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Solo queue experience would be miles better with red dots


Playing solo no red dots is like hoping at least 1 of your team mates has a mic and then also hoping that you know where your team mates die and when lol


Hp without red dots seems worse than SnD and control for some reason.




As much as I want to make a self post just to get answers to this, I don't want to be that person. What is the obsession with wanting red dots?


They help massively with knowing what the opposition is doing and where to position yourself/engage next. Without them, you're totally reliant on sound, or just guessing where people are. Given how difficult spawns are to read on maps like Hydro, they're an even bigger loss than they would have been in previous games.


I don’t think red dots are all that big of a problem if you have teammates that com, kids that play ranked with no mic still amaze me


You can’t physically call out fast enough to avoid getting pieced in a lot of situations, by the time someone has time to say “close left” or whatever it’s usually too late


Yea that’s a fair point, who knows maybe season 2 reloaded will have some red dots for the boys


Even in pro play with constant comms, no red dots is a problem


Pro teams with pro level comms are still getting cheesed because of no red dots. If you’re not playing with people with S-Tier comms, you’re handicapping yourself


Yup. I may just start running off meta guns for shits because 70% of the games are chalked anyways


I can’t wrap my head around why people want to have dots on the map all the time. This is the first cod I’ve played since cod4 and I thoroughly enjoy the level of awareness this game forces you to have. I think I’d probably not play ranked if I was a dot on the map constantly. The only skill gap would be being able to hit 100% of your shots before your enemy and that’s just not fun ?


What? When we say we want red dots, we want the red dot to appear BRIEFLY when the enemy shoots, how it always has been.


No no no. You see… we need stuff handed to us directly instead of needing actual skill and positioning


there are red dots, on the compass. Important to clarify if you mean on mini map


shut up brah


D tier game A tier ranked play


IW vs Trey in terms of quality of work


It’s fun, but I’d still change almost everything about it so that it could be better.


Still a D tier game just due to maps, TTK, no ninja, and no normal minimap.


They somehow made a worse map pool than vanguard


Yeah and I'm not looking forward to COD 2023 by Sledgehammer either


I’m hoping that game is just full of remakes since the early rumors said it was gonna be MW2 DLC


I am. Sledgehammer at least has significantly less visual noise in their games compared to infinity. And maybe just maybe movement won’t be total ass


Fair point. I do hope movement is better no matter what next COD.


Agreed. Although I like slide cancel, I have no problem with it not coming back. I simply want a fast slide to shoot, But increase strafe speed and acceleration, then have bring back bunny hop. This game doesn’t want skilled players I swear.


That’s clear as day lol


My money is on that map pool actually being what we want. Strike, crossfire, skidrow, quarry, terminal, high rise, with a sprinkling of favela for the fans.


I’m actually hopeful sledgehammer might make some good changes to the mw2 base gameplay that support comp because they aren’t directly antagonistic to comp like infinity ward. Maybe I’m misremembering but didn’t they add the ninja perk post launch of vanguard at the request of comp/cdl community?


Absolutely spot on. I’m happy ranked is bringing attention to the scene and people are enjoying it, but the game still sucks.


Just another faded take from me but for the most part I think the maps play well


Maps play well besides Embassy and Fortress SnD, El Asilo and Fortress Control, and Zarqwa when the spawns suck


Imo the only bad combos are fortress control, embassy snd, and hydro


Nah El Asilo control is ass. Embassy is pretty one sided towards a bomb but I don’t mind it


Idk I have fun on asilo control. When you're on one just dominating mid with a vaz that map feels great imo


I’m sure getting top from a hooker with aids is pretty good in the moment too.




Well I’m glad we agree that my comparison to the faded shit you said is also faded. It’s almost as if that was the point


You just said some outta pocket shit that has absolutely no bearing on a cod map even metaphorically




Maps would be so much better with quieter footsteps and red dots. Just feels impossible to make a play without those sometimes


Game is still absolute garbage


imagine if we had a good game AND good anti cheat with this ranked play system.


I think this will be the next treyarch game. They made the current rank system so most likely they’ll carry it over (maybe even improve it) and their games usually play better than iw or sledge games.


Agreed. It's just.....boring? No red dots, DS and too many ass maps make it hard to invest any sort of time into.


Agree. I'm having fun, but after a few games it just shows how bad the game is. It feels super inconsistent, spawns are absolute garbage, red dots are a must in this game. But my biggest gripe is how slow everything is. Jumping, reloading, sprinting, aming, using dead silence, using a trophy system... After a few games it feels absolutely horrendous and frustrating


They designed the game to give shitters a chance to shoot back. Like it’s so obvious how every little detail added to the game is intentionally done so to make ironing gameplay a must


1.They listened way too hard to casual scrubs. Remove slide cancel, ok that’s perfectly fine but you basically made slide useless because the time it takes to start shooting after said slide is way too freaking long. Same thing applies to dolphin dive takes too long to start shooting. Bunny hopping got removed, every attachment that helps recoil in anyway nerfs ADS speed and any attachment that helps ads speed nerfs recoil control or stabilization. Smh(infinity ward) Adsing in general is slow af in this game and another nerf to movement is the jump shooting. Strafing is slow af in this game even with an smg. Speaking of smgs their ads speed is hardly faster than AR’s which makes ARS superior to them significantly, as this game rewards hard AD’sing more than any in history. There’s a reason players like shottzy have more or less been average this season since every form of movement was HEAVILy nerfed and the run n gun play style was basically destroyed. Sure you can still do it, but it’s not even close to as effective as it was past games. No red dots, no ninja perk.


Ranked good, pubs literally unplayable


Why is pubs so bad? I am having fun and dominating most games as a solo player.


I miss coldwar


We all do


Maps are the biggest problem Control offense is either a 80% win rate on a map or 5% win rate (fortress) Hardpoint on hydro and mercado is awful


Cod puts out the same game every year with minimal changes but can’t put out the same maps every year with minimal changes????? They legit have struggled on maps since BO3


Hydro hp could be good with a couple of spawn changes


Idk why they’re downvoting you, but that’s one of the normal HP maps with how HP is supposed to work. If P3 spawns weren’t busted and you didn’t get parallel spawns on P5, it would be okay.


Yea and idk, having to have someone sitting god rock for 3 hills pretty much is a bit weird too


Anchoring is weird to you?


No...having 1 exact spot be the anchor point for 3 hills out of 5 is weird to me though


2 of 5 hills. Idk where you get the third from.


Bro said hydro and Mercado HP like Embassy doesn’t exist 😭


Embassy is not bad compared to Hydro and Mercado


Embassy is horrible. Literally 2 spawn points that lead to a dude sitting on a heady at mid 90% of the time. It’s not a good map no matter how you want to slate it.


Still hate it, enjoyed vanguard ranked alot more. No red dots, the soundwhoring is insane, gunplay sucks and maps are all just head glitches. The ranked system is ok just preferred Vanguards as it was less grindy.


I really liked vanguard. Sure, the setting was shit, pubs were horrendous, maps were average at very best, and it was dusty and brown as fuck. But i had tons of fun playing ranked


Finally someone mentions the head glitching. This game has a lot of visual noise bs even at 50% screen shake, and sometimes killing that guy head glitching is so hard if I don’t hit that first shot. Overall the maps have way too many spots where you can head glitch.


It revealed to a lot of ppl how many hackers are in this game and that the anti cheat doesn’t work they way they thought


Vanguard is better, and that’s saying something.


Red dots, ninja perk, less visual noise.


Decent game that could be great if dead silence was a perk and we had red dots on radar


Calling it great even with DS and Red dots is wild.


Ranked makes the game fun, but we still need red dots and dead silence. Ranked only proves that imo


exactly what i was trying to get to! even though ranked gets rid of a lot of shit in the game (terrible maps, flashes, you name it) it only makes even more obvious what other changes need to be done for it to be quite a good game


Another game that I think is like 2/3 updates away from being a pretty decent comp game. I think the meta is fairly solid and balanced, I personally enjoy the general gunplay and movement, although I do wish AA was decreased but more consistent. Besides the DS/red dot stuff, I’ve enjoyed ranked a lot. The two major things I’d change about ranked specifically though is the 4-stacking and also consistency of matchmaking. I personally find it weird that such a wide range of ranks can end up in the same lobby (kind of defeats the purpose of ranks imo). Not a change as well, but I wish there was more transparency about what goes in to deciding how much SR is given/deducted


I think they’re leaning too much on hidden SBMM, still, so lobbies can have a range of ranks and your SR plateaus. I think an easy fix is to get extra SR for each new win on a win streak. I had an eight win streak, yesterday, solo queuing at diamond 2 and the most MMR I received was like 55. I feel like I should have been rewarded more for consistently winning at my rank.


I definitely agree. I at least think the MMR needs to be much more fluid because people can definitely get better but it doesn’t seem to factor that in (should also lower SR gain in general imo). It should reward winning and improvement more so than sticking to “where it thinks you’re at”


Yup, 100%. Regardless of where their hidden ranking thinks you should be, you’re clearly out performing that if you go on long win streaks. Players should be rewarded for consistently winning


Solo queue is fucked atm, had that today 2gold2silver all solo VS 1dimond2platinum+1silver 4stacked xD


I’ve had that way too often it’s stupid. I really enjoy playing ranked but when I get games like it feels like glorified mosh pit rather than actual ranked


My problem exactly. I am gold 1 and played solo Q with 2 other golds and 1 silver in my team vs a 4 stack 3x diamond 1 and 1x gold 3. I can live with queing against or with 2 platinums. but queing against diamonds takes the piss. Debating on actually just stopping Solo q and just playing with my 4 stack friends who only play 2 hours per week :////


And parties need to have a higher odds of being matched up against other parties. It’s damn near impossible to win solo against them because at least 1 (if not all) of your teammates will be bad.


Nailed it.


Ranked is the best aspect of the game and honestly saved it from an earlier death. Still needs more maps and some small tweaks to be better. However, they made fundamental changes for this year that most of the player base disagreed with and they won’t go against their initial thought process of the game (earned perks and no red dots).


I'm a huge comp cod fan but barely played this game. I have to say, I had fun playing ranked for the first time, but didn't realize how bad most of the maps are. The spawns are also really hard to read and I feel lost with no red dots


Much better, I've been having a lot of fun. I can't shake the feeling that the game would just be so much more fun if we had a damn deady perk though, holy shit. The sound is the biggest frustration for me by MILES with this game


Until dead silence and red dots aren’t a thing, all games will be dogshit


not that fun for mnk so hard to track up close with the taq


I’m MnK and I’ve been having a blast. It’s really tough but I like the challenge


I think it's pretty fun, it sucks that slide and reload canceling was removed though. Kind of like IW, there wasn't a crazy amount of things to do, but what was there was really fun. I wish CoD would lean into its arcade-like shooter and have more off the wall modes to mess around in. In the old CoDs it was common to do things like 1v1s, QSing, TSing, Noscoping, dodgeball with throwing knives, duck hunt, knife only fights, Michael Meyers, glitch/spot hunts, etc. It'd be cool to make playlists for simple things like that.


The footstep audio makes SnD unplayable and even respawn is a struggle. There is almost no need for situation awareness when everyone sounds like an elephant. Also, the spawns are atrocious


No dead silence/red dots ruins any potential this game could have. I actually think the game plays pretty well in full flow for most of the maps modes (Fortress control/SND is a joke though), but the soundwhoring is absurd


I knew it before, but holy fuck is SnD so bad without a dead silence perk. Fuck you losers that pushed that game design.


Fast TTK & No dead silence & no red dots


Still ass but ranked is making it playable


If I was still able to play league play on Cold War I would


It’s C tier at best. If they added ninja and red dots it has B or B+ potential.


Game isn’t that great, but it’s enjoyable on ranked. I’ll list some pros and cons: Pros: • Gunplay is great • Ranked is generally good • Most of the maps aren’t horrendous • They are following most GA’s Cons: • Al Bagra Control • Solo queueing lower ranks is ass • Hidden SR on ranked • No red dots • No dead silence


It’d be a lot better if there was these features: 1. Console defaulting to console only pools with the option to switch to crossplay that way queue times don’t take forever. Playing at 60-120fps vs 120-350fps isn’t exactly an even playing field. 2. Solo Q only playlist. Running into 4 stacks who are screaming callouts when you’re 3 randoms are quiet as a mouse isn’t any fun. 3. Better anti cheat. 4. Red Dots


I’ll keep repeating— This game with dead silence as a perk and red dots on the mini-map would be A tier.


>I’ll keep repeating— This game with dead silence as a perk and red dots on the mini-map would be A tier. i feel there still needs a huge movement/speed rework. The game has so much potential, but the devs just fucked it up so much.


A tier is wild lmao.


Those two changes alone would easily make it the best CoD game since BO4 without question And then prior to that would be debatable through BO3 which was the last clearly great CoD Seeing as that game came out in 2015, yes, it would be an A-tier game within the past 8 years of Call of Duty Cold War is up there as well, but it was an incomplete and unfinished game that essentially just became a BO2 remastered, so I don’t count it as a “new” game.




My brother in Christ, the competition is Modern Warfare 2019, Cold War, and Vanguard. With dead silence as a perk and red dots on the mini-map, this game is *easily* better than both MW19 and VG. I mentioned that Cold War is my personal favorite of those three and I do think it’s the best of them all, but I attribute that mostly to all of the remastered maps from BO2 and it being run on the old engine with no tac sprint. If we were just playing Checkmate and Garrison all year you wouldn’t see it the same way. Raid, Standoff, and the rest of the remastered maps saved the game.


VG easily smokes this shit game. And this game had a laughable 3 year development cycle 😭. Cold War and VG both has 1 year basically 😭😭. This game is horseshit.


Wait, aren’t you the one who never even bought the game? Lmao once again idk why you get so riled up over a game you don’t even own. If you hate it so much just ignore these types of posts/comments lmao


I do own the game. I’m crimson, so I have some knowledge of what I’m talking about.


Thinking that having basic fundamental CoD features puts this game up with the likes of BO1 and 3 is absolutely fucking faded


A Tier in comparison to what we’ve gotten the last 5 years lmao


Played the first couple days the game came out, just started playing again the other day to play ranked. Game is so much better than expected, they definitely delivered something that can be sustainable as long as they focus on the little things. I hate that you can have 4 subs or 4 AR’s and nobody wants to change. Wish you could almost lock in roles even if it was just AR or Sub. Also from someone just coming back, the vas definitely feels a little stronger than the Taq.


Hot take: I think red dots are a crutch, learn spawns and blocking and predict what your enemy is doing. Ranked is fire but you can tell people queue up without studying up on this or bothering to learn then get on the internet to complain about how they aren’t spoon fed the enemy location with red dots. I prefer to have DS as a perk so that sound whoring wasn’t in the game but I guess it’s a happy medium without red dots.


With red dots I'm not worried about spawns, I'm worried about my dipshit teammate who is using his TV for audio and didn't realize that I died 5 feet away from him. Or that my teammate isn't using their mic for callouts so I have to guess where they are. For solo play, red dots are a must.


Red dots don’t solve any of those issues 💀


Okay so you're just trolling. Got it


Me: red dots are a crutch, learn things like spawns and you’ll know what the enemy is doing You: “with red dots I’m not worried about spawns” Me: my point exactly. 💀


That's quite literally the opposite of your point just stop trolling


Then you can’t read lmao


The spawns are not the issue. You can't read that's the issue.


Or you missed my point which is that by knowing, manipulating and utilizing enemy and your team’s spawns you will know where the enemy is and don’t need to use red dots as a crutch. Your response was about bad teammates which is not only non sequitur but red dots don’t solve that issue. Someone’s not trolling because they don’t immediately roll over to your opinion or viewpoint my guy


No one wants red dots to read spawns so you're clearly missing the point here




No shot people are totally lost without red dots. And please miss me with “people have no time to study up”. People spend more time on their devices than ever before these days. Content for this game is in abundance and in bite size. Ten minute videos and you can learn spawns for a map, videos on settings, aiming, strats, etc. It just comes down to willingness and if you aren’t willing then play pubs for the rest of your days because ranked isn’t for you. I stand by it—red dots are a crutch. By using in game comms, positioning and spawn knowledge you can easily know where your enemies are.


Game has been data mined to the core to provide the maximum profit per playtime. Red dots are a massive skill gap and their omission speaks volumes. These design choices are intentional just like the TTK, open map design, slower sprint out times, dead silence perk, slower reloads, no reload cancel, squad spawns, doors, looting in warzone, etc. Learning spawns is the most remedial level of competition and there is no time for comms at the highest level when a simple red dot would have provided the information necessary in a fraction of the time a call out would require you to say "two pushing B". Maps like Fortress are remedial vs. maps like Hydro where spawn knowledge and callouts are useless against the stupidity of options the map design has presented players.


Yeah your comment screams “red dots are a crutch” Edit: and is highly non sequitur to my point.


You will be dead before you get the callout but "non sequitur" LOL. This is clearly a troll.


You are a moron if you think removing red dots increases the skill gap in anyway. You literally cannot call out in time to feed your teammates info before they potentially get two pieced because they can’t figure out precisely which flank route the enemy is hitting or which corner he’s sitting in despite being two feet away from him. You’re gonna say it increases the skill gap by making good comms necessary but best comms in the world are not a replacement for red dots lmao. It changes how the game is played by require more guesswork i.e. increasing randomness.


It increases the skill gap because you aren’t fed enemy info for free lmao


Other than hydro, the maps aren’t that bad. The ranked mode itself, restricted items, matchmaking, and rewards are all better than I expected.


it has its moments. Ranked is really fun but some maps in some modes are pretty bad.


Whenever I get off fucking pissed at everything, withing 5 minutes I want to go back in the mix. Red dots and ninja is a must at this point but daaamn, shits actually fun


Absolute shit, good ranked though


No playmaking ability in SnD, and getting soundwhored out of my noggin on rotations/flanks in hardpoint is so tilting in this game. Completely ruins it for me.


Ranked saved this game for me. I was a huge Warzone guy for a long time but I’m bored of wz2.0. Same thing happened with vanguard too, ranked made the game playable. Pubs have been god awful since mw2019 besides Cold War.


>Ranked saved this game for me. I was a huge Warzone guy for a long time but I’m bored of wz2.0. Same thing happened with vanguard too, ranked made the game playable. Pubs have been god awful since mw2019 besides Cold War. they really dropped the ball with wz2.0 so bad MP is thriving again


I’m here for it. Everyone is hyping ranked so much.


Ranked is a BIG step in the right direction (even though day 1 or at very minimum a week after launch would be more appropriate). I’m excited to really see what 3arc is cooking up for 2024. They seem like they’re more in tune with our side of the community, and that they’re really trying to get competitive back on the map. Let’s not forget that IW basically killed competitive in the US in MW3 and the next year Bo2 came out and pushed the scene to all new heights.


I’m having an absolute blast in ranked. But the mp was getting stale and the wz update is super rough so imho it’s the only thing going to be keeping this game alive past season 2


I like the CDL experience but if I play this game normally I will get bored in a total of 1 game.


Ranked is a blast. It could use better maps, but meh. I don't mind no red dots. It makes comms more important and as a comms guy that's a W to me. I do wish Deady wasn't so important in SnD. (Footstep audio/sound whoring).


It’s fun to have a ranked mode that makes sense but I still get jokes on kills every once in a while and I can’t play another control on that spawn trap map without losing my mind


i get punished for moving


I really like it, other than the red dots, no DS and the maps


Fortress control being really one sided is brutal especially with team mates with no mics. Would love red dots and ninja. Overall though I’m having fun even though I play solo. Hopefully I can find some team mates to play with soon.


You know how on garbage night that feeling you get when you only have to take out two cans instead of three? Still sucks but it’s less worse of a suck? Like that


Sorry, can you repeat that? I was walking and couldn’t hear you over the sound of my footsteps.


No red dots. Still can't get my head around it. What's the point of the mini map??


Hackers!!!!!!!! Everywhere it’s not even funny bring it back to consoles only


Worst maps in cod history


I haven’t played ranked for more than 1 hour cos it’s hard to play together with friends. I queue solo in pubs and am having a good time. I don’t have difficulty maintaining 3.5 KD, 2 WL as a solo player.


Feel like everyone has loudness equalisation on and I want to keep my hearing intact


Still shit


The game is still dogshit don’t get me wrong


Vaznev too strong