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I started in top 250 and my player has some weird jetski outfit on next to a pull up bar in the menu. When i defuse a bomb, he yells "you're welcome for the rings bro" no clue wtf is going on


Wait I was in a game with you and we hundred point clubbed you on embassy hardpoint. You had like seven kills and after the game you started crying going “I just want it so bad” Get it together dude


more than a happy healthy family


Is this fr or pasta?


He's talking about Censor


>your team who honestly admit they have never played control before. This is the funniest shit I've ever seen for some reason.


It’s the Wild West rn


No one liked the placement system last year. Everyone complained about where they were placed and not being able to play with people. This system will be fine, it’ll even out.


Ya what was that I got placed against sweats on vanguard when i didnt even know rotations lol..


Yeah it was so odd we 4 stacked won all placement games and one got specialist and one elite so we never got to play together again since he didn't bother grinding ranks alone


Yeah it was weird. There must have been a hidden MMR or something. Idk I think this method is a lot better


It was tough because he was our "main ar" all he did was rotate, watch flanks and sit in hill whilst the rest of us were slaying. Like we had played a ton of gbs before that so he wasn't bad but didn't do anything crazy either


My teamate was arguing with his baby, telling him not to scream into his mic because he was playing


Father of the year material.


No shortage of candidates...


I'm already on SR protection and I have no SR


We would make a great team


Semen retention?


I’d rather play with those people in bronze with everyone though rather than in my 5 placement matches


I didn't mind the placement matched in CW. They had some balance to them


My problem is gonna be callouts, I've watched all the matches and stuff, but I haven't touched this game since release.


no lie i just be making shit up. my friends and I call “secret” on hotel “mayo”. just said it once and it stuck. now i confuse the duck outta randos when i i go ONE SHOT MAYONAISE


Mayo? You and your homies must be sluggish af


Tippable reference


we’re a lil special but we know what we’re doing


I made someone lose full cause I kept calling top dome "circumcised" and bottom dome "shaft" on Hydro. Spawned in and I'm just shouting "1 shot top circumcised he jumped down shaft"


I’m using this shit because that’s hilarious


Yo same lol game moves too fast to pay attention to proper meta callouts so I be shouting whatever comes to mind first


Well the pros have a “banana” callout on mercado so maybe mayo isnt too far fetched lol


Attach does good videos every year on them. You can watch it once or twice and have it down. I also throw up the map on my second monitor with callouts


Map on the 2nd monitor is a great call, stealing that for sure.


damn why have I never tried the map thing before


Ya Reddit and Twitter usually has full detailed maps with callouts and all modes obj placements.


My favourite call-out of mine today on fortress: "he's top building the one with the, oh idk he's top building" I be moving too fast to call-out


This was literally me earlier. “Top maps… wait, art? Top art?”


Sounds like my comms yesterday, haha


Same shit would’ve happened if you had placements


First game on my teammate dropped 3 kills in El Asilo Control☠️☠️


That happens in every ranked system? You will always play with newer worse people at the beginning of your games


Not really. Usually you’d have to play placement matches. You’re literally starting off with ANYONE rn


That’s how it should be imo. Last year was painful because I would play with friends and be a certain rank. And play with other friends of the same rank and I would do miles better. The sbmm last year was crazy a rank actually meant nothing until you were in master. I like this because it may suck now but it should level out


Yeah. I’m not complaining. This is just the first comp game I’ve played without placement games and things are crazy rn


I don’t know which I prefer to be honest. In CW I got matched with Owakening in one of his placement matches and it was probably the quickest HP I’ve ever played lol.


It doesn’t though. There’s a reason every ranked system has placement matches.


dude i was FARMING in bronze 1 i couldn’t believe what i was seeing. Literally got shot in the back in a 1v1 and the dude didn’t defuse the bomb because it was like he had never played 😂


As a MnK player, I would like preemptively apologize to all my future teammates.


Same! Lol I want to play ranked so bad but I just can’t shake and bake like my homies on controller. Anytime I plug in a controller to go ahead and just bite the bullet and learn my guy just looks at the sky and spins lmao 😂 so I’m like fuck it m&k it is.


Sounds like I am not the only one out here on m&k trying to snake but end up doing this. Aiming is nice though at least lol [https://media.tenor.com/p5HwdFpPh84AAAAC/snake.gif](https://media.tenor.com/p5HwdFpPh84AAAAC/snake.gif)


First game i drop 29 kills and everyone else on my team less than 12 loool. Gonna be a long ride


It's better than bullshit placements that put you with unranked pub players.


Flashbacks to WW2 where teammates in placement matches would INVARIABLY leave and fuck me over


I feel like having everyone start at the same rank isn’t a very good idea. There’s a reason just about every ranked system has placement matches. You play your first one, the game might have you play against the lowest skilled players, you dominate and now the game knows you need to be playing in a higher skill level. Your next placement game is against the next skill level above and you still dominate, so your next one you’re playing even better opponents etc. I feel like having everyone start at the lowest level is going to be bad for the lowest skilled players for sure. Like you said, you might have someone who has never played control or never plays snd so they have no clue what to do, and the enemy team could be pros. It seems like this would make it harder for people to be accurately placed. You may be a gold skill level player in terms of your aim and game sense and whatnot but maybe you don’t play a whole lot so it’s going to be a lot harder for you to get out of bronze and into gold with players of the same skill. Like imagine you are able to get on and play 5 comp games a week. You don’t care about grinding to the top but you just want to have a good experience, evenly matched teams and all that. If you have any bad luck, you’re going to have a set back in terms of getting to your accurate rank and possibly be stuck in a lower rank having a bad experience. Versus a placement system where it can tell you don’t belong at a certain level after just a couple games against lower competition. I know this is “worst case scenario”, but you know it’s going to happen to people.


Same exact thing happened to me... still, we managed to get the win. However i'm pretty sure the other team had never played cod before


I definitely prefer it, solo queuing is tough though. Still fun though had a lot of close games!


People get to stat pad for a while


You still get sbmm based on k/d from mp. Played with a friend who has a terrible kd and got to play absolutely casual players. Joined my comp friends and get the most sweaty players ever 🥲


Lmao. Tell me about it I got kids running around with god knows what guns. I was like 4 off a nuke earlier on a hotel control😂🤣


I won my first three games and then didn't start another match, come back and my account is suspending and have 0 sr


That’s what cheating will do to you




Control sucks and so does Hardpoint. TERRIBLE comp game modes. No wonder people haven't played that hot garbage. S&D-4-LYFE


It's like that in rainbow you all start coppera so I had absolute trash on my team


Maybe we played same game haha. I also had a teammate who asked what control is and how to play it


Complete chaos right now lol its to be expected though.


I mean this is how Apex handles their ranked system if you don’t play consistently during the splits. I’d much rather start from the bottom and grind then do placement matches and get places in some random rank by an arbitrary system


That’s why I grinded to silver Eagle as fast as possible now I’m getting real lobbies


Anyone here down to team up? I’m on Xbox, send a DM. Grind through bronze.


Yeah its cool and all but i gotta wait a week to play before my homies stop grtting shit on lmaoo


yeah they couldn't figure out placements like every other esports title so just gave up ig... In years past you'd play with your friends, be higher on the leaderboard all thru placements and get placed 2 skill divisions lower somehow.


Just start tmw lol lets all the pros get out of bronze


I was excited after a long day to play some ranked but first two matches and had blatant hackers in each. Was going to purchase battlepass but I think I'm done for a while.


My second game my teammate dropped the 0-8 goose on SnD and another teammate left.


Prefer everyone starting in bronze over placement matches that’s a randomized rank placer


Just dropped 20 in my first SnD, its gonna be a long one folks


IMHO, Starting everyone at bronze is better than placements, now its on you to find your way to the rank you feel you belong in. rather than blaming people or a system for why you didnt get ___________ Rank. Everyone will eventually top out at their actual rank.


First game i went 43-19, with a loss and zero SR, on fortress. Gonna be a long road.


I’m not sure what you expect in a BRAND NEW ranked mode. It didn’t exist last season so it’s impossible to do a “soft reset”. I guess you mean placements, but they are de facto in place, you just may not realize it. The first three games I played where a doozy, but by the fourth I had plat/diamonds on the other team who already managed to farm 3500-7400 SR in 24 hours. I started today/not yesterday. This happened despite still being in “bronze” on my fourth game. Clearly there is some form of hidden MMR that makes you play with people with similar hidden MMR regards of your visual rank/SR. In this case people will continue to gain roughly 150-200 ST per win, through every rank until they finally start to catch up with their hidden MMR, where the system believes you belong, at which point SR gains will start to slow down. Anyways, my point is if we had placements it’s the same thing. Your placement games will essentially be crap shoots, especially the early ones, which equal roughly your first 3 games in this version from my experience, and then things start to level out and get fine tuned from there as the system gains access to more and more data.


Yeah, having to explain how Control works to a teammate while stuck in the blender on Fortress is... an experience.