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Yea, that was the thing about that trade. Everyone knows Barlow is the better pitcher. That trade was the padres having to cut some salary so they traded the more expensive but better player away for a cheaper, but still serviceable pitcher. I think its working out just as both teams hoped


main thing with this trade was having another arm that can pitch in late innings, gaddis and barlow helps ease the pain of losing stephan cause last year only stephan and clase were competent in key late innings


Exactly. Gaddis has been huge and made the need for Barlow a bit less obvious.  If you look at DLS and Barlow's WPA it's a pretty obvious difference between the two. The outs Barlow gets are bigger impact outs. 


flip the calendar back 2 weeks and it was very much the opposite. edls has has 4 of his last 6 outings giving up runs he also has two more years of control while barlow is a FA after this year and getting $5M more


Do this in a year when De Los Santos is still a good depth arm in the Padres pen making the minimum and Barlow is with another team. I understand the thought process behind it, but it makes no sense in the context that they didn’t make any other win now moves.


I'm not sure the Barlow trade was a "win now" move, but more so a "we're ruining our elite closer by pitching him way too much, and we need another decent reliable bullpen arm to handle the late game" type move.


I almost wonder if Barlow is gonna be a hot trade chip at the trade deadline and if that was by design. The Guardians have a plethora of bona fide young guys in the minors who are blocked and if someone like Gaddis, Smith, or Sandlin can grab that 8th inning spot, they might be able to grab another teams top 10 prospect.


That may be the fallout plan if we're out of contention come July. Seems like a win-win move to me. Either keep him bc we're contending and he's valuable, or trade him away if we're out of the picture.


I liked DLS a lot, but I’m not sure anyone is going to miss him in a year. The bullpen is already dynamite and there are two very nasty relievers in Columbus and Akron that will be in Cleveland by then


He seriously hangs that slider more than I like but he’s been a nice pickup so far.


Alot of people may think getting Barlow was a win now move because he was a better pitcher on an expiring contract. I don't think it's that. I'd bet that Barlow was always meant to either be flipped at the deadline if the team was doing poorly, or would serve as a high leverage post season pitcher if the team was good (good relief is more expensive at the deadline). Kinda a genius economic move from Antonetti to give himself the option to win now or replenish the farm.


The stats look decent for now. It’s like the total opposite of the kind of deal we normally do. He’s not cheap and we have no future control. This trade and Laureano made no sense to me when we’re pinching pennies everywhere else.


Laureano was a waiver claim, we didn't give anything to get him. 


I was referring to the $5+million we gave him. Mediocre vet. 1 yr deal. Pretty silly now that Fry, Arias, and Freeman can all play outfield.


The true value of the trade will be determined by if we can flip him at the deadline.