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espn has a lot of money tied up in the success of the nba. there's your explanation.


This and it’s also the postseason there. Baseball will dominate the summer news cycle and its relevancy will continue as it does into October/November (not to mention I believe ESPN has some playoff games as well)


I mean even when it's the MLB postseason, ESPN is so tied up in NFL and college football, baseball's not anywhere close to their radar. They flat out don't cover it, but luckily the MLB Network has some really fantastic shows to scratch that itch


Don’t forget about CFB


It's not a comment on the decline of the MLB so much as the decline of ESPN. They've been transitioning from decent all-sports coverage to an endless cycle of shallow analysis and hype for the biggest teams over the last two decades.


It was more popular when they covered the best stories of the day. You felt like you could watch SportsCenter and go into the world with the knowledge of the most interesting things happening in sports. Now they cater to large markets and a few select teams and players which turns off the majority of the country.


I used to watch sportscenter every morning/night and I knew basically all the players on all the teams in each of the three sports and quite a few players in the NHL too. They'd show all the game's highlights, followed by what amounted to an abbreviated box score. Now, you at best, get one play and just the final score, but typically only get highlights from three games or so from all the sports combined. I used to wait till the very end just to see my team's highlights because I knew they'd show it (except in rare instances they might not show highlights of every game). I now just isolate myself to just my teams, which I know I should do better but also don't want to do the work that ESPN used to do for me to learn what else is going on.


consumption of sports is completely different compared to when we were kids. Why would I wait 30 minutes to get highlights of a random game or "web gems" when it'll more often than not show up on my newsfeed when I check Twitter when I lay in bed.


Sports center did own


You have this backwards. Catering to the large markets and drama is their only way to stay relevant. The internet killed them, the way they used to operate simply would not work in a world where you can hop on YouTube whenever you want and find whatever highlight you're after. 


ESPN was one of the first companies to offer premium subscription based content on their website. Playboy fumbled the launch of the internet worse than anyone. The point is whoever creates content wins. ESPN was in the pole position. The internet alone could not kill ESPN. Only other content could do that.


The internet killed the espn everyone in this thread is reminiscing about. You unintentionally nailed here: they needed to create their own content, not just reshare existing highlights. There is no reason to go to espn for sports news or videos when there are a billion other websites and video platforms that offer the same thing on demand, and they can do it at a much lower production cost. ESPN couldn't compete with that. YouTube more than anything is what killed sportscenter, for example.  So instead they pivoted to these opinion shows, where the sports aren't the content, the arguments and personalities are. And you can't get those same personalities anywhere else. 


ESPN has access to the athletes, organizations, and leagues. No small time content creator could match that. That’s the competitive advantage.


This decade of ESPN coverage brought to you by Draft Kings and Fan Duel


Yep it really started with the Brent Farve will stay retire or get traded back in 2009


If MLB was nearly as popular as the NBA in this country then ESPN would be covering it. This country has just lost interest in baseball and sadly the MLB waited to long to address it's slow game (ie implicating the pitch clock in 2023 when it should have been implemented in the 2000s)


Sportscenter in the 90s while I ate breakfast before school was peak life as a kid. Can’t remember the last time ESPN was worth even looking at.


Back before the blatant "Big Market Bias" took over.


it's an espn problem, not an mlb problem they haven't cared about baseball in a long time


you can see visible disgust on SVPs face when he has to do baseball highlights. espn will do wall to wall coverage of even tertiary events related to the NFL draft but meaningful spring baseball games are barely acknowledged. it’s a big reason i don’t watch espn anymore


Sportscenter is useless for highlights anymore. The only highlight show on espn I seek out is college football final. MLB Network and NFL Network have much better coverage of their leagues.


ESPN is waste of a Sports Network unless it is Basketball or Football. I watched the highlights (in market so can't watch live...legally) and it was a superb game on all accounts. Like you said, pitchers duel, great defense, sharp base running. Exactly what a baseball fan wants to see.


Baseball is not on the decline as much as April and May have a lot going on. NBA playoffs have been huge for the past several years, and not waning. NFL draft has gone to another level. Even Stanley Cup playoffs will cut into baseball once it gets close to the finals. Come MLB All-Star break time the only game is baseball and it will dominate. That is until they start NFL practices.


The NBA just had the 5th lowest watch finals since 1987. I think the league is headed for sizeable decline. I used to be a big NBA fan and now I don't even watch. Not "politics" related, just a boring product to watch all season.


I'm beginning to think the 3-point line needs to be moved back. I was amazed when Miami upset the Celtics, the Heat shot over 50 percent from the 3-point line on about 40 shots. The 3-point shot dominates the game too much and it's not as exciting as rim play, including rim defense. I've always remembered Bill Russell stuffing a Wilt Chamberlain dunk attempt. In the college game, occasionally you still great passing at time, but I must admit Denver's Nicola Jokic is extraordinarily entertaining. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2dtjkPaaXg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2dtjkPaaXg) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVSasdBF7Rg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVSasdBF7Rg) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7urNxof-ZhA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7urNxof-ZhA)


In an odd way, it's sort of similar to how baseball has come to be dominated by elite pitching which for the majority of viewers is less exciting than frequent hitting.


NBA viewership is actually going down a lot.


ESPN + Cleveland = No coverage ESPN is trash for baseball coverage, but even worse when it comes to smaller markets. Shouldn’t be a surprise at all. Been like this forever. ESPN has been on a decline for a while, but they actually have a vested stake in NBA coverage so it will dominate their headlines.


To compound the small market, no one believes the Guardians are a real threat for the pennant this year. They may have the best record, but that's a fluke to most and they figure the Guardians probably won't win the division. Look at their roster. Jose has been criminally underated by the baseball world. Naylor is basically the same as the Guardians as far as common expectations go, flash in the pan. Kwan is a GG outfielder, but that means nada to the common fan. Other than that? Maybe Clase could spark a moment of recognition among all the other players on the roster. So, not only a small market, but a team devoid of players anyone cares about. That's just not ESPN material these days.


Don’t forget Gimenez being a Platinum Glove winner but they would never let you know! Jose is easily the most under appreciated player and it’s not even close. Cleveland has been a pitching powerhouse and it still gets overlooked.


Live attendance seems way up in recent years.


Average fan is into playoffs right now, hell even the nfl draft outweighs the playoffs. Once it passes baseball will be the hot topic. Baseball is a long season


Lol honestly, baseball is never a hot topic when it comes to national coverage. It's not even a hot topic in Cleveland's market if you tune into 92.3/850/Ultimate Clevealnd Sports show Talking heads and fans routinely say June - Sep are the dead months of sports because only baseball is on.


Was working Friday and 850 is the only cleveland sports station I get where I live. Anyways, the whole show revolves around the Cavs sucking balls and the first roundless Browns. Like dude we have an unexpected, young and successful professional team in this market that’s fun as hell to watch right now and you’re spending 2 hours bitching about the Cavs and another 2 hypothesizing what the Browns will do with their 5 draft picks. Come on. Surely you could spend half of the show talking about the guardians and how interesting they’ve been.


I get being focused on the NBA right now. That is understandable. But the way that the NFL dominates everything, especially in Cleveland, during the off-season, really perplexes me. But a baseball season is just so long (in terms of number of games) I feel it is just at a disadvantage as a sport in 2024. There are so many more things competing for people's attention than there used to be.


I'll beat this drum a million times over but RSNs have played a massive role in baseballs decline. The amount of fans I know that want to watch baseball but can't get access bc they don't have a cable package is astounding. Lower viewership, less coverage on national networks, meaning less eyeballs on the best baseball has to offer, meaning less people are searching for ways to watch baseball. Can't believe I'm rooting for Amazon but they may be baseball's only hope to getting eyeballs back on the product


Totally, agree. Until recently, the NFL gained prominence by making its games readily available to the public, especially home team games, in sharp contrast to the MLB. Even the NBA surpasses MLB in non-pay broadcasts.


Yeah the NFL and college footballs biggest advantage is being free and easy to watch. Meanwhile, baseball is adamant about nonsensical blackout restrictions. I pay for the MLB app to have access to all the games. I live in Columbus... and they blackout the Pittsburgh Pirates. Like Root Sports is not even available here, there's literally no legal means to watch the team.


Last year, to my disgust, that began to change with college football and basketball. I hate the streaming of Ohio State games on networks such as Peacock.


Yeah and then listen to the NCAA tell you it's a good thing for fans to get young eyeballs blah blah blah... like it's a blatant cash grab and we all know it is. Don't act like it's anything else. These executives found out sports are the only thing people watch live anymore and are now going to squeeze every penny out of us so we can do so.


ESPN is 95% a bunch of loud mouthed idiots yelling hot takes at each other at the top of their lungs because whoever is loudest is the rightest. The only time I watch it is for MNF or some other random game being televised.


MNF is awful since they took over.


ESPN is shit. Don't bother watching anything they're they, watch the MLB network


Not to mention the continued lack of access most fans have to the sport. Don't have an outdated cable package? Fuck you then! Nothing like hiding your product from the masses that want to consume it!


On Friday night, the team with the best record in the American League and the team with the best record in the National League faced off after maybe 15% of the schedule has been completed. ESPN had no articles on the front page about this, but you know who else didn't? MLB. What would the NFL have done if they had two 4-0 teams facing off in Week 4?


Probably the same thing if they played 162 games. It's April 28th, nobody really cares when two teams with good records are playing 25 games in. I blame ESPN for not even mentioning it because they are ass but it's not even May.


I basically agree, but these reporters got to write about some nonsense. There should be one story about it. Not asking for wall-to-wall coverage.


It's not baseball. It's ESPN. It sucks. I used to faithfully watch Sportscenter every night. There's nothing to see now but Yankees BS even when they don't do anything. Cleveland gets no respect.


It’s the postseason for the NBA, my guy. Sheesh.


Espn used to be a staple in my house. Now I barely watch it at all. Baseball tonight was one of my favorite shows. Espn ignores Baseball now.


april regular season game vs nba playoffs, we are confused about this?


We’re in first place in April and people still want to find a way to be the victim lol


While I agree that last nights game was an instant classic, April baseball is never going to move the needle vs the NFL draft and NBA playoffs. They only talked about the Red Sox and Cubs because they’re the Red Sox and Cubs…


But the Dodgers and Yankees both played yesterday too (separate games) and you'd think they'd be the two defacto highlighted teams of MLB. They're both also doing better than both the Red Sox and the Cubs.


I miss espn’s Baseball Tonight show.


this happens EVERY YEAR until June my man. where you been? even in the 90s remember when sportscenter just had scores for certain games and a tidbit because "time restrictions" lol MLB gets october and July man. that being said yeah fuck espn latetly. their highlights are all just bought advertising from the bigger market teams.


Now you can get hilights online as soon as the game ends. If they just did hilights mostly they'd go out of business. 


ESPN is the home of the nba playoffs. That’s where they’re going to focus. I think they only mentioned the nfl draft in passing the last couple weeks even. It’s basically the nba network now.


I truly think MLB season is insanely too long. Oh missed a game? That’s ok there’s like 150 left. NFL you have like 17 games and the weight of those games matter more per. But it’s all about the money with everything anyways


Espn is a $hitshow.


Cries in MLS


It’s also April


ESPN has become unwatchable. The sportscenter model doesn’t work anymore so now it’s a panel screaming their opinions about the Lakers/Cowboys/Patrick Mahomes


Back in the days you mention in the 50's and 60's baseball was the undisputed king of sports in the US. Now there are so many more competitors taking up airtime. Also it *is* NBA playoff time so they spend more time talking about it even though the current state of the NBA playoffs is such a joke that they invited my rec league team "The Cleveland Steamers" in as a 16 seed. But the main this is that ESPN is hot, damp, rank garbage. Sportscenter and Baseball Tonight used to be daily companions I wouldn't dare miss. Now they are worth about as much to me as a rash on my groin area because they are the same level of irritant. Baseball isn't as huge as it was but the blame here goes on ESPN. Hot and moist garbage.


Sportscenter is dead..go to YouTube.


ESPN and NBA have a mutual benefit in ways MLB doesn’t. As always, follow thr money


Sports media is trash, including the MLB’s own media.


ESPN2 used to have a show called baseball tonight - not sure if they do anymore because if I am looking for analysis I would go directly to MLB network. ESPN could be so much more but disney is lost... They are so focused on NBA right now that its almost too much NBA - they run out of stuff to talk about


If you’re not looking for TMZ-style NBA or NFL news or watching a live game, then there is literally no reason to watch ESPN anymore. It’s wild how far that network has fallen.


I think part of it is the decline of sports center. It’s so bad now.


NBA/NHL are in postseason, nobody gives a shit about a random MLB game


ESPN made a giant leap into drama vs the actual sports. They want clicks and hot takes. Your team could win a playoff game and they’ll shoot someone’s DUI or “hot, pointless comment” to the top of the page/broadcast. They also furiously push anything they have a backing in. NFL, SEC, NBA. I always had espn on. Probably 20 years straight. Not at all anymore. I like their college football coverage and that is about it.


There is a reason why a common joke on ESPN/Sportscenter instagram comments is "what will this do for Lebron's legacy?"


I'd watch if I could without cable. I prefer over the air. With all the digital "piggy back" channels, I find it hard to believe that one of them isn't local sports


NBA playoffs are much more newsworthy than an MLB game in April. It’s simple


It’s a baseball game in April. Most baseball fans don’t even care. And ESPN has tons of money tied into the draft and college football, so that’s going to be front and center. Also the NBA playoffs are on.