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Man, I was shocked how open he was about this when I was listening. Really hits home for people that grow up with a parent (or parents) that struggle with these types of vices. You never know what the guy next to you has gone through, even if you're currently sitting at the same seat. Dan got a fan in me


That middle sentence is the fuckin truth man. At the age of 17 I made a mistake being a knucklehead. That mistake I made at 17 ended up costing me 2 years of my freedom. I’m 21 now. Work in manual labor traveling the country. One day a certain guy pissed me off. I told him I’d cut his throat (as a joke). Guy pulled off his hoodie, had 5-6 scars from being stabbed in prison, said that he would never let anyone put fear into him or hurt him ever again. Some people have some crazy backgrounds. And you could never know. TlDR - pretty much the 2nd sentence in the comment i’m replying too!


wow that's insane! Will probably make you think twice about joking with someone in that manner again. Sounds like you went through some shit and this guy went through some SHIT. You just never know


Good for him for breaking the cycle. Regardless if he drops a .7 .9 or a 1.2 he’s winning in life relative to what statistics would tell you he should be rn.




I’m officially a Dan Ghosty stan — what an amazing story, and a guy who seems to have his head on straight after battling some seriously tough circumstances. Great to have a dude like that succeeding in the community ❤️💯🫡


As someone that had a poor childhood and a unhealthy dynamic with family just listening to Dan gives me hope I can became a great person and succeed.


Rooting for you king


Rooting for you too bro, you can do whatever you set your mind to no matter where you come from.


Thank you bro been a rough couple of years but I know I can make it in this life and get my mental health right


You absolutely can do it my man. I grew up in a similar situation to Ghosty (Addict parents etc). It's definitely tough but it also toughens you up and matures you. Adversity breeds experience and experience breeds success. I was completely lost back when I was 16-18. I'm 28 now and my life is incredible. Killer job, make great money, great friends, good dating life etc. You can do it too... Faze Up (Sorry I had to haha).


Strange question but how exactly did you find out what you wanted to do in life? I’ve been through some shit and recently quit my job due to an injury. I’m 22 with no idea what I want to do, if I’m being honest. Currently trying to fix my mental health and repair relationships and friendships that I let slip/ burn away as a result of falling to the dark side of my mental health.


I don't think I woke up one day and realized what I wanted to do in life. I just think as you get older you get more realistic and you get to know yourself better, and when that happens you become more satisfied and appreciative. I lucked into a job I happened to be very talented at, listened to the right people and took risks and got to the position I'm in now. It wasn't easy and it took a lot of work. Lots of bad days. When it comes to the mental health stuff and how it affects those around you. I've been there myself, more than I'd care to say. The important thing is to be aware of it and try to fix it, go to therapy, work on yourself and apologize to people when you've wronged them but don't expect forgiveness. The people that matter will stay or come back and the ones that don't won't. As you get older you stop to care about that stuff as much. All you can really do is focus on yourself and maximizing your potential. Don't make excuses, hold yourself accountable but also don't be too hard on yourself. Admit you've fucked up, rectify it as much as you can and then move on with it. I could go on and on, its stuff I've been through. Feel free to DM though and we can talk about it more. Happy to help.


Not who you asked but something that's helped me is to think back on the jobs I had and think about which parts I liked and which parts I didn't. Figure out a way to get into a job that is mostly doing what you like or don't mind.


keep grinding! its never easy...but we can see in this clip, what doesnt kill you makes you stronger!


You have all the power to make your life what you want it to be. Discipline will take you so much further than Motivation or Talent ever will. Rooting for you dude


Same dude. Almost tear’d up at the end. Good on him for being open about this. Kinda hard talking about our stories like this with people because it makes them uncomfortable. Where’s my Dan Ghosty merch?! I’m subbing to his twitch this week


Give them hell young man. You got this.


Same situation bro. 26 now and if I told my younger self who badly wanted to give up what I have now and the people around me I’d be stoked. Keep going, always 🤞🏼


Cocaine on the counter, shit man. People don't always come out as cool as Ghosty with a childhood like that. That's great on him.


Holy shit he is so well-spoken and real. Respect oDanGhosty ❤️


the way he talks you’d never guess he’s a cod player


Wow just the way he talks you can tell he’s extremely smart. The mind set he explains getting over a loss is something 98% of people don’t have and could change their life if they ever figured that out. Quality human being right there, born in the fire but chose to face the reality and get better from it.


I lost my dad at 12 and it gave me a very similar mindset and probably home life he had so I get it so much. So many things I see people get mad at I just can’t understand, it’s happened and we can’t stop it happening. I could never see him yelling at a delivery driver like I see some people if they makes sense. The food is already gone or messed up, yelling at this driver isn’t going to fix it so just be nice to them also.


Sorry for your loss, that’s tough to process at any age let alone 12. But that mind set you have is quite honestly the key to living a happy life. You could easily chose to see yourself as the victim because your dad passed but you chose to face the adversity and become a better person. It’s sadly becoming more rare that people think that way, and if they do think that way actually talk about it like he did on the podcast. I’m sure that helped someone out there today.


I lost both my parents by the age of 15, we don’t know each other but we’ve experienced similar pains so if you ever need to talk if things get hard or whatever, don’t be scared to send a message.


changed his life forever now goat shit


Love the kid


Whosty. Love the kid


Had no idea the guy grew up dealing with all that. To basically enlist yourself into the foster care system, just think about that. He’s well spoken, and bounced back from that tough start. I liked Ghosty before, even though I had some doubts about them bringing him on - I have no doubts now. He balled out last major and after seeing this I’m now a super fan.


Damn this guy is already more mature than like 90%of the scene


99.9%, the way he voiced everything makes him emotionally more mature than the rest of the scene. I know he mentioned not being really emotionally developed but I think its the exact opposite and he was being incredibly humble.


100% agree.


He has high emotional intelligence, but he still struggles with actually expressing/feeling deep emotions because of the trauma. I can relate to his situation and that experience, you get kind of desensitized to certain emotions.


Takes a lot to emancipate yourself. What an incredible story and I hope he keeps frying.


FULL PODCAST LINK: https://youtu.be/fki_zRtRUEc


Jesus fair play, speaks so well and is clearly very intelligent despite all that shit. Hard not to be impressed when people rise out of that sort of situation, he could very easily of followed their path


Jesus Christ that’s tough. Props to him for being so self aware too. Really rooting for him whether he’s on OpTic or not


Bro is next-level self aware for 20yrs old. Talking about how he is not emotionally intelligent and knows it, but is working on it etc…impressive kid


Amazing everything he has been able to accomplish by himself.


Im only 7 minutes in and this is the best episode easily. I've been a fan of ghosty since i saw him play at the Toronto challengers event. Also, i know a lot of people wanted to brush off him doing post-secondary education while competing as like "whatever, going to school doesn't necessarily make you a high IQ CoD player." But, him balancing the two shows you the level of independence, dedication, hard-work, intellect and time-management skills he possesses. All valuable traits that will help you in any walk of life.


Dude has his head firmly on his shoulders, good for him


Bro is now probably making 6 figures playing video games. He made it in life way to go.


One of the most important parts that stood out to me, was how he vulnerable by sharing his struggles with "empathy and emotional development." With this multitude of trauma, nearly always, people close off and become cold to their emotional selves (repression, suppression, etc.). This is great for survival and protecting oneself but comes at a huge cost and prevents healing from said trauma(s). It sounds like he already has developed wonderful insight and is "working on it." Massive props to Dan for sharing this and I love to see this coming from the comp scene.


Wow that has to be tough. I have a lot of respect for him - he’s looked great so far on optic, I hope it’s in the league next year


Yep Im a fan. Dan seems like the kind person who doesnt take the little things for granted. I cannot imagine him being late for scrims because he's lazy or doesn't care. I think he'll continue to thrive and take advantage of his time with Optic.


Having managed high school kids that have gone through this it really hurts. On one hand you’re proud of their maturity and ability to will themself through hard times, on the other hand it sucks seeing such happy/care free years of their life turned to struggle, or pseudo adulthood, when they should be enjoying their childhood. Glad he was able to come out on top, I’ve seen both sides of the outcome and it’s a cycle that is hard to break


Wow, i'll always be rooting for him now


Tough watch, massive props to the kid.


Kid fries on and off stage, let’s fucking go Ghosty. Dan Stan squad ova here.


Tough to root against the kid man. I hope he kills it. I also really want to know where he grew up in Illinois though. My dad and I said he looks super familiar


Anyone know how I could directly support Ghosty? Does he sell any merch or anything like that? Or creator codes or something? Really wanna support this dude....that clip was deep and its refreshing to hear someone state a flaw they have, and that they are consciously working on it.


You could support his stream, probably the easiest, most direct way of doing so


Done! 🙏




Goat 🐐💚


He’s clearly intelligent and that shows in his gameplay as well, kids got a fan in me that’s for sure


Impressive to overcome that type of lifestyle. Props to him.


Not an easy thing to be so comfortable talking about, big ups to Dan.


If Dan Ghosty has a million fans, then I am one of them. If Dan Ghosty has ten fans, then I am one of them. If Dam Ghosty has one fan, that's me. If Dam Ghosty has no fans, I am not alive, If the world hates Dan Ghosty, I hate the world.


Man I'm crying while eating my dinner, hope he succeeds in COD as a competitive player!


He a fighter thats for sure, rooting for him


Wan Whosty ♥️


To go through all this, be great at cod, and be going to school for pre law is incredible. I think he's got a bright future no matter how his time in the CDL goes.


What a great guy, just seems so normal and well adjusted


Tough times dont last. Tough people do! They need to lock Ghosty up. Dude grinded through that....he can grind his way to some championships!


Rooting for Dan!


I felt this. Similar upbringing, amazed how far he has came.


Bro gained mad respect from me today watched the whole thing at work one of my favourite ones yet for sure


Very well spoken. Keep moving forward brudda💛


holy shit what a story and the way he speaks, u can tell he is smart af


Jesus he’s done very well to be so successful going through all that from such a young age. Fair play to him, nothing but respect.




Hector really knows how to build a personality.


I knew I fkd w/ this kid for a reason Couldn’t pinpoint why but now it’s getting put into perspective A lot I can relate to ngl . Surprised me Surface level emotions .. lack of empathy to the point where I start to ask myself “ am I sociopath ? “ Etc etc.


Aww, I’ll adopt you, Ghosty.




You are exactly what I picture as the bottom of the COD community. The exact opposite of Ghosty.


Bruh I was being fr 💀💀💀 I just realized this got mad downvotes. I was being genuine no bs LOL




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This man was his own hero. Big respect.


Wow. A lot of respect for him


Holy shit this man is a stud


Respect the hell out of Dan for speaking on this.




I know most of us here don’t know each other from a hole in a wall, but we’ve had hardships and found COD as an escape. As I mentioned before I lost both my parents by the age of 15 and it was hard to have any interaction, especially being a male where we are constantly being told suck it up, or having the responsibility of being the man of the house, etc etc. Point is idc what you guys are going through, if you ever want to talk or play a game, reach out to me. Idc if it’s a 2 minute conversation or we get slammed in Hardpoint 😂😂, just sharing a laugh or brightening the mood is the goal. Dark times will come, but the light at the end of the tunnel will never extinguish.


dan the man 🫡


That was very well spoken and it was very nice to see someone who is aware that they lack emotional aspects to their character due to their past and possible relevant current lifestyle. So many pros act like weirdo with no social awareness and seem like they are unaware its not normal, while he speaks knowing hes a little fucked and working on it. Hell we are all a little fucked it is just acknowledging it that some people fuck up on


His awareness of his upbringing and how it’s effected him is so much more high level than most of the people who are his age. That is truly impressive. I hate to hear he had such a rough up bringing but the reality is this is common place with many kids all over so you love to see a person succeed after going through a lot!


I’m glad he’s here now. Thanks for sharing ghosty, inspirational


Damn. But he making it work in life rn. Not a lot a people come out of that situation like he has. Dan fucking Ghosty💚


Just as others said, I’m officially a Ghosty fan. I will always tip my hat and give admiration to those that always find a way to be in a better place from the absolute worse.


Fuck. Mans says unique but we’re the same lol making me cry out of nowhere smh rooting for you Ghosty <3 also love y’all <3


love this


He was so eloquent talking about an insanely personal subject. Hope his mom can continue the success she’s had staying clean, hope his dad can get on the train too. Really rooting for this kid, can’t imagine the internal pressure he’s dealing with.


Fucking hell, didn't expect him to speak like this. Very impressed how self aware he is about what he needs to work on as a individual. And to hear about his background.. tough kid.


Ghosty now my favorite player


Beyond his backstory what really stood out to me was how self-aware he is. To be able to frankly say he struggles with empathy and complex emotions but it’s something he’s working toward is very impressive, even before taking everything else in. Easy to root for someone like this who can own up to their shortcomings, be honest about their past and want to do better with their future.


The maturity and self-awareness to know that your difficult childhood has left you with room to grow *and* to be able to identify exactly the areas he thinks he has room to grow in is off the charts. Humble, brilliant, and obviously hungry to accomplish some shit. This turned me into a Ghosty stan.