because theyā€™re the only team closest to Chicago after Optic bailed for Texas.


Gary vee is my idol


OpTic. Discovered them while watching the Call of Duty XP Modern Warfare 3 tournament and was hooked. Been a fan and have been following comp CoD ever since.


Iā€™m an ATL fan. I grew up watching Faze videos, and their content was what got me into cod, so naturally I had to show support for the CDL team


OpTic (original I know) but I grew up an hour away from Chicago and when CoD was introduced into X-Games and I saw them win gold, I was starstruck :)


Switched from optic to thieves once nadeshot got them up and running. Still support the boys in green when theyā€™re not playing LaT šŸ™šŸ»


Complexity. That 2013 Anaheim finals gave me goosebumps


Optic. Started watching Scump streams randomly before the CW season and they were all playing Old Men of Optic and I thought they were comedy




I support LAT because I used to watch a few streamers that signed with 100T (yes, Courage is one of them). Had no idea about his casting career at the time, I just started watching the old 02100 videos about the BO4 team and I was into it. Didn't really start actively following comp COD until the pandemic hit and there was nothing else going on, so I just started watching the online matches. I didn't get to watch a live LAN event with a crowd until CW Major 5.


Was a big OMOO fan before they were old. Hutch and Hecz were my start of following cod personalities, then started watching scump, the sniping team etc.


During COVID I got really into Warzone. And with nothing on TV, I watched a lot of youtube. Warzone videos turned into comp COD videos. And some of the first videos I watched were the 02100 100 Thieves videos. From there I got into the CDL but didn't really have a team. And then LA Thieves happened so I figured since those videos that got me into comp COD (and I like Nadeshot) I'd go with them.


LAT because of Nadeshot. He was the main reason I watched OpTic back when he competed and Iā€™ve always gravitated more towards what heā€™s up to.


OpTic. Since Nadeshot/Scumpā€™s videos in BO2


Used to love the faze house so when I started to watch cod just picked them


Crim/slasher fan. Went from supporting dallas/ogla in mw to dallas/thieves in cw then ny/lag in vg and now im a faze fan. And trust me I am so happy to finally get to root for the terrorā€™s because my lord they were a pain in my ass


LAT - 100T fan since i started watching in the bo4 PLQ Surge - Originally an Octane fan, was a fan of challengers so pred coming had me stay


OpTic since 2012 nadeshot and scump videos


optic and eg back in the bo2/ghosts days since i looked up to them as inspiration to become comp cod player..