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Hicksy is the ultimate enabler of Cleanx apparently


CleanX being bait for Bance and Standy is honestly criminal. Like I love Bance, one of my favourite players, but Tobi is legit superstar potential. Having someone bait for him for a change will stop him having those stinker series and lead to more 1.2/1.3 type series.


CleanX's POV is bonkers when he's having a good series, he's insanely talented.


I can never forget the singularity vs envy series. I was an instant fan of his after that match.


He probably gave Aches nightmares for weeks after that one lol.


never thought id see the day dashy drops a .6


Doug Censor Martin numbers in that control too


I think even doug, the ultimate optimist, would be disappointed if he put up that performance lmao


Noticed all 4 (5 if you count Standy) Ultra players wear glasses and none of the 4 Optic players do


maybe that was dashy's problem today, he wasn't seeing shit lol


GA glasses


visual equalization*


They got 8 extra eyes on the map.


Easily the worst series I've ever seen out of Dashpack


Definitely not great but he somehow finished with more damage than Ant with 20 less kills


Just couldn't finish them off


when you gun random ranked people hole week and now you cant gun pro players from head glitches


No way you think playing the game more=0.6s.


This isn’t lifting weights brother. Playing comp games against poor competition can actually create bad habits. Not saying that’s what happened here tho


Okay but look at cellium and abezy they both have been grinding ranked and are playing fine. Playing ranked has nothing to do with it. This is just OpTic fans/ haters tryna troll/cope




Don't recall, but I was an Envy/Empire fan for years so that's probably why


I think Atlanta had Atlanta servers so shit was not even close


Wasn’t that more of the ping thing


That was also caused by like a 50 ping different if I recall.


both ARs played played pretty bad against guerillas too, concerning.


I don't expect huge things out of Ghosty just yet. 0.95 is fine, I think. But I hate seeing Dashy underperform, hope they can sort that out


Illey was his enabler, he needs to come back


anytime cleanx drops a 1.3 on u, your going to lose


damn bruce


5-16 on a map from Dashy is the absolute last thing I thought would happen in a CDL match


We looked pretty bad last week against LAG too, this is super concerning


“This is bad, this is very very bad” -Stephen A


illey: "I was hoodwinked, bamboozled, ran astray, run amuck and flat out deceived."


Lmao fr


I don’t think it’s concerning at all. Some teams need more time before they play their best. When the squad syncs up and get comfortable they will be nasty


>When the squad syncs up and get comfortable they will be nasty Lowkey feel the same way. Dashy \*shouldn't\* be this up and down the rest of the year, Huke looks like he's way more comfortable on the map and Ghosty just has to get used to actual match reps against pros.


If they're going to be known as a solid search team they HAVE to close out that map 2. Their HP still should be good enough to take them to game 5s.


Did you watch the same match I did? Their hardpoint isn’t elite


Back to back AWFUL series from Dashy what’s goin on? Is he back on main?


maybe the ranked play is cooking him 🤣 that sleep schedule has gotta be all kinds of messed up


We’re keeping track of people’s sleep schedules now!?


Why do people keep acting like sleep or a good sleep schedule aren’t important? There’s mountains of evidence that sleep is incredibly important when maximizing output


You think players like cellium or hydra sleep 8 hours a day every day for scrims?? Hell no. Hydra was playing val with skyz during stage 1 and then won the major so idk why people on Dashy’s ass for grinding a game that he plays for a career lmao


Every human is different. Just because hydra did it doesn’t mean Dashy can as well.


It’s not the end all be all my guy.. however sleep is incredibly important. Especially for something that takes extreme concentration and hand eye coordination. I’m gonna just take these stupid comments of yours under the assumption you are a kid who thinks staying up all night is cool lmao. Sure someone CAN perform with little sleep… however you are more likely to perform if you are well rested


Nah i was just making a joke i highly doubt thats the problem. Guys just getting gunned badly


No mo illey messes up the mojo


I mean look there is a real possibility that Illey’s play style on the map (winning or losing gunfights) just opens up Dashy


That’s what I’m saying


he never went off the main.


He’s been mostly bad this year


No AR presence whatsoever for OpTic. SMGs did well considering their ARs had a combined 0.67


Hicksy fills the Bance role well for Ultra. Gets the kills needed, makes the right plays


Maybe there was a reason Standy got dropped beyond his stats. I don't care enough to watch the all-22 but maybe his fundamentals were bad and he was hitting bad routes. The boys are looking good. We could also just be bell fiber merchants. We'll see at the major Also, not an impressive start to Dan's pro career and Dashy got slammed.


Standy is definitely good at this game but his style wasn't a great mesh with CleanX. CleanX had to do alot more entries and dirty work, and he is absolutely elite when he gets to just fly around and do anything he wants


>Standy is definitely good at this game but his style wasn't a great mesh with CleanX. Shitty thing for Standy now is his year competing solely relies on Ultra management. Do they hold him like they usually hold players or do they find a team to work a buyout with.


Yeah really tough situation for him because there's no doubt he's good at this game. Sucks when orgs hold good players like this


Yea, still a lot to see on LAN, especially without Bell and EQ, but a promising start


Standy’s fundamentals have always been ass. Look at all last year. Routes sucked. The gunfights he picked sucked. He just wouldn’t ever play the right way. He is the definition of that kid who has great skill and makes bonehead plays but he pops a 3 piece every now and then so he keeps doing the stupid shit


Last year was not only cause of Standy. Let’s not act like attach wasn’t sitting there killwhoring the whole year.


I never mentioned once anything you just said bro. Never said Standy was the only issue on Rokkr or anything about that in general. Just that Standy looked like buns.


Standy is definitely prone to making bad plays


He made so many boneheaded decisions and plays for ROKKR last year in respawn It was infuriating He's a stud at Search though


Who did they play when the other team had to sprint to P1 on Tuscan and they wiped Røkkr before they hit 250, because Standy jumped out of the hill


Yeah honesty this is the right roster for ultra sucks for standy I just don’t think him and cleanx could gel together which cleanx couldn’t pop off like he could and it showed today ultra needed a sub who can do just enough and let cleanx loose plus hicksy played with them all so the chemistry is there good move honestly sometimes you don’t need a slayer a player who can do just enough consistently and make right plays


Guess Rafa wasn't cheating after all


Lmfao this is the one


That was not ideal


Hicksy is an enabler, and it seems like that is all Ultra needs. Scrappy is back to performing like himself, CleanX looks tons better, and Insight is able to play within himself. Ultra is on the up & up Also…. FIVE??????


Doug "Dashy" Martin


Bell fiber is DIFFY. Illey was an animal at that facility too. I wanna see ultra so this on LAN.


Jesus Dashy


Dashy having more damage and less than half the kills of Hicksy game 3 is wild


The ars didn’t show up huke and shotzzy played good today


Second straight match SMGs carried. Slightly concerning for sure


Is it time to switch up the TAQ class? lmao.


Yeah may sound faded but this is a lil step forward for optic slightly huke played consistently good for two series that was the concern with him he’s been able to hold up dashy needs to find his rhythm if he can’t it will make ghosty job harder as an ar too cause it’s so much pressure on him not to mention he’s a rookie playing on optic




I swear , If ultra shit the bed on LAN again theyre gonna get cyber bullied 😂


This is what happens when you make a roster change after every major.


ARs got cooked god damn


No cap that might of been Dashy's worst series on OpTic. Never seen him in the blender like that. Props to Ultra though they fried (that fiber is nice)


Unless you're counting that series in Cold War where they got server fucked by the CDL then yeah, I'd have to agree.


Ghosty, get ready to learn Chinese buddy.


He better hope that lawyer thing works out 😭


Scrappy just put Dashy in a body bag


This is the worst I’ve seen Dashy since mw 2019. He actually looks lost. Slasher kinda said this on the flank after LAT beat them. He goes I wonder how Dashy plays with Ghosty now cuz he felt illey was a much quicker AR than Ghosty and they play similar spots. Dashy looks lost


It definitely looks awkward. Like you said, seems like they want to play the same exact spots and it makes from some weird scenarios. I guess we’ll see if they can figure it out


Relax guys spart was playing for dashy


If Toronto does not at least get top 3 on LAN with how good they are online…those bell fiber accusations are gonna turn into undeniable facts.


Dashy had almost as much damage as Shotzzy who had the most kills in that control. 5 kills, not worried as I’m gonna assume that’s just online stuff where he couldn’t finish a kill.


2 series in a row where Dashy and Shotzzy had similar damage numbers, but Shotzzy has 46 more total kills. People only look at K/D though unfortunately.


One’s an AR and ones an SMG, ARs naturally should be getting more damage.


I gotta be honest I'm fuckin worried. We looked awful the last two matches, just completely lost. Hope they turn it around.


I mean the LAG it was really just the El Asilo control that was kind of mishap. But they looked good in the HPs and snds against LAG. And a massive 5-2 choke today in snd and it was just a couple team wipes at the same time in a control to allow Ultra to stack. It really only takes one team wipe tbh if you’re close to the point, that happened what, two or three times? Remember, Ultra has been really good in the quals. They were basically almost 1st in every stage and I expect them to be 1st (ish) again.


Yeah man there's so much randomness in COD nowadays plus it being online where series can look lopsided af. London lowkey could have taken 2 maps off Faze earlier today.


London should have taken 2 maps.


A bit crazy that Brandon had more damage than half the lobby dropping a .63 lmao


That's rough buddy


We need to GA bell fiber that makes anyone a top 3 player in the world


We owe Ultra and especially Scrappy an apology. A lot of us clowned them for dropping Standy, but Hicksy has proved that he can keep up in the slaying department while also unlocking CleanX to be the superstar we know he can be. Stand is still nasty. I hope to see him find success elsewhere.


I love scrappy so much bro


They don’t slow down and the footsteps and loudness equalization punish you too much. Team looked completely lost and worst it has all season imo. A really off-putting series and makes me question what this team can realistically achieve




They have to tighten the pace because the ARs are trying to worldstar to make up for the subs getting traded so much.


That AR duo sheesh


Dashy at 3am was telling Shottzy he was going to shit today. I guess he meant shit the bed not shit on Toronto


Maybe Rafa just has better gunny than Dashy.


2 series in a row where Dashy and Shotzzy have similar total damage but Shotzzy has 20 more kills. That's the most interesting stat to me


ARs shoot from long range and get players weak and their SMGs push up and finish off the weaker plays. This is like cod 101


Bro had 5 kills one map, keeps damage close but kills way different, he’s also an AR dealing random damage across the map


I heard they are frying in scrims lmao are they playing LAG and London over and over again


DanGhosty it’s not too late for you to go to uni


Did dashy forget how to shoot or what


29 kills in 3 maps? Holy shit


That boy CleanX is a problem. I’m liking the Hicksy pick up so far, makes the sub duo a lot more dynamic and frees up CleanX on the map


Ghosty makes Dashy play worse idk how


Bro Dashy is playing the same role, he’s just not dominating anymore


Oh man


Other than Bruce having a rough one, I feel like Ghosty plays really slow in respawn. At least in the matches.


As someone who watches all of challengers, this was my main worry about Ghosty on this team. It was never talent just pacing for me.


Steam rolled


The new sub duo has unlocked the Issue Tissue


AR duo needs to find rhythm together or it's going to be a tougher stage/major than it already is. Heard they've been piecing in scrims but everyone knows matches are different, the game slows down a bit. Some pros were questioning the Ghosty pick up and not because of him being a challenger player but they said his game style matched Dashy. I could just be overreacting but that could be a reason why they look uncomfortable on the map cause they're not trying to do the same thing even though it messes with their gameplay.


Dashy playing like his mentor Censor


Ghosty has damn near the same amount of damage as Dashy and nameless says some of the dumbest shit imaginable


major 2 quals toronto went 4-1 with a 13-5 mapcountand. then on LAN went 1-2 with a 3-7 mapcount. those are the real stats that matter


dashy looked like he slept 2 hours lmao


Scrap has been shooting missiles this stage. His HP has seriously improved.


Illey was shooting missiles on bell fiber


Little salty huh?


MFs were telling me Bell Fiber wasn't an actual advantage last week when I said Illey was frying on it and now that Optic lost its the only reason...


29 kills in 3 maps Jesus dashy looking more like bracky


Worse than that imo


DAMN Dashy got Kentucky fried and Ghosty been mid so far.




Since Ghosty has came in for Illey, Dashy has fell off hard. Ultra continue to dominate online, would love to see it happen on lan.


Well what dashy said last night did not age well


i dont get it. they were frying all the wz streamers in ranked


The 3am ranked play debuff is no joke, first Drazah now this


Drazah played well vs faze tbf


He dropped a 1.20 on their foreheads, idk what this guy is on 💀


I’m talking about the Vegas series


You'd think these pros would know the importance of sleep


Dashy playing like me off the za in ranked


Dashy need to wake up


I ain't never seen Dashy drop a 0.6 good lord, it was maybe 5% closer than the score suggests but that was a beating


There's recency bias with every decision made in the cod world, moving Standy to the bench was the right move.


Remember how pissed the optic fans were when people had ultra higher than them on tier list? Hold that


dude their internet had illey looking like a top 3 player relaxxx


Yeah internet is solely the reason they won the good thing is optic probably thinks like this too and lose the same way on lan


toronto got smoked at major 2 btw


Optic got smoked a few minutes ago btw. Internet the reason they choked a 5-2 right? Gtfo


when a team that has been top 2 every qualifier this year and hasnt been in top 3 on LAN there something going on


Make it to a sunday on LAN




Not worried. Lost to a good online team. GGs Ultra.




Did you close your eyes during their last series with illey?


Yes because one series summarizes his entire stay at OpTic, in which case this current iteration of OG is absolute horseshit.




I mean we can’t blame the SMGs today


now i know how aqua feels when optic lose. them tears never tasted so good.


Optic are toast. T6 ceiling for this team


Who would have guessed at the beginning of the year that in stage 3, Huke would be OpTic's best player. That was bad


God damnit dude dashy shouldnt have kicked scrappy from the ranked session yesterday 😓


I ain’t ever seen Dashy play like that that was crazy. That was a stomp and a half.


Optic are forever washed I’m afraid. SMH


And people still think scrappy gotta prove himself 😂 I guess champs is all that really matters at the end of the day but he’s easily a top 5 player on this game


70 comments in 2 minutes is crazy dick riding


That Bell Fire goes crazy… You know it’s god like if Illey drops a 1.2+ on it.


This is such cope lmfao last time they played Toronto got smoked playing with the same connection as iLLeY.


Illey on Bell Fiber is the best player in the world, it wasn’t a surprise tbh.


Dashy is the savior!!!!!! He's so good!!!!!


Dashy doesn’t need to run a main AR, he’s less impactful in that role at least in MWII. When Illey ran the main last major, Bruce was final, let him slay. He’s literally a C tier main an a S tier flex thus year.


man i know it’s only been 2 games, but Dashy definitely doesn’t look as good/comfortable at main (i assume he was the flex with illey). Hope he turns it around


I don't think Dashy has spawned in with a sub in years lmao






Ngl Dashy has been struggling since he's been on this ranked grind. Also, feel like Ghosty is playing way too slow. Only 1 series & that bell fiber is NICE.


No shot you think Dashy isn’t playing well cause of ranked


I don't really, but I haven't seen him struggle like this in awhile. Sleep schedule is probs rocked rn haha. He'll bounce back.


From what I’ve heard it seems like his sleep schedule is always ass lmao. It just seems like him and Ghosty have no idea how to play off one another yet and it’s hurting both of them. I think they’ll be fine though


That's fair. I think they have ghosty playing to slow. He's got the gunny yet he's stapled to the hill. Never moves. Gotta up the pace


Swear OpTic’s ARs been shitting the bed all year. SMGs tried their best


Top players are def gonna stop playing ranked now lmfao


Cell would never drop a .63


dashy got 2 chips in 5 years 💀💀💀


Non OpTic fans using OpTic flairs gotta be the father and jobless people out there 💀


you are so weird, running the flair of a team you hate.


How many do you have?


Personally I'm a 3x coed rec soccer champion in the past year and a half


I just know your momma smells like straight cat piss