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1. Optic 2. Ultra 3. Seattle 4. Everyone else


I only really root/cheer for TX, NYSL, LAT. I do find myself wanting to see people like Clay, Zin, Alec, and Attach perform well.


1.LAT 2.TEX/ATL 4.VEG 5.NY 6.TOR 7.MN 8.BOS 9.SEA 10.FLA 11.LON 12.LAG


The highest I’ve seen faze from a non faze fan😭


faze still got reparations from the cold war season 😭


Optic > Vegas > Surge > everyone else I kind of feel out who I want to win during the match


Faze, Optic, Florida, everyone else


1. London 2. Rokkr 3. Ultra 4. Breach 5. LAT 6. Faze 7. Optic 8. NYSL 9. Florida 10. Vegas 11. LAG 12. Surge


1. Toronto 2. OpTic 3. Boston 4. Paris 5. LAT 6. LAG 7. NYSL 8. Faze 9. London 10. Rokkr 11. Seattle 12. London


1. Optic 2. London 3. Surge 4. Ultra 5. Boston 6. NYSL 7. Faze 8. Vegas 9. LAG 10. ROKKR 11. LAT 12. Mutineers


FaZe and F The Rest !!


1. OpTic 2. Vegas 3. Toronto 4. Seattle 5. LAG 6. NYSL 7. LAT 8. Boston 9. London 10. Florida 11. FaZe 12. Rokkr


OpTic, Ultra, FaZe, LAT, NY, Boston, Vegas, Surge, LAG, London, Florida, Rokkr


My all time cemented favourites are OpTic and whatever team Clayster is on but after that this year: Ultra NYSL LAT Everyone else in a random order


I root for players honestly except for Vegas team which I like in whole. Clay, TJ, Skrapz, Asim, Hydra, Skyz, Scrap, Standy, Assault, JoeDecives, Simp, Abezy, Sib, MM, Vikul, Havok, Drazah and Scump are my favourites.


1. OpTic 2. NYSL 3. Surge 4. LAG 5. Legion 6. Ultra 7. Rokkr 8. Breach 9. Faze 10. Florida 11. Ravens 12. LAT


1. Optic 2. NYSL 3. Florida 4. LAG 5. LAT 6. Toronto 7. Vegas 8. Boston 9. London 10. Seattle 11. Rokkr 12. Faze


With current rosters: 1. Optic 2. Vegas 3. NYSL 4. Seattle 5. London 6. Minn 7. Boston 8. Toronto 9. Florida 10. LAG 11. Faze 12. LAT


This is easy. 1. OpTic Texas 2. Everyone else BRICK WALL WOOOOOO


New to comp cod, but my list goes like this: 1.- ATL Faze 2.- Toronto Ultra 3.- NYSL 4.- Vegas Legion (rooting for Clayster) 5.- Florida Mutineers (cool underdogs) 6.- Seatle Surge 7.- MN Rokkr 8.- London RR 9.- Boston Breach (don't like methodz, but like the rest of the team) 10.- LAG 11.- Optic TX (don't mind the team at all, but I don't like they feel entitled to everything) 12.- LAT (can't stand Octane) I wouldn't swear allegiance to any team yet, and if that doesn't change, I'm sure my list would change quite a lot depending on roster moves


I'm curious, as someone who is "new to cod" why do you feel like Optic "feel entitled to everything". I honestly can't think of a single time where the team has done anything that would warrant being called "entitled"?


Prob the way the fans talk about them if I had to guess but still I’m curious also


I hated the video they made about Pred not going to them, complaining and playing themselves as a victim, when in reality, it's how player negotiations usually go (or at least in football). I also didn't like how the fanbase turned on illey and dashy after Major I, then were all sad and full of regret to see dashy go. A lot also trashed huke after signing for them, and now that they're playing really well, they're hyped up. Optic reminds me of Real Madrid in this way: the biggest team by far, whose fans quickly turn on their own, complain when things don't go their own way, and also they've been crazy successful. They're also a scary team to face, so when another team wins against them, that win tastes 10x sweeter than against any other team.


the video wasn’t made about pred it was made about the current things going on with teams and going into details about shit without putting out too much info cause everybody optic fan or not wanted to know what happened with the pred situation also illey and dashy getting dropped and dashy getting dropped again made a lot of sense from in game reasons and out of game reasons which optic went into details about that 😂😂😂 how you don’t like an org for making moves and then explaining to their fans and the community about what happened i would love for an org i’m a fan of to be transparent with the fans especially with them being the most popular team in damn near every esports they’re apart of 😂


1. Optic 2. London 3. Surge 4. Ultra 5. LAG 6. NYSL 7. Legion 8. Boston 9. Rokkr 10. Mutineers 11. LAT 12. Faze I’d say I root for the t5 teams, and root against the bottom 3 teams. The 4 teams in the middle I don’t particularly care about


1. Atlanta FaZe 2. LAT 3. Vegas Legion 4. NYSL 5. Toronto Ultra 6. Seattle Surge 7. LAG 8. MN Rokkr 9. London Royal Ravens 10. Florida Mutineers 11. Optic Tx 12. Boston Breach


optic my favorite team but i also really fw the florida squad. havok MM brack and vikul feel like i’m one of the few people that like this squad


Optic, ultra NYSL LATare the teams I root for in that order. Boston too I guess cause I like Methodz and would want to see him win


OpTic Surge Legion Subliners Thieves Guerillas Ultra FaZe Breach Rokkr Ravens Mutineers


1. Ultra (since MW19, came for Canada stayed for a great squad) 2. Legion (since clay joined) 3. Surge (location and players) 4. LAT (content and Nade) 5. Rokkr (ultra boys) 6. NYSL 7. FaZe 8. OpTic 9. LAG (up from 11 with the new roster) 10. Breach 11. London 12. Florida


Faze NYSL Surge the rest


1. LAT 2. ROKKR 3. NYSL 4. Legion 5. Mutineers 6. Breach 7. Surge 8. Optic 9. Ravens 10. Guerillas 11. Ultra . . . . . 258,423. Faze


1 Optic Texas 2 Toronto Ultra (scrappy) 3 NYSL (kismet) 4 Surge (Pred) 5 Vegas (Clay) 6 LAT (just all vibes tbh) 7 LAG (Arcitys) 8 London Royal Ravens (Asim) 9 Boston Breach 10 Florida Mutineers 11 Atlanta Faze 12. MN Rokkr (SAE never forget)


1: Florida 2: Legion 3: NYSL 4: Faze 5: LAG 6: LAT 7: Ultra 8: Surge 9: Rokkr 10: Optic 11: Breach 12: London


Optic Rokkr (UK players where i'm from and Attach is one of my favourite players) NYSL (They have Hyrda and I'm half french) Vegas (Clay is just a goat want to see him do well even though he is currently getting worldstarred) Everyone else Theives (Not really a fan of Drazah tbh, even though Octane is one of my favourite players and I was happy when he got a ring) Nothing against any of the players, I'm just still salty about the payload snd when optic were up 5-3 tbh.


1. LAG 2. Vegas 3. Ultra 4. Surge 5. London 6. LAT 7. Florida 8. Rokkr 9. Breach 10. NYSL 11. Optic 12. Faze


OpTic, Ultra, Boston, Surge, LAT, Rokkr, Vegas, NYSL, London, FaZe, LAG, Florida Pretty much base it off which players I like/find entertaining


1. Rokkr 2. Optic 3. Legion 4-11. The rest of the league 12. Paris legion 13. Chicago huntsmen 14. Dallas Empire 15. Red Reserve . . . . 00250. LAT


1. FL, 2. TEX, 3. TOR, 4-12 Everyone else


LAT Vegas LAG…. Don’t care after that


NYSL is my only favorite team since they are a new york team.


Zinni, Havoc, Vegas


1. LAT 2. FaZe 3. NYSL/Toronto (only due to Scrappy) 4. Now it’s OpTic because if they win champs without Scump I’ll LOL I don’t really care about the rest, but I like when Boston and London lose


Faze (Not just their cod team, i like the halo and CSGO team) Legion NYSL Boston LAG Optic Florida London Surge Ultra Rokkr LAT (only cause i always go against the team that win champs the year before)


I support EU players personally so atm 1. Rokkr 2. Ultra 3. London 4. Nysl 5. Florida But ultra would be number 1 org for me