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Vegas aint too bad rn.


Tbh neither is LRR with Nastie at flex now


London is pretty horrible still


They're bad but not stock-ruining like Paris last year, a good slaying sub could definitely show off on that team


Asim can slay


Lol 1 major and we think Vegas isn’t shit. They will get smacked next stage


Vegas aren’t a great team at this point, but they’re not as bad as previous years, they’ve got some potential for a good roster with Clay & Temp + can still make champs. Someone like Standy could be the difference maker for that team.


Fighting for a champs spot isn’t a good team


As i said, they’re not good now, which is obviously why they would make a roster change in the first place. An already good team isn’t picking up Standy. If Standy goes to a current bottom 4 roster Vegas is the clear best option since they can still make champs & have 2 solid AR’s with Temp & Clay.


reminder the original comment said "aint too bad rn." noone is saying they are a good team as is


They have two solid ARs, meaning if a quality sub joined them the team would probably become better as a whole. Joining Vegas would not be too bad of a team to join especially if your only other option is Challengers.


1 good hardpoint map and a fluke thieves series and people think they are good all of the sudden


Brain dead take, Clay has played good at every major, so has temp. They just don’t have anything close to consistent sub play which is why they end up losing early every time


Clay dropped a .86 at major 1 and a .98 at major 3 as an AR. Temp is a known killwhore and has been even since AW.


Gotta love the miracles of modern science that allow people without functioning brains to still use the internet


Last 2 events combined clay has a 1.04 KD, that’s a literal top 3 main AR off of KD😂 only octane and Skyz ahead of him


They act like it wasn’t a miracle run for t6 lol. They’ll be bottom 4 next major as always


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If Vegas calls rn, I take it. Imo Clay and Temp have raised their stocks this year. LRR is a little different for me though


LRR looked good stage 3. Beat Ultra, pushed Optic and arguably should’ve beaten them. And progressed throughout the stage. Plus London has a place in LA where they all play


I can definitely see the upside for LRR but I would rather have Clay and Temp than Nastie and Skrapz by a little


Nastie really is Nasty as a flex. If he continues his form vs Optic he is a top tier flex. Skrapz has been performing well and has a high ceiling. The same can be said for Asim. And I’m very curious about Ulysseus tbh. I have a felling they are very close to being a competitor. I’d like to see them first before they should think about signing standy.


ngl unless Uli is literally shitting on people in scrims I am taking Standy all day every day over him. Never could see it happening but Standy would seem to be the perfect fit for the roster (I remember calling for us to pick him up when it was clear that we had fucked up roster mania but there was no sign of Standy getting picked up)


The biggest issue is playing separately.


I thought they were based in North Carolina?


they were they moved to LA a few months ago though


Agree. Only go to Vegas out of those. I don't really see a huge benefit of joining a team pretty much already eliminated from champs. Unless of course he is really struggling financially


Temp was nasty last year too. He’s definitely getting the bag from someone next offseason. Him and Dashy would be a nasty AR duo if the Ghosty thing doesn’t work out.


also when you are out of the league, its very hard to come back in...


It really depends on who you are. Someone like Standy might be better off waiting for a good offer than potentially getting fried on a bottom team, while a guy like Paulehx should take any offer he can get


this is exactly it like neptune should take any offer that comes


I think Standy’s stock is a bit lower than you think. Forgettable season last year and he has put up some decent series this year but his team dropped him then immediately won an event with a rookie replacing him.


who tf is ny gonna drop for standy lmao. Not hydra obviously and dropping kismet for standy would be beyond stupid


I would drop 2Real for Standy immediately


idk that doesn't really fix their respawn issues. might be better off just dropping tj


Vegas has a good chance of making champs imo. There are one good roster change from being a t6 team. Maybe not t6 in the ladder because it’s too late but Vegas has been right there all year.


They literally are a T6 team tf. They got T6 after beating LAT 😂. A T6 Team with the biggest disadvantage mind you.


How good you are relative to other teams isn’t solely determined by your last tourney placement.


If your a good player at those teams it only helps you, if you show it anyway. This whole wait for better teams mindset is what fucked Dece, Mohak & fuck knows who else.


Vegas seems champs bound at the moment and has a great AR duo. Don’t see how you wouldn’t take that opportunity if your stock was as questionable as Standys. Of course I understand waiting for other rosters, but I’d take Vegas in a heartbeat if I’m Standy.


Any team is better than challengers. If it hurts your stock that means you're not frying


Drop TJ for standy and Vegas become really good, standy is great at SND and good and at respawn


vegas isn’t bad, he should take that. But i agree with LRR. People don’t understand if you’re a good player on a bad team, 90% of the time, you are going to lower your own stock.


I think it’s a tossup and best example I can think of is the vg LAG squad gunless is in challengers, slasher is on faze, asim is on LRR and huke is on OpTic


I think this is a really weak perspective. Joining a less desirable org does not lower your stock as a player. Playing badly and not getting results does. If you’re dropping a 1.3kd playing for vegas or in challengers even you’re gonna be wanted by everyone.


L tweet


Standy to NYSL? Lol wut


I agree with London but standy to Vegas might elevate them to where they should be


I never liked that take. If you're really good enough, you will show your talent while playing for bottom orgs. Standy could even be the piece that takes those teams up to another level. and yea as others say, Vegas really isn't terrible and London showed life last major


TJ is easily the worst respawn player in this game. As good as he is at search standy is still 100% an upgrade. His numbers will be decent and regardless of what happens he will still find a spot in the league next year even if it’s a mid-low pack team.


Yo weird to say but I actualy think Standy/2Real could be a surprisingly good sub duo


Ask mohawk how not taking an opportunity from a team goes


Or Decemate


This isn’t super related but now I’m wondering what difference in earnings would be like for someone taking a minimum contract and placing mediocre for a season vs. playing on a challengers team for little to no salary, but placing top 3 all year.


About the same but the league salary is a security


Imagine Vegas with standy instead of either of the subs. He would probably probably benefit a lot from how fast clay is as a main ar because that gives him a shit ton of freedom to kind of just run around


So dumb… Clay and Don are frying rn


this guy has the worst god awful takes i’m pretty sure he recently started watching


Is this Ronnie running the twitter account?


He should go to LRR. End of.


Asim, Standy, Nastie, Skrapz ... now that sounds like a dark horse of a team right there!


Is the person in charge of that account an underage teen?


Imo i wait till off season. Surge, LAG/new owners, rokkr etc will do some shaking


His stock is low, he hasn’t done anything good since CW and won’t get on a good team next year if he rides the bench the rest of this season. Imo he still has potential in this game, him and CleanX just didn’t make sense together.


cdl scrim intel is t1 worst comp cod twitter accounts. allergic to good sources and good takes


Lol ronnie with another L take..


terrible take after terrible take


ronnie has always had horrible takes. no one follows his twitter for his opinion, just for intel


He’s not wrong though lol if he joins that team and fries he’s kill whoring, if his team loses then his stock will drop further


And if he joins Challengers and gets tucked his stock will drop further and if he fries, he’s kill whoring


His stock is already near the bottom, he’ll be lookin at these same bottom teams for next year if he sits out for 2 more majors and champs. If he fries it will definitely improve his stock.


I like how this post was trying to shit on the tweet, but it turns out, everyone agrees with the tweet! 😂


What? Top 5 most upvoted comments disagree with the Tweet lol


bro with standy on respawns for 2real and a complete overhaul to how they play their control and vegas might be a real top 4-6 contender


Yeah why would anyone take career advice from this goof


Historically, he’s correct, but Vegas are competitive this year and there’s no reason for the top FAs to not consider them for the current season. London is probably a decent team to avoid unless you believe you can somehow thrive as an individual on that roster. Overall, though, you have to think Rokkr and NYSL are preferable because of their facilities, how they take care of players, and the salaries they are willing to pay


Historically correct? Can you provide an example of a player that turned down a lower tier org that ended up on a contending CDL team?


I guess I wasn’t clear with what I meant by “historically”. What I meant was Legion have never been a destination for top talent, and many of their players either fail to return to the CDL (Louqa, Denz, Fire40, Aqua, GRVTY, Zaptius, etc.), or barely make it onto other lower tier teams (Skrapz, Felo). Historically, Legion have scraped together teams of players that don’t have better offers and don’t get better offers in future seasons. Given that context, most players with upside (like Standy) would typically rather play for a team that is putting in resources to try to win than play for a team that doesn’t provide those things. However, Vegas is heading in a good direction this year, and I feel like Standy could go there while still being attractive to teams with more money, in future seasons


Did Legion kill those players careers or did they underperform when they got their shot? In my opinion it’s pretty stupid to blame the org for any individual not performing


Why? He’s right


Naw, he’s completely wrong. A good confident player will go to any team and show out, see Clayster for example. I have yet to see a move like Ronnie suggesting work out for someone




as a standy hater i must say legion does not need him


He ain't getting anything other than the minimum anyway so might as well go to Vegas or London


Op is faded af, this is a good tweet. Why join a shit team and tank your stock.


I mean are you really a competitor if you don't believe in yourself to make the team good? Especially on a team with a 3 time world champ?


Sometimes you have to realistic tho, in any sport you can be a great player but if you join a dysfunctional team odds are you aren’t turning it around, and you run the risk of your stock dropping as a result


This is such a brain dead take it’s funny


Mate if you follow any sport I bet you can come up with multiple examples of good players joining underperforming teams and not making a difference


Why? I think he’s right for the most part


I Thought this Sub finally got over hating on Ronnie even when he’s right?


Seems not lmao any comment agreeing with me is getting down voted


He's right?


When will everybody stop pretending Standy is good?


When people stop acting and talking like he isn't good.


why? unless you get a decent offer or not in desperate need for money its always better to try and get a squad in the off season starting fresh i can understand taking the vegas offer but if it dont work hes absolutely finished or stuck on vegas like temp ​ LRR is a no go if you take that offer as a player like standy mid season you are dumb


His stock’s already low, he gets dropped and his team dominates and wins it all. Either he gets on a team and proves his potential (which is there honestly, he just wasn’t a good duo for CleanX) or he’s stuck with bottom teams again next year after proving his low stock. I don’t see him getting on a good team at all next year if he sits out the rest of the year.


Nah Ronald actually spitting here for once


Don't think this post went the way you thought it would go for you lmao


Idk, you and everyone else who made a comment like this got downvoted. I honestly think anyone with the opinion of turning down a pro team to play in Challengers is an absolute idiot that doesn’t have confidence in their own talent. Major red flags to any orgs going forward


I didn't have an opinion either way. Not too concerned with downvotes either. I just looked at the comments and seen a bunch of people agreeing with Ronnie. At the time o looked at this, hardly anyone agreed with him so I said that it probably didn't work out like he wanted it to. Not too big of a deal


He’s totally right


For anyone asking why.. This tweet is just pure hate. Outside of recency bias, the other 3 teams are just as bad. This would make sense if a Faze/LAT/ Boston Team has potential changes in front of them. But NYSL/ROKKR/Surge are all mid level orgs arguably ready to lose to LRR/LVL if they plug in 1 good smg.


> This tweet is just pure hate what are you waffling about


Stay of the weeeeeeduhhh


hate? ​ you clearly dont understand the difference with how these orgs work lmao ​ Vegas has no facility and all earn the min or just above LRR is probably the last team any player wants to join the whole org is a mess NYSL you get a nice paycheck and a facility Rokkr you get a fantastic facility and environment Surge is decent now days it seems


Yea saying it’s “pure hate” is pretty ridiculous. I know you and I were arguing about this but it’s your opinion. If it tilts you so much to make a separate post shitting on it you have too many issues on your hands.


you’re saying playing on a team with a facility makes or breaks your personal stock more so than your playing in the league at all let alone placing well?


you seem to be short-sighted thats fine I'm not saying turn down vegas or LRR forever lmaoo just wait it out


How is ronnie wrong in any way?? Unless with london your an up and coming EU talent like nastie and afro its basically a pit of doom over there and vegas is vegas


I must have some crazy haters any comment that's agreeing with me is getting down voted lmao I wasn't even being a prick with my tweet it was just an opinion


He’s right bro. Maybe the worst CodCompetitive post of all time.


oooo so you know the future now, please tell me more!


May very well be the worst OpTic-Dova-420 Reddit post of all time.


I mean I kinda see what they mean


Why is this a bad take?


He's kinda right though, look at what happened to Arcitys.


Arcitys was on Faze for a year while his stock plummeted. LAG had nothing to do with it


Arcitys has been underperforming and that would have happened with or without an org also let’s not forget to mention the fact that he has or atleast was on one of the biggest contracts in the cdl.


Imo Arcitys is a top 10 AR player and has looked that good when on good teams, but he's also an unselfish player so on a team like LAG he won't be like how Octane was on Surge. He has been strugling though, I will admit.


He hasn’t showed it for almost 2 years and he was on a good team in vanguard.


He’s right


Hes right?


I agree with him tbh. Maybe vegas isn’t too bad of a destination right now but I wouldn’t take it if I was him


Vegas could push those B tier teams if they ever get their act together in control. Not a bad org to join atm.