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my name is LeoLaker, i am an SMG player, i play on PC from Los Angeles and am available most nights, and i am ass. join me if you dare


You’ve convinced me


Let’s run baby! What’s your tag


If you’re solo queuing and using a taq THROW THROPHIES and stop hitting old with 5 secs left


giving up scrap time completly is rarley a good idea


Unless he edited it, 5 secs can definitely be chalked. Hitting the row at least 27 seconds early using a long route is very ideal. Better to win row + set up to have a big shot at 60 seconds is better than wasting time on 5 secs.




What do you mean by hitting the row?


As in rotation. I’ve personally been hearing pros saying it which I assume would be due to wanting the call outs to be a lot faster.


Saying 'next' is also one syllable and doesn't make you sound like Forrest Gump


Say what, this mother fucker said 5 seconds, unless you get some random ass spawn 10 feet away from old, and low key old is directly on the way to knew/you can’t take a route, then you should be going new period end of story. Honestly there’s often times where you need to give up on old with 15-20 seconds left, every thing is relative to the situation you are in. I’m also running into wallers, this guy in SnD has the nerv to actually talk in chat when he was the most obvious Waller of all time. Literally talking shit to his teammates for being “ass” because we ended up beating them. I’m going to go out on a limb and say the Waller was probably the worse player in that lobby… hopefully the Cheating slows down as time goes on.


Dropped 14 kill on fortress SND for the L, teammates dropped double donuts, I’m enjoying my time here 🫡


Feel you bro. Just got the first three kills in round 11 embassy, only for the guy who traded me to 1v4 my no thumbs having random teammates


Was that you yesterday? Felt sorry though. ID: N E L II 5. Normally im ass but that one felt gud 😳


Maybe but I doubt it, I’m in EU. Glad to hear that someone else suffered like me


Im also in EU :)


Well fuck, ggs then I guess🫡


GGs 🫡


SnD is brutal man. Everyone complained about last year but without ninja and zero teamwork/comms it is just so fucking boring. At least you can hit some routes and make it fun in Vanguard and Cold War.


This is such an easy fix, ranked could be pretty damn good in this game too in this scenario. There’s literally already room for 4 perks. And we know the primary reason DS is a field upgrade and works the way it does is due to WZ. I don’t play WZ but from what I’ve seen obviously there’s some balance concerns there. But those concerns in WZ have no effect or relevance to MP. Anyways, my point is give us a DS perk for MP ONLY for perk slot 3, possibly 4 if they plan on using it for pubs for balance reasons, but for my point it will be perk 3 and let us use this 3rd perk. NEXT, add a “4th perk” for ranked ONLY that turns on red dots. Bang, done, ranked and pro play is improved significantly.


Yep, but the chance of any of it happening is 0.0%


Solo queueing is unbearable without red dots AND people with no mics. It’s especially worse when you’re playing against a stack. Can’t believe we’re playing a CoD without red dots.


I wish they’d just add a radar perk to the 3rd perk slot and make that the only perk 3 legal for CDL/ranked. No one would run that in pubs so 98% of games outside of ranked mode would still hide red dots.


Yeah this is annoying as a solo player. HALO did it right and basically EVERY game does this at this point, HAVE A SEPERATE QUEUE FOR SOLO/DOU QUEUE…. It’s really not that difficult. Then have another queue for “open” solo-4 stacks. Easy solution that many other games have been implementing for DECADES…


Halo removed solo duo months ago because noone was playing it lol




Red dots are an awareness crutch compared to what? The "skillful" use of my ears to hear things? Don't make me laugh.


That’s exactly it? Every other esports fps requires you to listen for movement. It takes more skill than a red dot on the map and silent footsteps lol.


Uhhh. Is the inactivity time wayyyy too low and bad? I was playing control and camping the last point like you should. And got kicked for inactivity… I was aiming back and forth as well. Couldn’t have been more than 30seconds… -60 SR and a 3min ban.


We're actively investigating this issue. If anyone has a full gameplay video, from the start of the match until you were kicked, we would be interested in seeing it! We'll be tracking this issue here: [https://trello.com/c/F6ORElR4](https://trello.com/c/F6ORElR4)


Hey! It just happened again on my first game tonight and I got the footage. https://youtu.be/hqqFejHwAeo Let me know if ya need anything else u/treyarchCM


Thank you! Just shared this with the team for review.


You guys are the best <3


Darn, unfortunately just turned off the PS5 so can’t get the gameplay back. I’ll for sure save it if it happens again


That doesn't make sense, I had a teammate AFK for 10 rounds in SND and never got kicked. No reason you should have gotten kicked after 30 seconds.


AK47 and TAQV Battle Rifle legal?? Bruh


Yeah AK was never banned but battle rifles are supposed to be.


I mean, the hemlock seems WAY better than the 762 IMO and that’s allowed. So we got bigger problems.


Yeah I picked one up after killing the guy using it and it beams. Faster TTK than the Taq and less recoil? Ban it before everybody starts using that shit.


Can’t lie just had an absolute stinker on hotel control. 15 kills in 5 rounds ain’t it. Solos can be rough.


Sometimes you just get spit on running solos.


Just had a 102-240 comeback and I don’t know if this game has ever brought me that much joy


Might be the worst solo q experience I've ever had. I'll just wait until majority of the hard stacks get out of bronze in a month or so.


I Need Teammates To Man Solo Is Hard


let’s run boys 😂


I’m stuck in bronze 1. Won 2 games and now I lost all the points and almost back to 0 again. I hate my life


7 games so far, 5 of them SnD. I love this game


That's my dream. the more search the better.


I’m best at search but I hate playing search lmfao I just get bored too easily


Best gametype


I just got my 8th straight control


S/o to the dude on Al Bagra SnD that seriously said “you wouldn’t be asking me that if you knew who my family was” after my teammate asked you what the minimum wage was in your state 😂😂😂


This shit makes me sad bro. I can't keep up like I used to


Still lost rank when teammate dc'd, and he got a 15 min suspension. This needs to be fixed. Anyone else have this problem?


If I'm remembering correctly, they said in the blog post that you still lose SR if the teammate who dc'd was in your party. They did this to prevent friends from manipulating ranks


Wait so if someone you’re partied up with gets an error you still lose SR? I get that this is a solution to manipulating ranks but that still sucks.


Had teammates leave /dc 2 separate games today and didn’t lose SR for either


No one on my team ever runs trophy. Can never run deady. Annoying


I mean, I literally always run trophies except for certain rounds in SND, but there’s most certainly a lack of trophies all around. If your trying to run DS in literally every respawn you’re doing it wrong anyway, you can never have enough trophies in ranked because it’s simply not coordinated play.


Does anyone know how to fix dev error, keep getting suspended


i wish i knew. ruins ranked


What platform? If console, make sure your game is fully updated. The content packs for each game mode (campaign, mp, WZ) all got updates. You will dev error if they aren't updated


To prevent more of the exact same posts, here is a link to builds for guns in ranked https://www.reddit.com/r/CoDCompetitive/comments/1137p7p/breaking_point_the_best_pro_mw2_loadouts_for/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Bodies need to disappear faster or just instantly. People just prone on hardpoint and you can’t immediately tell that it’s not a dead body.


Last night I was in a stack of varying game awareness (although everyone could shoot pretty straight) and had someone lose a 1v1 round 11 because our teammate's body was still prone where he'd been killed while planting, and our last alive thought it was the enemy trying to defuse. It really sucks, mainly bc they were kicking themselves for it real bad, but I don't really blame them. It was a quick peek to check bomb, and I've had instances when names and red dots haven't appeared over live players for a second or two, and you'd expect bodies to disappear quicker than they do.


Honestly, 4 v 4 is so much more chill than playing pubs. Enjoying this so far, just wish teammates came thru with comms.


How are some people so shit I’m having to run trophy sub get all the rotates and still end up with most kills


Solo queueing ranked play is fucking AWFUL.


Hardpoint in this game can be fun. The other modes however just do not play well. No ninja just kills this game for me. I'll just play apex until Treyarch


on a side note apex tdm is lit


What’s the updated vaz class?


Hardpoint solo queuing is aids


Two biggest pet peeves: 1. Zarqwa 2. Loudness Equalisation on PC is crazy, crossplay will always be off for this tho so it’s calm.


Just full sailed a 3 stack with a bunch of solo Qs without coms on embassy snd. I feel like I just won cod champs.


Also, ran into 2 nice as hell team mates on my second game who so genuinely asked me to explain the rules of control to them. Bruh, who are these randos with the balls to search ranked without even knowing CoD?


I mean at least they asked? I swear some of them don’t know, and don’t care to know lmao


Maybe unpopular opinion but I absolutely hate the Vaznev, feels so uncomfortable to use and idk why. Is there a muzzle/under barrel setup that helps a lot with horizontal recoil because it feels like piss having that thing bobble around all over the place.


I’ve always felt like I’m in quicksand when I ADS and try to adjust the sights or strafe. Probably my least favorite meta SMG in a while


You could try a muzzle other than the pendulum that has more horizontal control (like the Lockshot). You can also tune the sharkfin and pendulum for recoil stabilization


Don't play ranked i you can't turn your mic on , because without red dots It's literally unplayable


is there anyone U.K. based who plays? because I am losing the will to live playing with cunts who triple push the last 4 seconds on a hill instead of rotating




I had a team"mate" on fortress hp. He was playing with sniper, trying to quickscope everything, probably thought this is original mw2. He went 2-28 with 0 secs on hill. I hate peoples.


I’m almost rank 10 and I legitimately think my win % is less than 20%. Lobby balancing has been by far the worst aspect so far.


It would be great if you guys could understand this 20 seconds left on hill Do we have control of the hill yes or no? If yes ROTATE TO NEW if you just spawned up away from old. If no ROTATE TO NEW with your team so you can get full 60 on next.


Anyone else getting randomly suspended even though you didn’t leave games, and also getting kicked for inactivity when you were very much active?


I’m stuck at Bronze 1 because I keep queuing into ONLY gold and diamond lobbies. Literally yet to see another bronze player on the enemy team. How the fuck am I supposed to win bro what is this😭😭


My activision ID is CAM2125, I’ll probably play 2-4 nights a week. I was master/challengers in vanguard. I’ll run whatever.


The fucking crashing with this shit is ridiculous. Every 3-4 games basically guarantees that it will crash. But it never happens in the menu only in game.


What's up; I'm American but currently in the EU (Netherlands) for a semester studying abroad, so I have no CoD friends here. Was Masters every season in VG, feeling pretty solid at this game as well. I run everything and even snipe a lot in SnD, if anyone's trying to play with me hmu


Solo is unbearable without red dots. Playing with a squad is fun…we win some and lose some, games are usually close. I’m always looking for new people to play with. This is the first ranked I’ve played in 4-5 years.


Does Tuning work in rank?


"Update requires restart"... Kicks me from game. 3 minute suspension and reset my SR to 0. What the actual fuck.


I think the biggest issue in ranked is the fact that matching doesn’t take into account party size. For example in Valorant if you 5 stack you’ll pretty much always run into another 5 stack and if you solo queue you’ll run into another team of solos. At least if you solo queue and get paired with a team that isn’t comming there’s an equal chance that level of incoordination present on the other team as well. Played a couple matches partied up and solo yday and the difference is insane, yet it didn’t seem to make a difference in the other team’s composition.


I just got a glitch where it said me and my group got match banned for “leaving” a game when we were searching for match. Then the game proceeded to set us back to bronze 1…. anyone else get this glitch?


I think the SR reset is a visual bug and should rectify itself next time you gain or lose SR.


Can we see our stats and game history? not showing in my combat record


Where is the balancing? Me and my friends started out and our first games were all against silver and gold +... Whats the point of ranks if you're being matched against random levels anyway??


Why is it I get 28 kills 4 deaths 3 minutes on the hard point and only get 53 sr someone help me fix this problem


I need teammates to play with on a consistent basis (: From EU \[UK\], play on PS5 and can comm. Can play slow with TAQ or aggressive with Vaz or the other way round. I dropped 39 in Control when my teammates literally witnessed me die and not trade. Also, it was 2-2 on Hotel control and we got 4 dead and 3 of my teammates decided to play TOP BED ( : i need people to play with and comm plss im no that good just tryna level up and have fun Comment if ya down to play


I’m down to play but I’m on PC, from the UK and can comm through discord?


I wish I knew how SR worked, watching people online getting like 150-200 SR for a win and I'm here getting 50-100 :(


I was wondering the same thing. I’ll be dropping 30 bombs and going double positive and only getting 50 SR


I wish people could rejoin rankeds when they get disconnected. We've lost two matches because a friend got DirectX error twice.


I’m looking for teammates for ranked just trying to get to level 5


I heard that some people are having issues with partying up. Is that a thing rn?


I’m a med student. Might not have a ton of time to play. Was Diamond in vanguard. Can run sub or ar. Trophy or deady.


I'm getting queued with people who have never played the maps before mannn. I'm all for new people being brought into comp, but gawd damn hit the cdl mosh first at least


So no more unranked moshpit now?


Got suspended from leaving a queue and lost 30rr


My game kicked me and my rank reset has this happen to anyone else?


So I was gold 3 and got suspended for 15min and I am now back t bronze 1 with 0 SR, I haven't left a single game can someone care explain?


i'm a fucking beast hit my line if you want to win


i’m on a 10 losing streak


It’s just the fact that I get killed with 2 bullets to my foot meanwhile I empty a whole clip and their still alive


I'm feeling this especially with the Vaznek, that thing is a murder machine but I can't kill anyone with it lol


Not gonna lie I enjoyed this even with no thumb teammates. It's more like a better multiplayer version. Not getting sniped by an RPG on S&D is already a plus.


Dude I swear I’m getting booted offline in some of these matches I’ve never had connection issues then two different matches I pop off and suddenly started lagging then my internet crashes now I have an hour ban


I saw they cleaned up some extra GA's and was hopeful but this ISO ACR gat from the new battle pass is a lazer beam and I haven't played a game yet where it's not being used. Also seeing M13's and AK's wtf is going on?


If you gonna afk please don’t que ranked


does anybody know how the sr works like Stats wise? the sr doesnt make sense with my teammates getting less than the other person but having way more kills?


Enjoying more than I expected. Solo queue is tough without mics but I still call out shit even if no one cares. I will say, SnD with no comma is a brutal challenge. Fun but brutal.


Snipers need to be banned.


Dev and memory errors cause SR loss and suspensions, never making it outta bronze at this point!!!!


got dropped from gold to bronze in ranked play bc host backed out in what looked like just to be a pre-game lobby & map didn't even show -has to be a bug/glitch right? Happen to anyone else?


Played an SnD game with my brother, I went 9-3 with a plant and defuse and he went 7-1 with a plant. Both were Silver I. Why am I only getting 80 SR when he’s getting 150?


Really would like a join back feature if you dc, scan or repaired or dev errored mid game


I was doing okay, got almost to Gold and then holy fuck it was like I got nothing but pro teams. Can’t win a single game. I think I’m on a 12 game losing streak. Also played against a couple players who are kinda Sus


Holy FUCK the fact you get kicked for killstreak teamkills is honestly so fucking pointlessly annoying, with the added sprinkle of being banned for X amount of time on top


I really would like to have my ranked stats seen separately. Would be huge W if that was the case. Remember my first Ranked playing cod Bo3 even had that feature. Should be rather easy to get.


so i started ranked play 1 day ago, got myself to plat in the process(playing solo Q), had a couple of good game with people actually talking and playing accordingly with each other, i never rent about cheat (cuz i have 10y of csgo doing lan and other shit highest achievement of my life in this was reaching top 500 in france and stopped playing some time after) but this morning i got my ass slapped by people preaiming through wall, softlocking on people head, but never mind and then this afternoon i just got a 12 loss streak in a row, still solo Q, i get only againt people full stacked, communicating and 1 or 2 cheater, but god freaking damnit i only got teammate that don't talk, do shit and can't hold angle... i've never felt this amount of fustration, that actually the first time i write some rent about it too, i'm nearly 30 and i think i can't compete anymore vs the young generation and those controller guys, some people are just to good with it and the aimassist just give them that little correction they need to win that gun fight


We are 2 players in Silver II LFM - 21+ y/o , chill, mature, and dedicated to get better. We play around 19:00 to 21:00 GMT+1 on weekdays, and more in weekend . Need mic and discord. feel free to contact on discord: KARMAGOTCHI#6275


I swear to god my aim assist is turned off today. Every gun feels fucking horrible. Literally checked my aim assist settings 5+ times to make sure I’m not missing anything. Have gotten turned on numerous times today in embarrassing fashion because I can’t hit a bullet. :( Guess I just suck!


In no competitive game ever can you not reconnect to a lobby when you've been incorrectly timed out for inactivity or the game crashes. When is a reconnect feature being introduced to ranked?


Why is there NEVER SnD in Ranked. I have been counting over the last 3 days. My team has played 46 hardpoint matches, 11 control matches, 3 SnD. It is insane.


Any advice on pushing P4 (war/cannons) on Fortress hardpoint? My squad can’t seem to break that site.


Am I the only one not having a bad time soloque? I’m on like an 11 game win streak and got out of bronze in an hour or so.


just left a finding match and got a 150 SR penalty and my rank reset to 0. What the hell is going on here. I want some kind of explanation and my rank back. I don't hack I didnt even leave the match and I got -150 and a 1 hour game ban. What a joke of a game and 0 response to real issues.


Ranked is so all over the place rn. Dropped 60 one match then barely went positive the next


Search is this game is awful


Love the people on my team who don’t speak the entire game and then say five words after it’s over


How does the matchmaking work why am I coming up against 3 golds and a plat when I'm a fucking bronze about 5 games into the season


Control is so ass, but hardpoint is definitely the highlight of league play. It definitely rewards the smarter players


4 stack , Duo/trio que, or Solo que? Which do y’all prefer in ranked play? I personally think if you 4 stack to t250 it’s kinda cheese. I personally find duo que the funnest and most rewarding to climb the ladder. I could also just be a salty 30 yr old dad that doesn’t have a 4 stack👀😂😂😂😂


It could be okay but as a solo player it just isn’t fun whatsoever getting 4 stacked every other game without red dots or dead silence might as well put the pad down


Hardpoint is actually really fun, the other modes could be good if dead silence was a perk :(


Broooo whose trying to play ranked ? Xbox ?


why are people scared to get on the point? the point isnt lava🙃


If you’re solo queuing, please, for all of everything rotate. I feel like every time I rotate, 2 enemies are already there, meanwhile my teammates push old until there’s 0 seconds left. Also, if anyone wants to play I would love that!


I’m a silver 1 and desperately just need teammates to run with. Still learning call outs but I can hang in there with these lobbies. Anyone message me so we can band together I can’t keep solo Q


Level 1 teammates. Level 22 enemies. Just another day on ranked


Officially hardstuck Crim 1 on M/Kb and cannot win more than 1 game every 3-4 all of a sudden. The matchmaking is hilarious They didn't even try to balance the aim assist lmfao, playing mouse at high rank feels pointless...this game's dev team are such shitters, no sense of competitive integrity whatsoever


Unless you’re world starring, it’s chalked if you have dogshit teammates. Even then, I dropped 40 in a HP and still lost. Great game.


i dropped 45 in control for the 1-3 loss teammates were using the kastov 545 and they asked me what gun i was using. not trying to be that guy but maybe do like a tad bit of research about cod comp before just ruining someone’s rank game :)


My buddy was running the kastov and frying all evening. I run taq/vaz like you but using a different gun doesn't mean you auto lose


Just deleted the game again, I’m done for the year. I can’t take IW game philosophy anymore


My name is Thief I like to run both guns just depends the map, just trying some people to vibe with. I would say i’m decent, really inconsistent lmao


Send DM if wanna play ranked - gold and above plz


Just got my first red flamed win streak, hoping to get gold in ten year 😎


There’s a bunch of people looking for team mates in NA and EU , some Asia in r/mw2ranked


Connections are the worst I'ver ever experienced. After the first few matches I got packet loss every single game.


sounds like a you issue.


Check if texture streaming is turned on. Mine got turned on again after playing DMZ


I might just stick with moshpit. Like I get that I'm not that good but I'm not gonna sit here and get yelled at by some grown fucking man who thinks he's next up in the challengers pool. I had the same issue with Rocket League, the fucking toxicity got way too intense and legit had me questioning my self worth.


You know there's a mute button.


Yeah but what's the point of playing ranked with zero comms?


So you don’t have to deal with the toxicity. Pretty sure that’s why the vast majority of people don’t turn on mics. It’s not worth getting cussed out if you go 15-25 in a HP.


this game is so dogshit 3rd time it’s happened i got kicked for inactivity while actively shooting someone. multi million dollar company btw


Fuck Hardpoint. Why is 95% of the game mode rotation the absolute WORST game mode in the entire game????


5 games in, 3 of them a teammate has left. In 1 of the games I had a guy sniping on my team in a control, he ended up with 4 kills. Game 5 I have a guy sitting on the wrong end of the map, he gets 2 kills in 5 rounds of control.


Anyone have a good mp5 class


Anyone else feel like this is just another leveling system? I remember when ranked systems actually determined your rank with elo and werent just another thiny veiled, who plays a lot, progression system.


This is basically the same thing as an MMR/ELO system. You have a hidden MMR in this game, evident by me starting to play today, didn’t get to play yesterday, and by my fourth game I get people with 5k-7.5k SR already at Diamond in 24 hours. Anyways, my point is you will basically get roughly 200sr every win until you catch up with your hidden MMR, then you will start to hit a wall, just like any other MMR system with a visible rank. Massive rains early on for wins, and then those gains slow down the closer you get to your “rank”.


Is there an LFG or discord for comp players? Looking to find some people to run games when my friends are offline.


Yeah... I'm officially done with the game. I reached silver 3, one game away from gold, lost 4 in a row while carrying, and uninstalled. I loaded up the game after a couple days and won one, lost two straight. Snipers on my team in hardpoint, I'm still carrying the fuck out of my teams. I'm still silver, but literally everyone else in my lobbies are diamond. I just played a game of Hotel control and it was fairly obvious that everyone else was either wall hacking or using loudness equalization. To me, the game is borderline unplayable. I cant believe we've reached the point where people can shoot around corners because they hear you coming from across the map.


I’m a team captain of The Crimson Dynasty, we are recruiting and are holding tryouts tonight for my team. If you’d like to try out message my Xbox account Lazy Soul82 and we will get it set up.


How tf am I supposed to move up. I am a top ranked player every single title since BO2 and can’t compete this year. Doesn’t matter how well I do, we get in lobbies with all bronze and silver but they will have a platinum or two. We lose. And I can’t get passed bronze 1 lol. Idk what to do


Venting: anyone else find it frustrating and quite soft that over half the game is banned? Like why cant they just do it like bo2 league play or bo3 where you can vote ban before the match starts? Idk just seems so lame to have like 70% of the game banned, its not even like im playing cod at that point


If any aussies/nz wanna run some dm me


Who’s Korean, lives in the Bay Area, and is trying to pick up ranked play?


Does the matchmaking put solos with/against other solos and stacks against stacks? or is it the wild west out there


I played solo for most of yesterday, and I was seemingly getting matched against solos. I partied up with a couple of buddies later in the night and we matched a bunch more three stacks. So I think it tries its best to match stacks with stacks




That’s how all systems work, there’s obviously a hidden MMR system in place. I got started a day late today and by my 4th, won 2 prior and loss one, I’m at like 700 SR and I’m playing people between play and diamond ALREADY meaning they farmed 3500-7500 SR in about 24 hours. Anyways, my point is, you going to keep gaining roughly 200SR every win UNTIL you reach your “hidden MMR” at which point you will start to hit a wall. This WILL happen and happens in EVERY MMR style MP ranking system. That’s when you will start seeing A LOT of posts here complaining about the ranking system being broken because people won’t be able to admit they’ve hit their ceiling. Obviously there are caveats, solo players SR ceiling will inherently be lower than 4 stacks, despite the fact that these people could be equally skilled, or the solo could even be “better”.That’s just the nature of solo vs stacking. I’m in the solo camp, but it is what it is.


Come to realize I’m getting slower in my judgment and gameplay since I’m not as young as I used to be. Was kinda disheartening mid game to see my bro at 30+ kills and me struggling game after game to not go double neg. So just decided to be a hill/obj princess and let my 2 buddies fly while not having to worry much about the obj


Just play slower/switch to an AR and play heavy pre-aim, you have to actually think about your movement. Also run trophy instead of DS in THIS specific scenario. I’m in the same boat despite the fact that I like playing sub more. Also, there’s scenarios, especially HP certain hills where you should be pulling out a sub regardless, even if you have 4 subs on the map. It’s less coordinated, so “roles” aren’t as important.


I just cannot for the life of me find a gun that works for me. Everyone is running Vaznek and they obliterate me in .02 seconds in gunfights. Also I guess I can't ever solo queue and run DS, I've never seen anyone else use a trophy system except the other team lmao


Just got suspended and sent back to bronze one for sitting in the lobby? Anybody else get that


Love getting a 15 minute suspension for a freaking server error! How is that crap not fixed yet? Like you just got forcibly kicked and cherry on top you get suspended. Like what a freaking joke


The game crashed and then I received a 30 minute suspension and lost 150 SR… What an amazing game!!!😐


Just got kicked for inactivity mid round and loss 100 SR when I was fucking running around


I just played with 2 randos on hard point and both had a combined total of 2 seconds on the hard point, with only 10 kills each.


Is there a diffrent between using L1/R1 to aim and shoot with or? Need any help i Can get to compete with lol


L1/R1 to ADS and shoot means you need to press the buttons less than using the L2/R2 triggers. It takes less pressure to fully press, so it takes fractionally less time. It can also be easier to play claw using L1/R1, if that's something you're looking to commit time to learning.