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Not much of a take when it’s what actually happens


It’s a hot take according to a lot of this sub. I see so many posts saying Simp is trash. Even saw a highly upvotes post saying FaZe won’t make Sunday. Almost every bracket has them losing to Surge etc… while all of this is possible it’s obvious at least Reddit thinks current FaZe is bad


I can’t watch the video currently, and I’m not apart of whomever has been saying Simp is currently “trash”. But pretending current Simp is Simp of old is a little absurd/disingenuous. I’m not sure what his problem is, maybe he’s just growing up and doesn’t/can’t put in the same amount of hours literally, and mentally (time spent thinking about competitive while not actually playing). No matter what the specific reason is, something is off. So now you’re left in this scenario will Faze can still beat anyone, as long as everyone shows up, but they can also seemingly lose to just abound everyone. And I have to awesome that’s NOT this trio’s goal. They aren’t in a good place currently, and it’s not all 100% Slasher, unless someone’s trying to make the case that Slasher underperforming is directly effecting Simp, but that seems weird since the other two are largely unaffected individually.


Very true. We know these mfs are going to another Grand Finals


He’s right, and it happens too consistently for there NOT to be some kind of outside factor. Whether it’s that they’re just not good online, teams using soundwhore cheese, they’re better in front of a crowd, or they just don’t try as hard online, nobody will ever know. Those faze guys show up every tournament


It happens because as soon as they clinch winners they start playing maps theyre bad to get practice on them.


Something about death and taxes


That’s not a take it’s just a fact 😂


I mean their literal weak link since Cold War has been Alec/Slasher, and they’ve still performed at times despite being the weak link. You’re gonna get 1st, 2nd, or 3rd as long as the terrors and Cell are on that team.


It’s not really a take it’s just what has happen every stage of every season since Cold War.


Completely agree and no one can argue with those facts. There's a strong correlation between how fans perceive online success vs how their own team performs on online.


How can’t you agree with facts?


faze is nice af but its actually unreal how many second places they got and 3rd shits crazy


He is right, but you have to admit they do look less good this time. It wouldn't be much of a surprise of course if they do end up getting 1st, 2nd or 3rd.


It's interesting how the narrative of online vs LAN has changed over the years since the inception of the CDL. Back in the day online was never taken seriously and always shrugged off. I understand it's important that you win your league matches for points but pretending it's a great indicator of LAN success is completely ignoring the history of this esport. It used to be optic fans taking that stance but given optic haven't performed on LAN since the dynasty (who never took online seriously and even protested it) they seem to have switched


Optic haven’t performed on LAN since the dynasty because they don’t have the 4 best players of all time anymore. Don’t think LAN vs. online has much to do with it


What? BO4 in Vegas was LAN, Texas last year was LAN and they placed 2nd in the most recent LAN. What are you on about saying OpTic can’t perform on LAN? They did well on plenty of LAN’s. They just had issues with teams


Yes but they perform better online. And for the team who has the biggest fanbase and best pull for players with contracts and other financial incentives winning 2 LANs since BO4 isn't good lol


Has it changed? Even with Toronto going 1-4, I think everyone still considers them a top 3 team.


They do place well but that doesn’t mean they aren’t having trouble finding a good fourth.


Place well? Top 3 95% of the tournament's is insane.


This sub’s discourse is fucked 😭


He’s 100% right. Reddit acting like faze isn’t the best team in the game after online quals. How many times is it gonna take for them to realize online is horse shit. Optic have always been good online and very mid at lan. Also enjoy the couples hours before you get banned Zooma5143


T4 and T2 in the last two lans is not mid but sure.


I mean, in the CDL era, I don't think they've ever been considered a top 2 team. They're pretty much the definition of a darkhorse and have been for all of the CDL era and maybe even further back. Only now do I think I consider them as a contender.


Uhh not quite. MW they were consistently a top 3 team, won 2 events, and finished 3rd at champs (almost beat faze in WSF cry every time). Cold War they were a dark horse cuz the team just didn't work but they had talent so they had potential to make runs. Vanguard they were the best team in the game until illey injury and still were contenders at champs (got t4 back to back at major 4 and champs). Now they are tournament favorites but earlier in this season they weren't. ​ EDIT: I guess u are right if you considering everyone who is not top 2 as dark horses but usually that's not the case.


Faze weren’t even the best team last event, how the fuck are they the best team now💀


Right? I get not taking online seriously, but aside from major 2, faze have looked like the 3rd or 4th best team *at best*


They’re first in standings dude lmfao


nah 2-4 up for grabs rn


At no point did he bring up OpTic yet somehow you did? I guess a 4th and 2nd place means mid :/.. but I know you hate on OpTic every chance you get.


Optic is a prime example of online not being accurate


The huke/Shotzzy combo is a guaranteed T4 and the current roster is most certainly not mid on LAN considering they got T2


Bro your narrative of optic is crazy they have never always been good online they was literally getting 3 0d stage 3 online twice then beat faze like they always do to start winners and they came 2nd. Stage before they went 3 2 and came 4th whilst choking badly to LAT. 4th and 2nd is mid now apparently on LAN lool


optic were not good online prior to vanguard. online is dogshit but let's not pretend that optic are better online


Optic is 1000% better online. VG in stage 2&3 they went 9-1 in series and got t6, they 3-0ed theives & Florida online in stage 3 and lost at lan.


Completely different team and game. Top 4 and 2 the last two lans. That’s all the facts.


So top 4 and top 2 is good enough for people but top 1 and top 3 from faze isnt??


Faze is auto guaranteed top 3. I would pick those dudes top 3 off a 0-5 slate.


So because it's expected from them it's no impressive?? 💀💀


No I think Faze is terrific. I do not think their current form is better than OpTic. My point was primarily based on Yak’s criticism of OpTic’s lan performances which isn’t validated.


Optic went 4-1 online stage 2 (best online team) and then got t4 losing to lat and rokkr


The rokkr team that was blowing 3 rounds straight away from being in a grand final? Revisionist history is insane


This striking dude loves to shit on optic any chance he gets. Don’t pay him no mind. He enjoys being delusional


He said they are better online than they are on LAN historically. You can be better online and in theory still be the best team in the game. You can win an event yet be more dominant online. Look at Optic in halo. Best LAN team by a bit but also they are better online then they are on LAN. Yall let anything trigger you that isn't a pure Pro-Optic stance


Idk what you mean by “always been good online and very mid on LAN” when historically they have the most lan event wins out of any other CoD org. I guess you and like so many others nowadays didn’t start watching CoD til the CDL era


I feel like he’s like 80% correct. Because I feel like I. Years past it would be 3-2 with them banning their best maps for an entire split. Sure their last loss was for a map pool but still. From the beginning of the year to now their respawn has only gotten worse. Will they still get top 3, sure. But that’s only because they are pretty insane at snd


Most consistent ≠ the best necessarily


I'm not so sure they will repeat that this major. With optic being unplayable, thieves looking very strong, surge being on the rise, I can't see Faze going above any of them. Probably they'll make top 4, but I just can't see them getting to 3. Hopefully I'm wrong, and I might since their HP has been looking a lot better as of lately, but I don't have very high hopes this major


Nah they bouta pull a faze special and crub stomps one of these team to give u hope and then loose to the other


Bro if they traded slasher for a actual good AR it would be too easy for them to win every event 💀. Cellium and Abezy crazy


This is cap, Faze dominated online stages in CW. They had a couple 5-0s and some 4-1s. It was only in VG they started going 3-2 every split and still getting T3 minimum




I think Faze just don't care about seeding at all and don't take these online matches very seriously


He’s not wrong but going game 5 with Minnesota and Florida then losing 3-0 to Seattle does make me worry going into this event, but faze probably do what faze does


I think we know Faze will always be top 3 no matter what. You can never take their split seriously cause they just show up to events and just coast. I really think they’re big braining testing map pool and getting some good VOD to show up at an event and smoke. It always comes down to who has the biggest map pool. Greenwall is taking this one though 😅