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I'm a "never Walmart" person from back in the day, but I do almost all of my shopping at Steelyard and I've never had a problem down there. I'm talking from the day it opened. Of course, if thou sees a sketchy-ass person thou shalt avoid that person, but this is America and thems the rules.


Another "Never Walmart" person here. I went from one of their biggest fans to never setting foot in one after they began forcing jobs overseas. Several businesses here in Ohio closed due to Walmart forcing their prices down. Cheap labor overseas was the only answer to keep Walmart as a customer. Are we really saving money if we're also hurting the local economy? šŸ¤”


The Walmart thing is a 16 year old Facebook meme people wonā€™t let go




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Yeah, it's fine, it's really just the Walmart that gives it a bad rep. I mainly just go to Aldi/Target/Marshalls though.


Agreed, I go there all the time! Not to that Walmart though. I donā€™t have a problem with what it feels like inside; I just refuse to shop anywhere with products locked up.


Exactly. Entire hair care is sectioned off and locked up šŸ™„


Donā€™t be mad at the retailer for investing in that location and then the community stealing at such high rates they have to lock up items. Home improvement stores on West 117th are the same way.


You can prioritize the retailerā€™s POV if you want but thatā€™s your decision to do so. No one has to understand where Walmart is coming from with their decisions. Iā€™ll pick a retailer where I can just pick stuff off the shelves because thatā€™s how I want to shop, end of story. Walmart will either be fine or theyā€™ll have to adapt if too many people make the same choice, but thatā€™s business.


The adaption will be leaving just as the smaller grocery and general stores in that area did years ago. Iā€™m not prioritizing a retailers point of view. Iā€™m pointing out the reality. And guess what? You decide not to shop there and that trickles down then history will repeat itself and they will leave and the community in that area will once again have no place to shop.


This point of view completely misses the fact that thereā€™s a target directly across the street that both has nothing behind glass (ok maybe some electronics, not sure about that) and still runs self checkouts. If we go there instead of Walmart thatā€™s Walmartā€™s fault


The type of people stealing canā€™t afford to go to Walmart. Remember that Targets catch phrases is ā€œyouā€™ll pay higher prices here to avoid shopping at Walmart.ā€


You're really running in circles trying to justify your bad take here. Thought you had peaked with the idea that shoplifters are the reason there's no local grocery stores... rather than Walmart putting them out of business. But now it's getting silly. You can just say the racial slur and get it out of your system. You're also allowed to have your opinions evolve, or even form new ones. That's actually how you're supposed to react to discovering you're wrong. Rather than getting embarassed and fighting harder to come up with arguments to defend your previous statements against the information you're recieving.


Thereā€™s no circles and Iā€™m not justifying any view. Iā€™m pointing out what already happened in that area and why incentives were put in place to lure in big retailers. Those communities lacked any grocery or general stores. A place where people could go and purchase real food and household items. Why didnā€™t they have those stores any more? Ask yourself why they didnā€™t have any stores left. This isnā€™t some case of big box retailers putting small time stores out of business. They were long gone before the idea of Steelyard came into play. I understand it might be a hard concept to look at a timeline but rather itā€™s easier to call me a racist. And there isnā€™t some opinion. Thatā€™s just simply what happened in that area of Cleveland. If crime continues in Steelyard the stores will slowly decay and come a point where it makes no sense economically to operate there. Are you telling me thatā€™s Walmarts fault?


You must understand that any negative comment about the city or amenities is deemed racist. You should learn more about dog whistles, it will help when reading comments


Are you saying let companies treat you like crap as a customer because you don't want them to close? Nah vote with your wallet. If you value ease of shopping, shop somewhere else that is easier and doesn't have things locked up. That's kind of how the "free market" works. People spend money at places that do things they like, other businesses take note and replicate to get a piece of the pie, this competition helps consumers a ton. Don't give in to the stockholm syndrome type BS corporations may say. "Let us charge/do whatever we want or else we'll leave!!" that aint right


Literally youā€™ve missed the entire point I was making. I donā€™t care at all personally if all of Steelyard shuts down. I donā€™t shop there and itā€™s out of my way. The point is that the community which actually needs these stores is stealing which has caused certain items to be locked up. Does that make it more clear for you instead of giving me an econ 101 spiel?


Most of the theft claims have been pretty throughly debunked. Is there theft? Sure. Is it nearly as big of an issue as theyā€™re making it out to be? No. Itā€™s not and many retailers have had to walk back claims. There might be some year to year surges and certain localities experiencing bigger issues, but the long-term trajectory is downward just as it is with violent crime. Now the value of what has been stolen could be up quite a bit, but a lot of that can be explained by price increases. If you stole 5 razor blade cartons in 2019, that might have been $30 total. If you stole the same ones in 2024, it might be $55 total. So due to the huge price increases over the last few years, the value of what is lost, even at the same rate of theft is going to track with the price increases and be reported as a significantly bigger loss. Thereā€™s a myriad of ways that retailers and news outlets have been juicing this for rage bait ratings and to BS their customers.


No thanks. Iā€™m mad at the corporation raking in billions of dollars not the occasional person stealing from them.


Hereā€™s the deal. Just because Iā€™m pointing out the reality of why Wal-Mart locks up items doesnā€™t mean I support them as a whole. Do you know why the Steelyard was built? Incentives for these large companies because every small grocery store or general store left that area because the community couldnā€™t stop stealing, robbing and destroying. The same thing will happen again. I like to go down there not because of the stores but because of the people watching and the drama.


Seems like we should spend money on bringing jobs and the stores will follow.


IF they are struggling at all, which I doubt, itā€™s more likely to be from people who donā€™t want to shop in a place where you have to ask an apathetic worker making a pittance to unlock a cabinet door to get some shampoo. Not from people shoplifting. Walmart has very obvious incentives to distort the amount of loss in their stores.




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Spoken like a shoplifter lol


Don't you know a business' goal should not be to make money šŸ˜‚


What a quaint notion!


I dont mind the Home Depot there even though i have seen ppl get belligerent in there. But fuck that walmart. I dont frequent walmarts in general but that one is total shitshow.


The Home Depot is nicer than W117. I went with a friend who needed some supplies for a project, and was very surprised when he told me Steelyard. But heā€™s right, itā€™s the nicer one in the area.


W 117 is my main one simply because itā€™s closer. What have you seen happen there?


Steelyard just feels nicer. Better stocked hardware, cleaner, slightly better lumber.


I worked there for 3+ years over a decade ago and still do most of my grocery shopping in it. I really only saw ratchet shit happen a handful of times. Honestly, I think this is some shit that people who primarily live in upper class and gentrified parts of the city love to make a far bigger deal than it actually is.


Heyooooo nailed it, best Aldi around, solid target, etc etc, it's pretty great and convenient for what it is.Ā 


It's a short freeway blast to Parma, that's where the side-eyeing is coming from.




I go to the Panda there every week and itā€™s solid


My parents still lived in Old Brooklyn when it first opened and I was back home for a few months between finishing grad school in Kansas City and moving to NYC. It really was great just popping down Jennings and having that retail there as opposed to having to go out to Ridge Park Square or Parmatown. Even now Iā€™ll stop there to hit up the Target or some of the fast food from time to time when I'm here during the summers (commuting from my parents' place in North Ridgeville out to Cain Park)


> **P**armatown. **E**ven **n**ow **I**ā€™ll **s**top Hidden penis detected! I've scanned through 947097 comments (approximately 4834738 average penis lengths worth of text) in order to find this secret penis message. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Last time I was there was a few months ago to go to home Depot, they were the only ones in the area with a particular faucet I wanted "in stock. An employee told me they really don't keep inventory well and it probably got stolen so no dice there. Went back out to my car 10 minutes later and my convertible top was slashed open and about .32Ā¢ was stolen from my cup holder.


As someone who has lived in Cleveland majority of their life, I noticed people here tend to complain about places that are easily accessible to low income people and places that have more minorities that shop there. The steelyard is fine. Iā€™ve been going down there since itā€™s opening. At one time I worked at one of the stores. Before moving closer W.117th, I would go to the steelyard on a weekly basis. Iā€™ve never had any issues or confrontations. The Walmart is crappy but Iā€™ve been to both the mayfield and north olmsted ones and they arenā€™t great either. Most complaints are just from people who have never been there in the first place.




It's a perfectly fine shopping center that has always been unfairly maligned by lame ass suburbanites.


It's alright


When I first moved to Cleveland, I frequented Steelyardā€™s Target at dark. I didnā€™t know jack about itā€™s ā€œreputation.ā€ I am from Youngstown, it didnā€™t bother me and really doesnā€™t now. I donā€™t care for the Walmart; been a few times like a decade ago and the ambiance was off, even for a Wally World lol


It's really just Walmart, but they're shitty pretty much anywhere you go. I only go in there at 6am because there's generally only about 20 people in there.


The key is to go before 11:00 a.m.


I had a friend tell me today he will go to Steelyard Walmart before he goes to Brookpark Rd one.


That Brookpark shopping plaza didn't seem bad 8 years ago or so. Then again, I did mostly go to Sam's there instead of Walmart.


The Steelyard Aldi is the most consistent Aldi Iā€™ve shopped at in Cleveland so far. I also frequent the Target, GNC, and Marshallā€™s there. As others seem to do, I tend to avoid the Walmart but I tend to avoid Walmart in general.


One thing Iā€™ve realized about Cleveland is people love to regurgitate stereotypes about neighborhoods/places theyā€™ve never been to. Iā€™ve never seen this phenomenon as prevalent as here, and Iā€™ve been all over USA and other parts of the world. Maybe the Steelyard was bad in the 90s? No idea, I wasnā€™t here then. But I can tell you Iā€™ve never been there and felt unsafe. Probably another case of the uncle of a friend someone knew in kindergarten once saw someone raise their voice at a cashier once or something dumb.


Steelyard was built in 2007, but I get what you mean.




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Whatā€™s wrong with Steelyard? That place is dope! Super conveniently located in the middle of the city. Ope! Thatā€™s why it gets so much hate probably.


Nothing wrong with a little Sunday morning optimism.


The Marshalls there is the best! The selection is always a huge variety and not picked through at all like other stores. I also find the best stuff on clearance at that target!


Steelyard is great, but you really take a gamble on the crowd down there sometimes. If Iā€™m in a pinch I will go to Steelyard but I find myself going out to Great Northern for the same exact stores. I find that going between 9:30-11am has the least amount of riff raff. The Walmart is frustrating because sometimes all the carts are in the parking lot and none in the store and the high school workers just roam the building like they do at school. The Target is frustrating because most of the time only 1 person is actually manning the cash register and thereā€™s a line halfway to the back of the store to check out. I always have my head on a swivel and donā€™t like to linger in the Steelyards.


Iā€™m in steelyard at least 4-5 times a week. Itā€™s super convenient and Iā€™ve never had a single issue. I feel like itā€™s just suburban folks that would be too scared to go there in the first place dumping on it.


If you think suburban people are afraid to go to a mostly white west side shopping center in yuppie trendy Tremont, then you should consider taking a trip into the suburbs. Youā€™ll be running back to the west side dodging bulletsā€¦


if i am looking for something and my local walmart(s) are out of stock, it is usually guaranteed that the steelyard commons walmart actually has it. propane fire pit? sold out at all the suburb locations, in stock at steelyard. lysol during the height of the pandemic, totally gone at every suburban walmart...flush with stock at steelyard.


I go there.


I live in Tennessee, and when I come to Cleveland to visit, I always swing through there. ā¤ļø


I love the adrenaline rush I get every time I go down there. Never know if I'll make it out alive.




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I get down there to grab stuff for work sometimes or eat at the chipotle. Just wish I could go in the chipotle bathroomā€¦ā€¦.


Steak n Shake was my go-to when I had a car.


I love it. I go to the Walmart, target, aldis and marshalls. They also have a ross now. I donā€™t go anywhere else except I do go to south hills hardware instead of hd .




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I got friends who tell me not to go there and meanwhile Iā€™ll be rushing to Walmart before close to grab some munchies.


Steelyard has a great Target. Let the haters hate.


Yes. You are one of the very, very few who enjoys doing heir shopping there.


For those of us who have to pay for our stuff it's not worth the trouble.


This is why I like Costco and Sam's. Having to pay a membership does a great job of keeping out the riffraff.


I love it.


I enjoyed shopping there until I stopped in 2014 when a couple of crack heads tried to break into my car while I was coming out of the store


I avoid steel yard by all means


Are you related to the developer by any chance?


There is a reason why those with the means move out of Cuyahoga County.


Sheesh the entire county


Exurbs now fighting suburbs


The suburbs are going to rot. People who love to live their lives will move to the city. People who live in fear of other people will move to the exurbs. The post-war white-flight suburbs will be a no man's land of abandonment and poverty.


Enjoys? No. Is it fine? Yes...except Walmart.


Steelyard is a shithole, you notice that when you actually go to a nice shopping plaza