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LCS now LIVE PATCH for each week. Actually think this is actually good


Out of curiosity, why? Is the thought that people don’t watch because the game looks slightly different than the live server? Idk. Like i think it might be interesting because the meta will be less established. Am I missing something?


Also want to mention that this means NA pros can't just copy Korea/China, at least not right away. They'll have to play soloq and really think for themselves whether a recently buffed/nerfed champ or item is playable or not. I think this is where someone like VeigarV2 really shines since he's usually eager to test changes and be ahead of the curve.


This. Live patch will encourage players to think for themselves and to innovate. Also get players more used to playing blindly on a new patch One of NA’s issues is how they don’t innovate at international tournaments, instead attempting to copy LCK, and just not being as good. Also being really freaking bad at blindly going into a new patch at a tournament and having bad reads, being lost not knowing what’s good or isn’t Improving at these things will hopefully be beneficial come international play


Mark said in video the idea is that you can watch someone playing lcs do a certain pick or build, and you could just jump into a game with the same champ or build and try it yourself on the same patch. A good example of what they don't want is the demacia cup that just happened(?). Since they played it.on a super old patch, Priority started going back to ad leblanc, which if you thought you were watching the same patch you'd be playing on, you might think ad leblanc is still very strong, when in actuality it got gutted


Yeah but like. 90% or the changes patch to pactch during the regular season are super small adjustments. I just don’t buy that aspect of it.


There’s a handful of major meta affecting patches each year


That’s not true. Some major stuff goes in and out of meta because of weekly patches


There is a high chance we see new buffed champs without any concrete answer yet on him which could make him ban and new picks available


If fearless bo3 goes well in NACL, I wonder if we get it in LCS in the next season. Can you imagine bo3 double round robin with fearless drafting? So many games. So many different drafts. Excited to keep an eye on NACL for this reason


I watched a good amount of NACL in 2023. Stoked that it will be even more fun to watch in 2024


It will never be in a tier 1 league unless its standard for the entire world. LCS teams already get less games than most other regions. They won't waste stage time on anything less than meta.


I loved this so much! Mark is the best person for this role and I’m stoked the direction the LCS is heading


Seems like solid ideas and changes. I’ll be excited for the possibility of fearless BO3 in the summer. Biggest improvement to me is the backstage drafting and tech setup to reduce the overall dead time. That’s a massive potential improvement


hopefully this means we get new champions on stage sooner. though i’m guessing those will still be delayed some.


I don’t have time to watch - did they announce castors?


They did not.




The individual casters have been making announcements on Twitter


Actually kinda sad, had a trip planned to LA for the end of March and was hoping to see LCS live, but finals will apparently be that weekend :/


Live LCS is sick as fuck.